Unlike Spicer, Susan Rice had a great April 11th

BREAKING: We suspected Putin and Assad were probably cheating, but held to the premise that the Russians would hold Assad to no use of them. Now Tilllerson et al are going after Putin for being a schmuck. We tried a system, and now Trump is trying reality. Cool the lying bs, dupe. It's called diplomacy and upholding the system. Now it's called going after the a-holes...Your links are RW hate bs propaganda.
AND MAINLY, , Trump, END the New BS GOP propaganda machine. Wake UP, and wake up the dupes- THAT crap has got to end.
BREAKING: We suspected Putin and Assad were probably cheating, but held to the premise that the Russians would hold Assad to no use of them. Now Tilllerson et al are going after Putin for being a schmuck.
Barry cowardly backed down in front of the whole world - to include our enemies. allowing Vlad to convince him the only way to save face was to allow Syria to keep their chemical weapons and gpo along publicly with the lie that Russia would and did get rid of them all, lying again to the American people, 'blowing Vlad one more time', and leaving this mess for Trump to have to deal with...and Tillerson is being the schmuck?

BREAKING: We suspected Putin and Assad were probably cheating, but held to the premise that the Russians would hold Assad to no use of them. Now Tilllerson et al are going after Putin for being a schmuck.
Barry cowardly backed down in front of the whole world - to include our enemies. allowing Vlad to convince him the only way to save face was to allow Syria to keep their chemical weapons and gpo along publicly with the lie that Russia would and did get rid of them all, lying again to the American people, 'blowing Vlad one more time', and leaving this mess for Trump to have to deal with...and Tillerson is being the schmuck?

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Of course, the New BS GOP fought him on ANY attack, and Russia VERIFIED that Assad gave up all his chems. Now they are going to catch hell for lying. The chlorine Assad used the last 2 years didn't prove that, but the Sarin attack last week DID. Too bad you only get half the news, dupe. But thanks for the soap opera bs- Hate infotainment is so entertaining and addictive.
Of course, the New BS GOP fought him on ANY attack, and Russia VERIFIED that Assad gave up all his chems. Now they are going to catch hell for lying. The chlorine Assad used the last 2 years didn't prove that, but the Sarin attack last week DID. Too bad you only get half the news, dupe.
Obama official: 'We always knew' Assad kept some chemical weapons

Damn that Obama and his administration - always LYING. They say they KNEW Syria still had chemical weapons. you just can't trust them. Thanks for reminding us Obama and his people are such Liars! :p
Of course, the New BS GOP fought him on ANY attack, and Russia VERIFIED that Assad gave up all his chems. Now they are going to catch hell for lying. The chlorine Assad used the last 2 years didn't prove that, but the Sarin attack last week DID. Too bad you only get half the news, dupe.
Obama official: 'We always knew' Assad kept some chemical weapons

Damn that Obama and his administration - always LYING. They say they KNEW Syria still had chemical weapons. you just can't trust them. Thanks for reminding us Obama and his people are such Liars! :p
It was smart to go with Russia. Now it's smart to go after Russia. No lies, there was no EVIDENCE Putin and Assad were lying til now. Feq your bs hate propaganda...
The fact that Rice didn't break the law doesn't explain why she felt the need to lie about knowing about the unmasking, Ted. Laugh your ass off about that!
No lie there either. And now the Trump administration is all over Russia for lying about the chem weapons being destroyed, so that is GOP BS TOO, YA GD moron dupes...

Susan Rice didn't lie? Then what happened, she misspoke, maybe forgot?
Well, she only lied on Fox and Rush etc, so no doubt it's MORE fake news, superdupe. Link?

When all of the poorly informed right wingers were in a frenzy over Rice and Nunes on this board, I could not for the life of me figure out why they were frothing at the teeth on Rice.....all the news stations had experts and previous National security advisors all said it was normal and proper and necessary for her to unmask the identities for her to understand the security assessments given to her....

So I went to Fox, and MY LORD, MY LORD it was feeding frenzy and circus of making Rice out to be a traitor and treasonous and Trump was right on wire tapping and the biggest bunch of bull crap I have seen in my life!!!!! Every Fox program that came on, not just Hannity, judge Jeanine, just utter lying bull crud...

No wonder right wingers lie lie lie and lie all the time....their right wing news lies to them, and they believe them!!!! Time and time and time again.

Can you stop with your stupid chanting and turn on your brain.

You lost the election.

Now, your side has declared war.

The behaviour on your side has been appalling to the point that it pissed off a enough people that they did NOT elect Hillary.
Trump did win the electoral college and he is our President due to winning the electoral college vote,

UNLESS he did such through back handed CHEATING, by cooperating and colluding with the Russian hacker THIEVES and colluding with the Russian influence in our election process in any manner including the distribution of the stolen goods through wikileaks or through the original dumping site, DCLeaks.com.

If President Trump's campaign team colluded with the Russians without him having any knowledge of it, then he is still legitimately our President.

BUT, if Pres Trump had knowledge of his team coordinating with the Russians, then and only then, would he be considered an illigitimate president and not worthy of ever holding any office of the USA....imo.
The documents that got Devin Nunes in trouble were just seen by both Democratic and Republican lawmakers, and this is their assessment regarding Nunes' suggestion that Susan Rice broke the law:

"After a review of the same intelligence reports brought to light by House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes, both Republican and Democratic lawmakers and aides have so far found no evidence that Obama administration officials did anything unusual or illegal, multiple sources in both parties tell CNN.

Their private assessment contradicts President Donald Trump's allegations that former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice broke the law by requesting the "unmasking" of US individuals' identities. Trump had claimed the matter was a "massive story."

Classified docs contradict Nunes surveillance claims, GOP and Dem sources say - CNNPolitics.com
Any day Susan Rice isn't indicted has to be seen as a great day for her.
It's what I was saying all along....the President (and Nunes) was using this to distract from the devastating Senate hearing on Monday where the FBI said that not only were the Russians being investigated for their interference in our election process, but the Trump campaign was ALSO being investigated for their possible coordination with the Russian interference...

The president needs to stop these bull crap tactics of diversion, he did it with claiming Obama had him wire tapped, right when we found out Sessions LIED UNDER OATH about having absolutely no meetings with the Russians.

It does not matter....

It's the appearance of impropriety and we will make her pay.....

Appearance of impropriety? You mean the right has convinced enough RWNJs that this lie is just as valid as their lies about Benghazi, or the president's birth certificate, and you want to use that belief as proof that something happened.

What lie ? She did what she did.

Legal and right are not the same thing.

Who said anything about Benghazi (besides Susan Rice ?) or the birth certificate...in this thread ?

Why is it that you LWBH's can't pull away from your talking points long enough to think for yourselves ?
What do you think is "not right" with her unmasking the person's name in the security briefing she got?

What do you think unmasking means? Do you think unmasking the name of the US Citizen in her security briefing she was given means the name of the US Citizen is now unmasked for EVERYONE who gets the report to see? Because THAT IS NOT what unmasking means.... the unmasking request by her, is for her only and NOT other individuals that may have seen the security briefing...

there was NOTHING at all, ''not right'' with her request for the unmasking, IF the Intelligence agency's 3 man advisory team agreed to her request.... nada, nilch, zilch, zip, nothing wrong with such request.

You've been sold a bill of goods...and have no idea what the legal procedure is for doing the unmasking, or what unmasking even means.
BREAKING: We suspected Putin and Assad were probably cheating, but held to the premise that the Russians would hold Assad to no use of them. Now Tilllerson et al are going after Putin for being a schmuck.
Barry cowardly backed down in front of the whole world - to include our enemies. allowing Vlad to convince him the only way to save face was to allow Syria to keep their chemical weapons and gpo along publicly with the lie that Russia would and did get rid of them all, lying again to the American people, 'blowing Vlad one more time', and leaving this mess for Trump to have to deal with...and Tillerson is being the schmuck?

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There you go again exaggerating and repeating over used talking points.
In 2013, after the August attack on civilians that killed 1,429 people, including at least 426 children. Obama sent a request to congress use military strikes against the Syrian regime. At the time congress was on one of their many recesses and were not going to be called to come back to vote on the request.
It was very likely that congress would not pass the request.
"The administration was so worried about getting the congressional backing that it openly asked the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee – one of the most formidable lobbying groups in Washington – to call on lawmakers to support an action."
Obama Asks Congress to Delay Vote on Syria Strike | Military.com
"The president's critics in Congress were emboldened by the vote against military action in the British parliament on Thursday, and there was growing pressure on Obama to show he had the backing of the Senate and House of Representatives.
Obama directly referred to the vote in Britain, saying that some advisers had advised against a congressional vote after "what we saw happen in the United Kingdom this week, when the parliament of our closest ally failed to pass a resolution with a similar goal, even as the prime minister supported taking action."
US attack on Syria delayed after surprise U-turn from Obama
Obama Asks Congress to Delay Vote on Syria Strike | Military.com
So in the end, with little support in congress, Obama withdrew his request from congress.
It should be noted, that Trump had several tweets against any Obama strike against Syria in retaliation against Syria for the Sarin attack that killed 1,429 men, women and children.
But Trump had no problem in 2017 calling a strike on Syria when 72 men, women and children were killed in yet another chemical attack the Syrian regime.
What would make Trump do a 360 on attacking Syria, when he was against attacking when 1,429 died but for it when 72 died?
That decision, sure put the Russian influence investigation and media talk on the back burner, didn't it.
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It's what I was saying all along....the President (and Nunes) was using this to distract from the devastating Senate hearing on Monday where the FBI said that not only were the Russians being investigated for their interference in our election process, but the Trump campaign was ALSO being investigated for their possible coordination with the Russian interference...

The president needs to stop these bull crap tactics of diversion, he did it with claiming Obama had him wire tapped, right when we found out Sessions LIED UNDER OATH about having absolutely no meetings with the Russians.

It does not matter....

It's the appearance of impropriety and we will make her pay.....

Truthiness is.......

She's a witch.....Burn her....

What do you think is "not right" with her unmasking the person's name in the security briefing she got?.

The Directors of the FBI and NSA testified under oath before Congress that they informed the Obama administration that their initial incidental collections revealed NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY and that the information collected was of NO INTEL VALUE.

AT THAT MOMENT, as explained by the NSA and FBI, that collected information became categorized as 'PROTECTED CLASSIFIED PERSONAL INFORMATION'.

As no crime was suggested / revealed there was no crime / reason to open an investigation.

As the information had NO INTEL VALUE it had nothing to do with National Security and had no Intel Agency worth, and THAT means there was no valid reason - other than political reason / benefit - to hand that information over to any of the 16 Intel Agencies.
-- If it is proven the only reason it was turned over to the Obama holdovers in those agencies was 'political', not only can those who illegally leaked it be charged with a crime but the person who gave it to them can be charged as well. (Intel Reps working in those agencies have reportedly opined that there was NO valid, legal reason to pass on the information to the Intel Agencies after the NSA and FBI deemed the information to be of NO Intel Value!)

Both Directors of the NSA and FBI testified before Congress that the illegal leaking of that information by Obama holdovers constitutes the Felony Crimes of ESPIONAGE. If they received that information illegally then the person who gave it to them broke the law as well.
Ah, spammers on this thread, too, with no links, not even the ones from November 2016 used on a different thread to support their lies. Just opinion probably gathered from Fox Noise. Or Alex Jones. Or Tucker Carlson. Or Sean Hannity....All impartial sources, of course.
What do you think is "not right" with her unmasking the person's name in the security briefing she got?.

The Directors of the FBI and NSA testified under oath before Congress that they informed the Obama administration that their initial incidental collections revealed NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY and that the information collected was of NO INTEL VALUE.

AT THAT MOMENT, as explained by the NSA and FBI, that collected information became categorized as 'PROTECTED CLASSIFIED PERSONAL INFORMATION'.

As no crime was suggested / revealed there was no crime / reason to open an investigation.

As the information had NO INTEL VALUE it had nothing to do with National Security and had no Intel Agency worth, and THAT means there was no valid reason - other than political reason / benefit - to hand that information over to any of the 16 Intel Agencies.
-- If it is proven the only reason it was turned over to the Obama holdovers in those agencies was 'political', not only can those who illegally leaked it be charged with a crime but the person who gave it to them can be charged as well. (Intel Reps working in those agencies have reportedly opined that there was NO valid, legal reason to pass on the information to the Intel Agencies after the NSA and FBI deemed the information to be of NO Intel Value!)

Both Directors of the NSA and FBI testified before Congress that the illegal leaking of that information by Obama holdovers constitutes the Felony Crimes of ESPIONAGE. If they received that information illegally then the person who gave it to them broke the law as well.

And at that point they all closed their investigations because they were sure there as nothing else to find.---------------------------Oh wait.
the FBI said that not only were the Russians being investigated for their interference in our election process, but the Trump campaign was ALSO being investigated for their possible coordination with the Russian interference...

Comey was 100% for Hillary.

I really do not understand why Trump has not fired his treasonous ass.
You're not the only one who doesn't understand all the goofy stuff that orange clown says and does.
Bulldog, all I am saying is that after 9 months of investigating Trump snowflakes, the NSA, and FBI found NO RVIDENCE of criminal activity / wrong-doing BY TRUMP AND HIS TEAM....

During that same time the NSA and FBI Directors have already pointed out that the crimes of FELONY ESPIONAGE have been PROVEN perpetrated by the Obama administration / Obama holdovers.

Instead of demanding those responsible for committing ESPIONAGE against the United States be brought to justice, snowflakes are saying, 'Ignore anything the Obama administration did, focus on Trump, and despite no crime ever having been committed - no evidence to support that claim, let's keep investigating Trump.'


Just sayin'....
Comey was 100% for Hillary. I really do not understand why Trump has not fired his treasonous ass.

Not trying to hold any bias, I will say Comey F*ed Up ALL THE WAY AROUND, numerous times. He should have been replaced for THAT - sweep the place clean and replace with someone TRUSTED.
and CNN is still in the clear for giving Hillary the debate questions before the debate....

Whining about "influencing elections..."
Bulldog, all I am saying is that after 9 months of investigating Trump snowflakes, the NSA, and FBI found NO RVIDENCE of criminal activity / wrong-doing BY TRUMP AND HIS TEAM....

During that same time the NSA and FBI Directors have already pointed out that the crimes of FELONY ESPIONAGE have been PROVEN perpetrated by the Obama administration / Obama holdovers.

Instead of demanding those responsible for committing ESPIONAGE against the United States be brought to justice, snowflakes are saying, 'Ignore anything the Obama administration did, focus on Trump, and despite no crime ever having been committed - no evidence to support that claim, let's keep investigating Trump.'


Just sayin'....

Then why aren't the Obama holdovers been indicted or even charged with anything MR. ALL CAPS? NO EVIDENCE? Bahahahahaha....

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