Unpatriotic Dems In Virginia Erases Confederate Holiday

No, we discussed it at length. He is just lying, because he is a liberal.

You are a liberal, so you know that is the way it goes. You people just say shit. It don't mean nuthin.
And yet....you make a claim that there are polls (more than one) that state that the majority of Americans want the con-federate statues to stay up.....Not only can't you provide us with one example, you get shrill and name-call when asked to prove your assertion.
From 2017:

Polls shows majority of Americans think Confederate statues should remain
Two years ago....but isn't it odd that that poster couldn't provide that for us?

I clearly stated that I was not going to do it, and why. That you insist of calling that "could not" is just you being a lying asshole.

But regardless of that, you now have the poll. So, what does it change for you?
You didn't do it because you had no idea such polls really existed. You lied. We know you lied. You are a liar. Ipso Facto. Cultural thing?

1. Your lies are noted and dismissed. You are a lying asshole.

2. So, you got the poll. It has been proven that the majority of Americans support the statues. What dos that mean to you? Rhetorical question. We both know that you never cared. You were just being a troll.
Nuttin' like a "lie" that you can't quote and only you can see because you have the secret decoder ring. :cuckoo:

No, we discussed it at length. He is just lying, because he is a liberal.

You are a liberal, so you know that is the way it goes. You people just say shit. It don't mean nuthin.
And yet....you make a claim that there are polls (more than one) that state that the majority of Americans want the con-federate statues to stay up.....Not only can't you provide us with one example, you get shrill and name-call when asked to prove your assertion.
From 2017:

Polls shows majority of Americans think Confederate statues should remain
Two years ago....but isn't it odd that that poster couldn't provide that for us?
Well, you can't copy/paste a link from an AM radio....

Youtube video actually. Not that I have it saved or any such thing. I'm sure I could have googled it and found it, if I thought anyone cared.
The Trump cult loves polls. Until they don't.

What are you talking about? And why are you so full of hate, that you can't call Trump supporters, Trump supporters, without being an asshole about it?

He wasn't referring to "supporters". "Cult" is a scientific term. Specifically psychology.

The only asshole in that exchange is you.

He was referring to Trump supporters. The rest is you libs being assholes.

And he posted the poll you were asking about. So, what about it? Do you care that a majority of Americans support leaving the statues there?

I didn't ask about any "poll". Go forth and lurn to reed.

Sure you weren't. LOL!!!!!! And if I spend the time needed to find the discussion with RW, you libs would have some equally bullshit reason to dismiss it too.

Not playing your silly troll games.

You're venturing into this AGAIN??

Okay Tweedles. Show the class where I asked about any polls. QUOTE me.

Put it on the list along with RW's "lies" and anybody but you bringing up "multiculturalism".

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand GO.
What are you talking about? And why are you so full of hate, that you can't call Trump supporters, Trump supporters, without being an asshole about it?

He wasn't referring to "supporters". "Cult" is a scientific term. Specifically psychology.

The only asshole in that exchange is you.

He was referring to Trump supporters. The rest is you libs being assholes.

And he posted the poll you were asking about. So, what about it? Do you care that a majority of Americans support leaving the statues there?

I didn't ask about any "poll". Go forth and lurn to reed.

Sure you weren't. LOL!!!!!! And if I spend the time needed to find the discussion with RW, you libs would have some equally bullshit reason to dismiss it too.

Not playing your silly troll games.

You're venturing into this AGAIN??

Okay Tweedles. Show the class where I asked about any polls. QUOTE me.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand GO.

So, it wasn't polls and it wasn't the RW admission? So wtf were you raving about then?

When we both know you were referring to both of them for troll reasons.

ANYHOW, the point remains. The result of this thread is that we see that multiculturalism and diversity and tolerance, was always a complete lie.

Liberals like yourself, do not consider white people to be deserving of tolerance or respect and will use bullshit as an excuse to single out the whites for marginalization based on race.
He wasn't referring to "supporters". "Cult" is a scientific term. Specifically psychology.

The only asshole in that exchange is you.

He was referring to Trump supporters. The rest is you libs being assholes.

And he posted the poll you were asking about. So, what about it? Do you care that a majority of Americans support leaving the statues there?

I didn't ask about any "poll". Go forth and lurn to reed.

Sure you weren't. LOL!!!!!! And if I spend the time needed to find the discussion with RW, you libs would have some equally bullshit reason to dismiss it too.

Not playing your silly troll games.

You're venturing into this AGAIN??

Okay Tweedles. Show the class where I asked about any polls. QUOTE me.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand GO.

So, it wasn't polls and it wasn't the RW admission? So wtf were you raving about then?

When we both know you were referring to both of them for troll reasons.

ANYHOW, the point remains. The result of this thread is that we see that multiculturalism and diversity and tolerance, was always a complete lie.

Liberals like yourself, do not consider white people to be deserving of tolerance or respect and will use bullshit as an excuse to single out the whites for marginalization based on race.

I'm not seeing any quote there. Are you conceding? Just say it.
Leave it to working liberals to pick up the work that lazy CRCs won't or are mentally incapable of doing.

I don't know or care what you mean by CRC. I assume you are being an asshole.

BUT, regardless, you got the poll.

So, it has been demonstrated. The majority of Americans support the SOuthern Whites being allowed to keep the historical statues and memorials.

So, you have the poll. Now, what does that mean to you? What does it do for the discussion?

Was it a complete waste of Fort's time to post that for you?
I wish he was still here
He was referring to Trump supporters. The rest is you libs being assholes.

And he posted the poll you were asking about. So, what about it? Do you care that a majority of Americans support leaving the statues there?

I didn't ask about any "poll". Go forth and lurn to reed.

Sure you weren't. LOL!!!!!! And if I spend the time needed to find the discussion with RW, you libs would have some equally bullshit reason to dismiss it too.

Not playing your silly troll games.

You're venturing into this AGAIN??

Okay Tweedles. Show the class where I asked about any polls. QUOTE me.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand GO.

So, it wasn't polls and it wasn't the RW admission? So wtf were you raving about then?

When we both know you were referring to both of them for troll reasons.

ANYHOW, the point remains. The result of this thread is that we see that multiculturalism and diversity and tolerance, was always a complete lie.

Liberals like yourself, do not consider white people to be deserving of tolerance or respect and will use bullshit as an excuse to single out the whites for marginalization based on race.

I'm not seeing any quote there. Are you conceding? Just say it.

I did not claim to have posted the quote. That was you lying again.

What I pointed out, was that Fort posting the poll, was a waste of time, because none of you libs cared about it.

You knew that it was true. YOu can tell by your reactions.

THe same goes/would go for the quote, if I spend the time to find it.
ANYHOW, the point remains. The result of this thread is that we see that multiculturalism and diversity and tolerance, was always a complete lie.

Nope. That's the DEFLECTION of this thread that you're desperately trying to start up like a 1934 Hudson on a freezing winter day. Nobody's buying it.

Liberals like yourself, do not consider white people to be deserving of tolerance or respect and will use bullshit as an excuse to single out the whites for marginalization based on race.

I didn't even mention "white people". YOU've been doing that. You even admitted the holiday (which is what the thread is REALLY about) is a white people holiday.

Seems to me that's singling out a race for marginalization based on race, wouldn't you say.
I didn't ask about any "poll". Go forth and lurn to reed.

Sure you weren't. LOL!!!!!! And if I spend the time needed to find the discussion with RW, you libs would have some equally bullshit reason to dismiss it too.

Not playing your silly troll games.

You're venturing into this AGAIN??

Okay Tweedles. Show the class where I asked about any polls. QUOTE me.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand GO.

So, it wasn't polls and it wasn't the RW admission? So wtf were you raving about then?

When we both know you were referring to both of them for troll reasons.

ANYHOW, the point remains. The result of this thread is that we see that multiculturalism and diversity and tolerance, was always a complete lie.

Liberals like yourself, do not consider white people to be deserving of tolerance or respect and will use bullshit as an excuse to single out the whites for marginalization based on race.

I'm not seeing any quote there. Are you conceding? Just say it.

I did not claim to have posted the quote. That was you lying again.

Correct, you could not find such a quote. Which is what I demanded.

Which I already knew you couldn't do since I posted nothing about any "polls". Perhaps we all look alike to you.

What I pointed out, was that Fort posting the poll, was a waste of time, because none of you libs cared about it.

I sure don't. If I did I might have posted about it. As you know by now --- I didn't.

Perpaps it's of some value in measuring how effective the Lost Cause Revisionism has been. I don't need evidence of that, I've been serving it up here. And so have you.

You knew that it was true. YOu can tell by your reactions.

THe same goes/would go for the quote, if I spend the time to find it.

You don't need to. I already know it doesn't exist. I know everything I've posted. Obviously, you do not.
ANYHOW, the point remains. The result of this thread is that we see that multiculturalism and diversity and tolerance, was always a complete lie.

Nope. That's the DEFLECTION of this thread that you're desperately trying to start up like a 1934 Hudson on a freezing winter day. Nobody's buying it.

Liberals like yourself, do not consider white people to be deserving of tolerance or respect and will use bullshit as an excuse to single out the whites for marginalization based on race.

I didn't even mention "white people". YOU've been doing that. You even admitted the holiday (which is what the thread is REALLY about) is a white people holiday.

Seems to me that's singling out a race for marginalization based on race, wouldn't you say.

Sure, you've never mentioned them. You've just insulted them, and maligned them, and supported tearing down culturally important statues of theirs.

Your actions, demonstrate your position, as I pointed out, above.
Oh, democrats?

Yeah, democrats are real scum. Always were, always will be. They're doing the Jim Crow shit again, but this time against white people. Fucking vermin....

Southerners owned slaves for 200 years before the Democratic Party was formed

Cool. Now tell us what party was dominant in South?

Northern Democrats were pro slavery too. Only one party was against it.

NO party was "dominant in the South" until after the Civil War. We've done this.

The Whigs got more votes in the 1860 POTUS election than the Democrats. Way more. And the Democrat position of the time was "popular sovereigny" --- leave the question up to the new states as they came in. In other words pretend the problem isn't there and will fix itself. The country had been buying that for 80 years and was done buying it.

You are done, not "we".

Democrats were dominant in South before AND after Civil War. They seceded South from U.S. and created CSA. You'r claim that during Civil War there were no political parties in South is irrelevant, temporary pause to fight the war means nothing.

Yet another bullshit. Whigs were dysfunctional party, replaced by Republicans, and although they had more votes than Norther Democrats, or Southern Democrats (separately), they had no presence and no impact in South. By the way, "popular sovereignty" position that Democrats had, to let new states decide about slavery, IS pro-slavery position. What if all new states wanted slavery? Democrats wouldn't mind it. That means Democrats in North and South were pro-slavery, while Republicans were strictly anti-slavery. Not "maybe", not "let them decide", but definite NO slavery.
and they still lost...deal with it....

Throw a parade and play dress up...…

It just won't be on the taxpayers dime....

Are you upset that confederate parades are gayer than these kind??

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Your reply has NOTHING to do with my post. I'm surprised you manage to type and breathe at the same time. You must be special one.
I can see that you would not want to celebrate such ancestors if they were your ancestors.


I’d be ashamed and embarrassed of them.

Well, lots of other people, are more forgiving of their ancestors and celebrate them.

Yes, like the Germans with the Nazis.
The NAZIS lasted twice as long as the Con-federacy did.

Yeah, Democrats were pussies back then, now they're called snowflakes..
You made a point about TODAY'S blacks.

I asked you why they are more important than the rest of the nation and why they are not bound by the principles of multiculturalism.

Your reply did nothing to explain your point about modern blacks.
We are talking about today’s blacks who feel no loyalty to the confederacy. Neither do most whites

Yes. Neither of us are confused about that. So, please stop discussing it.

You made a point about TODAY'S blacks.

I asked you why they are more important than the rest of the nation and why they are not bound by the principles of multiculturalism.
The people of Virginia have spoken

They don’t want a Confederate Holiday

Yes, a majority of the people, driven primarily as you stated, by modern blacks.

I ask again, since you brought it up.

why they are more important than the rest of the nation and why they are not bound by the principles of multiculturalism?
You really don’t understand how a Democracy works

Democracy, where?
And your state had slavery for over 200 years including after the Civil War was over. But I bet NJ has erased that from their history books.

Then where did you find it?


Again, this is not a thread about Slavery. I understand that you wish it were but tough titty.
More people here on this thread crying about slavery than states rights. :cool:

Sorry, "you" don't qualify as "more people".

Neither do you. You're in the "loudest" column.

Nothing like a poster who's eight hundred posts behind the rest of us.

Unlike you, I don't "live" on this board. When I log in, I continue where I left off.

By the way, speaking of loudness, I'm 90,000 posts behind you.
Pogo...Are you for erasing Confederate history? If so, why?
It is a history of hate and disgrace
And the democratic [sic] party.

Once again --- the Confederacy never had any political parties.

There's nothing you can do about that.

The first Confederate President was Jefferson Davis. His Vice-President was Alexander Stephens. Both were Democrats in U.S Congress. His Secretary of State was Robert Toombs, Democrat. His second Secretary of State was Robert M. T. Hunter, who was U.S. Congressman and U.S. Senator before civil war, also Democrat.

You may claim there were no political parties in Confederacy, byt mostly all politicians were from Democrat party before the Civil war. In fact, about 1/3 of Confederate Congress were Democratic legislators while U.S Congress. And after Civil war, guess what party was again dominant in South? Democrat.

You may scream your lungs out, but there is nothing you can do about it, because it's truth.

Oh good, now he's only THREE hundred posts behind. Be still my heart.

Davis was a Democrat, Stephens was a Whig, and NEITHER had a political party in the Confederacy because NO ONE DID. And that's because the CSA had no parties. Just as the USA had no parties when IT started.

As already noted we did this three hundred (and more) posts ago and there's nothing you can do about it even three hundred posts, or three million posts, later. It's history.

Again, Democrat dominance in the South began AFTER, not before, the Civil War. By now you're crying your eyes out having just now come across my post from last week listing all those parties oozing around. Tough shit.

Why does it matter?

I'm catching up, correcting your ignorance, and calling out your lies. Long way to go, I admit, but I'll get there.
I don’t see many towns honoring Custer
I don’t see any holidays honoring those who fought the Indians
And when the south loyally voted democrat for over 100 years you saw all the symbolic honors of confederate culture...the only thing that has changed is who they now vote for...heck even NY state flew the confederate flag at the capital in Albany until Pataki took it down [Cuomo had no problem with it].
All I see is REPUBLICANS defending the Confederacy TODAY

There you go... wishful thinking.

I see dick in your mouth. Every day. :D
That's what you see? Every day? How odd.

Nothing odd about it. You're pretty consistent.

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