Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

What makes you take pride in ridiculing people who have fewer material things than you? Most of them have more pride, personal responsibility, and character in their pinky toe than you have ever known.

You must be so proud. Keep up the good work.

I ridicule them because they are stupid. It's not that they have less.. it's that they are fine with having less as long as they have more than the Darkies...

Do you really think that Rural Folk are more bigoted than those in the major cities?

How many people from out in the sticks do you know? What do you base this thought on?
I should send you some photos of homes near me so you can see just how third world it is. Weird to with alll the CEO's and other execs. choosse to build/buy homes here for several million.

I'm sure that you could shoe me mansions in the third world, too.

View attachment 290886

You are SOOO misinformed. I am beginning to wonder if you aren't mentally ill. If so, I apolgize for demeaning you.

The median income in my city is higher than the national average but the cost of living is signficantly lower. I will let you do the math on that.
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost

You have the intellect and maturity of a 6-yr old

So, you have, in your maturity, decided that this thread is about me....
Point is you didn’t dispute any of my points with any logic but instead whined like a baby.
I should send you some photos of homes near me so you can see just how third world it is. Weird to with alll the CEO's and other execs. choosse to build/buy homes here for several million.

I'm sure that you could shoe me mansions in the third world, too.

View attachment 290886

You are SOOO misinformed. I am beginning to wonder if you aren't mentally ill. If so, I apolgize for demeaning you.

The median income in my city is higher than the national average but the cost of living is signficantly lower. I will let you do the math on that.
JoeB is an idiot. You got that one right.
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost
Our system sucks and repubs have nothing to offer. We will likely get universal healthcare eventually. Other countries have shown it can be much cheaper.
Yes, Obamacare does suck and the same voices that shoved it down our collective throats are now trying to shove government run health care down our throats?

Fool us once, shame on you, fool us twice, shame on us.
What makes you take pride in ridiculing people who have fewer material things than you? Most of them have more pride, personal responsibility, and character in their pinky toe than you have ever known.

You must be so proud. Keep up the good work.

I ridicule them because they are stupid. It's not that they have less.. it's that they are fine with having less as long as they have more than the Darkies...
That comment is pure bullshit. You talk out of both sides of your Jew hating mouth. Tell me again how people go into the medical profession just for the sake of helping people and don’t care about being well compensated. It’s funny watching you talk in circles and your racism vs black people is very amusing. You continually put them down and don’t even notice it. LMaO.
What makes you take pride in ridiculing people who have fewer material things than you? Most of them have more pride, personal responsibility, and character in their pinky toe than you have ever known.

You must be so proud. Keep up the good work.

I ridicule them because they are stupid. It's not that they have less.. it's that they are fine with having less as long as they have more than the Darkies...
That comment is pure bullshit. You talk out of both sides of your Jew hating mouth. Tell me again how people go into the medical profession just for the sake of helping people and don’t care about being well compensated. It’s funny watching you talk in circles and your racism vs black people is very amusing. You continually put them down and don’t even notice it. LMaO.
Leftists are always putting blacks down. They even paint their faces black and still blacks show up to elect them in droves. In New York city, there have been more black abortions than births, yet blacks still line up to vote for Progressive abortionists in droves. Just look at Chicago. It is a killing field for blacks, yet it is run by democrats, etc.

And what is the sickest of all, they say forcing people to show and ID to vote will prevent blacks from voting, as if they are too stupid and poor to even have an ID to vote, yet blacks don't see it that way.

You still were able to read the coverage and you didn't have to use your employers insurance

And single payer gives everyone the same shitty coverage

And it has also been a failure in other countries

Funny, no one in those countries are clamoring for "American Style" health systems... they know our system sucks.

My health care should not rely on being able to win a rigged game with a crooked insurance company.

JoeB is a communist, so he is not being honest.

I think he is one of those people who just wants to see those around him burn.

Hey, Buddy... the 1950s called, it wants its irrational fear back.
Millions of conservative Americans would receive no benefit from universal healthcare… Fact
Sure, and lots of people think government is their only hope because that's what government's been feeding them for 40 years. Point is, lots of people don't agree. "This is why we can't have nice things!"

Guy, the fact is, 70% support medicare for all.

Big insurance will squeal and cry... but screw them.
The country cannot afford Medicare for all… Dumbass
Of course, I'm using Medicare!


You should dutifully try to negotiate your own deal with a private insurance company, and see how keen they are on writing a policy for your old broken-down ass.

The Republican Motto. "I've got mine... FUCK YOU!!!"
It doesn’t take a village you fucking retard
The democrats are going to have to fight the unions on universal health care. After all, the unions have fought for Cadillac health care plans over the years, through legislation like Obamacare. Obama passed his law and then with a stroke of a pen gave unions special perks in it, as if he were writing the law again himself.

Do union members want to lose all their perks? Nope, the only way it will work is if the democrats give them Cadillac health care plans with universal coverage, which they may.
Sure, and lots of people think government is their only hope because that's what government's been feeding them for 40 years. Point is, lots of people don't agree. "This is why we can't have nice things!"

Guy, the fact is, 70% support medicare for all.

Big insurance will squeal and cry... but screw them.
The country cannot afford Medicare for all… Dumbass


And Pocahontas' plan, a massive Wealth Tax (probably unconstitutional) would never provide the funds needed.

There are a couple of reasons for this.

1. the cost of implementing and collecting this tax would be huge. sending assessors out to attach a value to every piece of wealth in this country and the appeals on the values that would be made- tens of thousands of professionals would be needed for enforcement of the tax.

2. the value of the nation's wealth would plummet when it is subject to massive confiscatory taxes. Cigarette smoking declined precipitously when that was taxed through the stratosphere and the states never did collect the money they had planned on for healthcare or whatever.

3. reducing the price of healthcare would increase the demand for the service. Simple Econ 101. People will come out of the woodwork demanding Sex Changes and other things they wouldn't when they had to pay.
How is pointing out FACTS, racist? Does ignoring the situation make it go away?

Is that I posted true or false? Do you know? Do you care? Do you prefer to remain ignorant?

It's completely false, and you are a racist piece of shit...
You don’t even know what real racism is… Because you’re sitting there in your mothers basement being a keyboard warrior. So shut the fuck up
Watched their parents work themselves to death? You're a hoot!

Specifically, what do Medicare and Social Security have to do with Socialism? Do you know the definition of Socialism? Obviously not.

Redistribution of wealth... The poor get more than they put in, the rich get less than they put in.. it practically defines socialism.

What makes you so desperate that you refuse to accept facts, much less discuss them and, instead, call me names. Do you deny that the facts I presented are true?

The only thing you've proven is that you are a racist fuckbucket, but we kind of already knew that.
That is why socialism has 100% failure rate… Proven by the countless times and forms it’s been tried over the course of civilization
I included a link to common definitions of the term. All the basic stuff that a google search returns. Nothing crazy or libertarian about it.

I think you're just dishonest when it suits your rhetorical goals. It's really common with liberals these days to derail conversations by equivocating on definitions. That way they can lie and pretend they're not. You should just lie outright, like Trump does. Much easier.

You can include all the Koch Brother propaganda you want. Single Payer Medicare for all... that's the gold standard. It's how the rest of the world does it.

Of course it is. Hence I started it. I always stay on point, I am one of those evil Jews you hate so much. UH won’t work here until we fix the education $$$ conundrum.

That's... retarded.

Here's how you make UHC work. Get rid of the insurance companies, one single payer, they pay the hospitals ONLY what it costs to provide a service and no more. This isn't fucking complicated. Stop ripping off sick people and start with the premise that health care is a right and not a profit opportunity.
Says someone who trusts the federal Government.... Now that’s fucking retarded
Are you an idiot? I just Paid $400k to become a doctor and you want me to be reliant on the Govt for my paycheck? LMaO. No thanks. It’s pretty fucking complicated. Is food a right? Is plumbing a right? Whoever said healthcare is a right? Is this another opinion?

That you let a medical school cheat you out of 400K isn't my problem, buddy.

Health care is a right in every industrialized country. In this country, we half-ass it and make it needlessly expensive.

If you became a doctor to pay off tuition bills, you did it for the wrong reasons.
Me and my family have no right to healthcare, but I do have a right to earn health care for my family… Fact
The truth is Germany has
Universal Health Coverage

It also has:
  • Low Unemployment 3.1% (US is 3.5%)
  • A large surplus 1.8% (US is 4.6% deficit)
  • Highly educated workforce (free third level education)
  • Large immigrated population
  • Good Environmental Standards
  • Strong social safety net

and on average wages($44000 for single person) (US or Germany) they pay less tax (very marginally) than a US Citizen.

Also twenty years ago Germany reunited which caused a major recession.

Scratch your head around that one for a while. Is the US continuation down the right wing trickle down method really working?

If German Socialized Medicine is such a swell idea, why do those Germans who can, avoid the system?

German leader Adolf Hitler recruited a highly paid private physician with a tremendous reputation, Dr. Ted Morrell, to treat him instead of using his Hitlercare plan at no cost.

Germans are still making claims of bad treatment from German Government physician ,Dr. Joe Mengele. Mengele was a government employee who didn't send his patients bills and treated them without regards to their finances. But he was still a quack.
How weak is your argument that you have to talk about Germany 80 years ago...

That's what we were fighting to stop during WWII.

We didn't want the Germans to bring National Socialism to America- and nazism 3 pillars of Government Healthcare, Gun control and Genocide.

A lot of guys are really heartbroken. They got conscripted into the military to stop Hitler at great personal sacrifice, and Hitler got his revenge as socialized medicine was still implemented here under the ACA banner

Hitler is not and never was a "socialist" any more than Donald Trump is a Republican. Hitler co-opted the "National Socialist Party" and never changed the name, but Hitler was not a socialist. As soon as someone says "Hitler was a socialist", you betray your abject ignorance about Hitler and the German Nazis.

The bald fact is that Hitler was so opposed to socialism and communism, the rest of the European leaders thought he was a bullwark against the advances of communism in Europe. So with ANYONE who knows the slightest bit about WWII and Nazi Germany, you're an idiot.
Socialism is all about controlling the individual, the individual means nothing in social society… Yes, Hitler was a socialist through and through because socialism is all about control. you fucking moron
Forcing people to pay for insurance is not a middle ground imo

Well, you are entitled to your opinion.

As stupid as it is.

Here's the thing. (I know you love when I say that.) The "Forcing people to buy insurance" was a Republican answer. When Hillary wanted to create a public agency for anyone who couldn't get insurance through their job, the Conservative Heritage Foundation proposed exactly that. Then Mitt Romney put it into practice in Massachusetts, and everyone was kind of fine with it. He called it "A Model for the Nation", and Conservatives had no problem with him. They had a problem with him being a Mormon Cultist, but they didn't have a problem with his Conservative Market Driven solution..

And then the Black Guy Did It. Obama ended up with RomneyCare Writ Large after they couldn't get a Public Option or a Medicare Buy into the final version. And just like that, all the people who were for it were not against it.
Everything Soulless mit did was a failure so shut the fuck up
You can't actually believe the dribble you post. Anyone in this country can get healthcare, even if they just walk into an ER. They can go to an ER for literally anything. In fact, many flood the ER on Friday and Saturday nights in a drunken stuper. There are also free clinics and don't forget Medicaid. The left has duped the lemmings with this nonsense. They must keep the class warfare alive and well. To their credit, people like you and some others on this board have fallen for it, so it is working.

Actually, liberals just use talking points, in order to get what they really want- which is the ability to tell other people what to do. Whether or not they really believe it or not is questionable.

The Democratic politicians, yes, I agree. I do think that some Democratic voters have good intentions, but they are just ignorant and naive. They live in a fantasy world of sorts. The other Democratic voters are just as you say.
absolute bologna, super dupers. Yes it would be just terrible horrible if the Democrats can tell you to pay less in taxes, have good health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training a living wage. Just terrible horrible LOL. Brainwashed functional morons. All to save the rich greedy idiot GOP from paying their fair share to invest in America and you dumbasses. Aaarrrggghhh

Obama promised that we would be able to keep our doctors and our plans and we would be saving $2500 with his ACA.

That turned out to be a lie.

Why should the current promises of libs be taken seriously now?

I don't see "free" tuition, "forgiven" student loan debts, baby bonds, the New Green Deal, medicare for all, single payor turning out the way the libs envision.

Look at California and their High Speed Rail plan. A complete failure. Kasich is a RINO punk bitch, but the one thing that he got right was the termination of the Cleveland-Columbus-Dayton-Cincinnati High Speed Rail project. Libs online said Ohio was screwing themselves. But now, we see what happened in California.

There was nothing in the ACA that determined coverage networks. If you lost your doctor, you were too stupid to pick a plan that included him.

There was a grandfather clause in the ACA that said in effect at the bulls passing could be continued. If your ended, blame the insurance company.

The ACA lowered the rate on premium increases. I saved significantly more than $2500.
If socialized medicine/healthcare was worth a shit it would be 100% voluntary… You know, the only way to get it is if you opt into it.
The truth is Germany has
Universal Health Coverage

It also has:
  • Low Unemployment 3.1% (US is 3.5%)
  • A large surplus 1.8% (US is 4.6% deficit)
  • Highly educated workforce (free third level education)
  • Large immigrated population
  • Good Environmental Standards
  • Strong social safety net

and on average wages($44000 for single person) (US or Germany) they pay less tax (very marginally) than a US Citizen.

Also twenty years ago Germany reunited which caused a major recession.

Scratch your head around that one for a while. Is the US continuation down the right wing trickle down method really working?

If German Socialized Medicine is such a swell idea, why do those Germans who can, avoid the system?

German leader Adolf Hitler recruited a highly paid private physician with a tremendous reputation, Dr. Ted Morrell, to treat him instead of using his Hitlercare plan at no cost.

Germans are still making claims of bad treatment from German Government physician ,Dr. Joe Mengele. Mengele was a government employee who didn't send his patients bills and treated them without regards to their finances. But he was still a quack.
How weak is your argument that you have to talk about Germany 80 years ago...

That's what we were fighting to stop during WWII.

We didn't want the Germans to bring National Socialism to America- and nazism 3 pillars of Government Healthcare, Gun control and Genocide.

A lot of guys are really heartbroken. They got conscripted into the military to stop Hitler at great personal sacrifice, and Hitler got his revenge as socialized medicine was still implemented here under the ACA banner

Hitler is not and never was a "socialist" any more than Donald Trump is a Republican. Hitler co-opted the "National Socialist Party" and never changed the name, but Hitler was not a socialist. As soon as someone says "Hitler was a socialist", you betray your abject ignorance about Hitler and the German Nazis.

The bald fact is that Hitler was so opposed to socialism and communism, the rest of the European leaders thought he was a bullwark against the advances of communism in Europe. So with ANYONE who knows the slightest bit about WWII and Nazi Germany, you're an idiot.
Socialism is all about controlling the individual, the individual means nothing in social society… Yes, Hitler was a socialist through and through because socialism is all about control. you fucking moron

Exactly. Those were Mr. Hitler's exact words to Julius Streicher in correspondence between the two.

Socialism is about control of the masses.

Hitler writes from the grave - WND

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