Universal babysitting


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

Obama’s all day kindergarten and Head Start is a waste of tax payers money. Pre schooling should be a parent problem and not a Government and tax payers problem. How many of those kids we invest billions in drop out of school as soon as they can?

what Obama really want to do is provide universal government baby sitting.

Obama’s all day kindergarten and Head Start is a waste of tax payers money. Pre schooling should be a parent problem and not a Government and tax payers problem. How many of those kids we invest billions in drop out of school as soon as they can?

what Obama really want to do is provide universal government baby sitting.

this is very confusing.....did someone hack LilOlLady's account? is this the first time she has made a quasi-sensible comment?

HeadStart has made it obvious that even 3 or 4 years of age is too late to 'correct' problems. parenting skills, especially the middle class value of putting the baby first and interacting with the child from day one, are the key to get the most out of the available potential of a child.

15 or 20 years ago a study on language acquisition made a serendipitous discovery that the more words (but only of a special type) that a child heard from 0-3 years old was strongly correlated to future intelligence and social and educational achievement. it was not the negative phrases ("leave that alone") that counted but rather the connected interplay phrases ("what colour is that flower?""gurgle""yes, it is a pretty yellow flower").

mind you, it may just be that more intelligent parents naturally gravitate to more effective ways of parenting, as well as producing more intelligent offspring, but it certainly cannot hurt to teach a baby that they are part of social interactions.

this is rather reminicient of the study that promoted having books in the house to make kids smarter. is it really the books.... or is it valuing books enough to have them around that is important?
These programs are just a way for the Gov't to have more time with your kids than you do. You know what that means: Indoctrination.
some kids are better off with govt licensed child care workers than with their own parents. sad, but true.

one person's definition of indoctrination is another person's defintition of education. it would be great if every parent was upholding their commitment to good parenting, and producing children who are good citizens but we know that aint happening.
By middle school, the differences between HS and non-HS kids disappear

I'm informed that manfests by the 5th grade.

I still don't quite understand what they mean by difference disappear, though.

Do you?
By middle school, the differences between HS and non-HS kids disappear

I'm informed that manfests by the 5th grade.

I still don't quite understand what they mean by difference disappear, though.

Do you?

Differences in performance test scores and other measurable criteria for determining the the success of educational systems.

I knew it was earlier than MS; I just didn't remember exactly when, so I figured I'd be safe and go high. Been a while since I read on the subject
Performance test scores have absolutely nothing to do with getting children under the government thumb earlier. It's all about getting children away from parental influence at a younger age. The home is where children learn all the things the government considers bad.
I am not familiar with this program, all day daycare or head start, that Obama is proposing. Can someone explain specifically or provide a link that does so? Without any partisan bs please.
When did America, especially conservative Americans, give up on children? America is now the land of dog eat dog as the Christian or religious principle of choice. No longer is the issue one of consideration and concern, but now it is brain washing and too expensive. Bombs are fine but kids too much money. It still puzzles me how so many Americans have lost their soul, their heart and their sense. What the hell happened?

'Although Head Start centers vary in quality, on average they are better than privately-run child care centers, have achieved short-term benefits, and would pay for themselves if they produced even a fraction of the long-term benefits associated with model programs. For this reason, they merit some expansion and greater attention paid to their quality.' A Fresh Start for Head Start? | Brookings Institution

"Something is profoundly wrong with the way we live today. For thirty years we have made a virtue out of the pursuit of material self-interest: indeed, this very pursuit now constitutes whatever remains of our sense of collective purpose. We know what things cost but have no idea what they are worth. We no longer ask of a judicial ruling or a legislative act: is it good? Is it fair? Is it just? Is it right? Will it help bring about a better society or a better world? Those used to be the political questions, even if they invited no easy answers. We must learn once again to pose them." Tony Judt 'Ill Fares the Land'
Nobody gave up on children. America gave up on family. That is where a great many of our problems begin.
Nobody gave up on children. America gave up on family. That is where a great many of our problems begin.

You know, having children in daycare is not giving up on the family. Europeans commonly have their children in daycare, yet their families ties are far stronger than in the US with traditions still very much intact. Europeans think it is a good idea for young children to spend at least part of the day in daycare because it helps to teach them socialization skills. Day care is not evil, it is useful in many ways, and it is a good thing for kids who come from a family environment that is not nurturing.
What is amazing about the American educational system is that we, the posters, all received an outstanding education, yet those students following us got, and are getting, the most miserable education experience ever devised.

Obama’s all day kindergarten and Head Start is a waste of tax payers money. Pre schooling should be a parent problem and not a Government and tax payers problem. How many of those kids we invest billions in drop out of school as soon as they can?

what Obama really want to do is provide universal government baby sitting.

You want this. You voted for it. Stop complaining.

Obama’s all day kindergarten and Head Start is a waste of tax payers money. Pre schooling should be a parent problem and not a Government and tax payers problem. How many of those kids we invest billions in drop out of school as soon as they can?

what Obama really want to do is provide universal government baby sitting.

You want this. You voted for it. Stop complaining.

Education is America's business, it is essential to maintain both a democracy and a middle class. And in politics, education can also be the bane of cheap politicians that like to use cliches, bon mots, platitudes, mottos and so forth on their unthinking constituents instead of reasoned arguments.
No matter how many kids drop out of school education should be there for those that don't drop out.
The problem is that the system now does little educating in terms of math, science, or marketable skills. The system serves only to push the rulers' racial, political, and ideological doctrines, and to train a stupid, obedient population that's easy to govern and keep in check.

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