Unless Putin kills innocent people in Ukraine why should i care?

You're not going to enjoy your time here. :auiqs.jpg:
I've been here as long as you tard. Nothing more gratifying than mocking people who say dumb shit.

There is NOTHING in my post from a leftist perspective. NOTHING

Females want to pipe off at me they can expect the same right back.

Anything else bother you KAREN?
I've been here as long as you tard. Nothing more gratifying than mocking people who say dumb shit.

There is NOTHING in my post from a leftist perspective. NOTHING

Females want to pipe off at me they can expect the same right back.

Anything else bother you KAREN?
Yeah. Why do you sound like a premenstrual 14-year-old girl?

Midol and chocolate will make you feel better.
I DONT CARE. Neither I nor you know the full details.

Unless we see a Bosnian style massacre then I DONT CARE.

And to make matters worse the PUPPET in the Whitehouse is beyond inept.
Putin won't stop there. Hitler started off the same way---seize one little area, then another and then another until he was then invaded France and was partying preparing to invade Britian.

Ukrainians are atleast our allies unlike many members who are Nato members and despite any agreements will stab us in the back (GERMANY being a primary example.)
Yeah. Why do you sound like a premenstrual 14-year-old girl?

Midol and chocolate will make you feel better.
And down the personal attack rabbit hole lol

So predictable

Still waiting for you to point out my leftist comments purportedly posted in this thread. But I suppose I'll have to settle for the Juvenile personal attacks

Interestingly enough you TRIED to white knight to defend a female and then attack me using insults that denigrate females....

I DONT CARE. Neither I nor you know the full details.

Unless we see a Bosnian style massacre then I DONT CARE.

And to make matters worse the PUPPET in the Whitehouse is beyond inept.

You'll care when gas hits 6 bucks a gallon and diesel around 8 bucks. That will cause a spike in inflation that will put the country into a recession.

This is in NATO'S ...........Europe's back yard. How many troops have the European countries this time? They only ever send token forces.........Ever with the exception of England in the Gulf Wars.

If they refuse to arm up and send their people to fight in large numbers in their Back Yard then WHY SHOULD WE........?
Against a superpower and history like Russia's, nearby satellite countries are forced to their knees following a mass extinction of their population by superior numbers and means of weaponry. The regular people don't have a chance, and yes, they are afraid as miedo can be. The send reports and photographs to our generals who report to their most likely to respond congresspeople or even the President interested in equality for the poor and ignorant as well as the rich and educated, if any of them are left, that is. As leader of the free world, our politicians in the past have responded with educated warriors, the best on the planet thanks to shared resources with true allies who frequently pitch in.

This will never happen to the world again if America falls to stinking communists who run the Democrat Party who think we are prosperous because they are many. Au contraire, mon amie. The communists here have run a false scenario through their buyable press sycophants who took the same wicked coward courses at University as kill-all-the-republicans Hillary Clinton and mob boss daughter Nancy Pelosi, not to mention the stalker-in-waiting big lying mouth hater, Maxine Waters who wants to breach the separation of powers with mass character assassination meted out to her own sycophant untouchables-because-we-are-victim-dolts.

If you let the Communists across the seas win, guess who your trade partner cheaters are gonna be for life. If you think we have inflation now you ain't seen nothing yet. I'm sorry to be the light on the subject because the subject is hard to wrap one's mind around and there are a lot of people throwing sand in your eyes, and leftists aside, most of whom are in the press and think of only how rich and important they will be when popular Hollyweirdos invite them to their extravaganzas.
I DONT CARE. Neither I nor you know the full details.

Unless we see a Bosnian style massacre then I DONT CARE.

And to make matters worse the PUPPET in the Whitehouse is beyond inept.
Putin has arrived to stop The killing not to continue it. The Euro-union bankers are pissed and so they are ordering all of the propaganda rags to paint Putin as an invading murderer. The regions he has moved into absolutely want to rejoin Russia in any case. The Euros are only interested in raping the natural resources out of the place and finding a place to point more missiles at Moscow.
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You'll care when gas hits 6 bucks a gallon and diesel around 8 bucks. That will cause a spike in inflation that will put the country into a recession.

Both Joey and Vladimir will profit hugely when that happens. Ukrainian gas outfit that also handles their oil exports will generate massive profit which will find its way clandestinely into Biden's bank account. The big guy wins no matter what.
Goodness, leftists hate women who don't know their place.
It's okay, Dave. I'm a believer and in Christ there is no east nor west, not to mention he instructs us to be cheerful when we are persecuted when we believe and do the hard jobs that we must do including tell the truth to people who hate to hear the truth. I'm very cheerful. :thup:
It's okay, Dave. I'm a believer and in Christ there is no east nor west, not to mention he instructs us to be cheerful when we are persecuted when we believe and do the hard jobs that we must do including tell the truth to people who hate to hear the truth. I'm very cheerful. :thup:
Awesome response! Just awesome!
You'll care when gas hits 6 bucks a gallon and diesel around 8 bucks. That will cause a spike in inflation that will put the country into a recession.

Even in my neck of the Texas Piney woods, our gas prices have doubled lately, and at the grocery store, last week, I saw a formerly $8.00 roast beef for sale at the price of $57.00, and I doubt very seriously the ranchers got their fair share of that, except their cost of winter feeds when the grass is gone likely doubled. They will have to raise twice as many steers next year just to buy winter feed for their herd, and they may have to bring their kids back home to go to state schools, which will benefit everyone because our agricultural schools are second to none. Yea! Good does come of hard times.
I care enough to punish Russia for invading an adjacent country unprovoked.

I do not care enough to send an Army to stop them

we care enough to sanction russia but not enough to fight, just like biden,who is just fine whether he stutters a bit or not

Putin couldn't care less about our sanctions. He's already made moves over the last 8 years to mitigate sanctions. Since our own stupid leaders don't realize that, we'll be the target of cyber warfare.
Putin couldn't care less about our sanctions. He's already made moves over the last 8 years to mitigate sanctions. Since our own stupid leaders don't realize that, we'll be the target of cyber warfare.
We shall see
Severe sanctions will make his currency worthless and drive inflation to obscene levels.
Putin will be forced to ration supplies as his Oil revenue dries up

People will ask, why are we suffering?
We shall see
Severe sanctions will make his currency worthless and drive inflation to obscene levels.
Putin will be forced to ration supplies as his Oil revenue dries up

People will ask, why are we suffering?

He already has deals for ME oil. That's why he started setting up a beach head in the ME. Russia is now the major player there.

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