Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

I have been paid to train people to contract with providers for HMO's. I have been paid to train Underwriters. I have been paid to train people in Legal Compliance, and in rate setting. I have no interest in teaching you for free. I do suggest that you actually do some self study before posing as an expert in a field that you know nothing about. This is why you will not find me posting my opinions on biological sciences. I know nothing about them.

Flat out lies.

If anything you have posted was true, you would not have conflated simple words in a childish effort to appear intelligent.

phantom [fathom], collaborating [corroborating]
I bet you don't believe that this applies to you!

quite the contrary, I despise the people who have more than they deserve more than I despite those who keep them in power because they hate the darkies or abortions or need to compensate for tiny peckers with guns.

I kind of feel bad for the latter group... because they are so dumb they can't see their own interest. A system where Cigna can cheat you because of a "Pre-existing condition" is bad for them.

You are one sick puppy! Seek help!
Do you really think that Rural Folk are more bigoted than those in the major cities?

Yup... also piss ignorant and bible thumping...

Responding here to my own post but would like to add that the poverty rates are a little misleading. They use income vs food to cost to calculate, meaning those in poverty don't have much, if any, left over after buying food. I consider poverty to be much more than that. What about those that have enough to eat, but don't have much left for housing, etc? In states with very high costs of living, that extra $300/mth may not get them much of any housing whereas in states with lower costs of living, they can get better housing. Food costs are not that dissimlar from state to state, other expenses(taxes, rent, gas, etc) are.

Blah, blah, blah...

Here's a county by county poverty map.


Please note where the highest percentage of the population living in poverty is...

But as long as Cleetus the Redneck has a nicer trailer than the black family living down the road, his inbred ass is happy.

Yes, California is doing so well with the "poor". Do you even know how many have been invited to the streets of California by their lax laws on drugs, theft, and giveaways?

Nearly half of the U.S.’s homeless people live in one state: California
By Jacob Passy
Published: Sept 29, 2019 11:03 a.m. ET

Four of the five American cities with the greatest incidences of unsheltered homelessness are in the Golden State
Nearly half of the U.S.’s homeless people live in one state: California
LOL...what you don't seem to understand is that Unions are destroying manufacturing. They OVERPAY for the job being done. Pay based on skills, not just becuase in your pitifully small mind, everyone simply deserves a living wage, regardless of what they have chosen NOT do do to earn it. People like you are the problem in the US and will cause its downfall, just like our forefathers foretold.

Ho-hum... uh, we became a great country because of Unions, not because of some slave-rapists who shit in chamber pots.

The only people being "overpaid" are the scumbag one percenters...

So let's set a fair wage... and the CEO can only make 10 times that. Sounds reasonable to me.

How much do you pay per year? I pay Less than $7k for both medical and dental. For a family plan in Boston. Love it. Don’t care about you. Dog eat dog.

Here's the problem, .. eventually, the rest of us get sick of your shit.

Then you end up being the dog who gets eaten...

I live in an area of the state in which the average median income is more than the national average and we have a lower cost of living. Notice I said area of the state, not just one little town.

Some people like Warren and Bernie because they are free loaders. They are becoming more and more popular. Being lazy and demonizing those that have made it is all the rage.

Demonizing those who robbed the working man IS all the rage... I have lots of rage...

So it cannot be both? Joe? It’s one or the other. I d rather have the best. Period. Don’t care if it’s because they are Mother Theresa or someone who wants eight sports cars. Again, you only deal in absolutes and I am not your buddy. Far from it. My wife went into the military and into law because she came from a single mother home and did not have the means to pay for law school. She works for $$ not for some benevolent cause.

As I said... some people just want to do a good job, and some people want to just grub money...

You wonder why you have the reputation you do...
Nearly half of the U.S.’s homeless people live in one state: California

Well, except this came out of the Trump White House.

So let's look at the actual numbers.


Nope... nowhere near "Half".

Those are numbers from 3 years ago, since then Homelessness has increased a lot in popularity in California, as the state has adopted more friendly policies to encourage it.
Those are numbers from 3 years ago, since then Homelessness has increased a lot in popularity in California, as the state has adopted more friendly policies to encourage it.

Numbers haven't changed that much in 3 years, but if you have a map from a credible source from 2019 that shows that half the homeless live in CA, have at it.

If you actually read Markle the Liar's article, it specified "Unsheltered homeless", which is a much smaller subset.
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Those are numbers from 3 years ago, since then Homelessness has increased a lot in popularity in California, as the state has adopted more friendly policies to encourage it.

Numbers haven't changed that much in 3 years, but if you have a map from a credible source from 1990 that shows that half the homeless live in CA, have at it.

If you actually read Markle the Liar's article, it specified "Unsheltered homeless", which is a much smaller subset.

From 1990? What fun!

Good to see you grudgingly admitted that my post is 100% correct.
This has what to do with healthcare?

I wouldn't know, you are the one who brought the subject of homelessness into this... probably to refute the notion that most of the POVERTY is concentrated in the South.

They are two different problems. Homelessness is often a case of mental illness or substance abuse... not really poverty. It's why the numbers don't really go down even if the economy gets better.

Poverty, though, is a wider problem. 40% of the population is often too poor to access the health care system, either due to lack of insurance, or lack of ability to pay co-pays or see a doctor.
This has what to do with healthcare?

I wouldn't know, you are the one who brought the subject of homelessness into this... probably to refute the notion that most of the POVERTY is concentrated in the South.

They are two different problems. Homelessness is often a case of mental illness or substance abuse... not really poverty. It's why the numbers don't really go down even if the economy gets better.

Poverty, though, is a wider problem. 40% of the population is often too poor to access the health care system, either due to lack of insurance, or lack of ability to pay co-pays or see a doctor.

Yep, Thanks, in part, to Obummercare.

This country is really not having a good conversation on this subject.....no trust on either side.
LOL...what you don't seem to understand is that Unions are destroying manufacturing. They OVERPAY for the job being done. Pay based on skills, not just becuase in your pitifully small mind, everyone simply deserves a living wage, regardless of what they have chosen NOT do do to earn it. People like you are the problem in the US and will cause its downfall, just like our forefathers foretold.

Ho-hum... uh, we became a great country because of Unions, not because of some slave-rapists who shit in chamber pots.

The only people being "overpaid" are the scumbag one percenters...

So let's set a fair wage... and the CEO can only make 10 times that. Sounds reasonable to me.

How much do you pay per year? I pay Less than $7k for both medical and dental. For a family plan in Boston. Love it. Don’t care about you. Dog eat dog.

Here's the problem, .. eventually, the rest of us get sick of your shit.

Then you end up being the dog who gets eaten...

I live in an area of the state in which the average median income is more than the national average and we have a lower cost of living. Notice I said area of the state, not just one little town.

Some people like Warren and Bernie because they are free loaders. They are becoming more and more popular. Being lazy and demonizing those that have made it is all the rage.

Demonizing those who robbed the working man IS all the rage... I have lots of rage...

So it cannot be both? Joe? It’s one or the other. I d rather have the best. Period. Don’t care if it’s because they are Mother Theresa or someone who wants eight sports cars. Again, you only deal in absolutes and I am not your buddy. Far from it. My wife went into the military and into law because she came from a single mother home and did not have the means to pay for law school. She works for $$ not for some benevolent cause.

As I said... some people just want to do a good job, and some people want to just grub money...

You wonder why you have the reputation you do...
LMAO you want me to support you because you’re poor. Not going to happen. You want my $$$ come and take it. You talk a big game.
Boo hoo. I am glad you’re in pain every day. That brings me joy.

You must be a very sad person... if you like to see others in pain and are okay with babies being thrown into cages...
Not others just people like you. If you don’t want them in cages don’t bring them here illegally. I am a second generation American but my parents came here legally. Pesky Jews they are.
Yep, Thanks, in part, to Obummercare.

This country is really not having a good conversation on this subject.....no trust on either side.

I agree.. the Insurance Industry spends a lot of money scaring you into compliance.

The ironic thing was, ACA was the plan insurance begrudgingly went along with, because even they knew what they had wasn't sustainable. And they immediately went back to screwing people when they could.

Speaking of money-grubbing people who think it's okay to screw others.

Not others just people like you. If you don’t want them in cages don’t bring them here illegally. I am a second generation American but my parents came here legally. Pesky Jews they are.

You are white... that's why there was no hassle on your immigration status.

Funny thing, people only became "Upset" about immigration when non-white people started showing up.

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