Zone1 University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill resigns after antisemitism testimony

Or the other two, as well? They clearly had conspired in advance to come up with the “depends on the context“ attempt to justify the calls to genocide Jews.

Why? Because it all comes down to money. Arabs have these liberal institutions bought and paid for.
the Chicoms have also been buying their influence .
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“It’s a context-dependent decision” was her response to whether a statement calling for genocide for Jews violates her school’s code of conduct. The simple response is, “calling for the genocide of any group of or individual student is a violation of our code of conduct”

Are you kidding me? How much lack of common sense does this woman lack? A significant number of UPenn donors are Jewish. Who was she trying to appease??
The president of Harvard is black. Of course she would say that whether calling for the genocide of Jews depends on the context. Is the context that they are white supremacist oppressors of a darker skinned Palestinian? Then calling for total genocide is acceptable whether they are Jews or not.
UPenn President Liz Magill, BOT chair Scott Bok resign after donor revolt over disastrous antisemitism testimony (link in headline text)

It's about time society stood up to anti-Semitism. If a conservative judge tries to speak at Stanford Law School students feel "unsafe" and try to muzzle the speech. See Stanford apologizes after law students disrupt judge's speech. And yet chants of "We Are Hamas" are tolerated at university campuses.

Wealthy Jewish donors enable all of this nonsense. I frankly think professors and administration spend too much time with adolescents and near-children to function outside their bubble. Time for equal application of non-discrimination, free speech, diversity, equity and inclusion.
UPenn President Liz Magill, BOT chair Scott Bok resign after donor revolt over disastrous antisemitism testimony (link in headline text)

It's about time society stood up to anti-Semitism. If a conservative judge tries to speak at Stanford Law School students feel "unsafe" and try to muzzle the speech. See Stanford apologizes after law students disrupt judge's speech. And yet chants of "We Are Hamas" are tolerated at university campuses.

Wealthy Jewish donors enable all of this nonsense. I frankly think professors and administration spend too much time with adolescents and near-children to function outside their bubble. Time for equal application of non-discrimination, free speech, diversity, equity and inclusion.
box checkers are usually a disaster
Umm, this is a real head scratcher. The proverbial irresistible force paradox. American liberals are opposed to religious/racial hate, but then they support it at the same time. OK.
I am doing the calculus according to liberals: HATE is bad always sometimes other times it good according to context.
Dang. The conservatives are in full screaming lie-mode now. But then, they were told to lie, and it's not like they've ever disobeyed before

So, conservatives, when will you be kicking the Nazi crowd out of your party? The Q-cult is openly antisemitic, and that's a third of the GOP. All of the people actually flying swastikas are Republian. All the white supremacists pledge loyalty to Trump.

My point? If they're not antisemites themselves, conservatives all smooch antisemite keisters with gusto. They can't kick out the antisemites, because that's their base, and they can't win elections without antisemites. They try to cover for that by lying about Democrats. Every conservative accuastion is a confession.
Dang. The conservatives are in full screaming lie-mode now. But then, they were told to lie, and it's not like they've ever disobeyed before

So, conservatives, when will you be kicking the Nazi crowd out of your party? The Q-cult is openly antisemitic, and that's a third of the GOP. All of the people actually flying swastikas are Republian. All the white supremacists pledge loyalty to Trump.

My point? If they're not antisemites themselves, conservatives all smooch antisemite keisters with gusto. They can't kick out the antisemites, because that's their base, and they can't win elections without antisemites. They try to cover for that by lying about Democrats. Every conservative accuastion is a confession.

Fun fact: Nobody finishes reading your posts.

Like, ever.

Carry on.
box checkers are usually a disaster

Magill may have resigned, but still retains her tenure.

"In a statement, Mr. Bok said Ms. Magill would remain in the role until an interim president was appointed. She will retain her position as a tenured member at Penn Carey Law, he said."
The truly remarkable thing about the responses from the three university presidents (or whatever their title is) was that they were not clever enough to formulate a cogent answer to the question. The question was NOT whether advocating the death of Jews was acceptable, it was whether the existing code of conduct at the schools was robust enough to condemn such expressions and take definitive action against those uttering them. A completely different thing.

Someone at that level should have been able to dance around appropriately and discuss the code of conduct and how it might not be robust enough to take action in real will have to be reviewed in light of recent developments.

Now, how hard was that?
UPenn President Liz Magill, BOT chair Scott Bok resign after donor revolt over disastrous antisemitism testimony (link in headline text)

It's about time society stood up to anti-Semitism. If a conservative judge tries to speak at Stanford Law School students feel "unsafe" and try to muzzle the speech. See Stanford apologizes after law students disrupt judge's speech. And yet chants of "We Are Hamas" are tolerated at university campuses.

Wealthy Jewish donors enable all of this nonsense. I frankly think professors and administration spend too much time with adolescents and near-children to function outside their bubble. Time for equal application of non-discrimination, free speech, diversity, equity and inclusion.

Why do so many people hate Jews?
90 Democrats just voted ‘present’ on a motion condemning antisemitism.
It is pretty shameful that there are some in Congress who think there are two sides to this issue (GAZA). There ain’t.

Compare that to the actions of hundreds of blob supporting folks chanting Jews Will Not Replace us during an night time march. If I were Jewish, I’d be appalled by the former (and I am as a non-jew as well) but I would be afraid of the latter.

dont see any mobs in the thousands consisting of the right in the streets spouting antisemitism like the left has been doing .. but go right ahead and cling to the 2 or 3 hrs of brief violence that is a flash in the pan compared to what the left did during the 2020 riots .
You said the left would get violent if they didn’t get their way in an election.

We saw that the right got violent when they didn’t get their way in an election.

Sorry if the truth hurts there, welcher.

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