Unlike Spicer, Susan Rice had a great April 11th

At this point Bulldog...you're teetering on the edge of farce...take a step back from the abyss!
After years of investigating Hillary , when you found NO EVIDENCE of criminal activity

14 Whitewater partners went to prison, the only two who didn't were named Bill and Hillary.

When Hillary found her subpoenaed billing records in her residence in the White House (crime right there), they identified Hillary as the billing partner on Castle Grande, a FRAUD. At the last second, Chelsea's bio daddy Webb Hubbell came into the courtroom and said he did the work Hillary billed for (billing FRAUD), and Webb went to prison for that. Hillary wasn't even disbarred... (preferential treatment).

I could go on. Those delusional enough to think Hillary wasn't a complete and total crook/liar have no credibility at all.

Still trying to turn Whitewater, something that happened in the 70s and 80s, into something. Get a life. You're pathetic.

Whitewater is simply one more example of Clinton corruption and illustrates perfectly their method for stonewalling investigations into their scandals. You deny, deny, deny while you hide as much evidence as you can. Then you declare the entire scandal to be nothing more than a "witch hunt". Then if any of the evidence you hid comes to light...you declare that it's "old news" and the country should move on! You also tell your associates and underlings to take the 5th. It's what Clinton's DO!

Not sure about that, but Flynn asked for immunity. What do you think he is guilty of?

And you're "not sure" that's the Clinton play book for each and every scandal they've been involved in?

And even though there has never been any actionable proof of any of the claims, "I guess it could have happened that way" has been the right's playbook in every fake claim.
Really? After years of investigating Hillary , when you found NO EVIDENCE of criminal activity / wrong-doing, that never slowed the RWNJs down.
You got a credible link to that Obama administration being proven to have perpetrated a felony thingey?

No evidence of wrongdoing? I hate to break this to you, Bulldog but the FBI report on Hillary's "private" server use basically called her too stupid to understand that she was breaking the law! That was the person that you Snowflakes wanted to elect President! That doesn't even go into how sleazy the Clinton's were with their whole "pay to play" set up between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation or how corrupt her entire campaign was in how they abused the election process against Bernie Sanders with "collusion" from Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Donna Brazille!

And when were charges filed? If 5% of the crap you claim were true, they would all be in jail. Come back when you have something real.

Let me ask you a question, Bulldog! Do you actually BELIEVE the Clinton's when they claim that Hillary's Rose Law Firm records that everyone was unable to find during the Whitewater investigation simply "appeared" in her office years later?

Do you BELIEVE that someone as notoriously frugal as Hillary was (remember her donation of old underwear that she got a tax write off on?) would shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars of her own money to set up and maintain those two private servers she had installed in her residence when she could have had the whole thing done for free by the State Department IT people?

Do you BELIEVE that Hillary Clinton didn't know that Benghazi was never a protest that turned violent and misled the American people and the families of the dead right from the start?

Do you for one minute BELIEVE that Hillary Clinton didn't know that Donna Brazille was giving her the CNN debate questions in advance?

How naive are you exactly?
What I BELIEVE is that there has been a long history of manufactured outrage and blatant lies produced by the unethical right wing, spanning decades. People with poor reasoning abilities are shocked by the shear volume of those lies, but fail to understand that not one of them has ever been proven to involve legal wrong doing. I don't know why a person would choose to accept such ridiculous claims, but it is obvious that they do,

Ah yes...that would be the "VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY"? You really ARE naive enough to believe the Clinton bullshit...aren't you, Bulldog!

It's proven that Bill got a blowjob and lied about. There was an actual determination and consequences to that. What else you got?
No evidence of wrongdoing? I hate to break this to you, Bulldog but the FBI report on Hillary's "private" server use basically called her too stupid to understand that she was breaking the law! That was the person that you Snowflakes wanted to elect President! That doesn't even go into how sleazy the Clinton's were with their whole "pay to play" set up between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation or how corrupt her entire campaign was in how they abused the election process against Bernie Sanders with "collusion" from Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Donna Brazille!

And when were charges filed? If 5% of the crap you claim were true, they would all be in jail. Come back when you have something real.

Let me ask you a question, Bulldog! Do you actually BELIEVE the Clinton's when they claim that Hillary's Rose Law Firm records that everyone was unable to find during the Whitewater investigation simply "appeared" in her office years later?

Do you BELIEVE that someone as notoriously frugal as Hillary was (remember her donation of old underwear that she got a tax write off on?) would shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars of her own money to set up and maintain those two private servers she had installed in her residence when she could have had the whole thing done for free by the State Department IT people?

Do you BELIEVE that Hillary Clinton didn't know that Benghazi was never a protest that turned violent and misled the American people and the families of the dead right from the start?

Do you for one minute BELIEVE that Hillary Clinton didn't know that Donna Brazille was giving her the CNN debate questions in advance?

How naive are you exactly?
What I BELIEVE is that there has been a long history of manufactured outrage and blatant lies produced by the unethical right wing, spanning decades. People with poor reasoning abilities are shocked by the shear volume of those lies, but fail to understand that not one of them has ever been proven to involve legal wrong doing. I don't know why a person would choose to accept such ridiculous claims, but it is obvious that they do,

Ah yes...that would be the "VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY"? You really ARE naive enough to believe the Clinton bullshit...aren't you, Bulldog!

It's proven that Bill got a blowjob and lied about. There was an actual determination and consequences to that. What else you got?

Jesus...do you REALLY want a list of the Clinton scandals over the years? What's amazing to me, Bulldog...is the lengths that you Clinton supporters will go to defend a couple of career politicians who used their offices to make themselves multi-millionaires many times over! Bill didn't just lie about a blow job. He lied about having multiple affairs and using his political office to "score" chicks! That's proven as well. What's also been proven is that both Bill and Hillary would tell you the sun rises in the west and sets in the east if they thought it would either get them elected to political office or make them money! They are the epitome of sleaze.
And when were charges filed? If 5% of the crap you claim were true, they would all be in jail. Come back when you have something real.

Let me ask you a question, Bulldog! Do you actually BELIEVE the Clinton's when they claim that Hillary's Rose Law Firm records that everyone was unable to find during the Whitewater investigation simply "appeared" in her office years later?

Do you BELIEVE that someone as notoriously frugal as Hillary was (remember her donation of old underwear that she got a tax write off on?) would shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars of her own money to set up and maintain those two private servers she had installed in her residence when she could have had the whole thing done for free by the State Department IT people?

Do you BELIEVE that Hillary Clinton didn't know that Benghazi was never a protest that turned violent and misled the American people and the families of the dead right from the start?

Do you for one minute BELIEVE that Hillary Clinton didn't know that Donna Brazille was giving her the CNN debate questions in advance?

How naive are you exactly?
What I BELIEVE is that there has been a long history of manufactured outrage and blatant lies produced by the unethical right wing, spanning decades. People with poor reasoning abilities are shocked by the shear volume of those lies, but fail to understand that not one of them has ever been proven to involve legal wrong doing. I don't know why a person would choose to accept such ridiculous claims, but it is obvious that they do,

Ah yes...that would be the "VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY"? You really ARE naive enough to believe the Clinton bullshit...aren't you, Bulldog!

It's proven that Bill got a blowjob and lied about. There was an actual determination and consequences to that. What else you got?

Jesus...do you REALLY want a list of the Clinton scandals over the years? What's amazing to me, Bulldog...is the lengths that you Clinton supporters will go to defend a couple of career politicians who used their offices to make themselves multi-millionaires many times over! Bill didn't just lie about a blow job. He lied about having multiple affairs and using his political office to "score" chicks! That's proven as well. What's also been proven is that both Bill and Hillary would tell you the sun rises in the west and sets in the east if they thought it would either get them elected to political office or make them money! They are the epitome of sleaze.

How about a list of scandals that actually produced ANY proof of wrong doing. I concede the blowjob, but other than that, what have you got?
Let me ask you a question, Bulldog! Do you actually BELIEVE the Clinton's when they claim that Hillary's Rose Law Firm records that everyone was unable to find during the Whitewater investigation simply "appeared" in her office years later?

Do you BELIEVE that someone as notoriously frugal as Hillary was (remember her donation of old underwear that she got a tax write off on?) would shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars of her own money to set up and maintain those two private servers she had installed in her residence when she could have had the whole thing done for free by the State Department IT people?

Do you BELIEVE that Hillary Clinton didn't know that Benghazi was never a protest that turned violent and misled the American people and the families of the dead right from the start?

Do you for one minute BELIEVE that Hillary Clinton didn't know that Donna Brazille was giving her the CNN debate questions in advance?

How naive are you exactly?
What I BELIEVE is that there has been a long history of manufactured outrage and blatant lies produced by the unethical right wing, spanning decades. People with poor reasoning abilities are shocked by the shear volume of those lies, but fail to understand that not one of them has ever been proven to involve legal wrong doing. I don't know why a person would choose to accept such ridiculous claims, but it is obvious that they do,

Ah yes...that would be the "VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY"? You really ARE naive enough to believe the Clinton bullshit...aren't you, Bulldog!

It's proven that Bill got a blowjob and lied about. There was an actual determination and consequences to that. What else you got?

Jesus...do you REALLY want a list of the Clinton scandals over the years? What's amazing to me, Bulldog...is the lengths that you Clinton supporters will go to defend a couple of career politicians who used their offices to make themselves multi-millionaires many times over! Bill didn't just lie about a blow job. He lied about having multiple affairs and using his political office to "score" chicks! That's proven as well. What's also been proven is that both Bill and Hillary would tell you the sun rises in the west and sets in the east if they thought it would either get them elected to political office or make them money! They are the epitome of sleaze.

How about a list of scandals that actually produced ANY proof of wrong doing. I concede the blowjob, but other than that, what have you got?

To start with...Hillary Clinton set up two private servers in her home and then conducted top secret State Department business through them...something which is in direct violation of both Federal law and State Department regulations. Secondly, Clinton destroyed the contents of those servers when they were discovered...willfully violating Freedom of Information laws. For you to sit here and claim no "wrong doing" by Clinton is laughable, Bulldog!
What I BELIEVE is that there has been a long history of manufactured outrage and blatant lies produced by the unethical right wing, spanning decades. People with poor reasoning abilities are shocked by the shear volume of those lies, but fail to understand that not one of them has ever been proven to involve legal wrong doing. I don't know why a person would choose to accept such ridiculous claims, but it is obvious that they do,

Ah yes...that would be the "VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY"? You really ARE naive enough to believe the Clinton bullshit...aren't you, Bulldog!

It's proven that Bill got a blowjob and lied about. There was an actual determination and consequences to that. What else you got?

Jesus...do you REALLY want a list of the Clinton scandals over the years? What's amazing to me, Bulldog...is the lengths that you Clinton supporters will go to defend a couple of career politicians who used their offices to make themselves multi-millionaires many times over! Bill didn't just lie about a blow job. He lied about having multiple affairs and using his political office to "score" chicks! That's proven as well. What's also been proven is that both Bill and Hillary would tell you the sun rises in the west and sets in the east if they thought it would either get them elected to political office or make them money! They are the epitome of sleaze.

How about a list of scandals that actually produced ANY proof of wrong doing. I concede the blowjob, but other than that, what have you got?

To start with...Hillary Clinton set up two private servers in her home and then conducted top secret State Department business through them...something which is in direct violation of both Federal law and State Department regulations. Secondly, Clinton destroyed the contents of those servers when they were discovered...willfully violating Freedom of Information laws. For you to sit here and claim no "wrong doing" by Clinton is laughable, Bulldog!

Who me? I'm just a guy on the internet, like you. Neither of us has access to all those facts, but the people who did all those investigations did, they said there was no actionable wrong doing. You accusing all those republicans of lying to help Hillary?
Bulldog, all I am saying is that after 9 months of investigating Trump snowflakes, the NSA, and FBI found NO RVIDENCE of criminal activity / wrong-doing BY TRUMP AND HIS TEAM....

During that same time the NSA and FBI Directors have already pointed out that the crimes of FELONY ESPIONAGE have been PROVEN perpetrated by the Obama administration / Obama holdovers.

Instead of demanding those responsible for committing ESPIONAGE against the United States be brought to justice, snowflakes are saying, 'Ignore anything the Obama administration did, focus on Trump, and despite no crime ever having been committed - no evidence to support that claim, let's keep investigating Trump.'


Just sayin'....

Really? After years of investigating Hillary , when you found NO EVIDENCE of criminal activity / wrong-doing, that never slowed the RWNJs down.
You got a credible link to that Obama administration being proven to have perpetrated a felony thingey?

No evidence of wrongdoing? I hate to break this to you, Bulldog but the FBI report on Hillary's "private" server use basically called her too stupid to understand that she was breaking the law! That was the person that you Snowflakes wanted to elect President! That doesn't even go into how sleazy the Clinton's were with their whole "pay to play" set up between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation or how corrupt her entire campaign was in how they abused the election process against Bernie Sanders with "collusion" from Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Donna Brazille!

And when were charges filed? If 5% of the crap you claim were true, they would all be in jail. Come back when you have something real.

Let me ask you a question, Bulldog! Do you actually BELIEVE the Clinton's when they claim that Hillary's Rose Law Firm records that everyone was unable to find during the Whitewater investigation simply "appeared" in her office years later?

Do you BELIEVE that someone as notoriously frugal as Hillary was (remember her donation of old underwear that she got a tax write off on?) would shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars of her own money to set up and maintain those two private servers she had installed in her residence when she could have had the whole thing done for free by the State Department IT people?

Do you BELIEVE that Hillary Clinton didn't know that Benghazi was never a protest that turned violent and misled the American people and the families of the dead right from the start?

Do you for one minute BELIEVE that Hillary Clinton didn't know that Donna Brazille was giving her the CNN debate questions in advance?

How naive are you exactly?
she did not have 2 private servers running....

she used one server at a time, it was upgraded during the 4 years....but she DID NOT have 2 different servers running at once.

the second room she had was a safe room with a secure FAX set up that the govt set up for her, so she could receive classified information.

Her private server for emails was her UNCLASSIFIED system just like State.gov was the State department's UNCLASSIFIED Email system.
:cuckoo:In there minds, if a Republican says there's a scandal, there must be something to it! They don't need proof; just throw out the accusations and that's all it takes with a society that's as gullible as fk! We're idiots and it can't be helped! No ones' been more scrutinized than the Clintons and she was a few electoral votes of being a husband and wife team in the POTUS chair! Those detractors of substance; what have they done? I'm betting many went to jail trying to implicate them in something! The CGI has been dragged through the mud by animals on the right and it's still squeaky clean and they can't stand it! It will live on longer than anything they will have done and the jealousy reeks! :9: :blahblah:
Ah yes...that would be the "VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY"? You really ARE naive enough to believe the Clinton bullshit...aren't you, Bulldog!

It's proven that Bill got a blowjob and lied about. There was an actual determination and consequences to that. What else you got?

Jesus...do you REALLY want a list of the Clinton scandals over the years? What's amazing to me, Bulldog...is the lengths that you Clinton supporters will go to defend a couple of career politicians who used their offices to make themselves multi-millionaires many times over! Bill didn't just lie about a blow job. He lied about having multiple affairs and using his political office to "score" chicks! That's proven as well. What's also been proven is that both Bill and Hillary would tell you the sun rises in the west and sets in the east if they thought it would either get them elected to political office or make them money! They are the epitome of sleaze.

How about a list of scandals that actually produced ANY proof of wrong doing. I concede the blowjob, but other than that, what have you got?

To start with...Hillary Clinton set up two private servers in her home and then conducted top secret State Department business through them...something which is in direct violation of both Federal law and State Department regulations. Secondly, Clinton destroyed the contents of those servers when they were discovered...willfully violating Freedom of Information laws. For you to sit here and claim no "wrong doing" by Clinton is laughable, Bulldog!

Who me? I'm just a guy on the internet, like you. Neither of us has access to all those facts, but the people who did all those investigations did, they said there was no actionable wrong doing. You accusing all those republicans of lying to help Hillary?

The people that did the investigations came to the exact same conclusions I did, Bulldog! Let's be honest here! Hillary Clinton was operating the State Department "off the grid" through a private network she set up and ran in her own home at great personal expense when the regulations...that she signed off on...quite clearly made that against the rules. When that was pointed out to Clinton by several lower level State Department IT experts...they were ordered by Clinton staff members to never mention the Secretary's emails again and informed that State Department lawyers had "OK'ed" what Clinton was doing...which was a flat out lie! We have laws in place to prevent our officials from conducting our country's business in the shadows. The Freedom of Information Act was passed to keep politicians like Hillary Clinton from doing what she quite blatantly DID!
:cuckoo:In there minds, if a Republican says there's a scandal, there must be something to it! They don't need proof; just throw out the accusations and that's all it takes with a society that's as gullible as fk! We're idiots and it can't be helped! No ones' been more scrutinized than the Clintons and she was a few electoral votes of being a husband and wife team in the POTUS chair! Those detractors of substance; what have they done? I'm betting many went to jail trying to implicate them in something! The CGI has been dragged through the mud by animals on the right and it's still squeaky clean and they can't stand it! It will live on longer than anything they will have done and the jealousy reeks! :9: :blahblah:

Oh, so anyone who thinks the Clinton's are dirty is "gullible"? That's amusing, Fiero! The couple that you obviously revere have made themselves fabulously rich by trading political favors for cash money. "Detractors of substance"? Is that what I am for pointing out how sleazy both Bill and Hillary are? Is that like a "Nabob of negativity"
The documents that got Devin Nunes in trouble were just seen by both Democratic and Republican lawmakers, and this is their assessment regarding Nunes' suggestion that Susan Rice broke the law:

"After a review of the same intelligence reports brought to light by House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes, both Republican and Democratic lawmakers and aides have so far found no evidence that Obama administration officials did anything unusual or illegal, multiple sources in both parties tell CNN.

Their private assessment contradicts President Donald Trump's allegations that former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice broke the law by requesting the "unmasking" of US individuals' identities. Trump had claimed the matter was a "massive story."

Classified docs contradict Nunes surveillance claims, GOP and Dem sources say - CNNPolitics.com
Oh yes. The famous "sources". Always ready to take the side of the DEMs.
The fact that Rice didn't break the law doesn't explain why she felt the need to lie about knowing about the unmasking, Ted. Laugh your ass off about that!
She had no idea what Nunes was speaking about.....she didn't disburse the unmasked people, as Nunes cryptically seemed to imply....she said in the interview she spread nothing around....

didn't I ALREADY give you the text of the entire interview? You could tell she had no idea what Nunes was talking about....in his crazy, off the wall, press conference an hour before her interview with Woodruff
The bitch demanded the names of dozens of US citizens be unmasked. The FBI gave her the unmasked names.
Once she had these names they somehow got into the hands of the WAPO.
Either she gave the WAPO the names or she gave the names to someone who in turn gave them to he WAPO.
She was either incredibly incompetent or the bitch KNEW whoever she gave the names to would leak them.
Once Trey Gowdy gets through with her we will know who she gave the names to or the bitch will take the Fifth. If she takes the Fifth she'd be admitting her quilt.
Either way the bitch's career is over.
The documents that got Devin Nunes in trouble were just seen by both Democratic and Republican lawmakers, and this is their assessment regarding Nunes' suggestion that Susan Rice broke the law:

"After a review of the same intelligence reports brought to light by House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes, both Republican and Democratic lawmakers and aides have so far found no evidence that Obama administration officials did anything unusual or illegal, multiple sources in both parties tell CNN.

Their private assessment contradicts President Donald Trump's allegations that former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice broke the law by requesting the "unmasking" of US individuals' identities. Trump had claimed the matter was a "massive story."

Classified docs contradict Nunes surveillance claims, GOP and Dem sources say - CNNPolitics.com
Any day Susan Rice isn't indicted has to be seen as a great day for her.
She's soon going to be having some very bad days.
The bitch isn't going to like the cat food sandwiches they serve in Federal prisons every day for lunch.
What do you think is "not right" with her unmasking the person's name in the security briefing she got?.

The Directors of the FBI and NSA testified under oath before Congress that they informed the Obama administration that their initial incidental collections revealed NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY and that the information collected was of NO INTEL VALUE.

AT THAT MOMENT, as explained by the NSA and FBI, that collected information became categorized as 'PROTECTED CLASSIFIED PERSONAL INFORMATION'.

As no crime was suggested / revealed there was no crime / reason to open an investigation.

As the information had NO INTEL VALUE it had nothing to do with National Security and had no Intel Agency worth, and THAT means there was no valid reason - other than political reason / benefit - to hand that information over to any of the 16 Intel Agencies.
-- If it is proven the only reason it was turned over to the Obama holdovers in those agencies was 'political', not only can those who illegally leaked it be charged with a crime but the person who gave it to them can be charged as well. (Intel Reps working in those agencies have reportedly opined that there was NO valid, legal reason to pass on the information to the Intel Agencies after the NSA and FBI deemed the information to be of NO Intel Value!)

Both Directors of the NSA and FBI testified before Congress that the illegal leaking of that information by Obama holdovers constitutes the Felony Crimes of ESPIONAGE. If they received that information illegally then the person who gave it to them broke the law as well.

And at that point they all closed their investigations because they were sure there as nothing else to find.---------------------------Oh wait.

What is known is something that just isn't available to the public. What is going on isn't in the news anywhere. All we can do is wait to see what actually unfolds and I'm thinking it's going to be Dick Nixon dejavu. Watergate wasn't solved in a day or a month, but the truth finally came out. Some people THINK they know what is happened but they are full of Easy shit 65.
But you claim to "know what is happened" right?
You're a fucking IDIOT! Go back to the Oprah forum.
:cuckoo:In there minds, if a Republican says there's a scandal, there must be something to it! They don't need proof; just throw out the accusations and that's all it takes with a society that's as gullible as fk! We're idiots and it can't be helped! No ones' been more scrutinized than the Clintons and she was a few electoral votes of being a husband and wife team in the POTUS chair! Those detractors of substance; what have they done? I'm betting many went to jail trying to implicate them in something! The CGI has been dragged through the mud by animals on the right and it's still squeaky clean and they can't stand it! It will live on longer than anything they will have done and the jealousy reeks! :9: :blahblah:
Your sock puppet days here are numbered asshole!'
Before you go Trump won 306 and the piss head grifter won 232 ECVs.
In your fucked up mind the difference represents "a few".
It's proven that Bill got a blowjob and lied about. There was an actual determination and consequences to that. What else you got?

Jesus...do you REALLY want a list of the Clinton scandals over the years? What's amazing to me, Bulldog...is the lengths that you Clinton supporters will go to defend a couple of career politicians who used their offices to make themselves multi-millionaires many times over! Bill didn't just lie about a blow job. He lied about having multiple affairs and using his political office to "score" chicks! That's proven as well. What's also been proven is that both Bill and Hillary would tell you the sun rises in the west and sets in the east if they thought it would either get them elected to political office or make them money! They are the epitome of sleaze.

How about a list of scandals that actually produced ANY proof of wrong doing. I concede the blowjob, but other than that, what have you got?

To start with...Hillary Clinton set up two private servers in her home and then conducted top secret State Department business through them...something which is in direct violation of both Federal law and State Department regulations. Secondly, Clinton destroyed the contents of those servers when they were discovered...willfully violating Freedom of Information laws. For you to sit here and claim no "wrong doing" by Clinton is laughable, Bulldog!

Who me? I'm just a guy on the internet, like you. Neither of us has access to all those facts, but the people who did all those investigations did, they said there was no actionable wrong doing. You accusing all those republicans of lying to help Hillary?

The people that did the investigations came to the exact same conclusions I did, Bulldog! Let's be honest here! Hillary Clinton was operating the State Department "off the grid" through a private network she set up and ran in her own home at great personal expense when the regulations...that she signed off on...quite clearly made that against the rules. When that was pointed out to Clinton by several lower level State Department IT experts...they were ordered by Clinton staff members to never mention the Secretary's emails again and informed that State Department lawyers had "OK'ed" what Clinton was doing...which was a flat out lie! We have laws in place to prevent our officials from conducting our country's business in the shadows. The Freedom of Information Act was passed to keep politicians like Hillary Clinton from doing what she quite blatantly DID!

Thanks for the info. How about a credible link to any of those investigations that reported she was operating the State Department "off the grid" , or any of the other accusations you made?

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