Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

Ironic that you'd say that because Doc Goebbels was a huge advocate for Socialized Medicine for the masses. like all of the rest of the national Socialists.

Germany had single payer socialized medicine since Bismarck. It wasn't an issue of contention before, during or after the Nazis.

But only for the masses. While the people had to endure government provided medical doctors like Dr. Joe Mengele, who engaged in all kinds of questionable practices, the elite brought in top, private doctors for their own treatment. Fuhrer Hitler used the highly rated Dr. Ted Morrell, who was well versed in the cutting edge treatments of the 1930's and 40's, including the recently discovered Crystal Meth.

Morrell was a quack who probably did Hitler more damage than good. He shot the guy up with all sorts of Drugs. Even the other Nazis didn't want to use Morrell...

Then again, if it weren't for Morrell keeping Hitler more drugged up than Elvis, Germany might have won the war.

Morrell used cutting edge treatments, some of which were indeed found to be lacking later. But he was head over heels a better doctor that government paid sawbones Joe Mengele. Remember the patient, Mr. Hitler, suffered from PTSD as well as Intermittent explosive disorder. In addition, he was severely wounded in the First World War and may have been suffering from VD, aids, or hep, which was consistent with Mr. Hitler's documented status as a Flaming Homosexual.
Ooooh. Did I hit a nerve, Joey? What anger? I am laughing at your expense. You admitted you are old, you admitted you are poor and you admitted you don’t have very good health insurance. You blame all this on Donald Trump and of course Jews. Sometimes you just need to look in the mirror as painful as that may be.

Never said I was poor or had bad insurance. (I actually make about $80K a year with no debt, own a small business, and have decent insurance.) Trump has no direct effect on my life... I'm set up to do well if when he fucks up the economy and the rest of you are on the unemployment line.

As for the Jews... some of them are okay, but you all need to lose your fucking sense of entitlement. You aren't God's favorites, there is no God.
$80k is poor. You’re poor buddy. No wife no kids. You’re a loser. I am an Atheist too. I am a Darwinist and I am superior to you.
I don’t care what color you are so long as you come here legally. I have Zero issues with color. You just make shit up in your empty and racist head. This is case in point.

Actually, Trump is fucking with people who did come here legally. But never mind...

Again, Dr. Goebbels is having a good laugh...

Ironic that you'd say that because Doc Goebbels was a huge advocate for Socialized Medicine for the masses. like all of the rest of the national Socialists.

But only for the masses. While the people had to endure government provided medical doctors like Dr. Joe Mengele, who engaged in all kinds of questionable practices, the elite brought in top, private doctors for their own treatment. Fuhrer Hitler used the highly rated Dr. Ted Morrell, who was well versed in the cutting edge treatments of the 1930's and 40's, including the recently discovered Crystal Meth.

Yes, socialized medicine is bad but a for profit system which is lowering life expectancy, and addicting millions of Americans to pharmaceutical drugs, and then raising prices on life saving overdose antidotes, cycling people in and out of rehab to profit even more. Nothing is as profitable as addiction, and the USA has more drug addicts than any other nation in the world.
Link this.
Morrell used cutting edge treatments, some of which were indeed found to be lacking later.

Um, no, he was a quack who shot up his patient with drugs...

$80k is poor.

Not according to the wealth tables... it actually puts me in the top 40%. Now, yeah, I guess if you are money grubbing, it might not seem like much...

We know your only "God" is money.
Morrell used cutting edge treatments, some of which were indeed found to be lacking later.

Um, no, he was a quack who shot up his patient with drugs...

Mr. Hitler was a lot better off being seen by Dr. Morrell than going to a government paid Hitlercare physician like Joe Mengele.

BTW, Dr. Morrell never had his medical license lifted or any verified complaints leveled against him with the regulatory boards. He was controversial and cutting edge- but the licensing officials didn't have a problem with him. Not every treatment he administered was effective. But hardly a quack. Remember that his patient had multiple co-morbidities and also couldn't take time off from his challenging work responsibilities.
Mr. Hitler was a lot better off being seen by Dr. Morrell than going to a government paid Hitlercare physician like Joe Mengele.

Mengele was a military doctor... he didn't see patients..

BTW, Dr. Morrell never had his medical license lifted or any verified complaints leveled against him with the regulatory boards. He was controversial and cutting edge- but the licensing officials didn't have a problem with him. Not every treatment he administered was effective. But hardly a quack. Remember that his patient had multiple co-morbidities and also couldn't take time off from his challenging work responsibilities.

Yes, he was too busy wrecking the world to go to a checkup with a qualified doctor.

Morrell shot hitler up with drugs... Which I'm fine with. Hitler's bad decision lost the war for Germany, good thing he was drugged up.
Morrell used cutting edge treatments, some of which were indeed found to be lacking later.

Um, no, he was a quack who shot up his patient with drugs...

$80k is poor.

Not according to the wealth tables... it actually puts me in the top 40%. Now, yeah, I guess if you are money grubbing, it might not seem like much...

We know your only "God" is money.
Stats tell me you’re poor. Luckily you’re ugly and don’t have a family to support on your pittance of an agi.
I don’t care what color you are so long as you come here legally. I have Zero issues with color. You just make shit up in your empty and racist head. This is case in point.

Actually, Trump is fucking with people who did come here legally. But never mind...

Again, Dr. Goebbels is having a good laugh...

Ironic that you'd say that because Doc Goebbels was a huge advocate for Socialized Medicine for the masses. like all of the rest of the national Socialists.

But only for the masses. While the people had to endure government provided medical doctors like Dr. Joe Mengele, who engaged in all kinds of questionable practices, the elite brought in top, private doctors for their own treatment. Fuhrer Hitler used the highly rated Dr. Ted Morrell, who was well versed in the cutting edge treatments of the 1930's and 40's, including the recently discovered Crystal Meth.

Yes, socialized medicine is bad but a for profit system which is lowering life expectancy, and addicting millions of Americans to pharmaceutical drugs, and then raising prices on life saving overdose antidotes, cycling people in and out of rehab to profit even more. Nothing is as profitable as addiction, and the USA has more drug addicts than any other nation in the world.

Here's the thing about the health care "system" in the US: we don't have one. In a free society, you don't have "systems" or "five-year-plans". We have free markets - ie freedom. People do what they want - even if you don't like it. That means some of them will get addicted, and some of them will make money off of it. Some of them will buy insurance, some of them won't. And if that bugs you, even if it bugs both of us, we have no right to pass laws forcing other people to play by our rules.

Now, it's fair to say that the US isn't a perfectly "free society". There are plenty of people who want to use the government to tell us how to live - and to some extent they are succeeding. But I think those people are wrong, and their "plans" should be rejected.
Here's the thing about the health care "system" in the US: we don't have one. In a free society, we don't have "systems" or "five-year-plans". We have free markets - ie freedom. People do what they want - even if you don't like it. That means some of them will get addicted, and some of them will make money off of it. Some of them will buy insurance, some of them won't. And if that bugs you, even if it bugs both of us, we have no right to pass laws forcing other people to play by our rules.

Now, it's fair to say that the US isn't a perfectly "free society". There are plenty of people who want to use the government to tell us how to live - and to some extent they are succeeding. But I think those people are wrong, and should be turned away.

Whenever a Libertarian talks about "Freedom", it's always the ability of the rich to screw the rest of us.

Fuck Free Markets... some services we need, period. Roads, military, infrastructure, etc.

Health care is one of them.
Yes, he was too busy wrecking the world to go to a checkup with a qualified doctor.

Morrell shot hitler up with drugs... Which I'm fine with. Hitler's bad decision lost the war for Germany, good thing he was drugged up.

Actually, Morrell was a highly qualified physician and there were no black marks on his license. If it wasn't for Dr. Morrell, Mr. Hitler would have probably had to retire and take a disability pension long before WWII was over.
Here's the thing about the health care "system" in the US: we don't have one. In a free society, we don't have "systems" or "five-year-plans". We have free markets - ie freedom. People do what they want - even if you don't like it. That means some of them will get addicted, and some of them will make money off of it. Some of them will buy insurance, some of them won't. And if that bugs you, even if it bugs both of us, we have no right to pass laws forcing other people to play by our rules.

Now, it's fair to say that the US isn't a perfectly "free society". There are plenty of people who want to use the government to tell us how to live - and to some extent they are succeeding. But I think those people are wrong, and should be turned away.

Whenever a Libertarian talks about "Freedom", it's always the ability of the rich to screw the rest of us.

Fuck Free Markets... some services we need, period. Roads, military, infrastructure, etc.

Health care is one of them.

LOL - you go Joe! Rage on about those evil libertarians. The rest of us will discuss the topic.
Stats tell me you’re poor. Luckily you’re ugly and don’t have a family to support on your pittance of an agi.

So Stats are one of those things you don't understand, along with common decency... got it.

And you wonder why people hate you.
Stats show me you’re poor. Sorry man. Last time I made $80k was post college graduation. LOL
Here's the thing about the health care "system" in the US: we don't have one. In a free society, we don't have "systems" or "five-year-plans". We have free markets - ie freedom. People do what they want - even if you don't like it. That means some of them will get addicted, and some of them will make money off of it. Some of them will buy insurance, some of them won't. And if that bugs you, even if it bugs both of us, we have no right to pass laws forcing other people to play by our rules.

Now, it's fair to say that the US isn't a perfectly "free society". There are plenty of people who want to use the government to tell us how to live - and to some extent they are succeeding. But I think those people are wrong, and should be turned away.

Whenever a Libertarian talks about "Freedom", it's always the ability of the rich to screw the rest of us.

Fuck Free Markets... some services we need, period. Roads, military, infrastructure, etc.

Health care is one of them.

Here's the problem with Socialized Medicine, Joe.

Not every doctor is equal in capability by any stretch of the imagination. So "equal" health care for all is impossible. Some people will be treated by Dr. Vinnie Boombatz or Joe Mengele, others by Harvey Cushing or Ted Morrell or Michael Pinkus.

The free market is a mechanism to let people know relative quality.
Actually, Morrell was a highly qualified physician and there were no black marks on his license. If it wasn't for Dr. Morrell, Mr. Hitler would have probably had to retire and take a disability pension long before WWII was over.

Okay, now you are just going to crazy talk...

Shooting people up with drugs is not good treatment...

Depends on what's the matter with the patient.

Mr. Hitler was afflicted with PTSD, old war wounds and intermittent explosive disorder. Further, he was a raving homosexual.

I'm not an expert in medicine, but when someone has multiple ailments, serious and extreme treatments are sometimes called for.

Medical science has advanced since Dr. Morrell practiced, but there are still patients who take frequent injections even today.
Stats show me you’re poor. Sorry man. Last time I made $80k was post college graduation. LOL

I doubt you make that now... a real rich person wouldn't be concerned about illegals, he'd be hirng them.

Here's the problem with Socialized Medicine, Joe.

Not every doctor is equal in capability by any stretch of the imagination. So "equal" health care for all is impossible. Some people will be treated by Dr. Vinnie Boombatz or Joe Mengele, others by Harvey Cushing or Ted Morrell or Michael Pinkus.

The free market is a mechanism to let people know relative quality.

That you are still trying to push Morrelll, a grubby little man, as a good doctor is kind of weird.... but here's the thing. Socialized Medicine just means that we all get equal access to doctors... quality is something you have to work out for yourself, but these days, we have all sorts of ways of figuring that out.
Stats show me you’re poor. Sorry man. Last time I made $80k was post college graduation. LOL

I doubt you make that now... a real rich person wouldn't be concerned about illegals, he'd be hirng them.

Here's the problem with Socialized Medicine, Joe.

Not every doctor is equal in capability by any stretch of the imagination. So "equal" health care for all is impossible. Some people will be treated by Dr. Vinnie Boombatz or Joe Mengele, others by Harvey Cushing or Ted Morrell or Michael Pinkus.

The free market is a mechanism to let people know relative quality.

That you are still trying to push Morrelll, a grubby little man, as a good doctor is kind of weird.... but here's the thing. Socialized Medicine just means that we all get equal access to doctors... quality is something you have to work out for yourself, but these days, we have all sorts of ways of figuring that out.

Dr. Morrell , in retrospect, might not be that highly rated. But in his day, among his own patients, he certainly was and used therapies that were new when he was in practice.

In actuality, you are wrong about "equal access" to doctors under socialized medicine. The average German couldn't make an appointment with Ted Morrell. He exclusively treated Fuhrer Hitler and the other socialist overlords in Reich #3.

When and if Socialized Medicine comes to America, many of the top doctors may opt out of it. And those who are in it, won't be touting their expertise so a lot of people won't even know they are the best. Its going to be very difficult for a Deplorable Patient in eastern Kentucky to get a top cancer specialist to make him an appointment he can make.

Socialized Medicine is actually a recipe for inequality.
Morrell used cutting edge treatments, some of which were indeed found to be lacking later. But he was head over heels a better doctor that government paid sawbones Joe Mengele. Remember the patient, Mr. Hitler, suffered from PTSD as well as Intermittent explosive disorder. In addition, he was severely wounded in the First World War and may have been suffering from VD, aids, or hep, which was consistent with Mr. Hitler's documented status as a Flaming Homosexual.

One of the things Dr. Morrell used to "treat" Adolph Hitler was Crystal Meth. It is what boosted him up and the long term effects became obvious years later. In fact, the entire Nazi military was provided with Pervitin. Crystal Myth sold over the counter by the millions as a pick-me-up.

The Pervitin is what enabled the Nazi soldiers to use the Blitzkrieg as a new military tactic. Pervitin was handed out to the troops like mints. It enabled them to stay awake for days, it also increased their ferocity and reduced empathy. They suffered the same side effects as addicts do today.

As for Adolph Hitler's injuries, that is up for debate. HE claimes he was the victim of a gas attack and that he was blinded. IF that is the truth, why then was he hospitalized in the psychiatric wing of the hospital he was transported to and not the eye/vision wing which was at the same facility and had room.

Hitler also claims that he was awarded Iron Cross for having captured several Canadian troops all by himself. That never happened.

An embarrassing seldom admitted fact by anyone is that medical research did use research produced by Dr. Josef Mengele. Unquestionably he was one who deserved to be hanged after the Nuremberg trials. Perhaps Karma won out since he drowned swimming offshore in South America but in 1979.
Actually, Morrell was a highly qualified physician and there were no black marks on his license. If it wasn't for Dr. Morrell, Mr. Hitler would have probably had to retire and take a disability pension long before WWII was over.

Okay, now you are just going to crazy talk...

Shooting people up with drugs is not good treatment...

Ohhhhh...it pains me greatly to agree with JoeB131.

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