Universal heathcare in Israel.

Hey Jews, where you going with that $3 billion gun in your hand?

C'mon, cough it up. Give it back to the United States of America. We could use it.

We call it the Three Bill Shill.

And the Jews love it!
I think many of the viewers realize by now, Mr. H., that you really are not fond of Jews. However, are you aware of the huge chunk of Israel's budget that has to go into defense spending because her neighbors and the rest of the Muslim world wants to destroy her? I don't think anyone has ever seen you complaining about the money that is given to others, money that actually goes into the pockets of the despotic leaders, but it seems you have a problem with Israel even though most of the money has to be spent here in our own defense industry, which gives Americans jobs. Can you actually tell us what has happened to all the money that the U.S. has given to other countries -- especially countries who hate us?
Hey Jews, where you going with that $3 billion gun in your hand?

C'mon, cough it up. Give it back to the United States of America. We could use it.

We call it the Three Bill Shill.

And the Jews love it!
I think many of the viewers realize by now, Mr. H., that you really are not fond of Jews. However, are you aware of the huge chunk of Israel's budget that has to go into defense spending because her neighbors and the rest of the Muslim world wants to destroy her? I don't think anyone has ever seen you complaining about the money that is given to others, money that actually goes into the pockets of the despotic leaders, but it seems you have a problem with Israel even though most of the money has to be spent here in our own defense industry, which gives Americans jobs. Can you actually tell us what has happened to all the money that the U.S. has given to other countries -- especially countries who hate us?

I'm by no means anti-Israel, but if you start a war in a hornet's nest, you'll need to buy a lot of gear so you don't get stung too often.
Hey Jews, where you going with that $3 billion gun in your hand?

C'mon, cough it up. Give it back to the United States of America. We could use it.

We call it the Three Bill Shill.

And the Jews love it!
I think many of the viewers realize by now, Mr. H., that you really are not fond of Jews. However, are you aware of the huge chunk of Israel's budget that has to go into defense spending because her neighbors and the rest of the Muslim world wants to destroy her? I don't think anyone has ever seen you complaining about the money that is given to others, money that actually goes into the pockets of the despotic leaders, but it seems you have a problem with Israel even though most of the money has to be spent here in our own defense industry, which gives Americans jobs. Can you actually tell us what has happened to all the money that the U.S. has given to other countries -- especially countries who hate us?

I'm by no means anti-Israel, but if you start a war in a hornet's nest, you'll need to buy a lot of gear so you don't get stung too often.
Who started a war? And you'd better not say Israel.
Hey Jews, where you going with that $3 billion gun in your hand?

C'mon, cough it up. Give it back to the United States of America. We could use it.

We call it the Three Bill Shill.

And the Jews love it!
I think many of the viewers realize by now, Mr. H., that you really are not fond of Jews. However, are you aware of the huge chunk of Israel's budget that has to go into defense spending because her neighbors and the rest of the Muslim world wants to destroy her? I don't think anyone has ever seen you complaining about the money that is given to others, money that actually goes into the pockets of the despotic leaders, but it seems you have a problem with Israel even though most of the money has to be spent here in our own defense industry, which gives Americans jobs. Can you actually tell us what has happened to all the money that the U.S. has given to other countries -- especially countries who hate us?

I'm fairly convinced that I am of Jewish lineage. If so, it has been so diluted over the generations as to be a moot issue within my immediate family. A few of my cousins however, are so convinced that they have converted. I did attend one cousin's conversion at his Synagogue. It was a very moving ceremony and I'm quite proud of him for doing so.

I have quite a few Jewish friends and Frankly no, I'm not anti-Semitic.

It's just that Jews are an easy joke and my sense of humor, however misplaced, gets the better of me at times.

So rock on, Jews. Keep Jewing it up. :thup:

Just give us our money back, ok?
I think many of the viewers realize by now, Mr. H., that you really are not fond of Jews. However, are you aware of the huge chunk of Israel's budget that has to go into defense spending because her neighbors and the rest of the Muslim world wants to destroy her? I don't think anyone has ever seen you complaining about the money that is given to others, money that actually goes into the pockets of the despotic leaders, but it seems you have a problem with Israel even though most of the money has to be spent here in our own defense industry, which gives Americans jobs. Can you actually tell us what has happened to all the money that the U.S. has given to other countries -- especially countries who hate us?

I'm by no means anti-Israel, but if you start a war in a hornet's nest, you'll need to buy a lot of gear so you don't get stung too often.
Who started a war? And you'd better not say Israel.

It was Hitler's fault for pushing the Jews out of Europe. And all the white nations of Europe who didn't want Jews in their countries (and the other Allies). So it's not JUST the Jews fault. They had lots of help.
I'm by no means anti-Israel, but if you start a war in a hornet's nest, you'll need to buy a lot of gear so you don't get stung too often.
Who started a war? And you'd better not say Israel.

It was Hitler's fault for pushing the Jews out of Europe. And all the white nations of Europe who didn't want Jews in their countries (and the other Allies). So it's not JUST the Jews fault. They had lots of help.

It's not the Jews fault for what ???
universal healthcare seems to work very well in large nations like Germany.

Health care in Israel is universal and participation in a medical insurance plan is compulsory. Generally, health care in Israel is of high-quality and is delivered in an efficient and effective manner.

Israel has maintained a system of socialized health care since its establishment in 1948, although the National Health Insurance law was passed only on January 1, 1995.[6] The state is responsible for providing health services to all residents of the country, who can register with one of the four health service funds. To be eligible, a citizen must pay a health insurance tax.

Participation in a medical insurance plan with one of the four national HMOs is compulsory for all citizens, who can select and participate in any one of them regardless of factors such as age, gender, or pre-existing conditions. All Israeli citizens are entitled to the same Uniform Benefits Package, regardless of which health fund they are a member of, and treatment under this package is government-funded for all citizens regardless of their financial means. The Uniform Benefits Package covers all costs in the areas family medicine, emergency treatment, elective surgery, transplants, and medications for serious illness.

If its good for Israel, why isn't it good for the USA?
A country of six million verses a country of 300 million with 50 independent states and state govt's?

Ain't gonna happen. This thing is already collapsing and it hasn't even started.
Most of the nations where universal healthcare seems to work well are small ones, in physical size as well as population.

It works in Canada and Germany.

Canada has 35 million people. Germany has 80 million people.

those aren't small populations.

A small correction: each Canadian Province has its own universal health care system. So populations in each one are smaller.

The UK and Swedish systems, with all their faults, spend much less money per head on health care than does the US. And the Swedish one delivers better outcomes.

(Which is one reason why Swedes have one of the top two or three life expectancy rates in the world.)
Nothing wrong with a Joke. I have lots of Goyim friends and they think it's humerous when I tell them their taxes are helping support a primarily Jewish Country. Not all Goyim are jokes but most are.

So rock on to all you Goyim out there. Keep supporting Israel.

The more you make; the more we take.... :D :D :D :D :clap2:

yeah, American Goys just love to hear from Jews how their tax dollars are going to Israel.
Nothing wrong with a Joke. I have lots of Goyim friends and they think it's humerous when I tell them their taxes are helping support a primarily Jewish Country. Not all Goyim are jokes but most are.

So rock on to all you Goyim out there. Keep supporting Israel.

The more you make; the more we take.... :D :D :D :D :clap2:

yeah, American Goys just love to hear from Jews how their tax dollars are going to Israel.

The Goyim can make remarks about Israelis " giving the money back" claim they were only " kidding" when called on it yet they can't take it when the " joke" is played on them? Typical Goyim ( Some of my best friends are Goys ) . They dish it out but can't take it :razz: :D
Universal health care in Israel, as I watched a 9 day old baby in the US denied medicine two days ago.

Thats America for you, we send money to take care of medical needs in Israel, over 3 billion dollars goes there a year; and babies here go without medicine.
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We deny newborn babies medical care too. We leave them on the table to die. So much as touching one is prohibited. Spare the complaints about health care. They aren't very good.

Israel DOES have universal health care. It's just not very good. The universal health care covers only the most basic needs of health care. If you need something more sophisticated, an MRI, a transplant, a new knee, that's what private insurance is for. Even the medications covered under universal health care is limited. There is much that is not covered. Pay or have private insurance that will pay.

Health care in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Universal health care is never universal, and what you get is always limited.
Universal health care in Israel, as I watched a 9 day old baby in the US denied medicine two days ago.

Thats America for you, we send money to take care of medical needs in Israel, over 3 billion dollars goes there a year; and babies here go without medicine.
What kind of half-witted observation is that statement?

Especially since we don't provide any money to take care of medical needs in Israel.

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