Unless Putin kills innocent people in Ukraine why should i care?

Putin couldn't care less about our sanctions. He's already made moves over the last 8 years to mitigate sanctions. Since our own stupid leaders don't realize that, we'll be the target of cyber warfare.
There is nothing that we can deny him that he can't get in spades from China... Who actually controls more of our trade than we do how's that for a laugh?
Do you operate a motor vehicle, or heat your home with gas??? If yes to either or both, you're gonna care, yes you will care when you cannot afford the $15.00 a gallon gas, or can no longer heat your home, which is all but certain thanks to Biden's very first act as a usurper of the white house, he killed US energy independence first, and thus Putin knows that US is perched upon the abyss to ruin, just as Soviet Union once was, and he knows that a tiny little shove will propel US on down to her ruin! You see elections have consequences, and election thefts have even more ultra serious and dire

Just like every other US undeclared war has
I DONT CARE. Neither I nor you know the full details.

Unless we see a Bosnian style massacre then I DONT CARE.

And to make matters worse the PUPPET in the Whitehouse is beyond inept.
I wonder how the world would have been different if Hitler’s aggressions in Europe had gotten bitch slapped down at the very outset?

Before anyone flies off the handle, NO. I AM NOT claiming that there is any perfect analogy between the insane evil of Hitler and the actions of Putin. I’m focusing only on on aspect: to what extent it could prove beneficial to stop aggressions as swiftly as possible. (And yes, of course there are costs involved either way.)
He already has deals for ME oil. That's why he started setting up a beach head in the ME. Russia is now the major player there.
Russia HAS oil, they do not need to import more

What they need is a market for their oil, the ME will not help them there
I wonder how the world would have been different if Hitler’s aggressions in Europe had gotten bitch slapped down at the very outset?

Before anyone flies off the handle, NO. I AM NOT claiming that there is any perfect analogy between the insane evil of Hitler and the actions of Putin. I’m focusing only on on aspect: to what extent it could prove beneficial to stop aggressions as swiftly as possible. (And yes, of course there are costs involved either way.)

If any nation on earth has ever deserved it, Germany deserved total annihilation. NO, I do not mean committing genocide on her people. I do mean annexing the country to other nations--basically dissolving it. Give part to Poland, part to France, part to Belgium, etc. It perplexes me that we didn't.
I care enough to punish Russia for invading an adjacent country unprovoked.

I do not care enough to send an Army to stop them
Russia has been fucking around in the Donbass since 2014 (and probably before that honestly). Why do we suddenly care now? They were in a hot proxy war with Ukraine from 2014-2018 basically in that region. I guess I'm not sure why all of a sudden, it's an issue when before it wasn't.
Russia has been fucking around in the Donbass since 2014 (and probably before that honestly). Why do we suddenly care now? They were in a hot proxy war with Ukraine from 2014-2018 basically in that region. I guess I'm not sure why all of a sudden, it's an issue when before it wasn't.
The sole reason we are where we are is because Ears, Olde Joe, and Crazy Nuland committed a coup in Ukraine in 2014. They overthrew a democratically elected government, because it was friendly with Russia. This war wouldn’t happen had the coup not happened.

No doubt the corporate media will blame these three corrupt assholes. Lol.
The Russians don't burden themselves with ROE when they set their sights on a objective. Innocents will die as a matter of course. That's the way they roll.
in fairness......it's how you SHOULD roll during war. not saying they have the right to start it or do what they are doing.........

but if ur gonna go to war.......you do away with all the pleasantries. You do away with all the ROEs and you just WIN.

America needs to get back to that philosophy before we no longer exist.
So I shouldn't care?

Joe Bedpan gave the green-light for all of this, first through his administrative weakness, and now through his words that NO MATTER WHAT, don't worry, Vlad, we won't bother you if you invade.
joe bedpan? that is a good one

If Putin kills innocent people in Ukraine why should i care?​

If Putin is to be indicted in the court of public opinion in this, will those making the charge so indict Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden for the same charge when they are guilty as well?
The sole reason we are where we are is because Ears, Olde Joe, and Crazy Nuland committed a coup in Ukraine in 2014. They overthrew a democratically elected government, because it was friendly with Russia. This war wouldn’t happen had the coup not happened.

No doubt the corporate media will blame these three corrupt assholes. Lol.

Yep, and our own congress, current white house, senate, all snort up to the trough in ukraine and grift away. How about those cia "separatists".

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