Universities & Schools can be dangerous and hostile work environment.


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Anywhere you have a hive of islamist or liberal punks you are going to have trouble...

Jewish Professor Hounded at California Riverside Campus For Holding Pro-Israel Views
Dr. Denise Dalaimo Nussbaum was smeared, shunned, and assaulted for having opposed pro-BDS, anti-Zionist speaker Miko Peled.
October 30, 2015
Phyllis Chesler


Dr. Denise Dalaimo Nussbaum, Chair of the Sociology Department, distinguished author and professor, is suing the Governing Board of Mount San Jacinto Community College for 9.5 million dollars for “assault, battery, false imprisonment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligence, gender discrimination, failure to prevent discrimination and harassment, violation of constitutional and statutory rights of free speech and political activities, retaliation, tortious interference with law enforcement investigation, and breach of fiduciary duty.”

I think she should sue for more—far more—since this long-time tenured professor now faces a potentially dangerous and hostile work environment.

Her crime? She is a Zionist and proud of it. More importantly, she is a great believer in objective truth. This is currently out of fashion on so many American campuses when the subject of Israel, Palestine, and Islam are discussed. Dr. Nussbaum is also a feminist—and this figures in this story as well. Her love of truth, love of Zion, and love of freedom for women and minorities are anathema to those who have attacked her.

What is going on?

Pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel Brownshirts are growing more and more aggressive on North American campuses. They support “hate speech” and “blood libels” but in the name of “free speech.” They claim “academic freedom” to do so. But they behave in absolutely uncivilized ways.

They glare, stare, yell, march, chant, intimidate and bully, even as they conduct intense internet and campus-wide smear campaigns. They interrupt, challenge, and walk out on outside speakers who hold “false” ideas. If a faculty member shares such ideas, the Brownshirts create a hostile, even a dangerous work environment—all the while accusing their (usually) single opponent of having done so.

Such Brownshirts (students, faculty, administrators), are both actively and passively involved in destroying, one by one, all those who hold “false” ideas. They advance on—or refuse to stop such an advance on—the “politically incorrect” professor like a swarm of killer bees. For years, I have called this phenomenon Gaza on the Pacific or Gaza on the Hudson. Otherwise good people fear them and do not want to get involved.

I have been writing about this danger for fifteen years now; as I feared, matters have worsened. Senior, competent, beloved professors are being forced to flee for their lives by mobs of vicious haters, often led by one or two Islamists who are always, always “pro-Palestine” and “anti-Zionist.”


Jewish Professor Hounded at California Riverside Campus For Holding Pro-Israel Views
Ignoring the Obvious
Do unruly students have a right to stay in their schools?
November 4, 2015
Thomas Sowell


A recent, widely publicized incident in which a policeman was called to a school classroom to deal with a disruptive student has provoked all sorts of comments on whether the policeman used "excessive force."

What has received far less attention, though it is a far larger question, with more sweeping implications, is the role of disruptive students in schools.

Critics of charter schools have often pointed to those schools' ability to expel uncooperative and disruptive students, far more readily than regular public schools can, as a reason for some charter schools' far better educational outcomes, as shown on many tests.


Charter schools with such achievements should be celebrated and imitated, not attacked by critics because of their "unfair" exemptions from some of the counterproductive rules of the education establishment. Maybe such rules should be changed for all.

If the critics are right, and getting rid of the influence of uncooperative or disruptive students contributes to better educational results, then the answer is not to prevent charter schools from expelling such students, but to allow other public schools to remove such students, when other students can benefit from getting a better education without them around.

This is especially important in low-income minority schools, where education is for many their only chance for a better life.


Ignoring the Obvious
An Ivy League Lynch Mob
Marx and Man at Yale.
November 10, 2015
Matthew Vadum


Campus leftists disrupted a Yale University conference on free speech and terrorized attendees Saturday as part of a lingering protest against school administrators' allegedly permissive attitude toward culturally insensitive Halloween costumes.

Attendees at the “Fifth Annual Conference on the Future of Free Speech: Threats in Higher Education and Beyond,” sponsored by the school's William F. Buckley Jr. Program, were given an unscheduled demonstration of the threat that college students pose to higher education today as they were harassed and spat upon by protesters.

This is the same campus that conservative icon Buckley, one of its most famous alumni, savaged in his seminal 1951 jeremiad, God and Man at Yale. The campus was the site of a war between "Christianity and atheism" and "the struggle between individualism and collectivism [which] is the same struggle reproduced on another level."


Mass hysteria and racial hypersensitivity: this is what President Obama has wrought with his incessant race-baiting. Instead of clearing the way for some kind of racial rapprochement, in the Obama era American culture has gone crazy, jumping the shark over racism, whether real or imagined.

The media continues to lie, portraying the killings of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown as motivated by anti-black racism while pretending the country doesn't have a black crime problem. It promotes Black Lives Matter as if it were a legitimate protest movement.

Those who don't toe the politically correct line get destroyed. The extremist activism on campus bleeds over to the culture in general. Go ask L.A. Clippers former owner Donald Sterling who was forced to forfeit his professional basketball team over privately expressed racially tinged remarks. Sterling's insensitive remarks were worth millions of dollars per word.

Of course it is difficult to feel sorry for university administrators who are now being hoisted on their own petard by a racism-obsessed cultural monster of their own making.

But that schadenfreude needs to be tempered because when the current crop of college students graduates, they'll be coming after whatever remains of America in the post-Obama era.

An Ivy League Lynch Mob
I was just thinking. this is the reason the Progressive/commie/democrat party keeps pushing for FREE college for everyone. so they can get our children into these commie camps to be indoctrinated into how to become a radical protester (even if you have no idea what the hell you're protesting and is only being used as PAWNS/tools for outside agitators and others) and getting an education, well the HELL with that crap.
Saint Anselm College: The Most Unsafe Campus In the U.S.?
“Security risk” is the new “shut up.”
November 16, 2015
Robert Spencer


The controversies at the University of Missouri and Yale make it indisputable that America’s universities and colleges are today less institutions of higher learning than centers of Leftist indoctrination and agitprop. As if aware, however, that forcible suppression of unwelcome points of view is contrary to the very idea of a university, today’s academic authoritarians cast about for fig leaves to cover up their slavish adherence to politically correct norms. At Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire, officials have recently invoked security risks to cover up their hostility to points of view that veer too far from the acceptable Leftist line.

This is, unfortunately, a story in which I play a part. Several years ago, a student group invited me to speak at Saint Anselm. Posters were being put up advertising the talk when Saint Anselm’s then-President, Father Jonathan DeFelice, O.S.B., canceled my appearance, reportedly citing complaints he had received from Muslim students at the school. Islamic groups, like their Leftist allies, share a taste for shutting down their foes rather than engaging their ideas, and Fr. DeFelice was happy to oblige them.

If the story had ended there, Saint Anselm would be no worse than dozens of other colleges and universities where officials caved to pressure from Muslims who played the victimhood card to shut down those who air inconvenient truths about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat. But it doesn’t: the following year, after Fr. DeFelice had retired and been replaced as President of the college by Dr. Steven R. DiSalvo, Saint Anselm’s philosophy department invited me to be the guest speaker at a symposium.

DiSalvo, following his predecessor’s lead, nixed that appearance as well. Several Saint Anselm professors balked at this, complaining to DiSalvo that colleges were supposed to be centers of free inquiry and intellectual engagement, and that he was acting contrary to what institutions of higher learning were supposed to be all about by banning points of view in line with political correctness.

Cornered, DiSalvo found an excuse: he was all for free inquiry and unpopular opinions (the unpopular question in my case being the rather obvious point that Islam is not really a religion of peace), but he just couldn’t allow me to speak on campus because I had received death threats. He explained that, were I to be present on campus, Saint Anselm students would be endangered – what if a violent extremist were to burst onto campus while I was speaking?

The dubiousness of this explanation is obvious. Numerous people who have received death threats have spoken on college campuses all over the country without incident. Since I first began receiving death threats, I have spoken at universities nationwide, including UCLA, Temple, Penn State, UNC, UVA, SUNY in both Binghamton and Stony Brook, Brown, Cal Poly, and many, many others. When people who have threatened appear in public, they generally are in the company of security personnel who are equipped and prepared to deal with any incident. Why Saint Anselm considered any kind of security arrangements to be inadequate, DiSalvo didn’t explain, leaving open the question: why is Saint Anselm College so much more unsafe than all other campuses? Other colleges and universities nationwide can and do host speakers who have been threatened, and take measures to ensure everyone’s safety. Saint Anselm, by its own admission, can’t do that.


Saint Anselm is not alone in its unctuous and self-righteous authoritarianism: Adams State University in Colorado has recently barred one of its former professors from campus, also on pain of arrest for trespassing, after he publicly questioned some of the university’s policies. Less subtly, University of Missouri professor Melissa Click recently called for “muscle” to strong-arm a student photographer who had entered a meeting where he was unwelcome.


Saint Anselm College: The Most Unsafe Campus In the U.S.?
I've been saying this from the moment that community agitator took office. He didn't meet with Al Sharpton 60 times in our white house for praying. He's met with the so called leaders, community agitators of these instigators in the BLM, who has whipped up riots, lootings etc on YOU the innocent American citizen . And now they are USING your children on the college campuses. Until you THE PEOPLE start speaking up. Expect things to get ramped up because the elections coming. THIS is how sick this man is you put on us as President. you should be ashamed.

November 17, 2015
Matthew Vadum

Obama's Three Lynch Mob Movements


Barack Obama's demagogic presidency has unleashed state-sanctioned mob violence to a degree not seen since the Jim Crow era.

Obama-approved lynch mobs have been helping to force the fundamental transformation of America that the radical left-wing community organizer promised on the campaign trail in 2008. Creating little armies of malcontents has long been the way Obama's fellow Marxist agitators have turned groups in society against each other in order to generate the civil unrest and societal instability needed to effect unwanted change. Sometimes thugs get things done that elections can't.

Obama's presidency is a case study in defining deviancy down by attempting to de-stigmatize criminality, including the legitimization of street justice. It has had a Maoist flavor to it as violent mobs in the streets have assisted in carrying out Obama's political objectives. And those fomenting the chaos, such as the community organizers of the Justice Department's Community Relations Service (CRS), have often been on the government payroll.

Also underwriting these subversive activities is anti-American hedge fund manager George Soros who publicly likens the U.S. to Nazi Germany and considers this nation to be the greatest threat to peace and order in the world. Like many leftists, Soros praises the brutal totalitarian government of the People's Republic of China for its supposed vision and efficiency.

This year has seen crazed, largely incoherent student mobs rise up against campus administrations to demand the suppression of free speech and persecution of dissenters. Before that, the virulently racist, cultish, neo-communist movement, Black Lives Matter, founded on false claims of systemic police brutality against black Americans, began taking it to the streets, scapegoating whites for the various pathologies that ravage black communities. And before that there was Occupy Wall Street, a Sixties-style revolutionary movement calling for the overthrow of capitalism and the supposedly unjust American system of governance.

The antisocial activists of these three seemingly distinct protest movements bear more than a passing resemblance to the Red Guards of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, the brutal street enforcers of Mao Zedong, history's most accomplished mass-murdering dictator. They have a fondness for blaming those they victimize, along with class warfare, mass meetings, mock trials, and ritualized denunciations.

These movements are really just three different faces of an insidious Marxist hydra that seeks to bring America to its knees for its supposed sins.

If nothing else, the Occupy Wall Street movement, which was born in the streets of Lower Manhattan in 2011, has helped to advance socialism by forcing the phony political issue of "income inequality" into the national political debate and making it more or less socially acceptable to espouse communist ideas in public.

Before Occupy -- the home of rapists, arsonists, destructive squatters, and police car defecators -- came along, very few Americans spoke in Marxist terms, pitting the super-rich "one percent" against everyone else. Now just about everybody does it. Even among conservatives who reject the frame, few challenge it.

This national brainwashing through the power of repetition has boosted left-wing causes such as organized labor's destructive push for a $15 an hour minimum wage. It has helped greens advance their anti-energy, anti-economic growth platform. It has emboldened left-wingers to push for student loan forgiveness and step up their attacks on the First Amendment by pushing a constitutional amendment that would reverse the Citizens United ruling and overturn the ancient legal principle that corporations are "persons" capable of raising funds and suing and being sued. In other words, the Left is waging a full-scale war on both the Bill of Rights and the legal concept of limited liability, the beating heart of free enterprise.

Black Lives Matter grew out of the vicious lie that "white Hispanic" neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman killed his young black attacker, Trayvon Martin, because he was African-American. Mobs in Sanford, Fla., agitated until the state agreed to pursue a doomed prosecution of Zimmerman.

The movement idolizes unrepentant cop killers Mumia abu Jamal and Assata Shakur and maintains that lawless violence and bloody insurrection are necessary to secure so-called social justice.

Read it all here:
Obama's Three Lynch Mob Movements
Israeli Prof. Defeats Campus Hate Mob :clap2:
At the University of Texas, playing the victim card backfires on rabble-rousing leftists.
March 17, 2016
David Paulin

Leftist students with an authoritarian streak have repeatedly gotten their way on college campuses during the Obama years -- shutting down free speech at the University of California in Berkeley to the University of Missouri to Yale University.

But not at the University of Texas in Austin. Recently, one of the campus' leftist mobs was defeated. The bullies were defeated and apparently now face disciplinary action – all thanks to professors and administrators who stood up to the mob. By following the rule of law, university officials demonstrated how to defeat leftist bullies claiming to promote social justice.

As usual, social media made the incident go viral at Texas' flagship university. Four months ago, members of a pro-Palestinian group at the school falsely accused Israeli-born professor Ami Pedahzur of defamation and assault – all after they had disrupted a conference he was hosting that brought together a small gathering of scholars. The incident occurred just as Stanford University historian Gil-li Vardi was introduced. Suddenly, the boisterous students stood up and unfurled a Palestinian flag. They spewed the usual venomous statements regarding the state of Israel; and went on to exchange heated words with Pedahzur and other attendees who were unwilling to meekly let the students take over the event. Pedahzur, for his part, repeatedly asked told the students to "Sit down and listen, sit down and learn" – but to no avail. They quickly began to chant: “Free, free Palestinian!” and “Long Live the Intifada!” And perhaps most venomous of all, they chanted: “We want the 48; we don't want 2 states!” – with 48 being a reference to the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.

Pedahzur, a highly-respected teacher and scholar, is professor of government and founder and director of the university's Institute for Israel Studies. In a long Facebook post he wrote after the November 13 incident, he said he was troubled by what happened: Not only had students pushed him, he wrote, but he was unfairly portrayed as the aggressor in a media blitz made by the students in a highly edited YouTube video.

“Less than forty eight hours after horrific attacks in Paris, I feel that is my responsibility to ask you to join me in an attempt to confront the radicalization process on campuses and to protect students, staff and faculty members from intimidation and violence,” he wrote. “After spending two decades of learning how people turn to terrorism, I fear that what I witnessed on Friday should raise many red flags.”

He added, “We cannot let such individuals terrorize us.”

The students were led by Mohammed Nabulsi, a second-year law student and members of the Palestinian Solidarity Committee who, along with fellow students, were disgusted by the conference's subject: “The Birth of the Israeli Defense Forces’ Military Culture.”


Let's hope that the backbone demonstrated by professors and administrators at the University of Texas will set a precedent for how universities ought to deal with leftist bullies.

Israeli Prof. Defeats Campus Hate Mob
So what should universities and schools teach?

Please do not say american exceptionalism....there is no such thing.

Besides that bogus rhetoric, what do you want taught?
So what should universities and schools teach?

Please do not say american exceptionalism....there is no such thing.

Besides that bogus rhetoric, what do you want taught?
NOT the progressive left/wing liberal commie socialist agenda, for starters...
Anywhere you have a hive of islamist or liberal punks you are going to have trouble...

Jewish Professor Hounded at California Riverside Campus For Holding Pro-Israel Views
Dr. Denise Dalaimo Nussbaum was smeared, shunned, and assaulted for having opposed pro-BDS, anti-Zionist speaker Miko Peled.
October 30, 2015
Phyllis Chesler


Dr. Denise Dalaimo Nussbaum, Chair of the Sociology Department, distinguished author and professor, is suing the Governing Board of Mount San Jacinto Community College for 9.5 million dollars for “assault, battery, false imprisonment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligence, gender discrimination, failure to prevent discrimination and harassment, violation of constitutional and statutory rights of free speech and political activities, retaliation, tortious interference with law enforcement investigation, and breach of fiduciary duty.”

I think she should sue for more—far more—since this long-time tenured professor now faces a potentially dangerous and hostile work environment.

Her crime? She is a Zionist and proud of it. More importantly, she is a great believer in objective truth. This is currently out of fashion on so many American campuses when the subject of Israel, Palestine, and Islam are discussed. Dr. Nussbaum is also a feminist—and this figures in this story as well. Her love of truth, love of Zion, and love of freedom for women and minorities are anathema to those who have attacked her.

What is going on?

Pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel Brownshirts are growing more and more aggressive on North American campuses. They support “hate speech” and “blood libels” but in the name of “free speech.” They claim “academic freedom” to do so. But they behave in absolutely uncivilized ways.

They glare, stare, yell, march, chant, intimidate and bully, even as they conduct intense internet and campus-wide smear campaigns. They interrupt, challenge, and walk out on outside speakers who hold “false” ideas. If a faculty member shares such ideas, the Brownshirts create a hostile, even a dangerous work environment—all the while accusing their (usually) single opponent of having done so.

Such Brownshirts (students, faculty, administrators), are both actively and passively involved in destroying, one by one, all those who hold “false” ideas. They advance on—or refuse to stop such an advance on—the “politically incorrect” professor like a swarm of killer bees. For years, I have called this phenomenon Gaza on the Pacific or Gaza on the Hudson. Otherwise good people fear them and do not want to get involved.

I have been writing about this danger for fifteen years now; as I feared, matters have worsened. Senior, competent, beloved professors are being forced to flee for their lives by mobs of vicious haters, often led by one or two Islamists who are always, always “pro-Palestine” and “anti-Zionist.”


Jewish Professor Hounded at California Riverside Campus For Holding Pro-Israel Views

Yeah, I have been in a hostile work environment myself for over a decade in time. Along with senior human resources personnel and some department supervisors turning their heads.....because they too would like to see me quit my job.

And I never done a darn thing to them !

Shadow 355
The Ivy League colleges are supposed to represent the best and brightest of America. Instead the schools are run by subversive Leftist cretins and loud obnoxious Leftist students.
Oh the worldwide judaisation has hit a small roadblock? How horrible. Nothing to worry though, the commie professor will soon use this to get new powers at higher places such as Washington.
Yet another progressive purge against a free-speech champion.
May 9, 2017

Lloyd Billingsley



“They are all afraid of a vocal, rational intelligent conservative who can provide a check on the progressive narrative they seek to indoctrinate the students with and empowers the students with knowledge of their rights on how to fight against the UC when their rights are being violated.”

The campaign against professor Fink is relatively recent and duly turned up in the student newspaper. In January, Evolet Chiu wrote in the Daily Bruin, “Dozens of UCLA students are frustrated with their inability to enroll in a communication studies class this quarter, despite receiving a permission-to-enroll number from their instructor.” The PTE numbers were not honored for Communication Studies 167: “Sex, Politics and Race: Free Speech on Campus.”

Professor Fink handed out 41 PTE numbers but the next day “received several emails from students who were unenrolled from the course by the UCLA Registrar’s Office.” It was the first time such a thing had happened “in a decade of teaching at UCLA.”


Associate professor and new department chair Kerri Johnson is not an attorney. As she explains, her research includes: “How/why does the way that we move our bodies communicate whether we are a man or woman, gay/lesbian or heterosexual, angry or sad?” Johnson is also co-author of “Swagger, sway and sexuality: Judging sexual orientation from body motion and morphology.” Kerri Johnson is also listed in UCLA’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Studies department, not known for commitment to objective truth, intellectual diversity, freedom of speech and due process.


“Professor Fink is by all outward measures one of UCLA’s greatest, most popular, and influential professors. If the school ignores our plea and continues to endorse the corrupt dealings in the Department of Communication Studies, they will not only lose one of their most valuable and influential professors but also repel thousands of donors (current and future alike) from supporting this institution.”

UCLA's Crusade Against Professor Keith Fink
I don't like violent people either but having the personal freedom to be who you wish to be as long as you don't harm anyone else is great.

BLM sucks.
I don't like violent people either but having the personal freedom to be who you wish to be as long as you don't harm anyone else is great.

BLM sucks.
Your repeating yourself from another post...
Administrative witch hunt drives out respected scholar.
May 12, 2017

Jack Kerwick

That, of all people, Barack Obama recently received the Kennedy Library’s “Profile in Courage” award proves that the latter has about as much to do with recognizing courage as the Nobel Peace Prize, of which the former President was also a recipient, has to do with honoring peace.

This is not meant to be a knock against Obama. Rather, it is an observation that no unprejudiced spectator of the contemporary American scene could fail to make. The stone-cold truth is that there is utterly nothing courageous about being a self-avowed “progressive,” a Politically Correct leftist, in today’s Western world.

And Obama is nothing if not a leftist.

(As far as the obongus is concerned everyone has to get a trophy)


Thanks to Griffiths’ willingness to speak up, The New York Times, of all places, now depicts Duke as “a new battleground” in the fight over “political correctness.” Whether the events that Professor Griffiths set in motion materialize into a larger battle, and whether any other academics, besides Professor Pfau, follow his example remain to be seen.

Two things are for certain: Griffiths acted heroically.

And Barack Obama has never shown a fraction of the courage that Paul Griffiths has shown.

Targeted Duke Professor Resigns

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