Unpatriotic Dems In Virginia Erases Confederate Holiday

i don't get why there should be any holidays to celebrate the effort to secede or for the 'right' to own other humans.

They yearn for the good ole days when they could keep negroes in chains
Slavery was the primary reason for the war. What the fuck are you talking about?

Oh, right, sorry, forgot for a second. LIbs just say shit, they don't mean nuthin by it.

Any how, The memorials and the statues, are not part of the Lost Cause. They focus very narrowly on the service of the fighting men of the South, ignoring the cause(s) of the war, or the intent of the war.

That is not the "Lost Cause" argument.

Thus, when you lefties, move to tear down the statues and memorials of the South, you are not "trying to fix" history, but rewrite it, and tear the nation apart.
The Lost Cause strategy is by its own definition -- "an American pseudo-historical, negationist ideology that holds that the cause of the Confederacy during the American Civil War was a just and heroic one" -- which is wasn't....

Correct. Focusing not on the "Cause" of the fight, but the service and sacrifice of the soldiers doing the fighting, is completely different.

That was pretty cool. YOu actually made a point. Now, if you can admit that your point was successfully refuted, and we can move on,

for one second, you would not be just talking shit, like a normal liberal.

Of course, you are not going to do that.

Sorry the 2 go hand in hand. You can't discount the inhumanity and evil that was a part of the Confederacy.

Except that America as a whole, has been doing that, to the extent that you mean it in this context, for one hundred and fifty years.

So, that statement you just made, was completely insane.

You don't get to say, that something CAN'T be done, when your nation has been doing it, for FIVE GENERATIONS.

Did you mean to say, that you disagree with the practice? Cause that would not be insane.

I disagree with honoring unhonorable men.

I bet that is not true.

I bet that if you gave a list of men you do honor, that all of them would be flawed individuals, that you choose to celebrate some of their actions or accomplishments, while choosing to downplay or ignore their negative ones.

ALL, heroes have feet of clay.
There are still plenty of Patriotic holidays southerners can celebrate...

Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, MLK Day

Who are you to tell other people what they can or cannot celebrate?

And you are being racist about it too.
The Lost Cause strategy is by its own definition -- "an American pseudo-historical, negationist ideology that holds that the cause of the Confederacy during the American Civil War was a just and heroic one" -- which is wasn't....

Correct. Focusing not on the "Cause" of the fight, but the service and sacrifice of the soldiers doing the fighting, is completely different.

That was pretty cool. YOu actually made a point. Now, if you can admit that your point was successfully refuted, and we can move on,

for one second, you would not be just talking shit, like a normal liberal.

Of course, you are not going to do that.

Sorry the 2 go hand in hand. You can't discount the inhumanity and evil that was a part of the Confederacy.

Except that America as a whole, has been doing that, to the extent that you mean it in this context, for one hundred and fifty years.

So, that statement you just made, was completely insane.

You don't get to say, that something CAN'T be done, when your nation has been doing it, for FIVE GENERATIONS.

Did you mean to say, that you disagree with the practice? Cause that would not be insane.

I disagree with honoring unhonorable men.

I bet that is not true.

I bet that if you gave a list of men you do honor, that all of them would be flawed individuals, that you choose to celebrate some of their actions or accomplishments, while choosing to downplay or ignore their negative ones.

ALL, heroes have feet of clay.

None on my list have enslaved, maimed, raped or beaten other human beings.
Those statues were put up to remind negroes of their place in life and keep them in their place.

Dude. YOU make a point, and I point out how what you just said was shit, and you don't even try to defend what you said? You just spout off some more shit?

You are pathetic beyond words.

For five generations, since the immediate aftermath of the war, the nation as a whole has accepted the South having regional pride in their heritage and culture as a part of the larger American identity.

This has served this nation well, healing the wounds of the war and moving the nation forward past past conflicts.

That you libs today, want to reopen old wounds, is primary, about you people being fucking assholes.


>> It’s helpful, in the midst of any conversation about this country’s Confederate monuments, to understand who put these things up, which also offers a clue as to why. In large part, the answer to the first question is the United Daughters of the Confederacy, a white Southern women’s “heritage” group founded in 1894. Starting 30 years after the Civil War, as historian Karen Cox notes in her 2003 book “Dixie’s Daughters,” “UDC members aspired to transform military defeat into a political and cultural victory, where states’ rights and white supremacy remained intact.” In other words, when the Civil War gave them lemons, the UDC made lemonade. Horribly bitter, super racist lemonade.

Though the UDC didn’t invent the Lost Cause ideology, they were deeply involved in spreading the myth, which simultaneously contends the Confederacy wasn’t fighting to keep black people enslaved while also suggesting slavery was pretty good for everyone involved.

... “In their earliest days, the United Daughters of the Confederacy definitely did some good work on behalf of veterans and in their communities,” says Heidi Christensen, former president of the Seattle, Washington, chapter of the UDC, who left the organization in 2012. “But it’s also true that since the UDC was founded in 1894, it has maintained a covert connection with the Ku Klux Klan. In fact, in many ways, the group was the de facto women’s auxiliary of the KKK at the turn of the century. It’s a connection the group downplays now, but evidence of it is easily discoverable — you don’t even have to look very hard to find it.”

1. They published a very pro-KKK book. For children.

In 1914, the in-house historian of the UDC Mississippi chapter, Laura Martin Rose, published “The Ku Klux Klan, or Invisible Empire.” It’s essentially a love letter to the original Klan for its handiwork in the field of domestic terror in the years following the Civil War, when blacks achieved a modicum of political power.

“[D]uring the Reconstruction period, sturdy white men of the South, against all odds, maintained white supremacy and secured Caucasian civilization, when its very foundations were threatened within and without,” Rose writes.

She goes on to provide a look at the roots of racist anti-black stereotypes and language in this country, a lot of which is still recognizable in modern right-wing rhetoric. For example, she accuses black people of laziness* — and wanting a handout — for refusing to keep working for free for white enslavers, and instead trying to find fortune where the jobs were: “Many negroes conceived the idea that freedom meant cessation from labor, so they left the fields, crowding into the cities and towns, expecting to be fed by the United States Government.” In one section, with pretty overt delight, Rose highlights the methods the KKK used to terrify black people, including posting notes around towns with the “picture of a figure dangling from the limb of a tree,” and exalts the KKK’s lawless, murderous violence:

[*anyone remember which contemporary figure declared "Laziness is a trait in blacks"? Hint: he's orange]
.. 2. Actually, they published at least two very pro-KKK books. . .

. . .and probably many more. Another UDC ode to the KKK was written by Annie Cooper Burton, then-president of the Los Angeles chapter of the UDC, and published in 1916. Titled “The Ku Klux Klan,” much like Rose’s aforementioned book, it argues that the Klan has gotten a bad rap just because they terrorized and intimidated black people, not infrequently assaulting and raping black women, murdering black citizens, and burning down black townships. For these reasons, she suggests, the UDC should do even more to show reverence to the Klan:

“Every clubhouse of the United Daughters of the Confederacy should have a memorial tablet dedicated to the Ku Klux Klan; that would be a monument not to one man, but to five hundred and fifty thousand men, to whom all Southerners owe a debt of gratitude.”

By “all Southerners,” Burton clearly means “only white people,” which is also what she means whenever she uses the word “people.”

3. They built a monument to the KKK.

The UDC was busiest during the 1910s and 1920s, two decades during which the group erected hundreds of Confederate monuments that made tangible the racial terror of Jim Crow. This, apparently, the group still considered insufficient to convey their message of white power and to reassert the threat of white violence. So in 1926, the UDC put up a monument to the KKK. In a piece for Facing South, writer Greg Huffman describes a record of the memorial in the UDC’s own 1941 book “North Carolina’s Confederate Monuments and Memorials:”

NOTE -- this is not a reference to the Stone Mountain carving honoring the site of the founding of the 1915 Klan, nor the memorial plaque the UDC put up at the site of the founding of the 1865 Klan --- this is a third monument honoring the Klan in a third different state. This one was erected in Concord, less than 100 miles from where I sit.​

Karen who?​
AGAIN -- the Professor's full name and credentials were already spelled out in the post. Perhaps you were too busy going :lalala: at the rest of the post and washing it down the drain so you could pretend it wasn't there. I went back and made those credentials real big so even you might find it.

Why should I take her opinion as fact?
She's a degreed (PhD) historian and Professor, founding Director of the UNC graduate public history program and author.

And your degree is.......... 98.6?
Doctor of Message Board Whining?

YOu libs are just going in circles. You are just bringing up points, that have already been refuted.
Actually it's documented history. Show me where what I posted "has been refuted". Show me where it's even been brought up. I didn't know about the Concord Klan monument until this. Did you?

For five generations, since the immediate aftermath of the war, the nation as a whole has accepted the South having regional pride in their heritage and culture as a part of the larger American identity.

Uh huh.


Why should I take your opinion as fact?

This has served this nation well, healing the wounds of the war and moving the nation forward past past conflicts.

That you libs today, want to reopen old wounds, is primary, about you people the bad guys.


My opinion is backed up by history. The policy of reconciliation and the way the South has been a valuable and patriotic part of American, instead of a restive and troublesome conquered territory is well known.

Tell me which part you claim to be ignorant of, and promise that you will admit it, when I post documentation, and I will be happy to do so.

As to the Professor, just being an Authority, is not a supporting argument. Your desire to Appeal to Authority is denied. Her assertion was weakly supported at best. A few statements from a few people, across generations of time, and vast geographical areas and scores of millions of people, prove nothing.

That was my point with, "Karen who"? I thought I spelled that out well enough, in the portion of the post you cut.

The fact REMAINS, like it or lump it, that she's qualified to speak on this and you're not. You don't even frickin' acknowledge its existence. That's why you cut out vast sections of my post that proved its existence.

As far as the "everybody (white) was fine with it", I covered that literally hundreds of posts ago, last week. You cut that one out too.

As I said, if you're going to sit in the corner going :lalala: you can successfully block it out but it never means it isn't there.
There are still plenty of Patriotic holidays southerners can celebrate...

Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, MLK Day

Who are you to tell other people what they can or cannot celebrate?

And you are being racist about it too.
They can celebrate it all they want -- it just won't be at the taxpayers expense

I am sure there are religious charities or nice generous white nationalist militias that will pay for your confederate porn fetish parties

Are you conservatives telling us you need "GOVERNMENT" in order to celebrate your confederate traitors?
Correct. Focusing not on the "Cause" of the fight, but the service and sacrifice of the soldiers doing the fighting, is completely different.

That was pretty cool. YOu actually made a point. Now, if you can admit that your point was successfully refuted, and we can move on,

for one second, you would not be just talking shit, like a normal liberal.

Of course, you are not going to do that.

Sorry the 2 go hand in hand. You can't discount the inhumanity and evil that was a part of the Confederacy.

Except that America as a whole, has been doing that, to the extent that you mean it in this context, for one hundred and fifty years.

So, that statement you just made, was completely insane.

You don't get to say, that something CAN'T be done, when your nation has been doing it, for FIVE GENERATIONS.

Did you mean to say, that you disagree with the practice? Cause that would not be insane.

I disagree with honoring unhonorable men.

I bet that is not true.

I bet that if you gave a list of men you do honor, that all of them would be flawed individuals, that you choose to celebrate some of their actions or accomplishments, while choosing to downplay or ignore their negative ones.

ALL, heroes have feet of clay.

None on my list have enslaved, maimed, raped or beaten other human beings.

Give me the first name you thought of, when I said, "your list of men".
Dude. YOU make a point, and I point out how what you just said was shit, and you don't even try to defend what you said? You just spout off some more shit?

You are pathetic beyond words.

For five generations, since the immediate aftermath of the war, the nation as a whole has accepted the South having regional pride in their heritage and culture as a part of the larger American identity.

This has served this nation well, healing the wounds of the war and moving the nation forward past past conflicts.

That you libs today, want to reopen old wounds, is primary, about you people being fucking assholes.


>> It’s helpful, in the midst of any conversation about this country’s Confederate monuments, to understand who put these things up, which also offers a clue as to why. In large part, the answer to the first question is the United Daughters of the Confederacy, a white Southern women’s “heritage” group founded in 1894. Starting 30 years after the Civil War, as historian Karen Cox notes in her 2003 book “Dixie’s Daughters,” “UDC members aspired to transform military defeat into a political and cultural victory, where states’ rights and white supremacy remained intact.” In other words, when the Civil War gave them lemons, the UDC made lemonade. Horribly bitter, super racist lemonade.

Though the UDC didn’t invent the Lost Cause ideology, they were deeply involved in spreading the myth, which simultaneously contends the Confederacy wasn’t fighting to keep black people enslaved while also suggesting slavery was pretty good for everyone involved.

... “In their earliest days, the United Daughters of the Confederacy definitely did some good work on behalf of veterans and in their communities,” says Heidi Christensen, former president of the Seattle, Washington, chapter of the UDC, who left the organization in 2012. “But it’s also true that since the UDC was founded in 1894, it has maintained a covert connection with the Ku Klux Klan. In fact, in many ways, the group was the de facto women’s auxiliary of the KKK at the turn of the century. It’s a connection the group downplays now, but evidence of it is easily discoverable — you don’t even have to look very hard to find it.”

1. They published a very pro-KKK book. For children.

In 1914, the in-house historian of the UDC Mississippi chapter, Laura Martin Rose, published “The Ku Klux Klan, or Invisible Empire.” It’s essentially a love letter to the original Klan for its handiwork in the field of domestic terror in the years following the Civil War, when blacks achieved a modicum of political power.

“[D]uring the Reconstruction period, sturdy white men of the South, against all odds, maintained white supremacy and secured Caucasian civilization, when its very foundations were threatened within and without,” Rose writes.

She goes on to provide a look at the roots of racist anti-black stereotypes and language in this country, a lot of which is still recognizable in modern right-wing rhetoric. For example, she accuses black people of laziness* — and wanting a handout — for refusing to keep working for free for white enslavers, and instead trying to find fortune where the jobs were: “Many negroes conceived the idea that freedom meant cessation from labor, so they left the fields, crowding into the cities and towns, expecting to be fed by the United States Government.” In one section, with pretty overt delight, Rose highlights the methods the KKK used to terrify black people, including posting notes around towns with the “picture of a figure dangling from the limb of a tree,” and exalts the KKK’s lawless, murderous violence:

[*anyone remember which contemporary figure declared "Laziness is a trait in blacks"? Hint: he's orange]
.. 2. Actually, they published at least two very pro-KKK books. . .

. . .and probably many more. Another UDC ode to the KKK was written by Annie Cooper Burton, then-president of the Los Angeles chapter of the UDC, and published in 1916. Titled “The Ku Klux Klan,” much like Rose’s aforementioned book, it argues that the Klan has gotten a bad rap just because they terrorized and intimidated black people, not infrequently assaulting and raping black women, murdering black citizens, and burning down black townships. For these reasons, she suggests, the UDC should do even more to show reverence to the Klan:

“Every clubhouse of the United Daughters of the Confederacy should have a memorial tablet dedicated to the Ku Klux Klan; that would be a monument not to one man, but to five hundred and fifty thousand men, to whom all Southerners owe a debt of gratitude.”

By “all Southerners,” Burton clearly means “only white people,” which is also what she means whenever she uses the word “people.”

3. They built a monument to the KKK.

The UDC was busiest during the 1910s and 1920s, two decades during which the group erected hundreds of Confederate monuments that made tangible the racial terror of Jim Crow. This, apparently, the group still considered insufficient to convey their message of white power and to reassert the threat of white violence. So in 1926, the UDC put up a monument to the KKK. In a piece for Facing South, writer Greg Huffman describes a record of the memorial in the UDC’s own 1941 book “North Carolina’s Confederate Monuments and Memorials:”

NOTE -- this is not a reference to the Stone Mountain carving honoring the site of the founding of the 1915 Klan, nor the memorial plaque the UDC put up at the site of the founding of the 1865 Klan --- this is a third monument honoring the Klan in a third different state. This one was erected in Concord, less than 100 miles from where I sit.​

Karen who?​
AGAIN -- the Professor's full name and credentials were already spelled out in the post. Perhaps you were too busy going :lalala: at the rest of the post and washing it down the drain so you could pretend it wasn't there. I went back and made those credentials real big so even you might find it.

Why should I take her opinion as fact?
She's a degreed (PhD) historian and Professor, founding Director of the UNC graduate public history program and author.

And your degree is.......... 98.6?
Doctor of Message Board Whining?

YOu libs are just going in circles. You are just bringing up points, that have already been refuted.
Actually it's documented history. Show me where what I posted "has been refuted". Show me where it's even been brought up. I didn't know about the Concord Klan monument until this. Did you?

For five generations, since the immediate aftermath of the war, the nation as a whole has accepted the South having regional pride in their heritage and culture as a part of the larger American identity.

Uh huh.


Why should I take your opinion as fact?

This has served this nation well, healing the wounds of the war and moving the nation forward past past conflicts.

That you libs today, want to reopen old wounds, is primary, about you people the bad guys.


My opinion is backed up by history. The policy of reconciliation and the way the South has been a valuable and patriotic part of American, instead of a restive and troublesome conquered territory is well known.

Tell me which part you claim to be ignorant of, and promise that you will admit it, when I post documentation, and I will be happy to do so.

As to the Professor, just being an Authority, is not a supporting argument. Your desire to Appeal to Authority is denied. Her assertion was weakly supported at best. A few statements from a few people, across generations of time, and vast geographical areas and scores of millions of people, prove nothing.

That was my point with, "Karen who"? I thought I spelled that out well enough, in the portion of the post you cut.

The fact REMAINS, like it or lump it, that she's qualified to speak on this and you're not. You don't even frickin' acknowledge its existence. That's why you cut out vast sections of my post that proved its existence.

As far as the "everybody (white) was fine with it", I covered that literally hundreds of posts ago, last week. You cut that one out too.

As I said, if you're going to sit in the corner going :lalala: you can successfully block it out but it never means it isn't there.

I willing to listen to the argument she makes, or any evidence she supports. But all you showed me, was an assertion very weakly supported by a few quotes from individuals that were not representing or leading the movement that she was attacking.

If I said that the Democratic Party was the party of racism, and as support from my position, I offered some quotes from a few party officials at the country level in LA and NYC, that would not support my argument.

What you need is something from the founding documents or formal policy position or at last long standing practice, by the group as a whole to smear the group as a whole.

My point was not that she was not qualified to speak, but that Appealing to Authority is a logical fallacy and her argument was weak.

My opinion is backed up by history. The policy of reconciliation and the way the South has been a valuable and patriotic part of American, instead of a restive and troublesome conquered territory is well known.
There are still plenty of Patriotic holidays southerners can celebrate...

Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, MLK Day

Who are you to tell other people what they can or cannot celebrate?

And you are being racist about it too.
They can celebrate it all they want -- it just won't be at the taxpayers expense

I am sure there are religious charities or nice generous white nationalist militias that will pay for your confederate porn fetish parties

Are you conservatives telling us you need "GOVERNMENT" in order to celebrate your confederate traitors?

If every other group is allowed to celebrate their culture and heritage in the public square but Southern Whites are not, then you and your lib buddis are being racist pricks.

AND proving that Multicultualism, was always a lie.

>> It’s helpful, in the midst of any conversation about this country’s Confederate monuments, to understand who put these things up, which also offers a clue as to why. In large part, the answer to the first question is the United Daughters of the Confederacy, a white Southern women’s “heritage” group founded in 1894. Starting 30 years after the Civil War, as historian Karen Cox notes in her 2003 book “Dixie’s Daughters,” “UDC members aspired to transform military defeat into a political and cultural victory, where states’ rights and white supremacy remained intact.” In other words, when the Civil War gave them lemons, the UDC made lemonade. Horribly bitter, super racist lemonade.

Though the UDC didn’t invent the Lost Cause ideology, they were deeply involved in spreading the myth, which simultaneously contends the Confederacy wasn’t fighting to keep black people enslaved while also suggesting slavery was pretty good for everyone involved.

... “In their earliest days, the United Daughters of the Confederacy definitely did some good work on behalf of veterans and in their communities,” says Heidi Christensen, former president of the Seattle, Washington, chapter of the UDC, who left the organization in 2012. “But it’s also true that since the UDC was founded in 1894, it has maintained a covert connection with the Ku Klux Klan. In fact, in many ways, the group was the de facto women’s auxiliary of the KKK at the turn of the century. It’s a connection the group downplays now, but evidence of it is easily discoverable — you don’t even have to look very hard to find it.”

1. They published a very pro-KKK book. For children.

In 1914, the in-house historian of the UDC Mississippi chapter, Laura Martin Rose, published “The Ku Klux Klan, or Invisible Empire.” It’s essentially a love letter to the original Klan for its handiwork in the field of domestic terror in the years following the Civil War, when blacks achieved a modicum of political power.

“[D]uring the Reconstruction period, sturdy white men of the South, against all odds, maintained white supremacy and secured Caucasian civilization, when its very foundations were threatened within and without,” Rose writes.

She goes on to provide a look at the roots of racist anti-black stereotypes and language in this country, a lot of which is still recognizable in modern right-wing rhetoric. For example, she accuses black people of laziness* — and wanting a handout — for refusing to keep working for free for white enslavers, and instead trying to find fortune where the jobs were: “Many negroes conceived the idea that freedom meant cessation from labor, so they left the fields, crowding into the cities and towns, expecting to be fed by the United States Government.” In one section, with pretty overt delight, Rose highlights the methods the KKK used to terrify black people, including posting notes around towns with the “picture of a figure dangling from the limb of a tree,” and exalts the KKK’s lawless, murderous violence:

[*anyone remember which contemporary figure declared "Laziness is a trait in blacks"? Hint: he's orange]
.. 2. Actually, they published at least two very pro-KKK books. . .

. . .and probably many more. Another UDC ode to the KKK was written by Annie Cooper Burton, then-president of the Los Angeles chapter of the UDC, and published in 1916. Titled “The Ku Klux Klan,” much like Rose’s aforementioned book, it argues that the Klan has gotten a bad rap just because they terrorized and intimidated black people, not infrequently assaulting and raping black women, murdering black citizens, and burning down black townships. For these reasons, she suggests, the UDC should do even more to show reverence to the Klan:

“Every clubhouse of the United Daughters of the Confederacy should have a memorial tablet dedicated to the Ku Klux Klan; that would be a monument not to one man, but to five hundred and fifty thousand men, to whom all Southerners owe a debt of gratitude.”

By “all Southerners,” Burton clearly means “only white people,” which is also what she means whenever she uses the word “people.”

3. They built a monument to the KKK.

The UDC was busiest during the 1910s and 1920s, two decades during which the group erected hundreds of Confederate monuments that made tangible the racial terror of Jim Crow. This, apparently, the group still considered insufficient to convey their message of white power and to reassert the threat of white violence. So in 1926, the UDC put up a monument to the KKK. In a piece for Facing South, writer Greg Huffman describes a record of the memorial in the UDC’s own 1941 book “North Carolina’s Confederate Monuments and Memorials:”

NOTE -- this is not a reference to the Stone Mountain carving honoring the site of the founding of the 1915 Klan, nor the memorial plaque the UDC put up at the site of the founding of the 1865 Klan --- this is a third monument honoring the Klan in a third different state. This one was erected in Concord, less than 100 miles from where I sit.​

Karen who?​
AGAIN -- the Professor's full name and credentials were already spelled out in the post. Perhaps you were too busy going :lalala: at the rest of the post and washing it down the drain so you could pretend it wasn't there. I went back and made those credentials real big so even you might find it.

Why should I take her opinion as fact?
She's a degreed (PhD) historian and Professor, founding Director of the UNC graduate public history program and author.

And your degree is.......... 98.6?
Doctor of Message Board Whining?

YOu libs are just going in circles. You are just bringing up points, that have already been refuted.
Actually it's documented history. Show me where what I posted "has been refuted". Show me where it's even been brought up. I didn't know about the Concord Klan monument until this. Did you?

For five generations, since the immediate aftermath of the war, the nation as a whole has accepted the South having regional pride in their heritage and culture as a part of the larger American identity.

Uh huh.


Why should I take your opinion as fact?

This has served this nation well, healing the wounds of the war and moving the nation forward past past conflicts.

That you libs today, want to reopen old wounds, is primary, about you people the bad guys.


My opinion is backed up by history. The policy of reconciliation and the way the South has been a valuable and patriotic part of American, instead of a restive and troublesome conquered territory is well known.

Tell me which part you claim to be ignorant of, and promise that you will admit it, when I post documentation, and I will be happy to do so.

As to the Professor, just being an Authority, is not a supporting argument. Your desire to Appeal to Authority is denied. Her assertion was weakly supported at best. A few statements from a few people, across generations of time, and vast geographical areas and scores of millions of people, prove nothing.

That was my point with, "Karen who"? I thought I spelled that out well enough, in the portion of the post you cut.

The fact REMAINS, like it or lump it, that she's qualified to speak on this and you're not. You don't even frickin' acknowledge its existence. That's why you cut out vast sections of my post that proved its existence.

As far as the "everybody (white) was fine with it", I covered that literally hundreds of posts ago, last week. You cut that one out too.

As I said, if you're going to sit in the corner going :lalala: you can successfully block it out but it never means it isn't there.

I willing to listen to the argument she makes, or any evidence she supports. But all you showed me, was an assertion very weakly supported by a few quotes from individuals that were not representing or leading the movement that she was attacking.

If I said that the Democratic Party was the party of racism, and as support from my position, I offered some quotes from a few party officials at the country level in LA and NYC, that would not support my argument.

What you need is something from the founding documents or formal policy position or at last long standing practice, by the group as a whole to smear the group as a whole.

My point was not that she was not qualified to speak, but that Appealing to Authority is a logical fallacy and her argument was weak.

My opinion is backed up by history. The policy of reconciliation and the way the South has been a valuable and patriotic part of American, instead of a restive and troublesome conquered territory is well known.
It is the Democratic Party fighting to end Confederate celebrations

Guess which party wants to continue them?
There are still plenty of Patriotic holidays southerners can celebrate...

Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, MLK Day

Who are you to tell other people what they can or cannot celebrate?

And you are being racist about it too.
They can celebrate it all they want -- it just won't be at the taxpayers expense

I am sure there are religious charities or nice generous white nationalist militias that will pay for your confederate porn fetish parties

Are you conservatives telling us you need "GOVERNMENT" in order to celebrate your confederate traitors?

If every other group is allowed to celebrate their culture and heritage in the public square but Southern Whites are not, then you and your lib buddis are being racist pricks.

AND proving that Multicultualism, was always a lie.
Every other group doesn't have a state holiday.....

So I will say it again.....why do you need government in order to have a holiday honoring a bunch of traitors who tried to overthrow government??
Karen who?​
AGAIN -- the Professor's full name and credentials were already spelled out in the post. Perhaps you were too busy going :lalala: at the rest of the post and washing it down the drain so you could pretend it wasn't there. I went back and made those credentials real big so even you might find it.

Why should I take her opinion as fact?
She's a degreed (PhD) historian and Professor, founding Director of the UNC graduate public history program and author.

And your degree is.......... 98.6?
Doctor of Message Board Whining?

YOu libs are just going in circles. You are just bringing up points, that have already been refuted.
Actually it's documented history. Show me where what I posted "has been refuted". Show me where it's even been brought up. I didn't know about the Concord Klan monument until this. Did you?

For five generations, since the immediate aftermath of the war, the nation as a whole has accepted the South having regional pride in their heritage and culture as a part of the larger American identity.

Uh huh.


Why should I take your opinion as fact?

This has served this nation well, healing the wounds of the war and moving the nation forward past past conflicts.

That you libs today, want to reopen old wounds, is primary, about you people the bad guys.


My opinion is backed up by history. The policy of reconciliation and the way the South has been a valuable and patriotic part of American, instead of a restive and troublesome conquered territory is well known.

Tell me which part you claim to be ignorant of, and promise that you will admit it, when I post documentation, and I will be happy to do so.

As to the Professor, just being an Authority, is not a supporting argument. Your desire to Appeal to Authority is denied. Her assertion was weakly supported at best. A few statements from a few people, across generations of time, and vast geographical areas and scores of millions of people, prove nothing.

That was my point with, "Karen who"? I thought I spelled that out well enough, in the portion of the post you cut.

The fact REMAINS, like it or lump it, that she's qualified to speak on this and you're not. You don't even frickin' acknowledge its existence. That's why you cut out vast sections of my post that proved its existence.

As far as the "everybody (white) was fine with it", I covered that literally hundreds of posts ago, last week. You cut that one out too.

As I said, if you're going to sit in the corner going :lalala: you can successfully block it out but it never means it isn't there.

I willing to listen to the argument she makes, or any evidence she supports. But all you showed me, was an assertion very weakly supported by a few quotes from individuals that were not representing or leading the movement that she was attacking.

If I said that the Democratic Party was the party of racism, and as support from my position, I offered some quotes from a few party officials at the country level in LA and NYC, that would not support my argument.

What you need is something from the founding documents or formal policy position or at last long standing practice, by the group as a whole to smear the group as a whole.

My point was not that she was not qualified to speak, but that Appealing to Authority is a logical fallacy and her argument was weak.

My opinion is backed up by history. The policy of reconciliation and the way the South has been a valuable and patriotic part of American, instead of a restive and troublesome conquered territory is well known.
It is the Democratic Party fighting to end Confederate celebrations

Guess which party wants to continue them?

The one that treats white southerns with the same respect they treat the rest of the nation, you racist prick.
AGAIN -- the Professor's full name and credentials were already spelled out in the post. Perhaps you were too busy going :lalala: at the rest of the post and washing it down the drain so you could pretend it wasn't there. I went back and made those credentials real big so even you might find it.

She's a degreed (PhD) historian and Professor, founding Director of the UNC graduate public history program and author.

And your degree is.......... 98.6?
Doctor of Message Board Whining?

Actually it's documented history. Show me where what I posted "has been refuted". Show me where it's even been brought up. I didn't know about the Concord Klan monument until this. Did you?

Uh huh.


Why should I take your opinion as fact?



My opinion is backed up by history. The policy of reconciliation and the way the South has been a valuable and patriotic part of American, instead of a restive and troublesome conquered territory is well known.

Tell me which part you claim to be ignorant of, and promise that you will admit it, when I post documentation, and I will be happy to do so.

As to the Professor, just being an Authority, is not a supporting argument. Your desire to Appeal to Authority is denied. Her assertion was weakly supported at best. A few statements from a few people, across generations of time, and vast geographical areas and scores of millions of people, prove nothing.

That was my point with, "Karen who"? I thought I spelled that out well enough, in the portion of the post you cut.

The fact REMAINS, like it or lump it, that she's qualified to speak on this and you're not. You don't even frickin' acknowledge its existence. That's why you cut out vast sections of my post that proved its existence.

As far as the "everybody (white) was fine with it", I covered that literally hundreds of posts ago, last week. You cut that one out too.

As I said, if you're going to sit in the corner going :lalala: you can successfully block it out but it never means it isn't there.

I willing to listen to the argument she makes, or any evidence she supports. But all you showed me, was an assertion very weakly supported by a few quotes from individuals that were not representing or leading the movement that she was attacking.

If I said that the Democratic Party was the party of racism, and as support from my position, I offered some quotes from a few party officials at the country level in LA and NYC, that would not support my argument.

What you need is something from the founding documents or formal policy position or at last long standing practice, by the group as a whole to smear the group as a whole.

My point was not that she was not qualified to speak, but that Appealing to Authority is a logical fallacy and her argument was weak.

My opinion is backed up by history. The policy of reconciliation and the way the South has been a valuable and patriotic part of American, instead of a restive and troublesome conquered territory is well known.
It is the Democratic Party fighting to end Confederate celebrations

Guess which party wants to continue them?

The one that treats white southerns with the same respect they treat the rest of the nation, you racist prick.
The white southerners were among those who voted AGAINST using taxpayer money to honor traitors

But I am guessing those "white southerners" don't count because their side won....

I guess that is what the lost cause strategy is all about …..dealing with the perpetual butt hurt of losing.....being on the wrong side of history....being on the wrong side of God...sad
There are still plenty of Patriotic holidays southerners can celebrate...

Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, MLK Day

Who are you to tell other people what they can or cannot celebrate?

And you are being racist about it too.
They can celebrate it all they want -- it just won't be at the taxpayers expense

I am sure there are religious charities or nice generous white nationalist militias that will pay for your confederate porn fetish parties

Are you conservatives telling us you need "GOVERNMENT" in order to celebrate your confederate traitors?

If every other group is allowed to celebrate their culture and heritage in the public square but Southern Whites are not, then you and your lib buddis are being racist pricks.

AND proving that Multicultualism, was always a lie.
Every other group doesn't have a state holiday.....

So I will say it again.....why do you need government in order to have a holiday honoring a bunch of traitors who tried to overthrow government??

I'm not aware of all the state holidays, and neither are you. My point stands.

If every other group is allowed to celebrate their culture and heritage in the public square but Southern Whites are not, then you and your lib buddis are being racist pricks.

AND proving that Multicultualism, was always a lie.
My opinion is backed up by history. The policy of reconciliation and the way the South has been a valuable and patriotic part of American, instead of a restive and troublesome conquered territory is well known.

Tell me which part you claim to be ignorant of, and promise that you will admit it, when I post documentation, and I will be happy to do so.

As to the Professor, just being an Authority, is not a supporting argument. Your desire to Appeal to Authority is denied. Her assertion was weakly supported at best. A few statements from a few people, across generations of time, and vast geographical areas and scores of millions of people, prove nothing.

That was my point with, "Karen who"? I thought I spelled that out well enough, in the portion of the post you cut.

The fact REMAINS, like it or lump it, that she's qualified to speak on this and you're not. You don't even frickin' acknowledge its existence. That's why you cut out vast sections of my post that proved its existence.

As far as the "everybody (white) was fine with it", I covered that literally hundreds of posts ago, last week. You cut that one out too.

As I said, if you're going to sit in the corner going :lalala: you can successfully block it out but it never means it isn't there.

I willing to listen to the argument she makes, or any evidence she supports. But all you showed me, was an assertion very weakly supported by a few quotes from individuals that were not representing or leading the movement that she was attacking.

If I said that the Democratic Party was the party of racism, and as support from my position, I offered some quotes from a few party officials at the country level in LA and NYC, that would not support my argument.

What you need is something from the founding documents or formal policy position or at last long standing practice, by the group as a whole to smear the group as a whole.

My point was not that she was not qualified to speak, but that Appealing to Authority is a logical fallacy and her argument was weak.

My opinion is backed up by history. The policy of reconciliation and the way the South has been a valuable and patriotic part of American, instead of a restive and troublesome conquered territory is well known.
It is the Democratic Party fighting to end Confederate celebrations

Guess which party wants to continue them?

The one that treats white southerns with the same respect they treat the rest of the nation, you racist prick.
The white southerners were among those who voted AGAINST using taxpayer money to honor traitors

But I am guessing those "white southerners" don't count because their side won....

I guess that is what the lost cause strategy is all about …..dealing with the perpetual butt hurt of losing.....being on the wrong side of history....being on the wrong side of God...sad

I'm not sure of your point there.

If every other group is allowed to celebrate their culture and heritage in the public square but Southern Whites are not, then you and your lib buddis are being racist pricks.

AND proving that Multicultualism, was always a lie.
There are still plenty of Patriotic holidays southerners can celebrate...

Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, MLK Day

Who are you to tell other people what they can or cannot celebrate?

And you are being racist about it too.
They can celebrate it all they want -- it just won't be at the taxpayers expense

I am sure there are religious charities or nice generous white nationalist militias that will pay for your confederate porn fetish parties

Are you conservatives telling us you need "GOVERNMENT" in order to celebrate your confederate traitors?

If every other group is allowed to celebrate their culture and heritage in the public square but Southern Whites are not, then you and your lib buddis are being racist pricks.

AND proving that Multicultualism, was always a lie.
Every other group doesn't have a state holiday.....

So I will say it again.....why do you need government in order to have a holiday honoring a bunch of traitors who tried to overthrow government??

I'm not aware of all the state holidays, and neither are you. My point stands.

If every other group is allowed to celebrate their culture and heritage in the public square but Southern Whites are not, then you and your lib buddis are being racist pricks.

AND proving that Multicultualism, was always a lie.
no dic sucker...

In your whining ass comment, you said "every other group" has a taxpayer funded holiday...now you are admitting you aren't aware of all the state holidays...

but those on the losing side of righteousness usually have to resort to lying...

Anything else you want to lie about?
AGAIN -- the Professor's full name and credentials were already spelled out in the post. Perhaps you were too busy going :lalala: at the rest of the post and washing it down the drain so you could pretend it wasn't there. I went back and made those credentials real big so even you might find it.

She's a degreed (PhD) historian and Professor, founding Director of the UNC graduate public history program and author.

And your degree is.......... 98.6?
Doctor of Message Board Whining?

Actually it's documented history. Show me where what I posted "has been refuted". Show me where it's even been brought up. I didn't know about the Concord Klan monument until this. Did you?

Uh huh.


Why should I take your opinion as fact?



My opinion is backed up by history. The policy of reconciliation and the way the South has been a valuable and patriotic part of American, instead of a restive and troublesome conquered territory is well known.

Tell me which part you claim to be ignorant of, and promise that you will admit it, when I post documentation, and I will be happy to do so.

As to the Professor, just being an Authority, is not a supporting argument. Your desire to Appeal to Authority is denied. Her assertion was weakly supported at best. A few statements from a few people, across generations of time, and vast geographical areas and scores of millions of people, prove nothing.

That was my point with, "Karen who"? I thought I spelled that out well enough, in the portion of the post you cut.

The fact REMAINS, like it or lump it, that she's qualified to speak on this and you're not. You don't even frickin' acknowledge its existence. That's why you cut out vast sections of my post that proved its existence.

As far as the "everybody (white) was fine with it", I covered that literally hundreds of posts ago, last week. You cut that one out too.

As I said, if you're going to sit in the corner going :lalala: you can successfully block it out but it never means it isn't there.

I willing to listen to the argument she makes, or any evidence she supports. But all you showed me, was an assertion very weakly supported by a few quotes from individuals that were not representing or leading the movement that she was attacking.

If I said that the Democratic Party was the party of racism, and as support from my position, I offered some quotes from a few party officials at the country level in LA and NYC, that would not support my argument.

What you need is something from the founding documents or formal policy position or at last long standing practice, by the group as a whole to smear the group as a whole.

My point was not that she was not qualified to speak, but that Appealing to Authority is a logical fallacy and her argument was weak.

My opinion is backed up by history. The policy of reconciliation and the way the South has been a valuable and patriotic part of American, instead of a restive and troublesome conquered territory is well known.
It is the Democratic Party fighting to end Confederate celebrations

Guess which party wants to continue them?

The one that treats white southerns with the same respect they treat the rest of the nation, you racist prick.

Republicans treat southern racists the same as American patriots who fought for freedom
Who are you to tell other people what they can or cannot celebrate?

And you are being racist about it too.
They can celebrate it all they want -- it just won't be at the taxpayers expense

I am sure there are religious charities or nice generous white nationalist militias that will pay for your confederate porn fetish parties

Are you conservatives telling us you need "GOVERNMENT" in order to celebrate your confederate traitors?

If every other group is allowed to celebrate their culture and heritage in the public square but Southern Whites are not, then you and your lib buddis are being racist pricks.

AND proving that Multicultualism, was always a lie.
Every other group doesn't have a state holiday.....

So I will say it again.....why do you need government in order to have a holiday honoring a bunch of traitors who tried to overthrow government??

I'm not aware of all the state holidays, and neither are you. My point stands.

If every other group is allowed to celebrate their culture and heritage in the public square but Southern Whites are not, then you and your lib buddis are being racist pricks.

AND proving that Multicultualism, was always a lie.
no dic sucker...

In your whining ass comment, you said "every other group" has a taxpayer funded holiday...now you are admitting you aren't aware of all the state holidays...

but those on the losing side of righteousness usually have to resort to lying...

Anything else you want to lie about?

I did not claim that. YOu are just making up stupid shit.

My point stands.

If every other group is allowed to celebrate their culture and heritage in the public square but Southern Whites are not, then you and your lib buddis are being racist pricks.

AND proving that Multicultualism, was always a lie.

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