Unless Putin kills innocent people in Ukraine why should i care?

Once more you're wasting my time, you assumed a nation, I never said anything about a nation.

Oh? You should be more specific. In that case? Quit wasting my time!

Everyone knows it is the Zeta Reticulans.
My opinions do not come from the press nor the televised talkathons. In 2006, my late husband and I visited the country of Russia on a French cruise ship that hosted a university and the American Historical Society. In Moscow, some very unfriendly people cheated my husband out of two First Class flight Tickets that cost $800 more than the back of the bus seats they put us in that worstened my Fibromyalgia issues at the time my husband was only trying to take care of my pain. He wrote letters to the Russian government for a refund to no avail. I have never cheated anyone in my 35 year old business, and no matter where you go, most countries bend over backward to make sure any wrong is righted, but not in the nation of Russia. They will simply not get my business ever again nor would I recommend anyone else go there to get treated badly. I'm pretty sure the people of Ukraine who are not Russian citizens will not fair well if no one gets Putin off their backs. All I can do is pray for the people of the Ukraine and hope they will never agree to get cheated out of whatever international liars promise but do not keep the integrity of those promises of simply doing right by their clients. My opinions come from reading extensively about Russian history and how they got to the point of cheating strangers who paid them well for services only to have them snatched away and causing someone pain as they pushed complete strangers around who did them good by paying for expensive services only to be cheated in return for their theft of what was paid well for. They earn distrust when they cheat people. In our country, they wouldn't have been in business long for cheating people out of their money on a large scale. Good night. It's late. Best wishes to all for good weather soon. And God bless America.
View attachment 605302
Beautiful bluebonnets coming soon to the Lone Star State :thup:
To me? It SOUNDS like you want war with Russia. It sounds like you are begging for an excuse for conflict. I hear your grievance and bad vacation. . . but is that a reason to get engaged in global conflict, because you hate a people?

If some Russians had a vacation here, and were mugged in the Bronx, E. LA, or the S. Side of Chicago, would the be a good reason to be vindictive against America? :dunno:

Is It Too Late to Avert a War with Russia?​


"The United States and allied nations sought to isolate Russia on Monday at an emergency United Nations Security Council meeting over the Ukraine crisis, calling Moscow’s recognition of two separatist regions and the deployment of Russian troops to them a blunt defiance of international law that risks war.

However, for the past eight years, the U.S. had been provoking Russia by a) backing a coup in Ukraine that replaced a pro-Russian leader with pro-western ones who invaded Eastern Ukraine after its people voted to separate; b) imposing harsh sanctions on Russia; c) refusing to recognize Russia’s demand that NATO expansion be halted; and d) supporting the opposition to Russian leader Vladimir Putin who remains very popular among the Russian people.

The people of Eastern Ukraine welcome Russian intervention to protect them from the depradations of the Ukrainian army and its neo-Nazi militias which have committed wide-scale war crimes since the war in Eastern UKraine first broke out in 2014.. . . "


Ukrainian servicemen from the Azov battalion detain men in Ukrainian port city of Mariupol, June 13, 2014. [Source: newsweek.com]


Ukrainian army reserve prepares for war with Russia. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin told the U.N. Security Council last week that 122,000 Ukrainian military forces were lined up at the front with Donbass with the possible intention of launching an offensive. However, the Biden administration and U.S. media has failed to disclose this, only reporting on the alleged 100,000+ Russian troops amassed on the border, making it seem distortedly like Russia is the aggressor. [Source: dw.com]


Wow, both from the left, and the right, all the folks that shower off the bull shit are linking to this economist.

This is a must Read.

". . . . U.S. demands are driving its allies out of the dollar-NATO trade and monetary orbit

As in a classical Greek tragedy, U.S. foreign policy is bringing about precisely the outcome that it most fears. Overplaying their hand with their own NATO allies, U.S. diplomats are bringing about Kissinger’s nightmare scenario, driving Russia and China together. While America’s allies are told to bear the costs of U.S. sanctions, Russia and China are benefiting by being obliged to diversify and make their own economies independent of reliance on U.S. suppliers of food and other basic needs. Above all, these two countries are creating their own de-dollarized credit and bank-clearing systems, and holding their international monetary reserves in the form of gold, euros and each other’s currencies to conduct their mutual trade and investment.

This de-dollarization provides an alternative to the unipolar U.S. ability to gain free foreign credit via the U.S. Treasury-bill standard for world monetary reserves. As foreign countries and their central banks de-dollarize, what will support the dollar? Without the free line of credit provided by central banks automatically recycling America’s foreign military and other overseas spending back to the U.S. economy (with only a minimal return), how can the United States balance its international payments in the face of its de-industrialization?

The United States cannot simply reverse its de-industrialization and dependence on Chinese and other Asian labor by bringing production back home. It has built too high a rentier overhead into its economy for its labor to be able to compete internationally, given the U.S. wage-earner’s budgetary demands to pay high and rising housing and education costs, debt service and health insurance, and for privatized infrastructure services.

The only way for the United States to sustain its international financial balance is by monopoly pricing of its arms, patented pharmaceutical and information-technology exports, and by buying control of the most lucrative production and potentially rent-extracting sectors abroad – in other words, by spreading neoliberal economic policy throughout the world in a way that obliges other countries to depend on U.S. loans and investment.

That is not a way for national economies to grow. The alternative to neoliberal doctrine is China’s growth policies that follow the same basic industrial logic by which Britain, the United States, Germany and France rose to industrial power during their own industrial takeoffs with strong government support and social spending programs.

The United States has abandoned this traditional industrial policy since the 1980s. It is imposing on its own economy the neoliberal policies that de-industrialized Pinochetista Chile, Thatcherite Britain and the post-industrial former Soviet republics, the Baltics and Ukraine since 1991. Its highly polarized and debt-leveraged prosperity is based on inflating real estate and securities prices and privatizing infrastructure.

This neoliberalism has been a path to becoming a failed economy and indeed, a failed state, obliged to suffer debt deflation, rising housing prices and rents as owner-occupancy rates decline, as well as exorbitant medical and other costs resulting from privatizing what other countries provide freely or at subsidized prices as human rights – health care, education, medical insurance and pensions.. . . . "


Putin Recognizes Donbass Independence as Violence Soars​

". . . Nevertheless, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said these attacks are “false flags” hatched by the Russians to justify an invasion.

Both The Washington Post and The New York Times are both blaming the majority of the shelling on the militias. For instance, in this report on Saturday, the Post only reported the Ukrainian military’s side of the story:

“The shelling in the government-controlled side of the Donbas region has increased “tenfold” since Thursday, the Ukrainian Armed Forces said in a statement. On Saturday, two soldiers were killed, five were injured and there were 70 total cease-fire violations by the Russian-backed separatists, the military said in a Facebook statement.”
Outside the city of Novoluhanske, along the demarcation line with the self-proclaimed Donetsk separatist territory, Col. Oleksandr Zinevich showed journalists where separatist forces have been pounding an abandoned industrial area with artillery in recent days.
This area has not been a hot spot in years, but Zinevich said he sees the eruption of attacks over the past three days — including artillery, mortars and grenades — as evidence of a coordinated campaign being launched by Russia.
Moscow is trying to provoke Ukrainian forces into responding and giving Russia an excuse to launch an attack, he said. He has told his troops not to respond unless their lives are in danger.”

Government Forces at Donbass

What is curiously lacking in Western media reports of events in Donbass is any mention of the size of Ukraine government forces along the line of confrontation. U.S. and European newspapers and television repeatedly show detailed maps of Russian forces near the Ukrainian border but never show any Ukrainian military positions. It’s like setting up a chess board with only black pieces.

Understanding the size of the government deployment is key in helping to determine if an offensive has begun. Not mentioning it at all suspiciously appears as if an offensive is being covered up.

Last Thursday, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin told the U.N. Security Council that 122,000 Ukrainian military forces were lined up at the front with Donbass with the possible intention of launching an offensive. It is a number difficult to verify. (There also unknown numbers of neo-Nazi groups, such as Azov Battalion and Right Sektor reportedly at the border.)

An OSCE spokesman told Consortium News that though the organization has about 1,300 monitors directly on the ground, it did not have figures on the size of the Ukrainian government force on the line of separation although it is within its mandate to report on it.

The authorities in Donetsk and Lugansk have published this map of what it says are Ukrainian government positions. Below that is a publicly available chart showing Ukraine’s ground forces in its Operational Command East. (Both can be enlarged by clicking on them.)


I DONT CARE. Neither I nor you know the full details.

Unless we see a Bosnian style massacre then I DONT CARE.

And to make matters worse the PUPPET in the Whitehouse is beyond inept.
You are correct about the ineptness in the white house. Not so much about not caring about the loss of freedom elsewhere.
I DONT CARE. Neither I nor you know the full details.

Unless we see a Bosnian style massacre then I DONT CARE.

And to make matters worse the PUPPET in the Whitehouse is beyond inept.
Well America does have a habit of ignoring innocent deaths. Hundreds of thousands in Vietnam and Iraq and you never mumbled a word. You fucking hypocrite.

If Putin did kill inocents, is your caring gonna be enough this time?
I suspect not because you are rooting for the communists to defeat Biden.
You're not as smart as you think moron.
To me? It SOUNDS like you want war with Russia. It sounds like you are begging for an excuse for conflict. I hear your grievance and bad vacation. . . but is that a reason to get engaged in global conflict, because you hate a people?

If some Russians had a vacation here, and were mugged in the Bronx, E. LA, or the S. Side of Chicago, would the be a good reason to be vindictive against America? :dunno:

Is It Too Late to Avert a War with Russia?​


"The United States and allied nations sought to isolate Russia on Monday at an emergency United Nations Security Council meeting over the Ukraine crisis, calling Moscow’s recognition of two separatist regions and the deployment of Russian troops to them a blunt defiance of international law that risks war.

However, for the past eight years, the U.S. had been provoking Russia by a) backing a coup in Ukraine that replaced a pro-Russian leader with pro-western ones who invaded Eastern Ukraine after its people voted to separate; b) imposing harsh sanctions on Russia; c) refusing to recognize Russia’s demand that NATO expansion be halted; and d) supporting the opposition to Russian leader Vladimir Putin who remains very popular among the Russian people.

The people of Eastern Ukraine welcome Russian intervention to protect them from the depradations of the Ukrainian army and its neo-Nazi militias which have committed wide-scale war crimes since the war in Eastern UKraine first broke out in 2014.. . . "


Ukrainian servicemen from the Azov battalion detain men in Ukrainian port city of Mariupol, June 13, 2014. [Source: newsweek.com]


Ukrainian army reserve prepares for war with Russia. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin told the U.N. Security Council last week that 122,000 Ukrainian military forces were lined up at the front with Donbass with the possible intention of launching an offensive. However, the Biden administration and U.S. media has failed to disclose this, only reporting on the alleged 100,000+ Russian troops amassed on the border, making it seem distortedly like Russia is the aggressor. [Source: dw.com]


Wow, both from the left, and the right, all the folks that shower off the bull shit are linking to this economist.

This is a must Read.

". . . . U.S. demands are driving its allies out of the dollar-NATO trade and monetary orbit

As in a classical Greek tragedy, U.S. foreign policy is bringing about precisely the outcome that it most fears. Overplaying their hand with their own NATO allies, U.S. diplomats are bringing about Kissinger’s nightmare scenario, driving Russia and China together. While America’s allies are told to bear the costs of U.S. sanctions, Russia and China are benefiting by being obliged to diversify and make their own economies independent of reliance on U.S. suppliers of food and other basic needs. Above all, these two countries are creating their own de-dollarized credit and bank-clearing systems, and holding their international monetary reserves in the form of gold, euros and each other’s currencies to conduct their mutual trade and investment.

This de-dollarization provides an alternative to the unipolar U.S. ability to gain free foreign credit via the U.S. Treasury-bill standard for world monetary reserves. As foreign countries and their central banks de-dollarize, what will support the dollar? Without the free line of credit provided by central banks automatically recycling America’s foreign military and other overseas spending back to the U.S. economy (with only a minimal return), how can the United States balance its international payments in the face of its de-industrialization?

The United States cannot simply reverse its de-industrialization and dependence on Chinese and other Asian labor by bringing production back home. It has built too high a rentier overhead into its economy for its labor to be able to compete internationally, given the U.S. wage-earner’s budgetary demands to pay high and rising housing and education costs, debt service and health insurance, and for privatized infrastructure services.

The only way for the United States to sustain its international financial balance is by monopoly pricing of its arms, patented pharmaceutical and information-technology exports, and by buying control of the most lucrative production and potentially rent-extracting sectors abroad – in other words, by spreading neoliberal economic policy throughout the world in a way that obliges other countries to depend on U.S. loans and investment.

That is not a way for national economies to grow. The alternative to neoliberal doctrine is China’s growth policies that follow the same basic industrial logic by which Britain, the United States, Germany and France rose to industrial power during their own industrial takeoffs with strong government support and social spending programs.

The United States has abandoned this traditional industrial policy since the 1980s. It is imposing on its own economy the neoliberal policies that de-industrialized Pinochetista Chile, Thatcherite Britain and the post-industrial former Soviet republics, the Baltics and Ukraine since 1991. Its highly polarized and debt-leveraged prosperity is based on inflating real estate and securities prices and privatizing infrastructure.

This neoliberalism has been a path to becoming a failed economy and indeed, a failed state, obliged to suffer debt deflation, rising housing prices and rents as owner-occupancy rates decline, as well as exorbitant medical and other costs resulting from privatizing what other countries provide freely or at subsidized prices as human rights – health care, education, medical insurance and pensions.. . . . "
You're mistaken about my beliefs. I'm not the one running the Russian Terminator Tanks that have already killed several Ukrainians inconveniently in their road.

Video here:

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By sanctioning them? That's it?


Biden is a weak leader. One of two things need to happen yesterday.

1) Commit to a counter-invasion of Ukraine to drive Russia out of the Donbas


2) Remove Russia from the SWIFT exchange.

I prefer the second option, really.

If you're going to pick a fight, finish it quickly. If not, stay out. No sanctions, no punishment, no NATO troops dancing around Western Ukraine, nothing.

When your punishment hits lightly and arrives late, it means nothing to the aggressor. When that punishment hits your own country harder than its intended recipient, you are asking to get your ass whipped in November.

Piss or get off the pot.
I have had my fill of the US serving as the worlds Policeman.

Military force is not the answer to all international crisis

Putin Recognizes Donbass Independence as Violence Soars​

". . . Nevertheless, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said these attacks are “false flags” hatched by the Russians to justify an invasion.

Both The Washington Post and The New York Times are both blaming the majority of the shelling on the militias. For instance, in this report on Saturday, the Post only reported the Ukrainian military’s side of the story:

Government Forces at Donbass

What is curiously lacking in Western media reports of events in Donbass is any mention of the size of Ukraine government forces along the line of confrontation. U.S. and European newspapers and television repeatedly show detailed maps of Russian forces near the Ukrainian border but never show any Ukrainian military positions. It’s like setting up a chess board with only black pieces.

Understanding the size of the government deployment is key in helping to determine if an offensive has begun. Not mentioning it at all suspiciously appears as if an offensive is being covered up.

Last Thursday, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin told the U.N. Security Council that 122,000 Ukrainian military forces were lined up at the front with Donbass with the possible intention of launching an offensive. It is a number difficult to verify. (There also unknown numbers of neo-Nazi groups, such as Azov Battalion and Right Sektor reportedly at the border.)

An OSCE spokesman told Consortium News that though the organization has about 1,300 monitors directly on the ground, it did not have figures on the size of the Ukrainian government force on the line of separation although it is within its mandate to report on it.

The authorities in Donetsk and Lugansk have published this map of what it says are Ukrainian government positions. Below that is a publicly available chart showing Ukraine’s ground forces in its Operational Command East. (Both can be enlarged by clicking on them.)



I've long thought this poster was a Russian troll.

He's proving me right
Ukraine is not a free country. The opposition press is kept under duress and the leader of the opposition party is jailed

The "opposition party" are Russian thugs engaged in insurrection

That's like calling Jefferson Davis a "leader of the opposition party"
The Russian Terminators now in the Ukraine:

View attachment 605370
Mother Teresa, why do you not look at the casualties on the other side, most of them civilians killed by your Bandera friends. You are a Christian, at least you're bragging constantly you are, where is your empathy for every living creature of this God's green earth?
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Mother Teresa, why do you not look at the casualties on the other side, most of them civilians killed by your Bandera friends. You are a Christian, at least you're bragging constantly you are, where is your empathy for every living creature of this God's green earth?
Bandera friends? We lived in that community less than a year, and I was 12 or 13 years old. I remember what the other kids at school said about people crossing the border which was at least 20 miles from our school. My "bandera friends" were between 11 and 13 years old. They were just repeating local gossip. My father was school administrator in the small town we lived in. We had no incidents of new people coming over the border because it just wasn't done back then to the best of my knowledge. The incident I spoke up happened before we even moved there.

You're grabbing at straws to try to put crimes committed by other people directly on those who had zero to do with that kinda stuff. The composition of our school was about 70 kids in 12 grades with 20 whites and 50 of a second or generation of Vaqueros who annihilated native American tribes in the early 1800s before Texicans ever got there. The oldest home was owned by an older man named Tony who owned the local grocery store that was smaller than a 2-bedroom honeymoon apartment.

I'm trying to figure out how you can make a 12 year old know-nothing child who heard other people telling village secrets the female anti christ of the whole world for what her ears heard. Children don't exactly think like adults, but adults frequently remember things they heard and saw about other people when they were kids.

Good luck with your English language usage, however confused your bile duct makes your brain go off on tangents.

I also remember seeing on our garage door one morning the most beautiful moth I ever saw in my life. Never saw anything like that while growing up mostly in the state's biggest city. The luna moths apparently liked southwest Texas borderlands better than the city that passed the million mark my senior year in high school. The one my brother found but left on the garage door was at least 9" wide and may have been 10" long. It was just huge.
Luna moth:

Childish memories? Yeah, everyone has them. ;)
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I DONT CARE. Neither I nor you know the full details.

Unless we see a Bosnian style massacre then I DONT CARE.

And to make matters worse the PUPPET in the Whitehouse is beyond inept.
Because he is using this as a distraction to fly in squadrons of jet fighters with Hypersonic missiles in to Syria. Why should you care about WWIII logistics being carried out right under your nose?
What he is saying here though, is that you are comparing apples to oranges.

The type of governments and supporters that are in present day Russia, bear little resemblance to yesterdays Marxist leaders.
I would disagree. Putin's old school. He has Soviet ambitions.
I DONT CARE. Neither I nor you know the full details.

Unless we see a Bosnian style massacre then I DONT CARE.

And to make matters worse the PUPPET in the Whitehouse is beyond inept.
Because anything that helps Putin is bad, not to mention he keeps expanding his territory into Europe, whom are our allies. I personally think we should crush any government that goes for land grabs. It should be forbidden. No more land grabs.
Well America does have a habit of ignoring innocent deaths. Hundreds of thousands in Vietnam and Iraq and you never mumbled a word. You fucking hypocrite.

If Putin did kill inocents, is your caring gonna be enough this time?
I suspect not because you are rooting for the communists to defeat Biden.
You're not as smart as you think moron.
Have you enlisted to fight in Biden's war, or are you a chickenhawk?
I would disagree. Putin's old school. He has Soviet ambitions.
Well, we can all have our opinions.

From what I have observed. . . his elite POV? It is more of a monarchist, oligarchy. It is more Feudalistic, more old world and Neo-reactionary, than Soviet.

JUSt folkloRE – oR BUSiNESS ANd politicS?

Putin’s Pride: Cossacks and the Church​


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