Unpatriotic Dems In Virginia Erases Confederate Holiday

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All that claims is today the right sees what the democrats did as OK with them, and that the left thinks the democrats were wrong for doing what they did, but in making that claim your post proves I am correct since by pointing out who agrees and disagrees with what the democrats did means it happened as I claim.
Uh... okay... you are correct, in that a relatively progressive president used nukes... what do you want, a cookie? Join us in 2020.

I wouldn't call him "progressive". Truman was an idiot, a pathetic incurious little man out to please his father who was easily led around by the nose. An empty suit.
All that claims is today the right sees what the democrats did as OK with them, and that the left thinks the democrats were wrong for doing what they did, but in making that claim your post proves I am correct since by pointing out who agrees and disagrees with what the democrats did means it happened as I claim.
Uh... okay... you are correct, in that a relatively progressive president used nukes... what do you want, a cookie? Join us in 2020.

I wouldn't call him "progressive". Truman was an idiot, a pathetic incurious little man out to please his father who was easily led around by the nose. An empty suit.
Fair enough, but FDR was a progressive and would have done the same thing. We were in a state of total war.

Numbnuts, here, thinks he is scoring a point against the "left monster" under his bed. So it goes...
I wouldn't call him "progressive". Truman was an idiot, a pathetic incurious little man out to please his father who was easily led around by the nose. An empty suit.
If he had hated his father the above would have made him the white liberal prototype, that may explain why you didn't know the left was responsible for using nuclear weapons against their fellow man.
Hmmm, how am I hating because I am not honoring people who enslaved, maimed, dismembered, raped, brutalized and murdered black folks.

Because you are hating good people who have done none of that, and merely want to celebrate their regional culture and heritage.

Celebrate all they want, but the rest of us don't have to pay for it.

THe part where you hate them? That is you being hateful.

Did I make that clear enough for you?

No, explain it too me.

That you have your reasons or excuses for your hate, does not make it, not hate. You still hate them.

It's not hate, it's REMEMBERANCE.

No, what you are doing, is hate. And you know it.

Let me get this straight, I am against honoring men who enslaved, maimed, raped, brutalized, lynched and murdered black folks and it is hate.

You on the other hand you want to honor these men and you are doing it out of love.


Your spin is noted. What you are doing is not allowing Southerns to celebrate some aspects of their ancestors, and not others. This is a standard you only apply to them. Anyone else, you do not do this to.

That is hate and racism on your part. You saying "black" does not change that, you racist.

The spinner is yourself. Racist Southerners like you can celebrate all you want, I just don't think the celebration should be paid for with taxpayer dollars. I've been listening to the bullshit you are spinning and it stinks, do you really think most Americans are going to celebrate these racist traitors.
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Hmmm, how am I hating because I am not honoring people who enslaved, maimed, dismembered, raped, brutalized and murdered black folks.

Because you are hating good people who have done none of that, and merely want to celebrate their regional culture and heritage.

THe part where you hate them? That is you being hateful.

Did I make that clear enough for you?

That you have your reasons or excuses for your hate, does not make it, not hate. You still hate them.

Actually you didn't, the people who are being honored by you and other racist did all of those things I spoke of. I haven't used the word hate one time, but you are right I'll be damned if I honor any of those folks who enslaved, maimed, tortured, raped, lynched and treated black folks less than they did the family dog.

I did not say you used the word. But your obvious anger, over events from over 4 generations before you were born, is not anger caused by actual impact or harm, but from hate, your racist hate.

That you have your excuses, and that you like to keep repeating them, so as to try to, what? Get an emotional reaction from someone?

Does not excuse your hate. YOu racist.

I came along during Jim Crow, so I am speaking from first hand knowledge. Sorry I am not going to honor men who were for slavery and treating black folks as 3rd class citizens.

So, you are old enough to remember Jim Crow. Good for you.

Doesn't change the fact that you are the one being a bigot today.

No one is asking you to. I am just pointing out that you are singling out Southern Whites for special treatment based on their skin color.

What is amazing is that you are trying to lump all whites folks into your bullshit. This law would have never passed if the majority of white folks hadn't have voted for it. When are you going to start telling Jewish folks in Germany that they should be celebrating Nazism.
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Wow. So, you first pretend that someone is claiming that the Civil War is the whole of Southern Culture. and when I point out the obvious truth, that no one is claiming that,

your next position is that the Civil War has NOTHING to do with Southern Culture.

Your shit is dismissed.
The Confederacy is not the whole of southern culture either -- it only lasted 4 years...southern culture (as you call it) existed long before and after that...but you seem fixated on that Confederate traitor part of it...and I know why....but you are too much of a coward to admit it..

But since you are both stupid and a coward -- in addition to being a liar -- you have already admitted it....you just too dumb to know it....
Many in the south prefer to define themselves by that horrific society

NOt really.

But the real point is, that you lefties have admitted the all your talk of tolerating other cultures, was always a lie.

what you have admitted is you honor and agreed with the treatment of black folks from slavery on through Jim Crow. You are one of those racist that long for the Good Ole Days.

The difference between us, is that I listen to what you actually say, and then base conclusions on what you actually say,

while you make up shit, and the base your conclusions on the shit you made up.

You can go fuck yourself.

You know you don't have a leg to stand on with that bullshit, so go fuck yourself.
We are talking about today’s blacks who feel no loyalty to the confederacy. Neither do most whites

Yes. Neither of us are confused about that. So, please stop discussing it.

You made a point about TODAY'S blacks.

I asked you why they are more important than the rest of the nation and why they are not bound by the principles of multiculturalism.
The people of Virginia have spoken

They don’t want a Confederate Holiday

Yes, a majority of the people, driven primarily as you stated, by modern blacks.

I ask again, since you brought it up.

why they are more important than the rest of the nation and why they are not bound by the principles of multiculturalism?
You really don’t understand how a Democracy works

Democracy, where?

Where the majority gets to trample the rights of the minority. That is what RW wants. Especially for when whites become the minority. He has this plan.
Couldn't say, don't care. You have admitted that multicultualism is a lie.

Once again....

Provide a link where I said that. You keep making up shit

RW, I don't know what game you are playing, with denying a conversation that we both remember, nor with denying a position, that you know damn well you hold,

nor do I care.

You can save your drama and your demands, for some one who does not know that libs just say shit, it don't mean nuthin.
I remember nothing of the kind and challenge you to find ANY post that remotely says what you are claiming

Your lie is noted. And held against you. I dont' care. I already knew you were a liar. So, whatever.
You have been challenged and FAILED

Sort of. I looked some,and it was hard, and I know that if I spend more time looking, it is all wasted time, cause you libs don't really care, so fuck it.

We both know that you said it. You are the one that has to lie about what he really believes in order to look like a good person of good intent and to thus hopefully be taken seriously.

That makes you far more FAILED, than I.

You know this, it is why you are so bitter.

Why are you like this?
ANYHOW, the point remains. The result of this thread is that we see that multiculturalism and diversity and tolerance, was always a complete lie.

Nope. That's the DEFLECTION of this thread that you're desperately trying to start up like a 1934 Hudson on a freezing winter day. Nobody's buying it.

Liberals like yourself, do not consider white people to be deserving of tolerance or respect and will use bullshit as an excuse to single out the whites for marginalization based on race.

I didn't even mention "white people". YOU've been doing that. You even admitted the holiday (which is what the thread is REALLY about) is a white people holiday.

Seems to me that's singling out a race for marginalization based on race, wouldn't you say.

Sure, you've never mentioned them. You've just insulted them, and maligned them, and supported tearing down culturally important statues of theirs.

Your actions, demonstrate your position, as I pointed out, above.


LOL!!! What kind of silly troll boy game you playing? THIS THREAD you drooling moron.

Every other group can celebrate any heroes or events, and you don't go over their heroes or events and hold them up to today's moral standards and judge them and then hold the modern people responsible for the full monty of their heroes or events.

you pick and choose who to do that to. And your different standards seems to be RACE based.

WHITES, get harsher standards then any else.

That makes you a racist.
Over a 150 years later and Confederates and their racist fanboys continue lying when faced with righteousness..

Maybe if God was on the side of the Confederates, the truth wouldn't sting you so much....

YOu can shove your race baiting up your ass, fucktard.
No need to lash out at me....

When you call me a name, there is plenty of reason to point out that you are a fucking asshole.

You want to talk about the topic? Stop being a fucking race baiting asshole.
Says the person who has admitted that confederate day is a celebration of white culture....you are a dic sucker, fuck what you whining about

That's not what he said, shitstain.

He knows that. Libs just lie. It is the only way they can see to even start to defend their positions and actions.

Because they know that what they claim and what they believe, is all shit.
Two years ago....but isn't it odd that that poster couldn't provide that for us?

I clearly stated that I was not going to do it, and why. That you insist of calling that "could not" is just you being a lying asshole.

But regardless of that, you now have the poll. So, what does it change for you?
You didn't do it because you had no idea such polls really existed. You lied. We know you lied. You are a liar. Ipso Facto. Cultural thing?

1. Your lies are noted and dismissed. You are a lying asshole.

2. So, you got the poll. It has been proven that the majority of Americans support the statues. What dos that mean to you? Rhetorical question. We both know that you never cared. You were just being a troll.
I see you are back to shrill name-calling. You provided no poll...a liberal had to find a 2 year old poll because you had nothing.

1. You called me a liar, falsely, so I called you a lying asshole. Truly.

2. Refusing does not mean unable. You might be stupid, but you are not too stupid to understand that. So fuck you for your lies and being an asshole.

3. AND,you have the poll and like I said you would, you do not care. Your request for it, was just you being a troll asshole motherfucker. FUCK OFF AND DIE.
Have Republicans ever opposed the use of nuclear weapons or the internment of Japanese?
For the sake of this discussion only lets say they haven't...do you realize that still means that the left is the only ones to intern American citizens and use nuclear weapons on their fellow man?
Very true

And the left realizes it was wrong.
It is the right who still demonize immigrants and fight against nuclear disarmament
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All that claims is today the right sees what the democrats did as OK with them, and that the left thinks the democrats were wrong for doing what they did, but in making that claim your post proves I am correct since by pointing out who agrees and disagrees with what the democrats did means it happened as I claim.
Uh... okay... you are correct, in that a relatively progressive president used nukes... what do you want, a cookie? Join us in 2020.

I wouldn't call him "progressive". Truman was an idiot, a pathetic incurious little man out to please his father who was easily led around by the nose. An empty suit.
Tell it to MacArthur
Have Republicans ever opposed the use of nuclear weapons or the internment of Japanese?
For the sake of this discussion only lets say they haven't...do you realize that still means that the left is the only ones to intern American citizens and use nuclear weapons on their fellow man?
The left was not by itself in these matters.

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