Unlike Vietnam, there is not an organized left wing anti war movement over the US funding the Ukraine/Russia war

Then why is the Select Service Board still in effect? If Joey Xi continues his assault of 'Woke' and Covid mandates on the military by 2024 we'll have lost more than 50% of our military strength. We've already lost 25%.
If it gets worse the4 Maoist Democrats will reintroduce the draft.
There are no Maoist Democrats.

Democrats are deranged warmongering conservative totalitarians VIGOROUSLY opposed by the left.
The left opposes this mad war and has from the time it became aware of the Wolfowitz Doctrine 30 years ago - the blueprint for this death wish.

Liberals, however, do not.

And liberals own the MSM.

Be careful not to confuse the left with liberals - it's like thinking the Jews were Nazis.

Not being disrespectful, but I have not seen any Biden voters demanding peace in Ukraine and protesting the $80 billion we have sent to Ukraine.

Who are the left that vocally oppose the war?

How many are there?
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Exactly? Where is Jane Fonda protesting the US funding the Ukraine war like she did Vietnam?

For the most part, the Left loves war because it depopulates, which is why about every major war in US history was started by a democrat.

In fact, LBJ made up a story that the Vietnamese attacked America first, much like Hitler made up the story that Poland first attacked the Germans.

Yet if you ask any Left wing academic to list the greatest presidents of all time, LBJ continues to top the list anyway.
The left despises war.

Liberals do as they're told, which can include cheerleding war as in this case.
My preference or opinion about Russia's invasion has nothing to do with it. If Biden, or any president, starts drafting HS students, you will see protest like the 60's, imo.
It's coming.

Unless Nuclear Armageddon first.

Y'all should have listened to the left about Biden - I did.
I see no way that it is America's war. If this is OUR war why are WE buying Oil from Russia. What kinda sense does that make?
He means that the USG - The Swamp - pushed us into this, and not that we have any moral imperative.
I don't see the money graft as being the primary purpose, although it would certainly be a secondary factor.

I'm totally convinced that it's America's proxy war against Russia and it's America's intended final culmination of all of America's wars. The PNAC agenda is bigger than it appears on the surface. For instance, C and S American countries are a part of the overall plan.

But you're right that the Ukraine means nothing!

This is the fruit of the poison tree known as the Wolfowitz Doctrine.
I don't buy that at all. For what reason.
1) Global reset.

2) Wealth and power for the oligarchy.

3) Psychopathic elites get off on death and rape and suffering on a massive scale - see Hillary and Cheney for examples.
The Iranian regime is on it's last legs.
Who said anything about Iran? In the end Joey Xi will fly in billions of dollars to Iran just as Obama did to bolster the murderous Iranian Mullahs strangle hold on the people.
What was the exact day the Grateful Dead cult started loving war?
Reagan broke Democrats/liberals, so around 1980.

Bill Clinton was the first hyper-conservative Democrat president, and Hillary is to the right of Kissinger, her mentor.
Reagan broke Democrats/liberals, so around 1980.

Bill Clinton was the first hyper-conservative Democrat president, and Hillary is to the right of Kissinger, her mentor.
Hilllarys real mentor is Alinsky.
LOLOL that's good. Those holier than thou dirty hippies didn't care about civilian deaths in the vietnam war, they cared about their own sorry asses. Thanks for the verification.
Both Convenient Ideologies Committed Capital Treason

Same goes for the pro-war Chickenhawks who used Daddy's influence to get out of the fighting. Also, those who ran away to college, which in a viable country would never be a "deferment" and actually turned out to be an exemption. Third, all the jockocrat athletes drafted by the billionaires' teams but never subjected to the Manly Draft. The mission of the Reserves and National Guard was perverted into making those stolen-valor organizations hideouts for young men with connections.
Not being disrespectful, but I have not seen any Biden voters demanding peace in Ukraine and protesting the $80 billion we have sent to Ukraine.

Who are the left that vocally oppose the war?

How many are there?
Biden voters are NOT the left - they're Democrats.

And Democrats do and believe as they're told for the most part.

Chomsky and numerous others on the left are vocal in their opposition to the madness in Ukraine, as are many conservatives, but the liberal/Democrat media will NOT amplify their views unless it's to call them Russian dupes & so forth - look what happened to Musk!

The left is tiny in number - about 3% of the voting population - and liberals despise and stifle/mock/attack their views.

Here on USMB, the two most vocal leftists - really our only identifiable leftists - DEEPLY oppose what's happening in Ukraine.

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