Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

You are SOOO misinformed. I am beginning to wonder if you aren't mentally ill. If so, I apolgize for demeaning you.

The median income in my city is higher than the national average but the cost of living is signficantly lower. I will let you do the math on that.

Guy, the map speaks for itself. The Red states have higher poverty rates than the blue states...

You have yet to tell me what city or state you live in, because you probably know I could easily debunk your claims...
That comment is pure bullshit. You talk out of both sides of your Jew hating mouth. Tell me again how people go into the medical profession just for the sake of helping people and don’t care about being well compensated. It’s funny watching you talk in circles and your racism vs black people is very amusing. You continually put them down and don’t even notice it. LMaO.

You are babbling, buddy...

Good doctors go into medicine to help people. Then you have the ones who just want the big mansion and the pretty trophy wife. I'd rather have the former work on me if I'm sick, thanks.

but try to keep on subject here. The reality- you have a lot of poor, dumb White Trash who keep voting Republican to keep the darkies "in their place", and then wonder why they don't enjoy the affluence their parents or grandparents had.

Leftists are always putting blacks down. They even paint their faces black and still blacks show up to elect them in droves. In New York city, there have been more black abortions than births, yet blacks still line up to vote for Progressive abortionists in droves. Just look at Chicago. It is a killing field for blacks, yet it is run by democrats, etc.

And what is the sickest of all, they say forcing people to show and ID to vote will prevent blacks from voting, as if they are too stupid and poor to even have an ID to vote, yet blacks don't see it that way.

Voter ID is a scheme to suppress minority votes.. always has been.

And do you think they are nabbing black women off the streets and giving them abortions?

Um. No. They make an appointment, get undressed, spread their legs, let the doctor remove little blobby and throw it into the Medical Waste container, pay the nice man and get on with their lives... JUST LIKE WHITE WOMEN DO!!!
I bet you don't believe that this applies to you!

quite the contrary, I despise the people who have more than they deserve more than I despite those who keep them in power because they hate the darkies or abortions or need to compensate for tiny peckers with guns.

I kind of feel bad for the latter group... because they are so dumb they can't see their own interest. A system where Cigna can cheat you because of a "Pre-existing condition" is bad for them.

You "despise people who have more money than they deserve." Envy in its purest form. This is biggest your problem. Unfortunately, you are not alone.

You seem to be under the false impression that with UHC they would approve all surguries. You mentioned previously that you had a surgery that cost you a lot of money out of pocket because Cigna said it was elective. What makes you think the government wouldn't do the same and to an even greater extent because they have no competition. At least with private health insurance you could threaten to drop them and choose another provider. Single payer means NO competition which means the government can and will screw you as often as they like.

I'm not sure where this totally misguided trust for government from most Liberals originates. In the US, where we have quite a bit of freedom, the ONLY people that I can see be for more government control are those who have nothing to lose. They are willing to give up freedom and quality because they either a) can't do it on their own or b) are too lazy to do it on their own.
You seem to be under the false impression that with UHC they would approve all surguries. You mentioned previously that you had a surgery that cost you a lot of money out of pocket because Cigna said it was elective. What makes you think the government wouldn't do the same and to an even greater extent because they have no competition. At least with private health insurance you could threaten to drop them and choose another provider. Single payer means NO competition which means the government can and will screw you as often as they like.

Here's the major difference. My doctor said it wasn't "elective". (In fact, I wouldn't be able to walk without assistance today if I hadn't had it.) Cigna didn't care about the medical merits, they only cared about making a profit so Ed Hanaway could get that sweet, sweet, Nine-Figure retirement package.

The main reason why the government won't do the same is because the people vote. it's why Medicare is such a sweet deal for old people.

I'm not sure where this totally misguided trust for government from most Liberals originates. In the US, where we have quite a bit of freedom, the ONLY people that I can see be for more government control are those who have nothing to lose. They are willing to give up freedom and quality because they either a) can't do it on their own or b) are too lazy to do it on their own.

Or they've been fucked over by the private sector enough times to not want to trust it.

Here's the thing. I used to be pretty right wing, but in retrospect, the Army (the government) was pretty darned good to me. They paid for my education after my parents died, they taught me a skill, they gave me a pretty good start professionally. Oh, yeah, and I never, ever had to worry that my medical care wouldn't be covered.

Whenever one of you fucknuts talks about "liberty" or "Freedom", it usually means the ability of those with money to FUCK OVER people with less money. Probably because you all fantasize about being able to do that yourself. Human nature, it's always easier to kick down than to punch up. It's the philosophy of the bully.. I've got mine, fuck you.
You are SOOO misinformed. I am beginning to wonder if you aren't mentally ill. If so, I apolgize for demeaning you.

The median income in my city is higher than the national average but the cost of living is signficantly lower. I will let you do the math on that.

Guy, the map speaks for itself. The Red states have higher poverty rates than the blue states...

You have yet to tell me what city or state you live in, because you probably know I could easily debunk your claims...

Yes, we have a higher poverty rate than some(not at the bottom by any stretch) in large part due to demographics. We also have many upscale and affluent areas. If your family has the median income of the nation, in my state, you can live in a nicer home, drive a nicer car and live in a nice, low crime area than those with the same jobs in most blue states. For those of us who make considerably more than average, it gets even better. We live on golf courses, on beaches and on beautiful lakes alongside many very wealthy folks who have second and third homes in our area due to climate, taxes, beauty, less population and lower taxes.

The Democrats in our state are on the lower income spectrum. If all the Democrats left, my state would be considered very wealthy.
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Yes, they have a higher poverty rate in large part due to demographics. We also have many upscale and affluent areas.

Again, guy, the number of rich people who have mansions is NOT a sign of affluence.

The size of the middle class is a sign of affluence. Third world countries, the rich have them some big mansions.. who could forget Imelda Marcos' Shoe Collection!

The Democrats in our state are on the lower income spectrum. If all the Democrats left, my state would be considered very wealthy.

But this is what you kind of don't get... The working class as a whole has declined...


The ironic thing is, you Republicans have been all keen to destroy the middle class by disbanding unions, driving down wages and taking away any rights that workers have.... and dammit, you better BEG your employer to cover you if you get sick!!!

And then you wonder why people like Bernie and Warren are popular.

Oh, wait, it's because their commie college professors told them so... I know you really need to beleive that.
You are SOOO misinformed. I am beginning to wonder if you aren't mentally ill. If so, I apolgize for demeaning you.

The median income in my city is higher than the national average but the cost of living is signficantly lower. I will let you do the math on that.

Guy, the map speaks for itself. The Red states have higher poverty rates than the blue states...

You have yet to tell me what city or state you live in, because you probably know I could easily debunk your claims...

Yes, we have a higher poverty rate than some(not at the bottom by any stretch) in large part due to demographics. We also have many upscale and affluent areas. If your family has the median income of the nation, in my state, you can live in a nicer home, drive a nicer car and live in a nice, low crime area than those with the same jobs in most blue states. For those of us who make considerably more than average, it gets even better. We live on golf courses, on beaches and on beautiful lakes alongside many very wealthy folks who have second and third homes in our area due to climate, taxes, beauty, less population and lower taxes.

The Democrats in our state are on the lower income spectrum. If all the Democrats left, my state would be considered very wealthy.

Responding here to my own post but would like to add that the poverty rates are a little misleading. They use income vs food to cost to calculate, meaning those in poverty don't have much, if any, left over after buying food. I consider poverty to be much more than that. What about those that have enough to eat, but don't have much left for housing, etc? In states with very high costs of living, that extra $300/mth may not get them much of any housing whereas in states with lower costs of living, they can get better housing. Food costs are not that dissimlar from state to state, other expenses(taxes, rent, gas, etc) are.
Responding here to my own post but would like to add that the poverty rates are a little misleading. They use income vs food to cost to calculate, meaning those in poverty don't have much, if any, left over after buying food. I consider poverty to be much more than that. What about those that have enough to eat, but don't have much left for housing, etc? In states with very high costs of living, that extra $300/mth may not get them much of any housing whereas in states with lower costs of living, they can get better housing. Food costs are not that dissimlar from state to state, other expenses(taxes, rent, gas, etc) are.

Blah, blah, blah...

Here's a county by county poverty map.


Please note where the highest percentage of the population living in poverty is...

But as long as Cleetus the Redneck has a nicer trailer than the black family living down the road, his inbred ass is happy.
Yes, they have a higher poverty rate in large part due to demographics. We also have many upscale and affluent areas.

Again, guy, the number of rich people who have mansions is NOT a sign of affluence.

The size of the middle class is a sign of affluence. Third world countries, the rich have them some big mansions.. who could forget Imelda Marcos' Shoe Collection!

The Democrats in our state are on the lower income spectrum. If all the Democrats left, my state would be considered very wealthy.

But this is what you kind of don't get... The working class as a whole has declined...

View attachment 291079

The ironic thing is, you Republicans have been all keen to destroy the middle class by disbanding unions, driving down wages and taking away any rights that workers have.... and dammit, you better BEG your employer to cover you if you get sick!!!

And then you wonder why people like Bernie and Warren are popular.

Oh, wait, it's because their commie college professors told them so... I know you really need to beleive that.

LOL...what you don't seem to understand is that Unions are destroying manufacturing. They OVERPAY for the job being done. Pay based on skills, not just becuase in your pitifully small mind, everyone simply deserves a living wage, regardless of what they have chosen NOT do do to earn it. People like you are the problem in the US and will cause its downfall, just like our forefathers foretold.
Responding here to my own post but would like to add that the poverty rates are a little misleading. They use income vs food to cost to calculate, meaning those in poverty don't have much, if any, left over after buying food. I consider poverty to be much more than that. What about those that have enough to eat, but don't have much left for housing, etc? In states with very high costs of living, that extra $300/mth may not get them much of any housing whereas in states with lower costs of living, they can get better housing. Food costs are not that dissimlar from state to state, other expenses(taxes, rent, gas, etc) are.

Blah, blah, blah...

Here's a county by county poverty map.


Please note where the highest percentage of the population living in poverty is...

But as long as Cleetus the Redneck has a nicer trailer than the black family living down the road, his inbred ass is happy.

Once again, you fail to understand demographics, but given the lack of intellect you exhibit on this board, it is understandable.
Yes, they have a higher poverty rate in large part due to demographics. We also have many upscale and affluent areas.

Again, guy, the number of rich people who have mansions is NOT a sign of affluence.

The size of the middle class is a sign of affluence. Third world countries, the rich have them some big mansions.. who could forget Imelda Marcos' Shoe Collection!

The Democrats in our state are on the lower income spectrum. If all the Democrats left, my state would be considered very wealthy.

But this is what you kind of don't get... The working class as a whole has declined...

View attachment 291079

The ironic thing is, you Republicans have been all keen to destroy the middle class by disbanding unions, driving down wages and taking away any rights that workers have.... and dammit, you better BEG your employer to cover you if you get sick!!!

And then you wonder why people like Bernie and Warren are popular.

Oh, wait, it's because their commie college professors told them so... I know you really need to beleive that.

I live in an area of the state in which the average median income is more than the national average and we have a lower cost of living. Notice I said area of the state, not just one little town.

Some people like Warren and Bernie because they are free loaders. They are becoming more and more popular. Being lazy and demonizing those that have made it is all the rage.
That comment is pure bullshit. You talk out of both sides of your Jew hating mouth. Tell me again how people go into the medical profession just for the sake of helping people and don’t care about being well compensated. It’s funny watching you talk in circles and your racism vs black people is very amusing. You continually put them down and don’t even notice it. LMaO.

You are babbling, buddy...

Good doctors go into medicine to help people. Then you have the ones who just want the big mansion and the pretty trophy wife. I'd rather have the former work on me if I'm sick, thanks.

but try to keep on subject here. The reality- you have a lot of poor, dumb White Trash who keep voting Republican to keep the darkies "in their place", and then wonder why they don't enjoy the affluence their parents or grandparents had.

Leftists are always putting blacks down. They even paint their faces black and still blacks show up to elect them in droves. In New York city, there have been more black abortions than births, yet blacks still line up to vote for Progressive abortionists in droves. Just look at Chicago. It is a killing field for blacks, yet it is run by democrats, etc.

And what is the sickest of all, they say forcing people to show and ID to vote will prevent blacks from voting, as if they are too stupid and poor to even have an ID to vote, yet blacks don't see it that way.

Voter ID is a scheme to suppress minority votes.. always has been.

And do you think they are nabbing black women off the streets and giving them abortions?

Um. No. They make an appointment, get undressed, spread their legs, let the doctor remove little blobby and throw it into the Medical Waste container, pay the nice man and get on with their lives... JUST LIKE WHITE WOMEN DO!!!
So it cannot be both? Joe? It’s one or the other. I d rather have the best. Period. Don’t care if it’s because they are Mother Theresa or someone who wants eight sports cars. Again, you only deal in absolutes and I am not your buddy. Far from it. My wife went into the military and into law because she came from a single mother home and did not have the means to pay for law school. She works for $$ not for some benevolent cause.
The are 149mil people that would have to give up private insurance for UH why on Earth would most of them do so?

I'd gleefully give up mine. Id be paying less and I wouldn't be making assholes rich.

This is the real reason why the One Percent don't like UHC. They don't like losing that power they have over working class folks.
How much do you pay per year? I pay Less than $7k for both medical and dental. For a family plan in Boston. Love it. Don’t care about you. Dog eat dog.
Klobuchar just said she doesn’t want to throw out 149mil people from private insurance to UH. So she is stupid too? Everyone is stupid sans you? LOL

Yeah, that's kind of stupid... the current system sucks.

Single Payer. How everyone else does it, and they get better results..
“Everyone Else”

Another lie by JoeB. Amazing.
Responding here to my own post but would like to add that the poverty rates are a little misleading. They use income vs food to cost to calculate, meaning those in poverty don't have much, if any, left over after buying food. I consider poverty to be much more than that. What about those that have enough to eat, but don't have much left for housing, etc? In states with very high costs of living, that extra $300/mth may not get them much of any housing whereas in states with lower costs of living, they can get better housing. Food costs are not that dissimlar from state to state, other expenses(taxes, rent, gas, etc) are.

Blah, blah, blah...

Here's a county by county poverty map.


Please note where the highest percentage of the population living in poverty is...

But as long as Cleetus the Redneck has a nicer trailer than the black family living down the road, his inbred ass is happy.
Another racist comment. LMAO. JoeB is too stupid to realize how racist he is. And you have a bad knee? Boo hoo. I am glad you’re in pain every day. That brings me joy.
The are 149mil people that would have to give up private insurance for UH why on Earth would most of them do so?

I'd gleefully give up mine. Id be paying less and I wouldn't be making assholes rich.

This is the real reason why the One Percent don't like UHC. They don't like losing that power they have over working class folks.

That's fine, if you don't have any medical problems and/or don't give a shit who you have as a doctor. But many people like their doctors and want to keep them- that's the motivation for B. Hussein O's Big Lie "If you like your doctor, yada yada yada"

Me , I'm not worried about making other people rich.

BTW, people from foreign countries who have serious medical problems come to America en masse. When I was getting a test 20 years ago at the Cleveland Clinic, the chick had a world map in the office with stick pins showing where all the patients were from very impressive. Alex Trebeck, a Canuck dealing with pancreatic cancer stage IV, is being treated in America instead of his single payer Canada. Mick Jagger, Englishman with heart problems which require surgery, comes to America rather than get treated by the fabled NHS that libs celebrate.

Let's keep Private Enterprise and Medical Freedom. The people in countries that have it, don't like it.
Responding here to my own post but would like to add that the poverty rates are a little misleading. They use income vs food to cost to calculate, meaning those in poverty don't have much, if any, left over after buying food. I consider poverty to be much more than that. What about those that have enough to eat, but don't have much left for housing, etc? In states with very high costs of living, that extra $300/mth may not get them much of any housing whereas in states with lower costs of living, they can get better housing. Food costs are not that dissimlar from state to state, other expenses(taxes, rent, gas, etc) are.

Blah, blah, blah...

Here's a county by county poverty map.


Please note where the highest percentage of the population living in poverty is...

But as long as Cleetus the Redneck has a nicer trailer than the black family living down the road, his inbred ass is happy.
Your map is almost 20 yrs old. You’re such a freaking dumbass. Next please post the NFL standings of 20 yrs ago and tell me how the Patriots suck and are the worst NFL franchise. JoeB—“right again”...

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