Universal Healthcare in the US

well, we certainly KNOW the Republicans will NOT

Trump, McConnell, Ryan, and the rest of the Nazis already proved that one

Richard Milhouse Nixon made Universal Health Care the main topic of his 1973 SoU speech.

Teddy Kennedy blocked all Republican efforts to get it started.

Republicans offered 5 Health Care bills, two of which were farther-reaching and covered more people than the Lying Cocksucker's ACA.

They were rejected out of hand by dimocrap scum.

These things are historical FACTS. But you aren't aware of them because you're stupid.

And I am not interested in educating stupid bitches like you. Look it up for yourself, loser

The ACA was in place & the RepubliNAZIS pissed that into oblivion.
Did I request any "education?" Nope
And go fvck yourself too, Dr. Health Care
well, we certainly KNOW the Republicans will NOT

Trump, McConnell, Ryan, and the rest of the Nazis already proved that one

Richard Milhouse Nixon made Universal Health Care the main topic of his 1973 SoU speech.

Teddy Kennedy blocked all Republican efforts to get it started.

Republicans offered 5 Health Care bills, two of which were farther-reaching and covered more people than the Lying Cocksucker's ACA.

They were rejected out of hand by dimocrap scum.

These things are historical FACTS. But you aren't aware of them because you're stupid.

And I am not interested in educating stupid bitches like you. Look it up for yourself, loser

The ACA was in place & the Republican NAZIS pissed that into oblivion.
Did I request any "education?" Nope
And go fvck yourself too, Dr. Health Care

dimocraps are lying, dishonest, stupid scumbag bitches.

Period --

Seriously? The Republicans Have No Health Plan?

Read this, stupid dimocrap bitches (I know they won't, they're too fucking stupid. They'll wait for Joy Behar to tell them what to think)

Comprehensive Republican health reform plans introduced in Congress

Let’s start with 5 comprehensive health reform proposals that have actually been introduced in Congress—some well before President Obama even was nominated for president, and all months before the House (11/7/09) or Senate (12/24/09) voted on what eventually became Obamacare......

Go to link, stupid dimocrap bitches. Scroll down. It's there. From 2013.

dimocraps are scum
Is the education there free for future doctors? What is the average tax rate? What do they spend on the military? Are there lobbyists?

Are you stupid?



All of the above?

Or do you just want someone else to do your work for you so you can sit back and snipe at them.


So you're comparing apples to oranges. You didn't read the initial post. Are you lazy, stupid or all of the above? It is like saying check out how people live in Florida why cannot people in New York live like that. That is because it is 80+ in Fla 10 months out of the year. Apples/Oranges. Dumbass.
dimocraps are lying, dishonest, stupid scumbag bitches.

Period --

Seriously? The Republicans Have No Health Plan?

Read this, stupid dimocrap bitches (I know they won't, they're too fucking stupid. They'll wait for Joy Behar to tell them what to think)

Comprehensive Republican health reform plans introduced in Congress

Let’s start with 5 comprehensive health reform proposals that have actually been introduced in Congress—some well before President Obama even was nominated for president, and all months before the House (11/7/09) or Senate (12/24/09) voted on what eventually became Obamacare......

Go to link, stupid dimocrap bitches. Scroll down. It's there. From 2013.

dimocraps are scum

You're an idiot. Honestly. An idiot and you're derailing my thread.
The point of this thread is that if you want UH and I DO NOT you have to address the first three issues first, that the stupid Leftists refuse to do. They want to run before they crawl and walk.
Universal Healthcare, sure fine only government and politicians can't touch the program. They can't touch the money. They can't regulate it. Hands off. To be run by a council of citizens and healthcare professionals. Deal?

Not one damn politician in Washington will vote for that which tells you they are only interested in the money and power.
My post is not about universal healthcare but why it is stupid to discuss it since our system is not set up for it. It is like opening a ski resort in Florida. It doesn't make sense.

It would be easy to set it like Switzerland if we wanted to.

All they do is MANDATE that everybody have Private Health Insurance.

And they ain't shittin' around. They're deadly serious about it.

People who cannot afford Private Health Insurance get a government subsidy.

There are several Plans, with the beginning tier precluded from making a profit. Health Ins Companies are not allowed to make a profit on the entry level program.

It is what the Lying Cocksucker promised. I know most of you don't remember, (Insurance will put you to sleep faster than Ambien). But I thought, "Wow! Finally a dimocrap with a brain and actually means what he says."

He didn't. He was a typical, lying scumbag dimocrap piece of shit.

Now we're stuck with this total pile of shit that is fucking everybody in the ass.

You see, the Feds don't have as much power as people think they do. The individual States do. More than the Feds. But there was a work-around that could have been done......

And frankly, I'm tired of trying to explain Relativity to a bunch of semi-literate troglodytes.
My post is not about universal healthcare but why it is stupid to discuss it since our system is not set up for it. It is like opening a ski resort in Florida. It doesn't make sense.

It would be easy to set it like Switzerland if we wanted to.

All they do is MANDATE that everybody have Private Health Insurance.

And they ain't shittin' around. They're deadly serious about it.

People who cannot afford Private Health Insurance get a government subsidy.

There are several Plans, with the beginning tier precluded from making a profit. Health Ins Companies are not allowed to make a profit on the entry level program.

It is what the Lying Cocksucker promised. I know most of you don't remember, (Insurance will put you to sleep faster than Ambien). But I thought, "Wow! Finally a dimocrap with a brain and actually means what he says."

He didn't. He was a typical, lying scumbag dimocrap piece of shit.

Now we're stuck with this total pile of shit that is fucking everybody in the ass.

You see, the Feds don't have as much power as people think they do. The individual States do. More than the Feds. But there was a work-around that could have been done......

And frankly, I'm tired of trying to explain Relativity to a bunch of semi-literate troglodytes.

My bad, I misunderstood your post. Sweden has only 9 mil people so it is easier to administer than the 325 mil we have but we could use that model state by state maybe? I think the fewer administrators we have the better. Under the ACA insurance companies had record profits. That should never be the case.
My bad, I misunderstood your post. Sweden has only 9 mil people so it is easier to administer than the 325 mil we have but we could use that model state by state maybe? I think the fewer administrators we have the better. Under the ACA insurance companies had record profits. That should never be the case.

States have the power to mandate people buy insurance. The Feds really don't. The Feds can Tax. That's why the Roberts ruling was so important.
I'd have a lot more interest in discussing "Universal Healthcare" if it was something more than a euphemism for government controlled health care. I have no interest in being treated by "Dr. Trump".
The Feds could impose a nominal tax on people, say..... 10% and distribute it to the States with a Mandate that they make people buy insurance.

Even now, your Health Insurance is regulated by the State you live in.

But like I said, dimocrap scum don't want Health Care for all, they want socialism.

We can have Universal Health Care AND a free society if we want to. WE do, dimocrap scum don't.

Cost-Shifting is what's killing Health Care in this Country. That, and Illegals showing up at E-Rooms. And Lawyers.

Sound familiar? Illegals and Lawyers ruining an entire system? Who are dimocrap scum most loyal to? Illegals and Lawyers, you say?

No shit...... dimocrap scum lost America years ago. Now they want us to become something other than America.
Leaving aside Roberts' decision (or poison pill) for a moment ....

As a beginning point, we'd have to end Medicaid enorllment on the basis of poverty. Medicaid originally grandfathered in programs covering people with disabilities who couldn't work, and now old people in nursing homes, but that may not be as big an issue as poverty.

The people taken off of Medicaid would have to enroll in private plans, with the govt subsidies. I understand the insurors would not be allowed a profit .. but I'm not sure it they aren't allowed a overhead fee, which is what Hillarycare envisioned. That's not really a problem.

But the problem would still be the same as in Obamacare. At some point, the gummit decides Citizen B makes a little bit too much more than Citizen A, so Citizen B has to kick in a portion of his pay while Citizen B gets the whole thing subsidized.
Take ten minutes out of your life and look into the Swiss Health Care system.

It is brilliant in its simplicity and even more brilliant in its application

Do you believe for one second the democrooks will create a system like that?


well, we certainly KNOW the Republicans will NOT

Trump, McConnell, Ryan, and the rest of the Nazis already proved that one

Retards use the word "Nazi' son. The moment you do you lose.
My post is not about universal healthcare but why it is stupid to discuss it since our system is not set up for it. It is like opening a ski resort in Florida. It doesn't make sense.

It would be easy to set it like Switzerland if we wanted to.

All they do is MANDATE that everybody have Private Health Insurance.

And they ain't shittin' around. They're deadly serious about it.

People who cannot afford Private Health Insurance get a government subsidy.

There are several Plans, with the beginning tier precluded from making a profit. Health Ins Companies are not allowed to make a profit on the entry level program.

It is what the Lying Cocksucker promised. I know most of you don't remember, (Insurance will put you to sleep faster than Ambien). But I thought, "Wow! Finally a dimocrap with a brain and actually means what he says."

He didn't. He was a typical, lying scumbag dimocrap piece of shit.

Now we're stuck with this total pile of shit that is fucking everybody in the ass.

You see, the Feds don't have as much power as people think they do. The individual States do. More than the Feds. But there was a work-around that could have been done......

And frankly, I'm tired of trying to explain Relativity to a bunch of semi-literate troglodytes.

" Health Ins Companies are not allowed to make a profit on the entry level program."

You can prove this?
It's easily found via google.

My post is not about universal healthcare but why it is stupid to discuss it since our system is not set up for it. It is like opening a ski resort in Florida. It doesn't make sense.

It would be easy to set it like Switzerland if we wanted to.

All they do is MANDATE that everybody have Private Health Insurance.

And they ain't shittin' around. They're deadly serious about it.

People who cannot afford Private Health Insurance get a government subsidy.

There are several Plans, with the beginning tier precluded from making a profit. Health Ins Companies are not allowed to make a profit on the entry level program.

It is what the Lying Cocksucker promised. I know most of you don't remember, (Insurance will put you to sleep faster than Ambien). But I thought, "Wow! Finally a dimocrap with a brain and actually means what he says."

He didn't. He was a typical, lying scumbag dimocrap piece of shit.

Now we're stuck with this total pile of shit that is fucking everybody in the ass.

You see, the Feds don't have as much power as people think they do. The individual States do. More than the Feds. But there was a work-around that could have been done......

And frankly, I'm tired of trying to explain Relativity to a bunch of semi-literate troglodytes.

" Health Ins Companies are not allowed to make a profit on the entry level program."

You can prove this?
Switzerland : International Health Care System Profiles

It's easily googled.

For a fuller description of similarities and dissimilarliteis to US
Why Switzerland Has the World's Best Health Care System

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