Unpatriotic Dems In Virginia Erases Confederate Holiday

Why are you so full of hate towards these people?

Why were they so full of hate towards black folks? Why should people today honor symbols of hate?

They are not symbols of hate. They are harmless symbols of regional pride.

You seem to be the one seething with hate today.

Hmmm, how am I hating because I am not honoring people who enslaved, maimed, dismembered, raped, brutalized and murdered black folks.

Because you are hating good people who have done none of that, and merely want to celebrate their regional culture and heritage.

THe part where you hate them? That is you being hateful.

Did I make that clear enough for you?

That you have your reasons or excuses for your hate, does not make it, not hate. You still hate them.
Why is it that to you "regional culture and heritage" is only about a 4 year bloody war that those who started it got their asses beat?

Four years doth not a heritage make anyway.

Fer fuxsake Jimmy Carter was President longer than the Civil War went on.
Yes, a majority of the people, driven primarily as you stated, by modern blacks.

I ask again, since you brought it up.

why they are more important than the rest of the nation and why they are not bound by the principles of multiculturalism?
You really don’t understand how a Democracy works

I understand how multicultualism is supposed to work. We are supposed to all live in harmony.

Why are the people of Virginia, primary, as you stated, the modern black ones, not being tolerant of Southern Whites who want to celebrate their culture and heritage?

And why do you support it? Does it not pose a huge problem for your multiculturalism and diversity agenda?
Southern culture is NOT a 4 year period where slave owners started a war they couldn't win. And yet, that's what you want the sum total to be....and you want to "celebrate" it.

Correct. It is more than that period. OF course a period of time in a region, where they were operating as an independent country, would loom large in any regional heritage.

So what? Who cares? Why is that important? I dont' care about that? DO you?

Hey, Vermont operated as an independent country for more than three times that period. Yet they don't have a state holiday for it. It's nothing more than an arcane historical factoid.

What's the difference?

Oh wait, I know. Vermont has never had slavery.
I see this like the Orangemen of Northern Ireland celebrating the Battle of the Boyne every year....marching in catholic neighborhoods.
That is correct. Perhaps that is why I used the word "and" to show that the people in question were doing TWO DIFFERENT THINGS.

Thank GOD you were here. Someone might have been confused otherwise.
So...what is to "celebrate" about what the Con-federacy stood for?

Why do you ask a question, when you plan to reject any answer that is given?

THe fact is, that some people celebrate their ancestors that were part of the Confederacy. That you will not agree with them, is not relevant.
How do you "automatically" assume a poll will be rejected? Oh, I know....that's the EXCUSE you are using to not provide such a poll.......a poll that doesn't even exist because you lied. Is lying part of that "culture" you "celebrate"?
Correll is lying a lot in this thread

I never lie. You lie all the time. YOu know this, and it makes you feel bad about yourself, but you can't change for some reason which I don't understand.
You never lie? Then provide one of those polls you claim show that the majority of Americans support keeping those statues up.
I don’t see many towns honoring Custer
I don’t see any holidays honoring those who fought the Indians
And when the south loyally voted democrat for over 100 years you saw all the symbolic honors of confederate culture...the only thing that has changed is who they now vote for...heck even NY state flew the confederate flag at the capital in Albany until Pataki took it down [Cuomo had no problem with it].
All I see is REPUBLICANS defending the Confederacy TODAY

There you go... wishful thinking.

I see dick in your mouth. Every day. :D
That's what you see? Every day? How odd.
Pogo...Are you for erasing Confederate history? If so, why?
It is a history of hate and disgrace
And the democratic party.
Of Southern hatred and bigotry

Bigotry that existed for two hundred years before the Democratic Party

And somehow, all racist [sic] and bigots ended up in Democratic Party. Amazing, isn't it?

Strom Thurmond rates this post "hilarious".


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Pogo...Are you for erasing Confederate history? If so, why?
It is a history of hate and disgrace
And the democratic [sic] party.

Once again --- the Confederacy never had any political parties.

There's nothing you can do about that.

The first Confederate President was Jefferson Davis. His Vice-President was Alexander Stephens. Both were Democrats in U.S Congress. His Secretary of State was Robert Toombs, Democrat. His second Secretary of State was Robert M. T. Hunter, who was U.S. Congressman and U.S. Senator before civil war, also Democrat.

You may claim there were no political parties in Confederacy, byt mostly all politicians were from Democrat party before the Civil war. In fact, about 1/3 of Confederate Congress were Democratic legislators while U.S Congress. And after Civil war, guess what party was again dominant in South? Democrat.

You may scream your lungs out, but there is nothing you can do about it, because it's truth.
And they gave up their party affiliation in order to keep their "pecular institution"......just like Southerners in the 1960s gave up their Democrat party affiliation to go Republican in order to hang on to their racism.
Why were they so full of hate towards black folks? Why should people today honor symbols of hate?

They are not symbols of hate. They are harmless symbols of regional pride.

You seem to be the one seething with hate today.

Hmmm, how am I hating because I am not honoring people who enslaved, maimed, dismembered, raped, brutalized and murdered black folks.

Because you are hating good people who have done none of that, and merely want to celebrate their regional culture and heritage.

THe part where you hate them? That is you being hateful.

Did I make that clear enough for you?

That you have your reasons or excuses for your hate, does not make it, not hate. You still hate them.
Why is it that to you "regional culture and heritage" is only about a 4 year bloody war that those who started it got their asses beat?

Four years doth not a heritage make anyway.

Fer fuxsake Jimmy Carter was President longer than the Civil War went on.
One clear indicator that they really don't know much about their own heritage is the waving of:
which wasn't even a thing until Segregation.
Pogo...Are you for erasing Confederate history? If so, why?
It is a history of hate and disgrace
And the democratic party.
Of Southern hatred and bigotry

Bigotry that existed for two hundred years before the Democratic Party

And somehow, all racist and bigots ended up in Democratic Party. Amazing, isn't it?
And what time period are you referring to?
Pogo...Are you for erasing Confederate history? If so, why?
It is a history of hate and disgrace
And the democratic party.
Of Southern hatred and bigotry

Bigotry that existed for two hundred years before the Democratic Party

And somehow, all racist and bigots ended up in Democratic Party. Amazing, isn't it?
And what time period are you referring to?

At his rate he'll be reading this next week, so the time period will have already shifted.
That is correct. Perhaps that is why I used the word "and" to show that the people in question were doing TWO DIFFERENT THINGS.

Thank GOD you were here. Someone might have been confused otherwise.
So...what is to "celebrate" about what the Con-federacy stood for?

Why do you ask a question, when you plan to reject any answer that is given?

THe fact is, that some people celebrate their ancestors that were part of the Confederacy. That you will not agree with them, is not relevant.
How do you "automatically" assume a poll will be rejected? Oh, I know....that's the EXCUSE you are using to not provide such a poll.......a poll that doesn't even exist because you lied. Is lying part of that "culture" you "celebrate"?
Correll is lying a lot in this thread

I never lie. You lie all the time. YOu know this, and it makes you feel bad about yourself, but you can't change for some reason which I don't understand.
Then show me the quote you are talking about

When you are not lying, you are ranting
So...what is to "celebrate" about what the Con-federacy stood for?

Why do you ask a question, when you plan to reject any answer that is given?

THe fact is, that some people celebrate their ancestors that were part of the Confederacy. That you will not agree with them, is not relevant.
How do you "automatically" assume a poll will be rejected? Oh, I know....that's the EXCUSE you are using to not provide such a poll.......a poll that doesn't even exist because you lied. Is lying part of that "culture" you "celebrate"?
Correll is lying a lot in this thread

I never lie. You lie all the time. YOu know this, and it makes you feel bad about yourself, but you can't change for some reason which I don't understand.
Then show me the quote you are talking about

When you are not lying, you are ranting
Stand by for more bloviating....yet, no link.
Why do you ask a question, when you plan to reject any answer that is given?

THe fact is, that some people celebrate their ancestors that were part of the Confederacy. That you will not agree with them, is not relevant.
How do you "automatically" assume a poll will be rejected? Oh, I know....that's the EXCUSE you are using to not provide such a poll.......a poll that doesn't even exist because you lied. Is lying part of that "culture" you "celebrate"?
Correll is lying a lot in this thread

I never lie. You lie all the time. YOu know this, and it makes you feel bad about yourself, but you can't change for some reason which I don't understand.
Then show me the quote you are talking about

When you are not lying, you are ranting
Stand by for more bloviating....yet, no link.
The more you pin him down...the more he goes into tantrum mode
How do you "automatically" assume a poll will be rejected? Oh, I know....that's the EXCUSE you are using to not provide such a poll.......a poll that doesn't even exist because you lied. Is lying part of that "culture" you "celebrate"?
Correll is lying a lot in this thread

I never lie. You lie all the time. YOu know this, and it makes you feel bad about yourself, but you can't change for some reason which I don't understand.
Then show me the quote you are talking about

When you are not lying, you are ranting
Stand by for more bloviating....yet, no link.
The more you pin him down...the more he goes into tantrum mode
Name-calling and crying galore.
Civil War was fought in an era of duty, honor, and respect for warriors who, were fellow Americans. Communitst influence came later. Communitst demand revisionist history in order to destroy our way of life.
How do you "automatically" assume a poll will be rejected? Oh, I know....that's the EXCUSE you are using to not provide such a poll.......a poll that doesn't even exist because you lied. Is lying part of that "culture" you "celebrate"?
Correll is lying a lot in this thread

I never lie. You lie all the time. YOu know this, and it makes you feel bad about yourself, but you can't change for some reason which I don't understand.
Then show me the quote you are talking about

When you are not lying, you are ranting
Stand by for more bloviating....yet, no link.
The more you pin him down...the more he goes into tantrum mode
Haven't seen him pinned down yet.
Civil War was fought in an era of duty, honor, and respect for warriors who, were fellow Americans. Communitst influence came later. Communitst demand revisionist history in order to destroy our way of life.

Perhaps they should have demanded proper spelling and subject number instead.

Revisionist history is exactly what all this is about, for who controls the Past controls the Future. And the Lost Cause Cult taught George Orwell everything he needed to know about that.
Civil War was fought in an era of duty, honor, and respect for warriors who, were fellow Americans. Communitst influence came later. Communitst demand revisionist history in order to destroy our way of life.

Perhaps they should have demanded proper spelling and subject number instead.

Revisionist history is exactly what all this is about, for who controls the Past controls the Future. And the Lost Cause Cult taught George Orwell everything he needed to know about that.
You can never take away the beautiful honor that those men stood for before they marched to their deaths. You will never have the courage,honor, or integrity, to ever entertain that kind of life before death. You're just...well...nothing. Ignorant, liberal, and pampered.
Civil War was fought in an era of duty, honor, and respect for warriors who, were fellow Americans. Communitst influence came later. Communitst demand revisionist history in order to destroy our way of life.

Perhaps they should have demanded proper spelling and subject number instead.

Revisionist history is exactly what all this is about, for who controls the Past controls the Future. And the Lost Cause Cult taught George Orwell everything he needed to know about that.
You can never take away the beautiful honor that those men stood for before they marched to their deaths. You will never have the courage,honor, or integrity, to ever entertain that kind of life before death. You're just...well...nothing. Ignorant, liberal, and pampered.

I suspect the term you're looking for here is "educated".

Guess what. It's not an exclusive club.

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