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University hosts no-whites-allowed faculty and staff listening sessions — to promote inclusivity

University hosts no-whites-allowed faculty and staff listening sessions — to promote inclusivity | The College Fix

so - they are demanding to be included yet the people they need to make aware of their exclusion have been excluded from this event.

only in modern america. one day i hope people look back and realize how friggin uptight people are these days, leading to putting theonion.com out of business.

Edit: I have posted my comments that I posted in this thread into the other existing thread about this situation that is in the OP article.
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University hosts no-whites-allowed faculty and staff listening sessions — to promote inclusivity | The College Fix
Wake Forest University is hosting a series of “listening sessions” for faculty and staff of color that aim to advance inclusion efforts on campus.

Yes you are a moron for this thought, yes you are a moron because your white guilt begged for this!!...its what you all wanted it's what you are all getting the best part is the pathetically stupid pay thousands per year for your kid to be a leftist , communistic asshole lol and you gotta live in the world these assholes create !!

Excellent that the Leftist SJW POS are being so in your face and PROUD that they are vile RACISTS while at the SAME time in TYPICAL Leftist hypocritical fashion SCREAMING about how it's Right-Winger's who are racist. In MY opinion ALL Right-Wing White's at EVERY opportunity should begin adopting the same MO as the Leftist SJWs ie. NO BLACKS, NO BROWNS, WHITE'S ONLY and when they start SCREAMING tell them to STFU and GTFO. Right-Winger's need to go toe to toe with these Leftist SJWs and PUT THEM where they have ALWAYS belonged at the BACK of the bus.

Every year, the white boys whine that they weren't invited into the black boys' discussions. Poor babies.
i honestly don't care if they whine or not. people whine as a form of venting. we all do at times. the part that makes me "guffaw" i suppose is the demand to be included by excluding the very people you're making these demands to.

i put that akin to demanding someone gives you $1000 but demands you keep your money to yourself. also - it's a given that if white people did this to blacks it would cause an uproar.

i just want the hypocrisy and micro-slicing of things to end and people get back to common sense and calming down all around.
Every year, the white boys whine that they weren't invited into the black boys' discussions. Poor babies.
i honestly don't care if they whine or not. people whine as a form of venting. we all do at times. the part that makes me "guffaw" i suppose is the demand to be included by excluding the very people you're making these demands to.

i put that akin to demanding someone gives you $1000 but demands you keep your money to yourself. also - it's a given that if white people did this to blacks it would cause an uproar.

i just want the hypocrisy and micro-slicing of things to end and people get back to common sense and calming down all around.
That assumes that we all want to see racial relations to improve.

I don't think that's true.
Every year, the white boys whine that they weren't invited into the black boys' discussions. Poor babies.
i honestly don't care if they whine or not. people whine as a form of venting. we all do at times. the part that makes me "guffaw" i suppose is the demand to be included by excluding the very people you're making these demands to.

i put that akin to demanding someone gives you $1000 but demands you keep your money to yourself. also - it's a given that if white people did this to blacks it would cause an uproar.

i just want the hypocrisy and micro-slicing of things to end and people get back to common sense and calming down all around.
That assumes that we all want to see racial relations to improve.

I don't think that's true.

You're right. The Liberal Establishment likes the current status quo where the Young Black Male is America's official Sacred Cow.

No, it isn't good for racial relations, but they will fight change every step of the way.
Every year, the white boys whine that they weren't invited into the black boys' discussions. Poor babies.
i honestly don't care if they whine or not. people whine as a form of venting. we all do at times. the part that makes me "guffaw" i suppose is the demand to be included by excluding the very people you're making these demands to.

i put that akin to demanding someone gives you $1000 but demands you keep your money to yourself. also - it's a given that if white people did this to blacks it would cause an uproar.

i just want the hypocrisy and micro-slicing of things to end and people get back to common sense and calming down all around.
That assumes that we all want to see racial relations to improve.

I don't think that's true.
maybe. i work hard to never see race but heart. when race is shoved into your face on a daily basis i think we miss the mark of true inclusion.
Every year, the white boys whine that they weren't invited into the black boys' discussions. Poor babies.

Fuck you....
Nobody wants to be there..
What they're pointing out of that they are
Not allowed to have whites only events.
Not that they even want that.... It's the glaring double standard.

Right. I know exactly what they're up to with that argument, so don't pretend it's anything but malicious slandering. KKK-ers still smarting from not being allowed to hang those nig-ers anymore.

you should keep us apart cause we may start plottin to hang the lot of yas

THIS time we wont give a rats ass what color yer skin is ...we're very inclusive like that
University hosts no-whites-allowed faculty and staff listening sessions — to promote inclusivity | The College Fix

so - they are demanding to be included yet the people they need to make aware of their exclusion have been excluded from this event.

only in modern america. one day i hope people look back and realize how friggin uptight people are these days, leading to putting theonion.com out of business.
“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”

And now we can add

is inclusion
University hosts no-whites-allowed faculty and staff listening sessions — to promote inclusivity | The College Fix
Wake Forest University is hosting a series of “listening sessions” for faculty and staff of color that aim to advance inclusion efforts on campus.

Yes you are a moron for this thought, yes you are a moron because your white guilt begged for this!!...its what you all wanted it's what you are all getting the best part is the pathetically stupid pay thousands per year for your kid to be a leftist , communistic asshole lol and you gotta live in the world these assholes create !!

Edit: I posted my comment in another thread about all of this.
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Every year, the white boys whine that they weren't invited into the black boys' discussions. Poor babies.
i honestly don't care if they whine or not. people whine as a form of venting. we all do at times. the part that makes me "guffaw" i suppose is the demand to be included by excluding the very people you're making these demands to.

i put that akin to demanding someone gives you $1000 but demands you keep your money to yourself. also - it's a given that if white people did this to blacks it would cause an uproar.

i just want the hypocrisy and micro-slicing of things to end and people get back to common sense and calming down all around.
That assumes that we all want to see racial relations to improve.

I don't think that's true.
maybe. i work hard to never see race but heart. when race is shoved into your face on a daily basis i think we miss the mark of true inclusion.
I have to say, it sounds as if Wake Forest has a huge problem with race. At least it seems to have; maybe it is just because the racists can't abide their annual racism forums where people of color exclusively attend some sessions (no doubt so the participants feel they can speak freely). Or perhaps because the sessions are designed for people of color. I don't know.
But whatever they are doing seems to not be working, unless what the school wants is a boiling cauldron of racial tension.
Like I said, maybe it's just the slant of the coverage from the conservative press every year, but it seems as if there are a lot of activist students really in an uproar year after year.
Every year, the white boys whine that they weren't invited into the black boys' discussions. Poor babies.

Yes, people complaining about being discriminated against are just poor babies aren't they. I guess every woman who complains about sexism and the perceived gender pay gap is just a whining poor baby, right?
Old lady is all about racial and gender provelege, but unfortunately, you have three strikes against you .You are Asian, an identity she MOST wants to hamper in your ability to get ahead .You are white.
, which makes you the oppressor who must be put in his place. You are male, which she just, plain hates.

Unfortunately, you just don't happen to be an identity for which she seeks privilege.
I sure hope everyone who reads this thread understands that Dogmaphobe is making up shit fast and furious about how I think and what I believe. If you want to know what I think and believe, just ask. Or read my posts--they never come close to expressing the bullshit Dogmaphobe pretends to be an expert on knowing about me.
I am relying on statements you have made in the past.
Every year, the white boys whine that they weren't invited into the black boys' discussions. Poor babies.

Yes, people complaining about being discriminated against are just poor babies aren't they. I guess every woman who complains about sexism and the perceived gender pay gap is just a whining poor baby, right?
Old lady is all about racial and gender provelege, but unfortunately, you have three strikes against you .You are Asian, an identity she MOST wants to hamper in your ability to get ahead .You are white.
, which makes you the oppressor who must be put in his place. You are male, which she just, plain hates.

Unfortunately, you just don't happen to be an identity for which she seeks privilege.
I sure hope everyone who reads this thread understands that Dogmaphobe is making up shit fast and furious about how I think and what I believe. If you want to know what I think and believe, just ask. Or read my posts--they never come close to expressing the bullshit Dogmaphobe pretends to be an expert on knowing about me.
I am relying on statements you have made in the past.
Uh huh. Pull up those quotes, Dog, and justify your bullshit with evidence.
Or....you could possibly get back to the argument at hand and stop with the creepoid following me around and misinterpreting my posts.
That assumes that we all want to see racial relations to improve.

I don't think that's true.

Authoritarian leftists like oldlady sure don't.

It's all about whipping up a sense of aggrievement in order to gain advantages over others with these people. They haven't actually RECEIVED any discrimination against them, indeed, as oldlady has actually bragged about her receiving preferential treatment over others. It's just a game of being able to claim membership in an imaginary oppressed group in order to receive unearned and undeserved rewards for it.

Dear Progressives:

Thank you for thinking about me I'm alive and doing fine.



Wake Forrest is a private institution, so I don’t really care what type of meeting restrictions they place on their staff. It’s silly, but none of my concern.
I gave a training recently and it was designed for certified teachers. My boss had a brain fart and invited some plebs. I had to have her pull it back because the content was not designed to cover everything the plebs need to learn.
It's like that. I don't see why that is "silly."


I see..... So now you're saying all those white boys who aren't invited are a bunch of plebs who wouldn't understand.

That sounds vaguely familiar. Isn't that the "It's a black thing and you wouldn't understand" attitude? That works so well in discussions where people are attempting to communicate.


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A training for people with specific credentials isn’t a comparable example in my opinion. Surely you can see a workshop whose goal is inclusivity all the while intentionally excluding certain staff is pretty rich, but this is a private school and they are free to manage their staff it whatever way they see fit.
I'm not talking about the legality of it. Those "certain staff" would be white, right? Do you really think the black employees would feel as comfortable talking in front of them as if they were not there? I know if I were in their shoes, I would not want someone in the group I'm talking about sitting right there.
A training for people with specific credentials isn’t a comparable example in my opinion. Surely you can see a workshop whose goal is inclusivity all the while intentionally excluding certain staff is pretty rich, but this is a private school and they are free to manage their staff it whatever way they see fit.
Considering how touchy people are at that campus and that there is no doubt going to be some frank discussion among the black faculty/staff about racism on campus, I think it is totally sensible to have it be a black only seminar. The "inclusion" part comes after everyone has vented their spleen and hashed out what indeed they mean.
lol So if white people exclude black people because they are uncomfortable dealing with them, it's racism, but if black people exclude white people because they are uncomfortable dealing with them it magically becomes not racism. Get a clue, whenever you judge someone by their skin color or ethnicity or religion, etc., you are a racist.
It is a listening session. Whatever that means. But it is a short get together to talk about issues apparently about race and I see no problem with it and I see no discrimination involved, just as if there were sessions for women to talk about misogyny on campus I would not expect men to be allowed.
Anytime you judge someone on the basis of skin color or ethnicity or gender etc., that is racism, so what you are saying is that not all racism acts are bad, but who decides what kind of racism is good or bad? If you exclude men from a discussion about misogyny, you are a sexist, a racist in its broadest meaning. Perhaps some men would have more insight into misogyny than some of the women attending so why exclude all men?
It is not racist to invite the faculty/staff of color to a session to talk about race issues on campus. They are apparently there to talk about whether they've experienced racism on campus from some of the white coworkers or students. It is step one, exploratory.
And it is ridiculous to say that men would be helpful in a women's group discussing misogyny. Sure, at some point that happens. It doesn't happen when the group first discusses what they've seen and experienced.
The campus "listening sessions" are for a particular group's input and I am perplexed why anyone would think that having the racists in the room would be helpful in this case.
Using the term, racist, in its broadest usage, if you exclude people because of their skin color or ethnicity or gender etc. you are a racist. You are arguing that sometimes racism is a good thing, but keep in mind all racists believe they have good reasons for excluding people because of their skin color, etc., so your argument that it may be more comfortable to exclude men or white people is no different from the claim by some extremists who would exclude women and people of color because that's what makes them more comfortable.

You are essentially arguing that because you define women and black people as vulnerable minorities, they should have rights other people shouldn't have. This argument dates back to the 1960's when some extremist black groups rejected the charges that they were racist arguing that since white people had all the power, black people couldn't be charged with racism. It was an illogical argument then and it is an illogical argument now.

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