Unpatriotic Dems In Virginia Erases Confederate Holiday

Pogo...Are you for erasing Confederate history? If so, why?
It is a history of hate and disgrace
And the democratic party.
Of Southern hatred and bigotry

Bigotry that existed for two hundred years before the Democratic Party

And somehow, all racist [sic] and bigots ended up in Democratic Party. Amazing, isn't it?

Strom Thurmond rates this post "hilarious".

When, right after civil war?

Since we're at it, how's that list coming?
Pogo...Are you for erasing Confederate history? If so, why?
It is a history of hate and disgrace
And the democratic [sic] party.

Once again --- the Confederacy never had any political parties.

There's nothing you can do about that.

The first Confederate President was Jefferson Davis. His Vice-President was Alexander Stephens. Both were Democrats in U.S Congress. His Secretary of State was Robert Toombs, Democrat. His second Secretary of State was Robert M. T. Hunter, who was U.S. Congressman and U.S. Senator before civil war, also Democrat.

You may claim there were no political parties in Confederacy, byt mostly all politicians were from Democrat party before the Civil war. In fact, about 1/3 of Confederate Congress were Democratic legislators while U.S Congress. And after Civil war, guess what party was again dominant in South? Democrat.

You may scream your lungs out, but there is nothing you can do about it, because it's truth.
And they gave up their party affiliation in order to keep their "pecular institution"......just like Southerners in the 1960s gave up their Democrat party affiliation to go Republican in order to hang on to their racism.


They remained Democrats, they just put pause on politics until after Civil War.

There is no "switch" in 1960 as you wish to portray. Otherwise you won't have problem to name just five racist Democrats who left Democratic party to join Republicans. I asked this several times in this thread, and you lefties somehow always managed to ignore it... I'll help you with first name, you will in the blanks.
1. Strom Thurmond
The culture you keep quoting was built on slavery and the subjugation of blacks as second class citizens

Couldn't say, don't care. You have admitted that multicultualism is a lie.

Once again....

Provide a link where I said that. You keep making up shit

RW, I don't know what game you are playing, with denying a conversation that we both remember, nor with denying a position, that you know damn well you hold,

nor do I care.

You can save your drama and your demands, for some one who does not know that libs just say shit, it don't mean nuthin.
I remember nothing of the kind and challenge you to find ANY post that remotely says what you are claiming

Your lie is noted. And held against you. I dont' care. I already knew you were a liar. So, whatever.
You have been challenged and FAILED
Pogo...Are you for erasing Confederate history? If so, why?
It is a history of hate and disgrace
And the democratic party.
Of Southern hatred and bigotry

Bigotry that existed for two hundred years before the Democratic Party

And somehow, all racist and bigots ended up in Democratic Party. Amazing, isn't it?
And what time period are you referring to?

Dunno, pick any period... let's name few of them.

Post Civil War
Segregation period
Jim Crow period
Lynching period

Isn't it interesting, all those periods in US history have one thing in common - Democratic party.
Poor whites fared worse than black slaves, Smfh. That has to be one of the stupidest statements ever made on this message board.

It’s all part of Lost Cause Revisionist history

Did you know that Whites were slaves too?
That makes four million black slaves OK

Republicans were against slavery. Period.

What do you think who owned those white slaves?

Were Southern Republicans against slavery? Because we know they were for Jim Crow Laws.
Today’s Republicans honor Confederate values

Yep and many have the mindset of the sheetwearers as well.

You sure do.
Civil War was fought in an era of duty, honor, and respect for warriors who, were fellow Americans. Communitst influence came later. Communitst demand revisionist history in order to destroy our way of life.

Perhaps they should have demanded proper spelling and subject number instead.

Revisionist history is exactly what all this is about, for who controls the Past controls the Future. And the Lost Cause Cult taught George Orwell everything he needed to know about that.

Only revisionists here are you lefties. History is already written, and we were all at peace with it for 5 generations, until you lefties realize that your whole history is not something you could be proud with, so you're trying to change it.

History teaches us that Democrats are party of slavery, party of Jim Crow law, party of KKK, party of segregation, party of lynching laws, party that opposed 13th, 14th and 15th amendments, party that opposed civil rights. You CAN'T erase that. You own it.
And what time period are you referring to?
Since its inception by [ex]-slave owners until present day, they are also the only party to use nuclear weapons on fellow humans and intern U.S. citizens in concentration camps and they owe reparations, all of which they like to pretend everyone else shares their guilt in.

Party affiliation has nothing to do with use of nuclear weapons in WWII.
Civil War was fought in an era of duty, honor, and respect for warriors who, were fellow Americans. Communitst influence came later. Communitst demand revisionist history in order to destroy our way of life.

Perhaps they should have demanded proper spelling and subject number instead.

Revisionist history is exactly what all this is about, for who controls the Past controls the Future. And the Lost Cause Cult taught George Orwell everything he needed to know about that.

Only revisionists here are you lefties. History is already written, and we were all at peace with it for 5 generations, until you lefties realize that your whole history is not something you could be proud with, so you're trying to change it.

History teaches us that Democrats are party of slavery, party of Jim Crow law, party of KKK, party of segregation, party of lynching laws, party that opposed 13th, 14th and 15th amendments, party that opposed civil rights. You CAN'T erase that. You own it.

That's interesting since I've already taught you that that's bullshit.

Slavery went on, strictly limited to transAtlantic slavery and strictly limited to North America, for three hundred years before the Democratic Party existed. NOBOBDY, as in NOT A SINGLE PERSON, ever needed ANY political party to own or trade slaves, EVER. The KKK I've already schooled your ass on and have never been refuted because I know my shit and you don't. Not sure where you're going with "lynching laws" but it oughta be interesting. And finally, what I "OWN" is history books. And you do not get to rewrite them, I don't give a flying fuck how much you wish you could. You can't.
And what time period are you referring to?
Since its inception by [ex]-slave owners until present day, they are also the only party to use nuclear weapons on fellow humans and intern U.S. citizens in concentration camps and they owe reparations, all of which they like to pretend everyone else shares their guilt in.

Party affiliation has nothing to do with use of nuclear weapons in WWII.

Correct. Just as it had nothing to do with slavery.

Having it both ways ---- Priceless.
It is a history of hate and disgrace
And the democratic party.
Of Southern hatred and bigotry

Bigotry that existed for two hundred years before the Democratic Party

And somehow, all racist and bigots ended up in Democratic Party. Amazing, isn't it?
And what time period are you referring to?

Dunno, pick any period... let's name few of them.

Post Civil War
Segregation period
Jim Crow period
Lynching period

Isn't it interesting, all those periods in US history have one thing in common - Democratic party.

Wrong again Bucko. The Democratic Party wasn't a thing until the 1830s. Slavery started (here) in 1526. And that's just here -- many more, FAR more, were brought to the West Indies, Central America and Brazil, and ZERO of them ever had a Democratic party.

After that it's simple linear time where Democrats and Republicans both exist.

DO essplain to the class how "existing" during something makes one responsible for it. Oughta be fun.
ANYHOW, the point remains. The result of this thread is that we see that multiculturalism and diversity and tolerance, was always a complete lie.

Nope. That's the DEFLECTION of this thread that you're desperately trying to start up like a 1934 Hudson on a freezing winter day. Nobody's buying it.

Liberals like yourself, do not consider white people to be deserving of tolerance or respect and will use bullshit as an excuse to single out the whites for marginalization based on race.

I didn't even mention "white people". YOU've been doing that. You even admitted the holiday (which is what the thread is REALLY about) is a white people holiday.

Seems to me that's singling out a race for marginalization based on race, wouldn't you say.

Sure, you've never mentioned them. You've just insulted them, and maligned them, and supported tearing down culturally important statues of theirs.

Your actions, demonstrate your position, as I pointed out, above.

Then where did you find it?


Again, this is not a thread about Slavery. I understand that you wish it were but tough titty.
More people here on this thread crying about slavery than states rights. :cool:

Sorry, "you" don't qualify as "more people".

Neither do you. You're in the "loudest" column.

Nothing like a poster who's eight hundred posts behind the rest of us.

Unlike you, I don't "live" on this board. When I log in, I continue where I left off.

By the way, speaking of loudness, I'm 90,000 posts behind you.

And you're about 90 million veracity points behind.

Takes a special-bus kind of wag to trot out mythologies he's been busted on over and over and over and expect different results.
It is a history of hate and disgrace
And the democratic party.
Of Southern hatred and bigotry

Bigotry that existed for two hundred years before the Democratic Party

And somehow, all racist [sic] and bigots ended up in Democratic Party. Amazing, isn't it?

Strom Thurmond rates this post "hilarious".

When, right after civil war?

Since we're at it, how's that list coming?

Already spelled out in painstaking detail in post 973.

Oh wait --- that was posted directly to you. You should have read it first.

It'll wait.
And what time period are you referring to?
Since its inception by [ex]-slave owners until present day, they are also the only party to use nuclear weapons on fellow humans and intern U.S. citizens in concentration camps and they owe reparations, all of which they like to pretend everyone else shares their guilt in.
Have Republicans ever opposed the use of nuclear weapons or the internment of Japanese?

Some did, but they were outnumbered. Senator Taft of Ohio and Governor Carr of Colorado were leading the opposition, without much of support. FDR, although winning war, was one of the worst US presidents of all time, but that is another story for another thread.
Funny, you could have denied hating me. But, I guess there is a limit to how stupid, even you want to look.

My point stands.

IN this multicultural society we have build, all cultures are supposed to be able to live in harmony and peace and tolerance.

But, some cultures are less tolerated than others. As you and rw are demonstrating with your hate.
Over a 150 years later and Confederates and their racist fanboys continue lying when faced with righteousness..

Maybe if God was on the side of the Confederates, the truth wouldn't sting you so much....

YOu can shove your race baiting up your ass, fucktard.
No need to lash out at me....

When you call me a name, there is plenty of reason to point out that you are a fucking asshole.

You want to talk about the topic? Stop being a fucking race baiting asshole.
Says the person who has admitted that confederate day is a celebration of white culture....you are a dic sucker, fuck what you whining about

That's not what he said, shitstain.
It's an attack on our history that must be preserved for future generations warts and all.

Here we are in a civil war again. What was that about those who fail to learn from history?

The Antebellum South was a horrible society. Feudalism where a tiny monied elite had absolute control of state governments and preyed on the populace at large. Georgia with the small holder act that allowed large plantations to literally steal land from small farmers. Poor whites fared worse than black slaves. I have nothing good to say about the south. BUT erasing history is what the Taliban and other tyrants do.

Poor whites fared worse than black slaves, Smfh. That has to be one of the stupidest statements ever made on this message board.

It’s all part of Lost Cause Revisionist history

Did you know that Whites were slaves too?
That makes four million black slaves OK

Republicans were against slavery. Period.

What do you think who owned those white slaves?

Were Southern Republicans against slavery? Because we know they were for Jim Crow Laws.

Republicans were never for slavery.

"we know"


You know so much that isn't so.
Poor whites fared worse than black slaves, Smfh. That has to be one of the stupidest statements ever made on this message board.

It’s all part of Lost Cause Revisionist history

Did you know that Whites were slaves too?
That makes four million black slaves OK

Republicans were against slavery. Period.

What do you think who owned those white slaves?

More wonderful, articulate speech right there.

Say someone who posted "were"

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