Unpatriotic Dems In Virginia Erases Confederate Holiday

And what time period are you referring to?
Since its inception by [ex]-slave owners until present day, they are also the only party to use nuclear weapons on fellow humans and intern U.S. citizens in concentration camps and they owe reparations, all of which they like to pretend everyone else shares their guilt in.
Have Republicans ever opposed the use of nuclear weapons or the internment of Japanese?

Some did, but they were outnumbered. Senator Taft of Ohio and Governor Carr of Colorado were leading the opposition, without much of support. FDR, although winning war, was one of the worst US presidents of all time, but that is another story for another thread.
Very, very few Americans and even the Supreme Court objected to the internment of Japanese

After Pearl Harbor, Japanese Americans were seen as a security threat
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Why republicans of today want to continue telling lies about their party is pathetic. Rutherford P. Hayes ended reconstruction with a compromise with democrats so he could become president. That is not defending the rights of blacks and that is an example of how complicit republicans were in the apartheid that took place in America after slavery until at least 1965.
It paved the way for Jim Crow as a substitute for slavery

Every single Jim Crow law was enacted by Democratic legislators, signed by Democratic governors, and upheld by Democratic judges. Segregationist in Chief Woodrow Wilson was Democrat.
And what time period are you referring to?
Since its inception by [ex]-slave owners until present day, they are also the only party to use nuclear weapons on fellow humans and intern U.S. citizens in concentration camps and they owe reparations, all of which they like to pretend everyone else shares their guilt in.
Have Republicans ever opposed the use of nuclear weapons or the internment of Japanese?

Some did, but they were outnumbered. Senator Taft of Ohio and Governor Carr of Colorado were leading the opposition, without much of support. FDR, although winning war, was one of the worst US presidents of all time, but that is another story for another thread.
Very, very few Americans and even the Supreme Court objected to the internment of Japanese

After Pearl Harbor, Japanese Americans were seen as a security threat

Canada did the same thing, Japanese plus Germans and Italians.
Why republicans of today want to continue telling lies about their party is pathetic. Rutherford P. Hayes ended reconstruction with a compromise with democrats so he could become president. That is not defending the rights of blacks and that is an example of how complicit republicans were in the apartheid that took place in America after slavery until at least 1965.
It paved the way for Jim Crow as a substitute for slavery

Every single Jim Crow law was enacted by Democratic legislators, signed by Democratic governors, and upheld by Democratic judges. Segregationist in Chief Woodrow Wilson was Democrat.
It was more than law, it was a way of life.

It was enforced in homes, neighborhoods, businesses not by law, but the people of the south that expected it.

It was not a political issue as both Democrats and Republicans in the south supported it.
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Why republicans of today want to continue telling lies about their party is pathetic. Rutherford P. Hayes ended reconstruction with a compromise with democrats so he could become president. That is not defending the rights of blacks and that is an example of how complicit republicans were in the apartheid that took place in America after slavery until at least 1965.
It paved the way for Jim Crow as a substitute for slavery

Every single Jim Crow law was enacted by Democratic legislators, signed by Democratic governors, and upheld by Democratic judges. Segregationist in Chief Woodrow Wilson was Democrat.
It was more than law, it was a way of life.

It was enforced in homes, neighborhoods, businesses not by law, but the people of the south that expected it.

It was not a political issue as both Democrats and Republicans in the south supported it.

A-murky-can-o is floating that old fallacy turd of Ass-ociation expecting it to float. It's like the old "b-but but the Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act" in spite of it being pushed by a Democrat. As we always noted there,

Why republicans of today want to continue telling lies about their party is pathetic. Rutherford P. Hayes ended reconstruction with a compromise with democrats so he could become president. That is not defending the rights of blacks and that is an example of how complicit republicans were in the apartheid that took place in America after slavery until at least 1965.
It paved the way for Jim Crow as a substitute for slavery

Every single Jim Crow law was enacted by Democratic legislators, signed by Democratic governors, and upheld by Democratic judges. Segregationist in Chief Woodrow Wilson was Democrat.

Plessy v. Ferguson was decided by a 7-1 vote and 4 of those who voted for segregation were republicans. On top of that republicans were presidents during segregation and did nothing, so you're just telling a lie and it is just not something that should be allowed to stand.
Nuttin' like a "lie" that you can't quote and only you can see because you have the secret decoder ring. :cuckoo:

No, we discussed it at length. He is just lying, because he is a liberal.

You are a liberal, so you know that is the way it goes. You people just say shit. It don't mean nuthin.
And yet....you make a claim that there are polls (more than one) that state that the majority of Americans want the con-federate statues to stay up.....Not only can't you provide us with one example, you get shrill and name-call when asked to prove your assertion.
From 2017:

Polls shows majority of Americans think Confederate statues should remain
Two years ago....but isn't it odd that that poster couldn't provide that for us?
Well, you can't copy/paste a link from an AM radio....
And yet....you make a claim that there are polls (more than one) that state that the majority of Americans want the con-federate statues to stay up.....Not only can't you provide us with one example, you get shrill and name-call when asked to prove your assertion.
From 2017:

Polls shows majority of Americans think Confederate statues should remain
Two years ago....but isn't it odd that that poster couldn't provide that for us?

I clearly stated that I was not going to do it, and why. That you insist of calling that "could not" is just you being a lying asshole.

But regardless of that, you now have the poll. So, what does it change for you?
You didn't do it because you had no idea such polls really existed. You lied. We know you lied. You are a liar. Ipso Facto. Cultural thing?

1. Your lies are noted and dismissed. You are a lying asshole.

2. So, you got the poll. It has been proven that the majority of Americans support the statues. What dos that mean to you? Rhetorical question. We both know that you never cared. You were just being a troll.
I see you are back to shrill name-calling. You provided no poll...a liberal had to find a 2 year old poll because you had nothing.
I can see that you would not want to celebrate such ancestors if they were your ancestors.


I’d be ashamed and embarrassed of them.

Well, lots of other people, are more forgiving of their ancestors and celebrate them.

Yes, like the Germans with the Nazis.
The NAZIS lasted twice as long as the Con-federacy did.

Yeah, Democrats were pussies back then, now they're called snowflakes..
That's funny considering that all the male crybabies are trump supporters.
Have Republicans ever opposed the use of nuclear weapons or the internment of Japanese?
For the sake of this discussion only lets say they haven't...do you realize that still means that the left is the only ones to intern American citizens and use nuclear weapons on their fellow man?

Once AGAIN stoopid --- political parties do not wield weapons or run wars.

Holy SHIT you're a moron.
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Party affiliation has nothing to do with use of nuclear weapons in WWII.
Perhaps not, but not my point, the left are the only ones to use them on their fellow man....something some on the left used to enjoy pointing out and sharing as Americas guilt, [much as they do with most of their heinous acts] not allowing them to blame America seems to stick in their craw.
Perhaps not, but not my point, the left are the only ones to use them on their fellow man.
And in any moral argument about it today, you will clearly find the people on the right generally arguing for it, with arguments against coming from the left.So, join us in the present and in reality.
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And in any moral argument about it today, you will clearly find the people on the right generally arguing for it, with arguments against coming from the left.
All that claims is today the right sees what the democrats did as OK with them, and that the left thinks the democrats were wrong for doing what they did, but in making that claim your post proves I am correct since by pointing out who agrees and disagrees with what the democrats did means it happened as I claim.
So, join us in the present and in reality.

TRANSLATION: lets not point out the heinous acts of the lefts past.
All that claims is today the right sees what the democrats did as OK with them, and that the left thinks the democrats were wrong for doing what they did, but in making that claim your post proves I am correct since by pointing out who agrees and disagrees with what the democrats did means it happened as I claim.
Uh... okay... you are correct, in that a relatively progressive president used nukes... what do you want, a cookie? Join us in 2020.

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