Universal Healthcare

And you feel a medical first class letter is the magic ticket?
what the fuck do you think the letter says?...

Well, I'm guessing they were in a sealed envelope. Not that that would stop a low life letter carrier.
aww whats the matter thinker?..did i say something you just cant comprehend?....have you never got a letter from your ins company?...or are you one of those california people getting aide yourself ?......

Yes I have, many. Should I be surprised that none of them said FREE insurance on the outside or the inside.
did i say it said free?....or was that you?..all i said was there are many non brown people that get letters from medical...but maybe you did not like it when i said non brown people get those letters too...which is it?....

Well, if you go back to post #18, what started this conversation, you'll see the word "free". That would be your first indication.
what the fuck do you think the letter says?...

Well, I'm guessing they were in a sealed envelope. Not that that would stop a low life letter carrier.
aww whats the matter thinker?..did i say something you just cant comprehend?....have you never got a letter from your ins company?...or are you one of those california people getting aide yourself ?......

Yes I have, many. Should I be surprised that none of them said FREE insurance on the outside or the inside.
did i say it said free?....or was that you?..all i said was there are many non brown people that get letters from medical...but maybe you did not like it when i said non brown people get those letters too...which is it?....

Well, if you go back to post #18, what started this conversation, you'll see the word "free". That would be your first indication.
all i said was more than just brown people get Medcal....and then i get called a lowlife....get out of california its eating you up...
And another Hitler thread.

Socialized Medicine, Gun Control and Genocide are the 3 pillars of National socialism, Mac.

Mr. Hitler's plan was to impose his will upon the whole world, and that's why millions of men were conscripted into the military and many were sent to Europe to defeat his socialist ideology.

When Obama established his risky Obamacare Medical Scheme, a lot of WWII veterans who sacrificed so much felt they had done so in vain and Hitler was getting the last laugh from the grave.

A lot of these veterans were so heart broken, they actually died over this. I've heard that there are stats indicating the an ACTUAL MAJORITY of surviving WWII vets keeled over dead between January 2009 and January 2017 during the Obama regime. I don't know if it was a majority, but a lot of those guys did buy the farm in the O Era.
Still waiting for that Grreeat health insurance that trump promised when he was running for prez while badmouthing obamacare.
/—-/ It’s called free market.
Yep, those with the most money get the best care. Those with no money get no healthcare. It's such a simple elegant system, you have to wonder why everyone is not embracing it.
It's also referred to as survival of the fittest.
Still waiting for that Grreeat health insurance that trump promised when he was running for prez while badmouthing obamacare.
/—-/ It’s called free market.
Yep, those with the most money get the best care. Those with no money get no healthcare. It's such a simple elegant system, you have to wonder why everyone is not embracing it.
It's also referred to as survival of the fittest.
/—-/ Having spent the first half of my adult life in the free market. It was affordable, no deductibles, no referrals and no copay. All Rx was included. And I was earning slightly twice the minimum wage when I started. Yeah that really sucked. Thank the bureaucrats for messing it all up and creating this nightmare.
And another Hitler thread.

Mr. Hitler was one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th Century. Even though he died in Berlin in 1945 and his government collapsed, in many ways he is the ultimate victor in WWII.

The 3 legged stool of national socialism was Genocide, Gun Control and Government Controlled Healthcare. America drafted 10 million to stop Hitler's Holocaust program and more than 400,000 were killed including 700 African Americans, countless others were injured. Even those who weren't killed or injured, many gave up great jobs to fight Hitler.

And now, Mr. Hitler's program is finally coming to fruition- he has seized victory from the jaws of defeat.

So many WWII guys are crestfallen- realizing that their hard won victory is being nullified. A lot of WWII guys have actually died because of their grief.

I read the obits, every week WWII guys were croaking. Now that Trump is President, these guys aren't dying at the same rate.
And another Hitler thread.

Mr. Hitler was one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th Century. Even though he died in Berlin in 1945 and his government collapsed, in many ways he is the ultimate victor in WWII.

The 3 legged stool of national socialism was Genocide, Gun Control and Government Controlled Healthcare. America drafted 10 million to stop Hitler's Holocaust program and more than 400,000 were killed including 700 African Americans, countless others were injured. Even those who weren't killed or injured, many gave up great jobs to fight Hitler.

And now, Mr. Hitler's program is finally coming to fruition- he has seized victory from the jaws of defeat.

So many WWII guys are crestfallen- realizing that their hard won victory is being nullified. A lot of WWII guys have actually died because of their grief.

I read the obits, every week WWII guys were croaking. Now that Trump is President, these guys aren't dying at the same rate.
/——/ Hitler was a moron, and the democRATs have more in common with the Nazis than Republicans ever will have, like gun control, high taxes, anti semitism, and central planning.
And another Hitler thread.

Mr. Hitler was one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th Century. Even though he died in Berlin in 1945 and his government collapsed, in many ways he is the ultimate victor in WWII.

The 3 legged stool of national socialism was Genocide, Gun Control and Government Controlled Healthcare. America drafted 10 million to stop Hitler's Holocaust program and more than 400,000 were killed including 700 African Americans, countless others were injured. Even those who weren't killed or injured, many gave up great jobs to fight Hitler.

And now, Mr. Hitler's program is finally coming to fruition- he has seized victory from the jaws of defeat.

So many WWII guys are crestfallen- realizing that their hard won victory is being nullified. A lot of WWII guys have actually died because of their grief.

I read the obits, every week WWII guys were croaking. Now that Trump is President, these guys aren't dying at the same rate.
Invoking Hitler in any conversation, comparing that monster to Americans, is intellectually dishonest, intellectually lazy, ignorant, obtuse, or some combination therein.

Not to mention being an insult to MILLIONS who REALLY suffered, and those who still do.

And of course, it's yet another behavior shared by both ends of our crazed political spectrum, which appear to decay by the day.
Democrats/liberals seem to be gung ho on universal healthcare these days. Ever wonder where that concept originated?

ADOLPH HITLER: The Real Father of Universal Health Care

Germany had universal health care long before Hitler got there.

it actually goes back to Otto von Bismarck.

HealthMatters: The Bismarck Model

Bismarck was the ultimate arch-conservative... but even he saw the wisdom of universal health care.


In 1883, the reactionary German chancellor Otto von Bismarck, a Prussian autocrat through and through, proposed the health care model that came to be adopted by many European nations and that echoes decisively today in the American health care apparatus. Though no social reformer, Bismarck viewed universal health insurance as an effective tactic in his grand design for German unification, which trumped his conservative tendencies. What has come to be known as the Bismarck Model survived the German militarism of World War I, the unstable democracy of the Weimar Republic, Naziism, World War II and its aftermath, and eventual reunification. Its durability cannot be doubted.

Today, the Bismarck Model serves as the predominant means of guaranteeing universal coverage in Europe, used in Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, and others. (Japan is also a Bismarck Model country.) The implementation varies, but all mandate insurance in one form or another. In Germany, for example, employers and employees jointly fund insurance via withholding; in Switzerland, individuals purchase their own policies.
Democrats/liberals seem to be gung ho on universal healthcare these days. Ever wonder where that concept originated?

ADOLPH HITLER: The Real Father of Universal Health Care

Germany had universal health care long before Hitler got there.

it actually goes back to Otto von Bismarck.

HealthMatters: The Bismarck Model

Bismarck was the ultimate arch-conservative... but even he saw the wisdom of universal health care.


In 1883, the reactionary German chancellor Otto von Bismarck, a Prussian autocrat through and through, proposed the health care model that came to be adopted by many European nations and that echoes decisively today in the American health care apparatus. Though no social reformer, Bismarck viewed universal health insurance as an effective tactic in his grand design for German unification, which trumped his conservative tendencies. What has come to be known as the Bismarck Model survived the German militarism of World War I, the unstable democracy of the Weimar Republic, Naziism, World War II and its aftermath, and eventual reunification. Its durability cannot be doubted.

Today, the Bismarck Model serves as the predominant means of guaranteeing universal coverage in Europe, used in Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, and others. (Japan is also a Bismarck Model country.) The implementation varies, but all mandate insurance in one form or another. In Germany, for example, employers and employees jointly fund insurance via withholding; in Switzerland, individuals purchase their own policies.
/—-/ Nice try, but Hitler was the the one who is credited as the father of universal healthcare, ADOLPH HITLER: The Real Father of Universal Health Care
Invoking Hitler in any conversation, comparing that monster to Americans, is intellectually dishonest, intellectually lazy, ignorant, obtuse, or some combination therein.

Not to mention being an insult to MILLIONS who REALLY suffered, and those who still do.

And of course, it's yet another behavior shared by both ends of our crazed political spectrum, which appear to decay by the day.

Tell that to the Liberals who started this ball rolling by referring to Romney, McCain and Dubya as all "Literally Hitler".

W was specifically targeted as a Nazi because of property that his grandfather owned in Germany when war broke out between America and Germany in 1941
Invoking Hitler in any conversation, comparing that monster to Americans, is intellectually dishonest, intellectually lazy, ignorant, obtuse, or some combination therein.

Not to mention being an insult to MILLIONS who REALLY suffered, and those who still do.

And of course, it's yet another behavior shared by both ends of our crazed political spectrum, which appear to decay by the day.

Tell that to the Liberals who started this ball rolling by referring to Romney, McCain and Dubya as all "Literally Hitler".

W was specifically targeted as a Nazi because of property that his grandfather owned in Germany when war broke out between America and Germany in 1941
I tell it to both ends, neither of whom have either the balls or the maturity to stop.
Invoking Hitler in any conversation, comparing that monster to Americans, is intellectually dishonest, intellectually lazy, ignorant, obtuse, or some combination therein.

Not to mention being an insult to MILLIONS who REALLY suffered, and those who still do.

And of course, it's yet another behavior shared by both ends of our crazed political spectrum, which appear to decay by the day.

Tell that to the Liberals who started this ball rolling by referring to Romney, McCain and Dubya as all "Literally Hitler".

W was specifically targeted as a Nazi because of property that his grandfather owned in Germany when war broke out between America and Germany in 1941
I tell it to both ends, neither of whom have either the balls or the maturity to stop.

Fair enough. But remember that Donald J. Trump is strictly a counter puncher.

If the libs quit with this kind of vitriol, they won't have to worry about any return fire.
Democrats/liberals seem to be gung ho on universal healthcare these days. Ever wonder where that concept originated?

ADOLPH HITLER: The Real Father of Universal Health Care

They are trying to emulate Canada where the people with serious issues flock to the US for treatment

The worst proposal out there that some libs are supporting is to not only actually outlaw not only private health insurance, but to outlaw private contracts for medical treatments. This would force US citizens abroad for competent treatments, unless they are in the Inner Party or other high positions. The rest of us would be shit out of luck, if we actually were in need of treatment from a doctor who knows English or knows your ass from a hole in the ground.
Still waiting for that Grreeat health insurance that trump promised when he was running for prez while badmouthing obamacare.
/—-/ It’s called free market.
Yep, those with the most money get the best care. Those with no money get no healthcare. It's such a simple elegant system, you have to wonder why everyone is not embracing it.
It's also referred to as survival of the fittest.
/—-/ Having spent the first half of my adult life in the free market. It was affordable, no deductibles, no referrals and no copay. All Rx was included. And I was earning slightly twice the minimum wage when I started. Yeah that really sucked. Thank the bureaucrats for messing it all up and creating this nightmare.
Oh yes, bureaucrats, a favorite scapegoat for those that don't understand the real causes a problem. The fact is healthcare cost are high for a number of reasons as explained in the link below.
6 Reasons Healthcare Is So Expensive in the U.S.

You're talking about the increase in of out of pocket expenses for insurance and healthcare services. That is not the same as the increase in the cost of healthcare.

There are 3 entities that pay for healthcare and insurance bills, you, government, and your employer if you have one. Employers began shifting healthcare costs more to employees in the 1990's which accelerated with Obamacare.

Government spending has certainly increased but those increases have basically been for increased coverage and covering more people, not rising costs of healthcare.

If congress had passed the ACA as introduced, we would be arguing about the taxes, not how much we're spending on healthcare because the ACA as introduced would have paid for almost all the increases in cost of Obamacare. What Americans care about is not the cost of healthcare but their insurance premiums, deductibles, and copay.
Still waiting for that Grreeat health insurance that trump promised when he was running for prez while badmouthing obamacare.
/—-/ It’s called free market.
Yep, those with the most money get the best care. Those with no money get no healthcare. It's such a simple elegant system, you have to wonder why everyone is not embracing it.
It's also referred to as survival of the fittest.
/—-/ Having spent the first half of my adult life in the free market. It was affordable, no deductibles, no referrals and no copay. All Rx was included. And I was earning slightly twice the minimum wage when I started. Yeah that really sucked. Thank the bureaucrats for messing it all up and creating this nightmare.
Oh yes, bureaucrats, a favorite scapegoat for those that don't understand the real causes a problem. The fact is healthcare cost are high for a number of reasons as explained in the link below.
6 Reasons Healthcare Is So Expensive in the U.S.

You're talking about the increase in of out of pocket expenses for insurance and healthcare services. That is not the same as the increase in the cost of healthcare.

There are 3 entities that pay for healthcare and insurance bills, you, government, and your employer if you have one. Employers began shifting healthcare costs more to employees in the 1990's which accelerated with Obamacare.

Government spending has certainly increased but those increases have basically been for increased coverage and covering more people, not rising costs of healthcare.

If congress had passed the ACA as introduced, we would be arguing about the taxes, not how much we're spending on healthcare because the ACA as introduced would have paid for almost all the increases in cost of Obamacare. What Americans care about is not the cost of healthcare but their insurance premiums, deductibles, and copay.

If Obamacare is the panacea that you suggest, why aren't most of the Democrat candidates advocating for the ACA as introduced- instead of Medicare for All or Public Options?

What I've heard is that the ACA was actually designed to be a failure, to open up the door for more extremist measures.
/—-/ Nice try, but Hitler was the the one who is credited as the father of universal healthcare,

Credited by whom? Nuts who can't come up with any better arguments than inventing a Godwin.

Let's try this one. "Hitler was a vegetarian, so I refuse to eat my broccoli!"
/—-/ Nice try, but Hitler was the the one who is credited as the father of universal healthcare,

Credited by whom? Nuts who can't come up with any better arguments than inventing a Godwin.

Let's try this one. "Hitler was a vegetarian, so I refuse to eat my broccoli!"

Hitler's love of Socialized Medicine is a historical fact, Joe.

Were you aware that Dr. Joe Mengele was a physician with the German Hitlercare Program?

And were you aware that even though Hitler was the author of this program that he inflicted on the Germans, he didn't use it himself? Instead, he employed Dr. Theodor Morell- a private physician- for his own needs. Morell was considered by his peers to be a tremendous doctor and BTW , was not part of the German government and NOT a war criminal.

Hitler was a typical lib,a total hypocrite.
None of the democrat proposals for universal healthcare have any plausible baselines. They’re lying to us, and they know they are.

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