Unpatriotic Dems In Virginia Erases Confederate Holiday

And what time period are you referring to?
Since its inception by [ex]-slave owners until present day, they are also the only party to use nuclear weapons on fellow humans and intern U.S. citizens in concentration camps and they owe reparations, all of which they like to pretend everyone else shares their guilt in.

No "party" has ever used nuclear weapons, dickhead.
No "party" has ever used nuclear weapons, dickhead.
found one ya can kinda deny eh?:abgg2q.jpg: the left used them, [a very real crime against humanity if ever their was one] they also shared the blame for Nam with everyone else...quite an impressive list of "who me? I didn't do it" if ever there was one.

Once AGAIN --- neither a "party" nor a "left" has ever even had nuclear weapons, let alone used them.

Are you that nakedly stupid that you can't figure out the difference between a national military and a political party?

Are you one of those fucking yahoos who will sit on this board and try to tell us the Civil War was fought between political parties too?
Once AGAIN --- neither a "party" nor a "left" has ever even had nuclear weapons, let alone used them.

Are you that nakedly stupid that you can't figure out the difference between a national military and a political party?

Are you one of those fucking yahoos who will sit on this board and try to tell us the Civil War was fought between political parties too?
Your word parsing has gotten quite lazy as well as transparent...we are now to believe that all the evils committed in the name of America just happened to coincide with the left running the show in every instance?...is that right?
Think about the folks who erected these statues, created these monuments, named streets and towns after these traitors and racists. It was children and grand children of the Confederate trash.

Why are you so full of hate towards these people?

Why were they so full of hate towards black folks? Why should people today honor symbols of hate?

They are not symbols of hate. They are harmless symbols of regional pride.

You seem to be the one seething with hate today.

Hmmm, how am I hating because I am not honoring people who enslaved, maimed, dismembered, raped, brutalized and murdered black folks.

Because you are hating good people who have done none of that, and merely want to celebrate their regional culture and heritage.

Celebrate all they want, but the rest of us don't have to pay for it.

THe part where you hate them? That is you being hateful.

Did I make that clear enough for you?

No, explain it too me.

That you have your reasons or excuses for your hate, does not make it, not hate. You still hate them.

It's not hate, it's REMEMBERANCE.
How do the haters, who want to erase Confederate history, feel about the fact that the same Union army immediately after the Civil War, waged another war to exterminate the Indians? Should we erase that history also?

I don’t see anyone erasing that history.

I don’t see many towns honoring Custer
I don’t see any holidays honoring those who fought the Indians
Ever heard of Columbus Day? He enslaved Indians.
Columbus didn't discover America there were already Indians living here

Has anyone claimed that he did?

Why do we celebrate Columbus Day?
Why are you so full of hate towards these people?

Why were they so full of hate towards black folks? Why should people today honor symbols of hate?

They are not symbols of hate. They are harmless symbols of regional pride.

You seem to be the one seething with hate today.

Hmmm, how am I hating because I am not honoring people who enslaved, maimed, dismembered, raped, brutalized and murdered black folks.

Because you are hating good people who have done none of that, and merely want to celebrate their regional culture and heritage.

THe part where you hate them? That is you being hateful.

Did I make that clear enough for you?

That you have your reasons or excuses for your hate, does not make it, not hate. You still hate them.

Why is it that to you "regional culture and heritage" is only about a 4 year bloody war that those who started it got their asses beat?

No one said that. Why are you acting as though that is someone's position? You didn't even say that.

Oh, right. LIbs just say shit. Sorry for taking you seriously for a second. I just got up. Was thinking you are a person.
Polls I've heard are that most American support the historical statues, your spin not withstanding.
Link one of those polls.

Ah, my sweet little boy....you were the one who claimed such polls exist. I have no such delusion.

Whatever. You are the one pretending to care now, when we both know you don't.
Not at all....I care that you claim there are these polls and yet you cannot produce them and are fighting post after post to keep from providing them. That's the sign of a liar....cultural?

I'm not fighting anything. I asked you if you cared about them, twice and you made it clear you did not. So, I took that to mean that you asking for them, was just some weird troll game of yours, that I am not interested in playing.

So, that is it.
So...what is to "celebrate" about what the Con-federacy stood for?

Why do you ask a question, when you plan to reject any answer that is given?

THe fact is, that some people celebrate their ancestors that were part of the Confederacy. That you will not agree with them, is not relevant.
How do you "automatically" assume a poll will be rejected? Oh, I know....that's the EXCUSE you are using to not provide such a poll.......a poll that doesn't even exist because you lied. Is lying part of that "culture" you "celebrate"?
Correll is lying a lot in this thread

I never lie. You lie all the time. YOu know this, and it makes you feel bad about yourself, but you can't change for some reason which I don't understand.
You never lie? Then provide one of those polls you claim show that the majority of Americans support keeping those statues up.

So...what is to "celebrate" about what the Con-federacy stood for?

Why do you ask a question, when you plan to reject any answer that is given?

THe fact is, that some people celebrate their ancestors that were part of the Confederacy. That you will not agree with them, is not relevant.
How do you "automatically" assume a poll will be rejected? Oh, I know....that's the EXCUSE you are using to not provide such a poll.......a poll that doesn't even exist because you lied. Is lying part of that "culture" you "celebrate"?
Correll is lying a lot in this thread

I never lie. You lie all the time. YOu know this, and it makes you feel bad about yourself, but you can't change for some reason which I don't understand.
Then show me the quote you are talking about

When you are not lying, you are ranting

I have no idea what you are talking about in this context.
How do you "automatically" assume a poll will be rejected? Oh, I know....that's the EXCUSE you are using to not provide such a poll.......a poll that doesn't even exist because you lied. Is lying part of that "culture" you "celebrate"?
Correll is lying a lot in this thread

I never lie. You lie all the time. YOu know this, and it makes you feel bad about yourself, but you can't change for some reason which I don't understand.
Then show me the quote you are talking about

When you are not lying, you are ranting
Stand by for more bloviating....yet, no link.
The more you pin him down...the more he goes into tantrum mode

Not posting a link that the person asking for it, could not bring himself to say he actually cared about, is not having a tantrum,

it is just not playing your silly troll games.
Correll is lying a lot in this thread

I never lie. You lie all the time. YOu know this, and it makes you feel bad about yourself, but you can't change for some reason which I don't understand.
Then show me the quote you are talking about

When you are not lying, you are ranting
Stand by for more bloviating....yet, no link.
The more you pin him down...the more he goes into tantrum mode
Name-calling and crying galore.

You have spent years, pretending to not understand the point I made about that. It is pathetic.
The people of Virginia have spoken

They don’t want a Confederate Holiday

Yes, a majority of the people, driven primarily as you stated, by modern blacks.

I ask again, since you brought it up.

why they are more important than the rest of the nation and why they are not bound by the principles of multiculturalism?
You really don’t understand how a Democracy works

I understand how multicultualism is supposed to work. We are supposed to all live in harmony.

Why are the people of Virginia, primary, as you stated, the modern black ones, not being tolerant of Southern Whites who want to celebrate their culture and heritage?

And why do you support it? Does it not pose a huge problem for your multiculturalism and diversity agenda?

Sooooo you're sitting here admitting that this was a "white" holiday ---- after calling another poster "racist" for being concerned about blacks?

WOW dood. Hypocrite much?

We are past all of that. The question now is what are the standards by which some cultures are judged and others just get a pass.
So since you freely admit that this whole confederate holiday is about "white culture" -- we won't be hearing any more failed "but there were black confederates too" arguments??

Cool...and what are modern blacks exactly??
And what time period are you referring to?
Since its inception by [ex]-slave owners until present day, they are also the only party to use nuclear weapons on fellow humans and intern U.S. citizens in concentration camps and they owe reparations, all of which they like to pretend everyone else shares their guilt in.
Have Republicans ever opposed the use of nuclear weapons or the internment of Japanese?
"The hate"....this from the person who name-calls people when he (or is it she?) doesn't get his way...........and cries about being picked on......

Funny, you could have denied hating me. But, I guess there is a limit to how stupid, even you want to look.

My point stands.

IN this multicultural society we have build, all cultures are supposed to be able to live in harmony and peace and tolerance.

But, some cultures are less tolerated than others. As you and rw are demonstrating with your hate.
Over a 150 years later and Confederates and their racist fanboys continue lying when faced with righteousness..

Maybe if God was on the side of the Confederates, the truth wouldn't sting you so much....

YOu can shove your race baiting up your ass, fucktard.
No need to lash out at me....

When you call me a name, there is plenty of reason to point out that you are a fucking asshole.

You want to talk about the topic? Stop being a fucking race baiting asshole.
Says the person who has admitted that confederate day is a celebration of white culture....you are a dic sucker, fuck what you whining about
Think about the folks who erected these statues, created these monuments, named streets and towns after these traitors and racists. It was children and grand children of the Confederate trash.

Why are you so full of hate towards these people?

Why were they so full of hate towards black folks? Why should people today honor symbols of hate?

They are not symbols of hate. They are harmless symbols of regional pride.

You seem to be the one seething with hate today.

Hmmm, how am I hating because I am not honoring people who enslaved, maimed, dismembered, raped, brutalized and murdered black folks.

Because you are hating good people who have done none of that, and merely want to celebrate their regional culture and heritage.

THe part where you hate them? That is you being hateful.

Did I make that clear enough for you?

That you have your reasons or excuses for your hate, does not make it, not hate. You still hate them.

Actually you didn't, the people who are being honored by you and other racist did all of those things I spoke of. I haven't used the word hate one time, but you are right I'll be damned if I honor any of those folks who enslaved, maimed, tortured, raped, lynched and treated black folks less than they did the family dog.
Okay, so remove all monuments to Obama.

Then what?
It's an attack on our history that must be preserved for future generations warts and all.

Here we are in a civil war again. What was that about those who fail to learn from history?

The Antebellum South was a horrible society. Feudalism where a tiny monied elite had absolute control of state governments and preyed on the populace at large. Georgia with the small holder act that allowed large plantations to literally steal land from small farmers. Poor whites fared worse than black slaves. I have nothing good to say about the south. BUT erasing history is what the Taliban and other tyrants do.

Poor whites fared worse than black slaves, Smfh. That has to be one of the stupidest statements ever made on this message board.

It’s all part of Lost Cause Revisionist history

Did you know that Whites were slaves too?
That makes four million black slaves OK

Republicans were against slavery. Period.

What do you think who owned those white slaves?

Were Southern Republicans against slavery? Because we know they were for Jim Crow Laws.
It's an attack on our history that must be preserved for future generations warts and all.

Here we are in a civil war again. What was that about those who fail to learn from history?

The Antebellum South was a horrible society. Feudalism where a tiny monied elite had absolute control of state governments and preyed on the populace at large. Georgia with the small holder act that allowed large plantations to literally steal land from small farmers. Poor whites fared worse than black slaves. I have nothing good to say about the south. BUT erasing history is what the Taliban and other tyrants do.

Poor whites fared worse than black slaves, Smfh. That has to be one of the stupidest statements ever made on this message board.

It’s all part of Lost Cause Revisionist history

Did you know that Whites were slaves too?
That makes four million black slaves OK

Republicans were against slavery. Period.

What do you think who owned those white slaves?

Were Southern Republicans against slavery? Because we know they were for Jim Crow Laws.
Today’s Republicans honor Confederate values
1. You are the one conflating the Lost Cause movement with tens of millions of good southern people who, while not Lost Causers, are proud of their heritage and culture. YOu, not me.

2. They are focusing on certain aspects of the Confederacy, such as the bravery and skill and service of the Confederate fighting men. This is not lying. We all pick and choose what to celebrate in our history and culture. ALL cultures do this. Indeed, it is part of progress.
Southern people who conspired to enforce Jim Crow second class citizenship after they no longer could have slaves

Oh, democrats?

Yeah, democrats are real scum. Always were, always will be. They're doing the Jim Crow shit again, but this time against white people. Fucking vermin....

Southerners owned slaves for 200 years before the Democratic Party was formed

Cool. Now tell us what party was dominant in South?

Northern Democrats were pro slavery too. Only one party was against it.

NO party was "dominant in the South" until after the Civil War. We've done this.

The Whigs got more votes in the 1860 POTUS election than the Democrats. Way more. And the Democrat position of the time was "popular sovereigny" --- leave the question up to the new states as they came in. In other words pretend the problem isn't there and will fix itself. The country had been buying that for 80 years and was done buying it.

You are done, not "we".

Democrats were dominant in South before AND after Civil War. They seceded South from U.S. and created CSA. You'r claim that during Civil War there were no political parties in South is irrelevant, temporary pause to fight the war means nothing.

Yet another bullshit. Whigs were dysfunctional party, replaced by Republicans, and although they had more votes than Norther Democrats, or Southern Democrats (separately), they had no presence and no impact in South. By the way, "popular sovereignty" position that Democrats had, to let new states decide about slavery, IS pro-slavery position. What if all new states wanted slavery? Democrats wouldn't mind it. That means Democrats in North and South were pro-slavery, while Republicans were strictly anti-slavery. Not "maybe", not "let them decide", but definite NO slavery.

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