Unlike Spicer, Susan Rice had a great April 11th

Bulldog, all I am saying is that after 9 months of investigating Trump snowflakes, the NSA, and FBI found NO RVIDENCE of criminal activity / wrong-doing BY TRUMP AND HIS TEAM....

During that same time the NSA and FBI Directors have already pointed out that the crimes of FELONY ESPIONAGE have been PROVEN perpetrated by the Obama administration / Obama holdovers.

Instead of demanding those responsible for committing ESPIONAGE against the United States be brought to justice, snowflakes are saying, 'Ignore anything the Obama administration did, focus on Trump, and despite no crime ever having been committed - no evidence to support that claim, let's keep investigating Trump.'


Just sayin'....

Really? After years of investigating Hillary , when you found NO EVIDENCE of criminal activity / wrong-doing, that never slowed the RWNJs down.
You got a credible link to that Obama administration being proven to have perpetrated a felony thingey?
What do you think is "not right" with her unmasking the person's name in the security briefing she got?.

The Directors of the FBI and NSA testified under oath before Congress that they informed the Obama administration that their initial incidental collections revealed NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY and that the information collected was of NO INTEL VALUE.

AT THAT MOMENT, as explained by the NSA and FBI, that collected information became categorized as 'PROTECTED CLASSIFIED PERSONAL INFORMATION'.

As no crime was suggested / revealed there was no crime / reason to open an investigation.

As the information had NO INTEL VALUE it had nothing to do with National Security and had no Intel Agency worth, and THAT means there was no valid reason - other than political reason / benefit - to hand that information over to any of the 16 Intel Agencies.
-- If it is proven the only reason it was turned over to the Obama holdovers in those agencies was 'political', not only can those who illegally leaked it be charged with a crime but the person who gave it to them can be charged as well. (Intel Reps working in those agencies have reportedly opined that there was NO valid, legal reason to pass on the information to the Intel Agencies after the NSA and FBI deemed the information to be of NO Intel Value!)

Both Directors of the NSA and FBI testified before Congress that the illegal leaking of that information by Obama holdovers constitutes the Felony Crimes of ESPIONAGE. If they received that information illegally then the person who gave it to them broke the law as well.

And at that point they all closed their investigations because they were sure there as nothing else to find.---------------------------Oh wait.

What is known is something that just isn't available to the public. What is going on isn't in the news anywhere. All we can do is wait to see what actually unfolds and I'm thinking it's going to be Dick Nixon dejavu. Watergate wasn't solved in a day or a month, but the truth finally came out. Some people THINK they know what is happened but they are full of Easy shit 65.
After years of investigating Hillary , when you found NO EVIDENCE of criminal activity

14 Whitewater partners went to prison, the only two who didn't were named Bill and Hillary.

When Hillary found her subpoenaed billing records in her residence in the White House (crime right there), they identified Hillary as the billing partner on Castle Grande, a FRAUD. At the last second, Chelsea's bio daddy Webb Hubbell came into the courtroom and said he did the work Hillary billed for (billing FRAUD), and Webb went to prison for that. Hillary wasn't even disbarred... (preferential treatment).

I could go on. Those delusional enough to think Hillary wasn't a complete and total crook/liar have no credibility at all.
Really? After years of investigating Hillary , when you found NO EVIDENCE of criminal activity / wrong-doing, that never slowed the RWNJs down.

You got a credible link to that Obama administration being proven to have perpetrated a felony thingey?
Link? Posted it several times now. They are found in the list of posts I have made.

Regarding the 'no evidence' found of Hillary criminal activity. I am HOPING you are intelligent enough to NOT buy that bullshit 'hook, line, and sinker'.

I have dealt with classified material for more than 30 years, and anyone who has even close to that experience can tell you that the 'BS' those defending Hillary - to included the media - SPUN was 100% UN-believable. Crimes Hillary supporters and the media were declaring were NOT 'crimes' included:

- Having both Un-Classified and Classified information on the same un-protected, un-secured server.

- Giving persons who did NOT have security clearances access to HIGHLY classified information on her server. IT WAS REPORTED THAT HILLARY ALLOWED HER MAID TO ACCESS HER SERVER THAT CONTAINED TOP SECRET/TSC READ-IN ONLY INFORMATION AND LET HER PRINT OUT SECRET INFORMATION. Good God, ANYONE who claims THAT is NOT Illegal is out of their damn minds! such activity proves that criminal charges don't have to be filed for a crime to be committed. People get away with crimes all the time without charges ever being filed.

...and this is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

The argument that Hillary Clinton did not commit any crimes because she was never charged is one of the biggest flat-out lies ever told.
What do you think is "not right" with her unmasking the person's name in the security briefing she got?.

The Directors of the FBI and NSA testified under oath before Congress that they informed the Obama administration that their initial incidental collections revealed NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY and that the information collected was of NO INTEL VALUE.

AT THAT MOMENT, as explained by the NSA and FBI, that collected information became categorized as 'PROTECTED CLASSIFIED PERSONAL INFORMATION'.

As no crime was suggested / revealed there was no crime / reason to open an investigation.

As the information had NO INTEL VALUE it had nothing to do with National Security and had no Intel Agency worth, and THAT means there was no valid reason - other than political reason / benefit - to hand that information over to any of the 16 Intel Agencies.
-- If it is proven the only reason it was turned over to the Obama holdovers in those agencies was 'political', not only can those who illegally leaked it be charged with a crime but the person who gave it to them can be charged as well. (Intel Reps working in those agencies have reportedly opined that there was NO valid, legal reason to pass on the information to the Intel Agencies after the NSA and FBI deemed the information to be of NO Intel Value!)

Both Directors of the NSA and FBI testified before Congress that the illegal leaking of that information by Obama holdovers constitutes the Felony Crimes of ESPIONAGE. If they received that information illegally then the person who gave it to them broke the law as well.
First, you all keep saying that these people testified that there was no criminal activity blah blah blah....

Can you please provide a link to support this.....
Really? After years of investigating Hillary , when you found NO EVIDENCE of criminal activity / wrong-doing, that never slowed the RWNJs down.

You got a credible link to that Obama administration being proven to have perpetrated a felony thingey?
Link? Posted it several times now. They are found in the list of posts I have made.

Regarding the 'no evidence' found of Hillary criminal activity. I am HOPING you are intelligent enough to NOT buy that bullshit 'hook, line, and sinker'.

I have dealt with classified material for more than 30 years, and anyone who has even close to that experience can tell you that the 'BS' those defending Hillary - to included the media - SPUN was 100% UN-believable. Crimes Hillary supporters and the media were declaring were NOT 'crimes' included:

- Having both Un-Classified and Classified information on the same un-protected, un-secured server.

- Giving persons who did NOT have security clearances access to HIGHLY classified information on her server. IT WAS REPORTED THAT HILLARY ALLOWED HER MAID TO ACCESS HER SERVER THAT CONTAINED TOP SECRET/TSC READ-IN ONLY INFORMATION AND LET HER PRINT OUT SECRET INFORMATION. Good God, ANYONE who claims THAT is NOT Illegal is out of their damn minds! such activity proves that criminal charges don't have to be filed for a crime to be committed. People get away with crimes all the time without charges ever being filed.

...and this is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

The argument that Hillary Clinton did not commit any crimes because she was never charged is one of the biggest flat-out lies ever told.
Hilllary did not have classified documents from the govt's classified system on her computer. No one took classified documents from the govt's classified system and transferred them to Hillary's unclassified system. That was ALL BULL CRAP spun by the right wing.... In fact out of the supposed 27 email chains of classified emails on her server that Comey pointed out, 23 of those 27 alleged classified email chains have since been declassified...there are 4 email chains that still have not been declassified, that's it....

The emails that were initially considered classified information, WERE NEVER CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS....

They were emails where her staff were discussing things given to them that Syd Blumenthal sent Hillary, of which certain intelligence agencies considered classified information.

She and her staff did not ever believe it was classified information because they did not get this information from our own intelligence agencies, but from a private source who got the information from the public arena....

in other words, it was information that the public and people like Blumenthal could get outside of our own intelligence agencies....so how could it be this so called "Classified" information??

Dual sourced information...she and her staff got the information from an unclassified source, Blumenthal, and NOT from our intel agency files.

This is also why none of these alleged emails were ever MARKED CLASSIFIED.

They never came from a govt source that would have marked them classified.
After years of investigating Hillary , when you found NO EVIDENCE of criminal activity

14 Whitewater partners went to prison, the only two who didn't were named Bill and Hillary.

When Hillary found her subpoenaed billing records in her residence in the White House (crime right there), they identified Hillary as the billing partner on Castle Grande, a FRAUD. At the last second, Chelsea's bio daddy Webb Hubbell came into the courtroom and said he did the work Hillary billed for (billing FRAUD), and Webb went to prison for that. Hillary wasn't even disbarred... (preferential treatment).

I could go on. Those delusional enough to think Hillary wasn't a complete and total crook/liar have no credibility at all.

Still trying to turn Whitewater, something that happened in the 70s and 80s, into something. Get a life. You're pathetic.
Really? After years of investigating Hillary , when you found NO EVIDENCE of criminal activity / wrong-doing, that never slowed the RWNJs down.

You got a credible link to that Obama administration being proven to have perpetrated a felony thingey?
Link? Posted it several times now. They are found in the list of posts I have made.

Regarding the 'no evidence' found of Hillary criminal activity. I am HOPING you are intelligent enough to NOT buy that bullshit 'hook, line, and sinker'.

I have dealt with classified material for more than 30 years, and anyone who has even close to that experience can tell you that the 'BS' those defending Hillary - to included the media - SPUN was 100% UN-believable. Crimes Hillary supporters and the media were declaring were NOT 'crimes' included:

- Having both Un-Classified and Classified information on the same un-protected, un-secured server.

- Giving persons who did NOT have security clearances access to HIGHLY classified information on her server. IT WAS REPORTED THAT HILLARY ALLOWED HER MAID TO ACCESS HER SERVER THAT CONTAINED TOP SECRET/TSC READ-IN ONLY INFORMATION AND LET HER PRINT OUT SECRET INFORMATION. Good God, ANYONE who claims THAT is NOT Illegal is out of their damn minds! such activity proves that criminal charges don't have to be filed for a crime to be committed. People get away with crimes all the time without charges ever being filed.

...and this is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

The argument that Hillary Clinton did not commit any crimes because she was never charged is one of the biggest flat-out lies ever told.

Yes, but you still didn't offer a credible link. I'm not going to read every one of your previous posts for something I doubt exists. Supply the credible link or admit it's a lie.
Bulldog, all I am saying is that after 9 months of investigating Trump snowflakes, the NSA, and FBI found NO RVIDENCE of criminal activity / wrong-doing BY TRUMP AND HIS TEAM....

During that same time the NSA and FBI Directors have already pointed out that the crimes of FELONY ESPIONAGE have been PROVEN perpetrated by the Obama administration / Obama holdovers.

Instead of demanding those responsible for committing ESPIONAGE against the United States be brought to justice, snowflakes are saying, 'Ignore anything the Obama administration did, focus on Trump, and despite no crime ever having been committed - no evidence to support that claim, let's keep investigating Trump.'


Just sayin'....

Really? After years of investigating Hillary , when you found NO EVIDENCE of criminal activity / wrong-doing, that never slowed the RWNJs down.
You got a credible link to that Obama administration being proven to have perpetrated a felony thingey?

No evidence of wrongdoing? I hate to break this to you, Bulldog but the FBI report on Hillary's "private" server use basically called her too stupid to understand that she was breaking the law! That was the person that you Snowflakes wanted to elect President! That doesn't even go into how sleazy the Clinton's were with their whole "pay to play" set up between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation or how corrupt her entire campaign was in how they abused the election process against Bernie Sanders with "collusion" from Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Donna Brazille!
After years of investigating Hillary , when you found NO EVIDENCE of criminal activity

14 Whitewater partners went to prison, the only two who didn't were named Bill and Hillary.

When Hillary found her subpoenaed billing records in her residence in the White House (crime right there), they identified Hillary as the billing partner on Castle Grande, a FRAUD. At the last second, Chelsea's bio daddy Webb Hubbell came into the courtroom and said he did the work Hillary billed for (billing FRAUD), and Webb went to prison for that. Hillary wasn't even disbarred... (preferential treatment).

I could go on. Those delusional enough to think Hillary wasn't a complete and total crook/liar have no credibility at all.

Still trying to turn Whitewater, something that happened in the 70s and 80s, into something. Get a life. You're pathetic.

Whitewater is simply one more example of Clinton corruption and illustrates perfectly their method for stonewalling investigations into their scandals. You deny, deny, deny while you hide as much evidence as you can. Then you declare the entire scandal to be nothing more than a "witch hunt". Then if any of the evidence you hid comes to light...you declare that it's "old news" and the country should move on! You also tell your associates and underlings to take the 5th. It's what Clinton's DO!
Bulldog, all I am saying is that after 9 months of investigating Trump snowflakes, the NSA, and FBI found NO RVIDENCE of criminal activity / wrong-doing BY TRUMP AND HIS TEAM....

During that same time the NSA and FBI Directors have already pointed out that the crimes of FELONY ESPIONAGE have been PROVEN perpetrated by the Obama administration / Obama holdovers.

Instead of demanding those responsible for committing ESPIONAGE against the United States be brought to justice, snowflakes are saying, 'Ignore anything the Obama administration did, focus on Trump, and despite no crime ever having been committed - no evidence to support that claim, let's keep investigating Trump.'


Just sayin'....

Really? After years of investigating Hillary , when you found NO EVIDENCE of criminal activity / wrong-doing, that never slowed the RWNJs down.
You got a credible link to that Obama administration being proven to have perpetrated a felony thingey?

No evidence of wrongdoing? I hate to break this to you, Bulldog but the FBI report on Hillary's "private" server use basically called her too stupid to understand that she was breaking the law! That was the person that you Snowflakes wanted to elect President! That doesn't even go into how sleazy the Clinton's were with their whole "pay to play" set up between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation or how corrupt her entire campaign was in how they abused the election process against Bernie Sanders with "collusion" from Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Donna Brazille!

And when were charges filed? If 5% of the crap you claim were true, they would all be in jail. Come back when you have something real.
After years of investigating Hillary , when you found NO EVIDENCE of criminal activity

14 Whitewater partners went to prison, the only two who didn't were named Bill and Hillary.

When Hillary found her subpoenaed billing records in her residence in the White House (crime right there), they identified Hillary as the billing partner on Castle Grande, a FRAUD. At the last second, Chelsea's bio daddy Webb Hubbell came into the courtroom and said he did the work Hillary billed for (billing FRAUD), and Webb went to prison for that. Hillary wasn't even disbarred... (preferential treatment).

I could go on. Those delusional enough to think Hillary wasn't a complete and total crook/liar have no credibility at all.

Still trying to turn Whitewater, something that happened in the 70s and 80s, into something. Get a life. You're pathetic.

Whitewater is simply one more example of Clinton corruption and illustrates perfectly their method for stonewalling investigations into their scandals. You deny, deny, deny while you hide as much evidence as you can. Then you declare the entire scandal to be nothing more than a "witch hunt". Then if any of the evidence you hid comes to light...you declare that it's "old news" and the country should move on! You also tell your associates and underlings to take the 5th. It's what Clinton's DO!

Not sure about that, but Flynn asked for immunity. What do you think he is guilty of?
Bulldog, all I am saying is that after 9 months of investigating Trump snowflakes, the NSA, and FBI found NO RVIDENCE of criminal activity / wrong-doing BY TRUMP AND HIS TEAM....

During that same time the NSA and FBI Directors have already pointed out that the crimes of FELONY ESPIONAGE have been PROVEN perpetrated by the Obama administration / Obama holdovers.

Instead of demanding those responsible for committing ESPIONAGE against the United States be brought to justice, snowflakes are saying, 'Ignore anything the Obama administration did, focus on Trump, and despite no crime ever having been committed - no evidence to support that claim, let's keep investigating Trump.'


Just sayin'....

Really? After years of investigating Hillary , when you found NO EVIDENCE of criminal activity / wrong-doing, that never slowed the RWNJs down.
You got a credible link to that Obama administration being proven to have perpetrated a felony thingey?

No evidence of wrongdoing? I hate to break this to you, Bulldog but the FBI report on Hillary's "private" server use basically called her too stupid to understand that she was breaking the law! That was the person that you Snowflakes wanted to elect President! That doesn't even go into how sleazy the Clinton's were with their whole "pay to play" set up between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation or how corrupt her entire campaign was in how they abused the election process against Bernie Sanders with "collusion" from Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Donna Brazille!

And when were charges filed? If 5% of the crap you claim were true, they would all be in jail. Come back when you have something real.

Let me ask you a question, Bulldog! Do you actually BELIEVE the Clinton's when they claim that Hillary's Rose Law Firm records that everyone was unable to find during the Whitewater investigation simply "appeared" in her office years later?

Do you BELIEVE that someone as notoriously frugal as Hillary was (remember her donation of old underwear that she got a tax write off on?) would shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars of her own money to set up and maintain those two private servers she had installed in her residence when she could have had the whole thing done for free by the State Department IT people?

Do you BELIEVE that Hillary Clinton didn't know that Benghazi was never a protest that turned violent and misled the American people and the families of the dead right from the start?

Do you for one minute BELIEVE that Hillary Clinton didn't know that Donna Brazille was giving her the CNN debate questions in advance?

How naive are you exactly?
After years of investigating Hillary , when you found NO EVIDENCE of criminal activity

14 Whitewater partners went to prison, the only two who didn't were named Bill and Hillary.

When Hillary found her subpoenaed billing records in her residence in the White House (crime right there), they identified Hillary as the billing partner on Castle Grande, a FRAUD. At the last second, Chelsea's bio daddy Webb Hubbell came into the courtroom and said he did the work Hillary billed for (billing FRAUD), and Webb went to prison for that. Hillary wasn't even disbarred... (preferential treatment).

I could go on. Those delusional enough to think Hillary wasn't a complete and total crook/liar have no credibility at all.

Still trying to turn Whitewater, something that happened in the 70s and 80s, into something. Get a life. You're pathetic.

Whitewater is simply one more example of Clinton corruption and illustrates perfectly their method for stonewalling investigations into their scandals. You deny, deny, deny while you hide as much evidence as you can. Then you declare the entire scandal to be nothing more than a "witch hunt". Then if any of the evidence you hid comes to light...you declare that it's "old news" and the country should move on! You also tell your associates and underlings to take the 5th. It's what Clinton's DO!

Not sure about that, but Flynn asked for immunity. What do you think he is guilty of?

I think he is "guilty" of being in the Trump Administration and of talking to some Russians. At the moment that constitutes a crime with you on the left!
After years of investigating Hillary , when you found NO EVIDENCE of criminal activity

14 Whitewater partners went to prison, the only two who didn't were named Bill and Hillary.

When Hillary found her subpoenaed billing records in her residence in the White House (crime right there), they identified Hillary as the billing partner on Castle Grande, a FRAUD. At the last second, Chelsea's bio daddy Webb Hubbell came into the courtroom and said he did the work Hillary billed for (billing FRAUD), and Webb went to prison for that. Hillary wasn't even disbarred... (preferential treatment).

I could go on. Those delusional enough to think Hillary wasn't a complete and total crook/liar have no credibility at all.

Still trying to turn Whitewater, something that happened in the 70s and 80s, into something. Get a life. You're pathetic.

Whitewater is simply one more example of Clinton corruption and illustrates perfectly their method for stonewalling investigations into their scandals. You deny, deny, deny while you hide as much evidence as you can. Then you declare the entire scandal to be nothing more than a "witch hunt". Then if any of the evidence you hid comes to light...you declare that it's "old news" and the country should move on! You also tell your associates and underlings to take the 5th. It's what Clinton's DO!

Not sure about that, but Flynn asked for immunity. What do you think he is guilty of?

And you're "not sure" that's the Clinton play book for each and every scandal they've been involved in?
The fact that Rice didn't break the law doesn't explain why she felt the need to lie about knowing about the unmasking, Ted. Laugh your ass off about that!

Democrats are always jumping for joy that one of there own's doings was deemed "legal" or "no law was broken". What they don't get is that if the American voter believes you to be corrupt, they are not voting for you.
Bulldog, all I am saying is that after 9 months of investigating Trump snowflakes, the NSA, and FBI found NO RVIDENCE of criminal activity / wrong-doing BY TRUMP AND HIS TEAM....

During that same time the NSA and FBI Directors have already pointed out that the crimes of FELONY ESPIONAGE have been PROVEN perpetrated by the Obama administration / Obama holdovers.

Instead of demanding those responsible for committing ESPIONAGE against the United States be brought to justice, snowflakes are saying, 'Ignore anything the Obama administration did, focus on Trump, and despite no crime ever having been committed - no evidence to support that claim, let's keep investigating Trump.'


Just sayin'....

Really? After years of investigating Hillary , when you found NO EVIDENCE of criminal activity / wrong-doing, that never slowed the RWNJs down.
You got a credible link to that Obama administration being proven to have perpetrated a felony thingey?

No evidence of wrongdoing? I hate to break this to you, Bulldog but the FBI report on Hillary's "private" server use basically called her too stupid to understand that she was breaking the law! That was the person that you Snowflakes wanted to elect President! That doesn't even go into how sleazy the Clinton's were with their whole "pay to play" set up between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation or how corrupt her entire campaign was in how they abused the election process against Bernie Sanders with "collusion" from Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Donna Brazille!

And when were charges filed? If 5% of the crap you claim were true, they would all be in jail. Come back when you have something real.

Let me ask you a question, Bulldog! Do you actually BELIEVE the Clinton's when they claim that Hillary's Rose Law Firm records that everyone was unable to find during the Whitewater investigation simply "appeared" in her office years later?

Do you BELIEVE that someone as notoriously frugal as Hillary was (remember her donation of old underwear that she got a tax write off on?) would shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars of her own money to set up and maintain those two private servers she had installed in her residence when she could have had the whole thing done for free by the State Department IT people?

Do you BELIEVE that Hillary Clinton didn't know that Benghazi was never a protest that turned violent and misled the American people and the families of the dead right from the start?

Do you for one minute BELIEVE that Hillary Clinton didn't know that Donna Brazille was giving her the CNN debate questions in advance?

How naive are you exactly?
What I BELIEVE is that there has been a long history of manufactured outrage and blatant lies produced by the unethical right wing, spanning decades. People with poor reasoning abilities are shocked by the shear volume of those lies, but fail to understand that not one of them has ever been proven to involve legal wrong doing. I don't know why a person would choose to accept such ridiculous claims, but it is obvious that they do,
Bulldog, all I am saying is that after 9 months of investigating Trump snowflakes, the NSA, and FBI found NO RVIDENCE of criminal activity / wrong-doing BY TRUMP AND HIS TEAM....

During that same time the NSA and FBI Directors have already pointed out that the crimes of FELONY ESPIONAGE have been PROVEN perpetrated by the Obama administration / Obama holdovers.

Instead of demanding those responsible for committing ESPIONAGE against the United States be brought to justice, snowflakes are saying, 'Ignore anything the Obama administration did, focus on Trump, and despite no crime ever having been committed - no evidence to support that claim, let's keep investigating Trump.'


Just sayin'....

Really? After years of investigating Hillary , when you found NO EVIDENCE of criminal activity / wrong-doing, that never slowed the RWNJs down.
You got a credible link to that Obama administration being proven to have perpetrated a felony thingey?

No evidence of wrongdoing? I hate to break this to you, Bulldog but the FBI report on Hillary's "private" server use basically called her too stupid to understand that she was breaking the law! That was the person that you Snowflakes wanted to elect President! That doesn't even go into how sleazy the Clinton's were with their whole "pay to play" set up between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation or how corrupt her entire campaign was in how they abused the election process against Bernie Sanders with "collusion" from Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Donna Brazille!

And when were charges filed? If 5% of the crap you claim were true, they would all be in jail. Come back when you have something real.

Let me ask you a question, Bulldog! Do you actually BELIEVE the Clinton's when they claim that Hillary's Rose Law Firm records that everyone was unable to find during the Whitewater investigation simply "appeared" in her office years later?

Do you BELIEVE that someone as notoriously frugal as Hillary was (remember her donation of old underwear that she got a tax write off on?) would shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars of her own money to set up and maintain those two private servers she had installed in her residence when she could have had the whole thing done for free by the State Department IT people?

Do you BELIEVE that Hillary Clinton didn't know that Benghazi was never a protest that turned violent and misled the American people and the families of the dead right from the start?

Do you for one minute BELIEVE that Hillary Clinton didn't know that Donna Brazille was giving her the CNN debate questions in advance?

How naive are you exactly?
What I BELIEVE is that there has been a long history of manufactured outrage and blatant lies produced by the unethical right wing, spanning decades. People with poor reasoning abilities are shocked by the shear volume of those lies, but fail to understand that not one of them has ever been proven to involve legal wrong doing. I don't know why a person would choose to accept such ridiculous claims, but it is obvious that they do,

Ah yes...that would be the "VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY"? You really ARE naive enough to believe the Clinton bullshit...aren't you, Bulldog!
Let me guess...you believed Hillary when she said the Clinton's were "dead broke" when they left the White House even though they managed to buy not just one million dollar plus mansion in Washington, DC but ANOTHER one up in Westchester that same year as well?

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