Unlike Obama, 35% of Young Black Men are Unemployed... Hope and Change?

Are you implying that, because the unemployed persons outlined in the OP are black men, and because Obama is a black man, that he is personally responsible for their well being and employment?

Nope... They were Sold on Hope... That Hope is Fading by each Job Lost...

It's also about the Difference between Men and Women in this Data.

It's Interesting to me that the Perceived Minority of all Minorities a Black Woman, is NOT at the Bottom of the Employment List Statistically.

They do almost as Well as the overall in that Age Group, but Black Men do almost 10% WORSE than they do.

The Sexism Claims seem to be Unfounded in Modern America, that Coupled with the College Enrollment Rates of Women, but it also Begs the Question...

WHY are Black Men doing so Poorly after ALL of these Years.

It's NOT because they are Black...

African Immigrants come here and do Fine...

They also don't Pick Black Men up in their Cabs either, but they can't be Racist because of their Skin Color, so what is it then?...

And why after a Half a Century since the Great Society is the Black Community, Specifically Young Male Blacks, doing so Poorly?

They aren't Less Capable in ANY Situation, but it's Obvious that the Generations of Government Dependence has Retarded the Community's Ability to Strive with other Communities.

Not just in Employment, but in Crime and in ALL other Categories.

Considering that Black Women are doing 10% Better, it's NOT Soley Based in Race, and I don't Accept that Tired Old Tune from the Guilty White Liberal Media.

It's Something Deeper and More Complex, and Public Policy is Playing a MAJOR Role, as is the Pop Culture that Dominates as a Role Model for FAR Too Many in those Communities.

If you don't Beleive that an Unfortunate Number of Blacks in the DemocRATS Housing Projects and Districts Thought that a Vote for Obama was a Vote for MORE for themselves, then you are Kidding yourself.

This is a Generational Problem that will Take Generations to Solve...

But it's NOT going to get Solved if People don't Start being Honest, and Stop Calling those who want to Address it "Racists".

And on that Note, Fuck you Ravi and del.

Deal with the Substance of what I say or go Troll someone else.



bite me, kleagle boy.


All of what I Wrote and del is only Capable of Junior High Level Trolling... :clap2:

You are Testament to your Kind.


Nope... They were Sold on Hope... That Hope is Fading by each Job Lost...

It's also about the Difference between Men and Women in this Data.

It's Interesting to me that the Perceived Minority of all Minorities a Black Woman, is NOT at the Bottom of the Employment List Statistically.

They do almost as Well as the overall in that Age Group, but Black Men do almost 10% WORSE than they do.

The Sexism Claims seem to be Unfounded in Modern America, that Coupled with the College Enrollment Rates of Women, but it also Begs the Question...

WHY are Black Men doing so Poorly after ALL of these Years.

It's NOT because they are Black...

African Immigrants come here and do Fine...

They also don't Pick Black Men up in their Cabs either, but they can't be Racist because of their Skin Color, so what is it then?...

And why after a Half a Century since the Great Society is the Black Community, Specifically Young Male Blacks, doing so Poorly?

They aren't Less Capable in ANY Situation, but it's Obvious that the Generations of Government Dependence has Retarded the Community's Ability to Strive with other Communities.

Not just in Employment, but in Crime and in ALL other Categories.

Considering that Black Women are doing 10% Better, it's NOT Soley Based in Race, and I don't Accept that Tired Old Tune from the Guilty White Liberal Media.

It's Something Deeper and More Complex, and Public Policy is Playing a MAJOR Role, as is the Pop Culture that Dominates as a Role Model for FAR Too Many in those Communities.

If you don't Beleive that an Unfortunate Number of Blacks in the DemocRATS Housing Projects and Districts Thought that a Vote for Obama was a Vote for MORE for themselves, then you are Kidding yourself.

This is a Generational Problem that will Take Generations to Solve...

But it's NOT going to get Solved if People don't Start being Honest, and Stop Calling those who want to Address it "Racists".

And on that Note, Fuck you Ravi and del.

Deal with the Substance of what I say or go Troll someone else.



bite me, kleagle boy.


All of what I Wrote and del is only Capable of Junior High Level Trolling... :clap2:

You are Testament to your Kind.



as are you, senator byrd.

it doesn't matter how high you pile it or where you capitalize it; bullshit is still bullshit. the only surprising thing is you forgot to slag the muslims.

you're losing a step, mr. duke.
bite me, kleagle boy.


All of what I Wrote and del is only Capable of Junior High Level Trolling... :clap2:

You are Testament to your Kind.



as are you, senator byrd.

it doesn't matter how high you pile it or where you capitalize it; bullshit is still bullshit. the only surprising thing is you forgot to slag the muslims.

you're losing a step, mr. duke.


Your Inability in Debate is Amazing...

The only thing that Distinguishes you from Ravi is that Nobody Expects anything from Ravi...

You are a Disappointment on ALL Levels.


Go Project somewhere else.


I forgot this part
additional translation of mal's stupid posts
If blacks were smart they'd vote for Republicans. A few blacks do vote for Republicans, those are the good blacks. Sadly, most blacks are stupid. And they suck.
All of what I Wrote and del is only Capable of Junior High Level Trolling... :clap2:

You are Testament to your Kind.



as are you, senator byrd.

it doesn't matter how high you pile it or where you capitalize it; bullshit is still bullshit. the only surprising thing is you forgot to slag the muslims.

you're losing a step, mr. duke.


Your Inability in Debate is Amazing...

The only thing that Distinguishes you from Ravi is that Nobody Expects anything from Ravi...

You are a Disappointment on ALL Levels.


Go Project somewhere else.



tissue? it's the kind you like.

Yeah amazing, isn't it?

The poor who have been gettig poorer for the last fourty years are still getting poorer.

Blame the man whose been in charge for ten month and let's all pretend to forget everything that happened before he came on board.

You right wing cranks are amazing dense if you imagine that we have forgotten the history of the scum you folks put in office.

Do I love Obama?

Hell no.

I think he's trying to reconsitute the system that sucked to begin with.

But to imagine that I think this mess is HIS mess?

Shit, dude, nobody's that fucking stupid...except , I guess, people like you.
Last edited:
That number is probably 8% when you don't count all the drug dealers, gun runners and pimps. I mean that is working no?

On a serious note, black people we still see color and vote on color. They won't see that Obama's policies are not bring prosperity to them. Rather than voting for an economic genius like Mitt Romney, they cast their votes based on color. It's sad.
Here's a quick translation of mal's posts.

Wow! When malspeak is translated into English, the excessive capitalization disappears!

Eat Shit, x... I just gave you Much Ink in Response to you Post.

If all you are going to do is Troll and call me a Racist, then do me a Favor and put me on Ignore.

I Thought you wanted to have a Mature Discussion.



Point out where I called you a racist? I just asked you a series of questions to try to help me understand the point of your thread.
Unlike Obama, 35% of 16-24-year-old Black Men are Unemployed... Hope and Change?

Blacks hit hard by economy’s punch
34.5 percent of young African American men are unemployed

Blacks hit hard by economy’s punch - Washington Post- msnbc.com

Some of this is self-imposed. Instead of embracing a hood mentality, Young Barry worked hard to get good grades, and attended an Ivy League college, on scholarship. Unemployment can be surprisingly easy to avoid if you make good choices. Unfortunately, to many in the inner city, those choices (like, attending school, getting good grades, and working hard) are considered to be "acting white." That's definitely an unhealthy mentality that will result in longterm poverty.

Beyond that, though, a lot of young African American males come from crime-ridden communities where fathers are virtually non-existent, and mothers are overwhelmed, and schools are failing. It's hard to overcome those circumstances.
Unlike Obama, 35% of 16-24-year-old Black Men are Unemployed... Hope and Change?

Blacks hit hard by economy’s punch
34.5 percent of young African American men are unemployed

Blacks hit hard by economy’s punch - Washington Post- msnbc.com

Some of this is self-imposed. Instead of embracing a hood mentality, Young Barry worked hard to get good grades, and attended an Ivy League college, on scholarship. Unemployment can be surprisingly easy to avoid if you make good choices. Unfortunately, to many in the inner city, those choices (like, attending school, getting good grades, and working hard) are considered to be "acting white." That's definitely an unhealthy mentality that will result in longterm poverty.

Beyond that, though, a lot of young African American males come from crime-ridden communities where fathers are virtually non-existent, and mothers are overwhelmed, and schools are failing. It's hard to overcome those circumstances.
Don't be silly. All they need to do is vote Republican. :lol:
Are you implying that, because the unemployed persons outlined in the OP are black men, and because Obama is a black man, that he is personally responsible for their well being and employment?

Nope... They were Sold on Hope... That Hope is Fading by each Job Lost...

It's also about the Difference between Men and Women in this Data.

It's Interesting to me that the Perceived Minority of all Minorities a Black Woman, is NOT at the Bottom of the Employment List Statistically.

They do almost as Well as the overall in that Age Group, but Black Men do almost 10% WORSE than they do.

The Sexism Claims seem to be Unfounded in Modern America, that Coupled with the College Enrollment Rates of Women, but it also Begs the Question...

WHY are Black Men doing so Poorly after ALL of these Years.

It's NOT because they are Black...

African Immigrants come here and do Fine...

They also don't Pick Black Men up in their Cabs either, but they can't be Racist because of their Skin Color, so what is it then?...

And why after a Half a Century since the Great Society is the Black Community, Specifically Young Male Blacks, doing so Poorly?

They aren't Less Capable in ANY Situation, but it's Obvious that the Generations of Government Dependence has Retarded the Community's Ability to Strive with other Communities.

Not just in Employment, but in Crime and in ALL other Categories.

Considering that Black Women are doing 10% Better, it's NOT Soley Based in Race, and I don't Accept that Tired Old Tune from the Guilty White Liberal Media.

It's Something Deeper and More Complex, and Public Policy is Playing a MAJOR Role, as is the Pop Culture that Dominates as a Role Model for FAR Too Many in those Communities.

If you don't Beleive that an Unfortunate Number of Blacks in the DemocRATS Housing Projects and Districts Thought that a Vote for Obama was a Vote for MORE for themselves, then you are Kidding yourself.

This is a Generational Problem that will Take Generations to Solve...

But it's NOT going to get Solved if People don't Start being Honest, and Stop Calling those who want to Address it "Racists".

And on that Note, Fuck you Ravi and del.

Deal with the Substance of what I say or go Troll someone else.



bite me, kleagle boy.


Never see a mod troll so much!
Nope... They were Sold on Hope... That Hope is Fading by each Job Lost...

It's also about the Difference between Men and Women in this Data.

It's Interesting to me that the Perceived Minority of all Minorities a Black Woman, is NOT at the Bottom of the Employment List Statistically.

They do almost as Well as the overall in that Age Group, but Black Men do almost 10% WORSE than they do.

The Sexism Claims seem to be Unfounded in Modern America, that Coupled with the College Enrollment Rates of Women, but it also Begs the Question...

WHY are Black Men doing so Poorly after ALL of these Years.

It's NOT because they are Black...

African Immigrants come here and do Fine...

They also don't Pick Black Men up in their Cabs either, but they can't be Racist because of their Skin Color, so what is it then?...

And why after a Half a Century since the Great Society is the Black Community, Specifically Young Male Blacks, doing so Poorly?

They aren't Less Capable in ANY Situation, but it's Obvious that the Generations of Government Dependence has Retarded the Community's Ability to Strive with other Communities.

Not just in Employment, but in Crime and in ALL other Categories.

Considering that Black Women are doing 10% Better, it's NOT Soley Based in Race, and I don't Accept that Tired Old Tune from the Guilty White Liberal Media.

It's Something Deeper and More Complex, and Public Policy is Playing a MAJOR Role, as is the Pop Culture that Dominates as a Role Model for FAR Too Many in those Communities.

If you don't Beleive that an Unfortunate Number of Blacks in the DemocRATS Housing Projects and Districts Thought that a Vote for Obama was a Vote for MORE for themselves, then you are Kidding yourself.

This is a Generational Problem that will Take Generations to Solve...

But it's NOT going to get Solved if People don't Start being Honest, and Stop Calling those who want to Address it "Racists".

And on that Note, Fuck you Ravi and del.

Deal with the Substance of what I say or go Troll someone else.



bite me, kleagle boy.


Never see a mod troll so much!

never seen an asshole whine so much
I forgot this part
additional translation of mal's stupid posts
If blacks were smart they'd vote for Republicans. A few blacks do vote for Republicans, those are the good blacks. Sadly, most blacks are stupid. And they suck.

How's Fuckin' your Cat workin out for you, you Useless Troll?...


as are you, senator byrd.

it doesn't matter how high you pile it or where you capitalize it; bullshit is still bullshit. the only surprising thing is you forgot to slag the muslims.

you're losing a step, mr. duke.


Your Inability in Debate is Amazing...

The only thing that Distinguishes you from Ravi is that Nobody Expects anything from Ravi...

You are a Disappointment on ALL Levels.


Go Project somewhere else.



tissue? it's the kind you like.


^Trolling... It's all you Know... :clap2:

Are you Afraid to Debate like a Grown up, or are you just an Asshole online for Theraputic Reasons?...


Wow! When malspeak is translated into English, the excessive capitalization disappears!

Eat Shit, x... I just gave you Much Ink in Response to you Post.

If all you are going to do is Troll and call me a Racist, then do me a Favor and put me on Ignore.

I Thought you wanted to have a Mature Discussion.



Point out where I called you a racist? I just asked you a series of questions to try to help me understand the point of your thread.

You were Lacking in Courage in your Piggybacking Ravi's Accusations of me being a Racist...

Let me go see if you Actually had a Response to my Response, because I Responded to yours...



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