Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

It is a decision to own a car. If I don't own a car, I don't buy auto liability insurance.

Yes, if someone makes a DECISION to buy a car and finance it over six or eight years, yes, you have to have insurance to cover any losses. Just as you need if you finance your house.

The last car I financed was a new, 1981 Buick Century. Every car and motorcycle since then I have paid cash. Depending on how long I held the car/motorcycle, I calculated if I wanted or did not want collision, theft and comprehensive coverage. It is all personal decisions.

As you know, buying what you WANT, works.

Again, that's awesome and stuff... but it doesn't address the problem.

I'm 57. Every year, I've paid for insurnace, except before 1992, when I was under the Army's plan. So for most of those 27 years, I paid in a lot more than I took out.

The one year I didn't, when I had run up about $40,000 of medical bills in one year, I had to fight Cigna tooth and nail to get them to pay what they promised. (It's why a fair medical reform plan would involve harvesting insurance executives for transplant organs! Seems only fair.)

The ironic thing, if the Right Wing and Big insurance hadn't sabotaged Hillarycare back in the 1990's, we'd have had a solution. People who really like their employer plans could keep them, people who didn't have a plan got on HC and the companies that didn't provide insurance would pay a tax to finance it. Problem solved.

Big insurance didn't like that, and fought it tooth and nail. They did like Romney-Care .... err Obama Care, until they found out they couldn't cheat everyone who walked in the door.
You’re naïve, the one size fits all that is socialism/single payer... Has been proven a failure.
If German Socialized Medicine is such a swell idea, why do those Germans who can, avoid the system?

German leader Adolf Hitler recruited a highly paid private physician with a tremendous reputation, Dr. Ted Morrell, to treat him instead of using his Hitlercare plan at no cost.

Germans are still making claims of bad treatment from German Government physician ,Dr. Joe Mengele. Mengele was a government employee who didn't send his patients bills and treated them without regards to their finances. But he was still a quack.
How weak is your argument that you have to talk about Germany 80 years ago...

That's what we were fighting to stop during WWII.

We didn't want the Germans to bring National Socialism to America- and nazism 3 pillars of Government Healthcare, Gun control and Genocide.

A lot of guys are really heartbroken. They got conscripted into the military to stop Hitler at great personal sacrifice, and Hitler got his revenge as socialized medicine was still implemented here under the ACA banner

Hitler is not and never was a "socialist" any more than Donald Trump is a Republican. Hitler co-opted the "National Socialist Party" and never changed the name, but Hitler was not a socialist. As soon as someone says "Hitler was a socialist", you betray your abject ignorance about Hitler and the German Nazis.

The bald fact is that Hitler was so opposed to socialism and communism, the rest of the European leaders thought he was a bullwark against the advances of communism in Europe. So with ANYONE who knows the slightest bit about WWII and Nazi Germany, you're an idiot.
Socialism is all about controlling the individual, the individual means nothing in social society… Yes, Hitler was a socialist through and through because socialism is all about control. you fucking moron

Exactly. Those were Mr. Hitler's exact words to Julius Streicher in correspondence between the two.

Socialism is about control of the masses.

"Let me explain. First and foremost we were socialists. As national socialists, or Nazis, we knew that government must control the people." A. Hitler

Hitler writes from the grave - WND
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost


Good to see you have learned your lesson and are no longer plagiarizing others' work and no longer trying to use words you have no clue as to how to use or what they mean. Keep up the good work!

Curious though is why you would run up a "BS" flag when everything posted by AzogtheDefiler is 100% true. Ohhhhh...got it! You concede that he is right and all you have is a childish insult. You're so much fun!

I post a BS icon because my 50 year career was in health insurance, most of which was at the VP level, and AZ's post is so fucking wrong that I do not have the time or patience to teach him, or you, how to run HMO's or health insurance companies, when the level of ignorance of the subject in this thread is so pervasive.
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost

You have the intellect and maturity of a 6-yr old

So, you have, in your maturity, decided that this thread is about me....
Point is you didn’t dispute any of my points with any logic but instead whined like a baby.
No whining, pal. Just pure distain for your lack of knowledge on the subject.
I post a BS icon because my 50 year career was in health insurance, most of which was at the VP level, and AZ's post is so fucking wrong that I do not have the time or patience to teach him, or you, how to run HMO's or health insurance companies, when the level of ignorance of the subject in this thread is so pervasive.

  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost


Good to see you have learned your lesson and are no longer plagiarizing others' work and no longer trying to use words you have no clue as to how to use or what they mean. Keep up the good work!

Curious though is why you would run up a "BS" flag when everything posted by AzogtheDefiler is 100% true. Ohhhhh...got it! You concede that he is right and all you have is a childish insult. You're so much fun!

I post a BS icon because my 50 year career was in health insurance, most of which was at the VP level, and AZ's post is so fucking wrong that I do not have the time or patience to teach him, or you, how to run HMO's or health insurance companies, when the level of ignorance of the subject in this thread is so pervasive.
50 year career eh? You’re an old and bitter man. So how am I wrong?
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost

You have the intellect and maturity of a 6-yr old

So, you have, in your maturity, decided that this thread is about me....
Point is you didn’t dispute any of my points with any logic but instead whined like a baby.
No whining, pal. Just pure distain for your lack of knowledge on the subject.
Prove it. Prove the first point not all three. Even the Democrat candidates admit this.
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost

You have the intellect and maturity of a 6-yr old

So, you have, in your maturity, decided that this thread is about me....
Point is you didn’t dispute any of my points with any logic but instead whined like a baby.
No whining, pal. Just pure distain for your lack of knowledge on the subject.
Klobuchar just said she doesn’t want to throw out 149mil people from private insurance to UH. So she is stupid too? Everyone is stupid sans you? LOL
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost


Good to see you have learned your lesson and are no longer plagiarizing others' work and no longer trying to use words you have no clue as to how to use or what they mean. Keep up the good work!

Curious though is why you would run up a "BS" flag when everything posted by AzogtheDefiler is 100% true. Ohhhhh...got it! You concede that he is right and all you have is a childish insult. You're so much fun!

I post a BS icon because my 50 year career was in health insurance, most of which was at the VP level, and AZ's post is so fucking wrong that I do not have the time or patience to teach him, or you, how to run HMO's or health insurance companies, when the level of ignorance of the subject in this thread is so pervasive.
50 year career eh? You’re an old and bitter man. So how am I wrong?

I would not even know where to begin.
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost


Good to see you have learned your lesson and are no longer plagiarizing others' work and no longer trying to use words you have no clue as to how to use or what they mean. Keep up the good work!

Curious though is why you would run up a "BS" flag when everything posted by AzogtheDefiler is 100% true. Ohhhhh...got it! You concede that he is right and all you have is a childish insult. You're so much fun!

I post a BS icon because my 50 year career was in health insurance, most of which was at the VP level, and AZ's post is so fucking wrong that I do not have the time or patience to teach him, or you, how to run HMO's or health insurance companies, when the level of ignorance of the subject in this thread is so pervasive.
50 year career eh? You’re an old and bitter man. So how am I wrong?

I would not even know where to begin.
Excuses are like assholes...

Good to see you have learned your lesson and are no longer plagiarizing others' work and no longer trying to use words you have no clue as to how to use or what they mean. Keep up the good work!

Curious though is why you would run up a "BS" flag when everything posted by AzogtheDefiler is 100% true. Ohhhhh...got it! You concede that he is right and all you have is a childish insult. You're so much fun!

I post a BS icon because my 50 year career was in health insurance, most of which was at the VP level, and AZ's post is so fucking wrong that I do not have the time or patience to teach him, or you, how to run HMO's or health insurance companies, when the level of ignorance of the subject in this thread is so pervasive.
50 year career eh? You’re an old and bitter man. So how am I wrong?

I would not even know where to begin.
Excuses are like assholes...

I have been paid to train people to contract with providers for HMO's. I have been paid to train Underwriters. I have been paid to train people in Legal Compliance, and in rate setting. I have no interest in teaching you for free. I do suggest that you actually do some self study before posing as an expert in a field that you know nothing about. This is why you will not find me posting my opinions on biological sciences. I know nothing about them.
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost


Good to see you have learned your lesson and are no longer plagiarizing others' work and no longer trying to use words you have no clue as to how to use or what they mean. Keep up the good work!

Curious though is why you would run up a "BS" flag when everything posted by AzogtheDefiler is 100% true. Ohhhhh...got it! You concede that he is right and all you have is a childish insult. You're so much fun!

I post a BS icon because my 50 year career was in health insurance, most of which was at the VP level, and AZ's post is so fucking wrong that I do not have the time or patience to teach him, or you, how to run HMO's or health insurance companies, when the level of ignorance of the subject in this thread is so pervasive.

Even if we believed you, which I certainly don't, your posting show you really don't know any more than anyone else.

Going senile ?
Good to see you have learned your lesson and are no longer plagiarizing others' work and no longer trying to use words you have no clue as to how to use or what they mean. Keep up the good work!

Curious though is why you would run up a "BS" flag when everything posted by AzogtheDefiler is 100% true. Ohhhhh...got it! You concede that he is right and all you have is a childish insult. You're so much fun!

I post a BS icon because my 50 year career was in health insurance, most of which was at the VP level, and AZ's post is so fucking wrong that I do not have the time or patience to teach him, or you, how to run HMO's or health insurance companies, when the level of ignorance of the subject in this thread is so pervasive.
50 year career eh? You’re an old and bitter man. So how am I wrong?

I would not even know where to begin.
Excuses are like assholes...

I have been paid to train people to contract with providers for HMO's. I have been paid to train Underwriters. I have been paid to train people in Legal Compliance, and in rate setting. I have no interest in teaching you for free. I do suggest that you actually do some self study before posing as an expert in a field that you know nothing about. This is why you will not find me posting my opinions on biological sciences. I know nothing about them.
You mean you don’t know anything about them? I am Not asking for your so called expertise because you likely sucked at your job. I like my insurance. Why should I give it up for UH? It costs $565 per month for both medical and dental and I can pick any MD I want. That is the cost for the family. I am Happy to compare resumes at any time old man.
Good to see you have learned your lesson and are no longer plagiarizing others' work and no longer trying to use words you have no clue as to how to use or what they mean. Keep up the good work!

Curious though is why you would run up a "BS" flag when everything posted by AzogtheDefiler is 100% true. Ohhhhh...got it! You concede that he is right and all you have is a childish insult. You're so much fun!

I post a BS icon because my 50 year career was in health insurance, most of which was at the VP level, and AZ's post is so fucking wrong that I do not have the time or patience to teach him, or you, how to run HMO's or health insurance companies, when the level of ignorance of the subject in this thread is so pervasive.
50 year career eh? You’re an old and bitter man. So how am I wrong?

I would not even know where to begin.
Excuses are like assholes...

I have been paid to train people to contract with providers for HMO's. I have been paid to train Underwriters. I have been paid to train people in Legal Compliance, and in rate setting. I have no interest in teaching you for free. I do suggest that you actually do some self study before posing as an expert in a field that you know nothing about. This is why you will not find me posting my opinions on biological sciences. I know nothing about them.

No wonder the health insurance industry is so fucked up.
I post a BS icon because my 50 year career was in health insurance, most of which was at the VP level, and AZ's post is so fucking wrong that I do not have the time or patience to teach him, or you, how to run HMO's or health insurance companies, when the level of ignorance of the subject in this thread is so pervasive.
50 year career eh? You’re an old and bitter man. So how am I wrong?

I would not even know where to begin.
Excuses are like assholes...

I have been paid to train people to contract with providers for HMO's. I have been paid to train Underwriters. I have been paid to train people in Legal Compliance, and in rate setting. I have no interest in teaching you for free. I do suggest that you actually do some self study before posing as an expert in a field that you know nothing about. This is why you will not find me posting my opinions on biological sciences. I know nothing about them.

No wonder the health insurance industry is so fucked up.
He is certainly an expert on Homos. Whatever floats his boat...
50 year career eh? You’re an old and bitter man. So how am I wrong?

I would not even know where to begin.
Excuses are like assholes...

I have been paid to train people to contract with providers for HMO's. I have been paid to train Underwriters. I have been paid to train people in Legal Compliance, and in rate setting. I have no interest in teaching you for free. I do suggest that you actually do some self study before posing as an expert in a field that you know nothing about. This is why you will not find me posting my opinions on biological sciences. I know nothing about them.

No wonder the health insurance industry is so fucked up.
He is certainly an expert on Homos. Whatever floats his boat...

I am all for a conversation about our health insurance gaps and woes.

But asswipes like Vandalshandle make it tough.

In their arrogance, they demonstrate their ignorance.
I bet you don't believe that this applies to you!

quite the contrary, I despise the people who have more than they deserve more than I despite those who keep them in power because they hate the darkies or abortions or need to compensate for tiny peckers with guns.

I kind of feel bad for the latter group... because they are so dumb they can't see their own interest. A system where Cigna can cheat you because of a "Pre-existing condition" is bad for them.
Gosh, I guess if I were you, I wouldn't care about my credibility insofar as I already had NONE. You seldom, if ever, post a reliable source or working link so allow me to help you.

I don't do links... they are a waste of time for the Ignorant Right Wing.

The reality- before ACA, 25% of the population had no insurance or inadequate insurance.

That's what you want to go back to. Even you've admitted in your link that number has jumped under Trump.

You skipped over my point that Auto Insurance ONLY works because the government mandates everyone have it.

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