Unless Putin kills innocent people in Ukraine why should i care?

Go back and read her posts retard. Maybe if you quote ALL OF THEM and not just the ones you agree with you might find it.

I won't hold my breath However as expecting honesty or integrity out of you was clearly a big ask
You didn't ask anything, boy. You DEMANDED, like a spoiled little brat.

That doesn't work with me. That's a lesson you need to learn.

Sadly, you won't. You'll just keep throwing your little tantrums.
Do you operate a motor vehicle, or heat your home with gas??? If yes to either or both, you're gonna care, yes you will care when you cannot afford the $15.00 a gallon gas, or can no longer heat your home, which is all but certain thanks to Biden's very first act as a usurper of the white house, he killed US energy independence first, and thus Putin knows that US is perched upon the abyss to ruin, just as Soviet Union once was, and he knows that a tiny little shove will propel US on down to her ruin! You see elections have consequences, and election thefts have even more ultra serious and dire consequences.... This entire arrangement we find selves in, is courtesy of Biden, and the people who control the psychopath, the target was always the destruction of the US!
9 lines of utter bullshit and fear mongering.
It’s always amusing when imperialist Americans have to go back over 80 years to find a “good” war. Ignoring the numerous imperialist wars since then.
Refresh our memories... what is YOUR home country?
Enough with the in fighting. We have enough to deal with these brain dead leftists.........Like the Bird Brain in the post above me.
There are MILLIONS, many living in this country, with relatives living "back home," TERRIFIED for fheir families. The lack of respect for these people worried about the fate of their country is disgusting. And most of them who don't give a damn what Russia does are our liberal posters who've convinced themselves the REPUBLICANS are in Putins pocket!

Putin has arrived to stop The killing not to continue it. The Euro-union bankers are pissed and so they are ordering all of the propaganda rags to paint Putin as an invading murderer. The regions he has moved into absolutely want to rejoin Russia in any case. The Euros are only interested in raping the natural resources out of the place and finding a place to point more missiles at Moscow.
Q. Are you an agent provocateur being paid for by Putin?
I care enough to punish Russia for invading an adjacent country unprovoked.

I do not care enough to send an Army to stop them

Yeah I feel going to war over this and sending an Army would be stupid and would only hurt the US Economy. Why go in a war that may be long and may not end well? Kinda the same way I feel. If sanctions don't stop him, the US doesn't need to be sending in an Army and going to war. Our economy is already hurting, we can't afford another war.
I DONT CARE. Neither I nor you know the full details.

Unless we see a Bosnian style massacre then I DONT CARE.

And to make matters worse the PUPPET in the Whitehouse is beyond inept.
I think you should care. With the addition of the Ukraine Russia will only get bigger and bader. it will also control many more rare earth materials which the free world needs. Once they have the Ukraine back under their umbrella they will look to absorb more nato adjacent democracies. Give an inch, take a mile.

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