Unless Putin kills innocent people in Ukraine why should i care?

Against a superpower and history like Russia's, nearby satellite countries are forced to their knees following a mass extinction of their population by superior numbers and means of weaponry. The regular people don't have a chance, and yes, they are afraid as miedo can be. The send reports and photographs to our generals who report to their most likely to respond congresspeople or even the President interested in equality for the poor and ignorant as well as the rich and educated, if any of them are left, that is. As leader of the free world, our politicians in the past have responded with educated warriors, the best on the planet thanks to shared resources with true allies who frequently pitch in.

This will never happen to the world again if America falls to stinking communists who run the Democrat Party who think we are prosperous because they are many. Au contraire, mon amie. The communists here have run a false scenario through their buyable press sycophants who took the same wicked coward courses at University as kill-all-the-republicans Hillary Clinton and mob boss daughter Nancy Pelosi, not to mention the stalker-in-waiting big lying mouth hater, Maxine Waters who wants to breach the separation of powers with mass character assassination meted out to her own sycophant untouchables-because-we-are-victim-dolts.

If you let the Communists across the seas win, guess who your trade partner cheaters are gonna be for life. If you think we have inflation now you ain't seen nothing yet. I'm sorry to be the light on the subject because the subject is hard to wrap one's mind around and there are a lot of people throwing sand in your eyes, and leftists aside, most of whom are in the press and think of only how rich and important they will be when popular Hollyweirdos invite them to their extravaganzas.
I served in the cold war period. We are not the worlds police force. Trump was right to try and force them to honor their word. They need to send more than token forces which is what they are good at.

As far as Russia. Anytime they want to tango with us they know where we live. Of course we have their bitch in the oval office now.
And down the personal attack rabbit hole lol

So predictable

Still waiting for you to point out my leftist comments purportedly posted in this thread. But I suppose I'll have to settle for the Juvenile personal attacks

Interestingly enough you TRIED to white knight to defend a female and then attack me using insults that denigrate females....

You'll get what you get, and there ain't nothin' you can do about it.
It's okay, Dave. I'm a believer and in Christ there is no east nor west, not to mention he instructs us to be cheerful when we are persecuted when we believe and do the hard jobs that we must do including tell the truth to people who hate to hear the truth. I'm very cheerful. :thup:
You're a good woman, and I'm blessed to call you my sister in Christ.

Did Putin do it?
He already has deals for ME oil. That's why he started setting up a beach head in the ME. Russia is now the major player there.
All this sounds familiar. I'm reading Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising for like the 6th time. In it, a huge refinery fire cripples the Soviet economy, so they plan to annex the Middle East for its oil. To eliminate any Western involvement, they first attack Germany to draw out NATO forces and crush them.

It's an extraordinarily well-written story of what a land war in Europe and naval war in the Atlantic might look like.
I DONT CARE. Neither I nor you know the full details.

Unless we see a Bosnian style massacre then I DONT CARE.

And to make matters worse the PUPPET in the Whitehouse is beyond inept.
Well, this is to be expected by a callous conservative; a callous conservative lacks empathy and is self serving at best.
The poster asked me 3 DIRECT QUESTIONS. I answered each one of them directly and without insult then the bitch responded with this..

Do the world a favor. Unless you have a huge attitude change, please do not run for public office in the United States of America. We have enough truly stupid people in Congress as it is.
And I'm the asshole for RESPONDING IN KIND???

Go fuck yourself Dave
The poster asked me 3 DIRECT QUESTIONS. I answered each one of them directly and without insult then the bitch responded with this..

And I'm the asshole for RESPONDING IN KIND???

Go fuck yourself Dave
Think I'll pass, whiny butt.

It's words on a screen, dumbass. If you can't control your emotions, that's solely on you. No one is obligated to change their behavior so you don't get butthurt.

If you can't understand that, perhaps the internet is not the place for you.
You sure do whine like a leftist. And you hate conservative women who are smarter than you like a leftist.
How is that BITCH smarter than me? Because she recited history like a political wackjob does EVERY FUCKING DAY ON THIS SITE? I don't need to be reminded about Hitler or Stalin to see pure evil. And just like I TOLD HER do you have pure evil in you're heritage because with her simpleton logic, and apparently yours, that makes you guilty too.

Yall dumbfucks claim I'm acting like a leftist when it is YOU AND HER using their tactics invoking historical atrocities to explain away your ABSURD positions.

Fuck putin
Fuck you
And fuck her

Yall a bunch of hypocrisy ridden cocksuckers.

And to be clear, I have TOTALLY DESTROYED BOTH OF YOU in this thread with your two faced bullshit but no leftie respects me enough to give the thumbs up and no rightie has the courage to buck the status quo.

I'm not eloquent and I'm not refined but I am something neither of you apparently are. Honest and straight forward

Think I'll pass, whiny butt.

It's words on a screen, dumbass. If you can't control your emotions, that's solely on you. No one is obligated to change their behavior so you don't get butthurt.

If you can't understand that, perhaps the internet is not the place for you.
I'm in complete control. YOU came in here getting unhinged cause I put you're internet whore in her place.

Oh look at this clever pussy.

One of your ancestors was surely a racist, rapist or murderer.

You therefore are judged as guilty henceforth.

Now fuck off, idiot
May God forgive you for cursing one of his believers who is a bereaved widow who still cherishes the little gold medals she earned in civic essays from the seventh grade on at district competitions. Sorry that you chose the path of hatred rather than true justice which is a hallmark of being a fan of George Washington as well as Betsy Ross; of Ike Eisenhower whose picture was published on the front page of a Houston newspaper I brought into our home when I was 6 years old, and both my military parents said such wonderful things about his handling of the European theater as coordinator of Allied troops in WWII who beat back Hitler. 🇺🇲 That was 70 years ago, dear.
How is that BITCH smarter than me? Because she recited history like a political wackjob does EVERY FUCKING DAY ON THIS SITE? I don't need to be reminded about Hitler or Stalin to see pure evil. And just like I TOLD HER do you have pure evil in you're heritage because with her simpleton logic, and apparently yours, that makes you guilty too.

Yall dumbfucks claim I'm acting like a leftist when it is YOU AND HER using their tactics invoking historical atrocities to explain away your ABSURD positions.

Fuck putin
Fuck you
And fuck her

Yall a bunch of hypocrisy ridden cocksuckers.

And to be clear, I have TOTALLY DESTROYED BOTH OF YOU in this thread with your two faced bullshit but no leftie respects me enough to give the thumbs up and no rightie has the courage to buck the status quo.

I'm not eloquent and I'm not refined but I am something neither of you apparently are. Honest and straight forward

I'm telling you -- Midol and chocolate will make you feel better, girl.
I'm telling you -- Midol and chocolate will make you feel better, girl.
And I'm telling you to put up or shut up. YOU made the accusation that I am posting leftist ideology. I asked you THREE TIMES NOW to back up your bullshit but you can't.

You're a fraud and I busted you. Best I'd you just slither away at this point like the snake you are rather than continue to be called out with no response.


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