Unpatriotic Dems In Virginia Erases Confederate Holiday

Their “culture” is the subjugation and dehumanization of blacks

That is what they are celebrating

It was never only that, and it is certainly not that now. YOu are just a race baiting lying asshole, aren't you?

The culture you keep quoting was built on slavery and the subjugation of blacks as second class citizens

Couldn't say, don't care. You have admitted that multicultualism is a lie.

Once again....

Provide a link where I said that. You keep making up shit

RW, I don't know what game you are playing, with denying a conversation that we both remember, nor with denying a position, that you know damn well you hold,

nor do I care.

You can save your drama and your demands, for some one who does not know that libs just say shit, it don't mean nuthin.
I remember nothing of the kind and challenge you to find ANY post that remotely says what you are claiming
1. I never said it was, you drooling moron.

Actually you did say that, inasmuch as your entire wailing wall of whine about "southern culture" --- which interestingly you're not even a part of by your own admission --- is limited to the span of the Confederacy, which is a time period just under four years.

As the poster noted (and others before), "cutlures" are not built upon a foundation of four years. Revisionist histories, however, certainly are.

So he's right, and you're wrong. Simple as that.

So, you lie about what I said, make up a "conclusion" based on the lie you made up,
and then try to hold me to that?
Screw you, and your silly troll games.
What is going on here, is that you and your lefty buddies have admitted that Multiculturalism, and Diversity is a lie. Tolerance is only for the cultures you approve of, the rest, it is open season on them.

"Multiculturalism" isn't even in play here. Deflect much?

This is about basic history --- and the act of lying about it.

The concept of the promised multicultural society was that we would become a society of multiple cultures, all living in harmony because we all tolerate each other's differences.

But now you libs admit, that you reserve to yourselves the right to NOT tolerate certain cultures, specifically "southern" and/or "white" cultures.

The implications for our rapidly changing society, is huge. ANd to be honest, completely expected to me. But it is nice to see you people being honest for a change. Sort of.

Nobody EVER implied that includes the culture of hate groups
Correction.....nobody but you

Southern Whites are not a "hate group". Your rationalization for your shit canning of the concept of multiculturalism is noted and relevant.

BECAUSE, they can be applied to just about everyone, if the person making the judgement is biased and/or dishonest enough.

The concept of tolerance, includes NOT holding on to old or even relatively recent, wrongs, and NOT reopening old wounds. It has to, or it was always complete bullshit.

ALL you libs have done is this thread, is shit all over any concept of tolerance or respect for cultures or people different than you.
1. I never said it was, you drooling moron.

Actually you did say that, inasmuch as your entire wailing wall of whine about "southern culture" --- which interestingly you're not even a part of by your own admission --- is limited to the span of the Confederacy, which is a time period just under four years.

As the poster noted (and others before), "cutlures" are not built upon a foundation of four years. Revisionist histories, however, certainly are.

So he's right, and you're wrong. Simple as that.

So, you lie about what I said, make up a "conclusion" based on the lie you made up,
and then try to hold me to that?
Screw you, and your silly troll games.
What is going on here, is that you and your lefty buddies have admitted that Multiculturalism, and Diversity is a lie. Tolerance is only for the cultures you approve of, the rest, it is open season on them.

"Multiculturalism" isn't even in play here. Deflect much?

This is about basic history --- and the act of lying about it.

The concept of the promised multicultural society was that we would become a society of multiple cultures, all living in harmony because we all tolerate each other's differences.

But now you libs admit, that you reserve to yourselves the right to NOT tolerate certain cultures, specifically "southern" and/or "white" cultures.

The implications for our rapidly changing society, is huge. ANd to be honest, completely expected to me. But it is nice to see you people being honest for a change. Sort of.

Here is a complete list of everybody required to deal with your made-up strawman fabrication about "multiculturalism".

--- See anybody you know on there?

Wassamatta? Can't deal with the topic so you're out to change it to something else?

I've been here talking about this topic for 100 pages. Your sudden claim that I am not able to "deal with it" is just you being a lib, by which I mean you say shit, and it don't mean nuthin.

Considering the implications of your bigotry, racism and intolerance and hate, is completely ON TOPIC.
So your "culture" has nothing to do with a 4 year bloody war? Easy then to not be worried about the removal of statues celebrating that 4 year bloody war since it doesn't have anything to do with your "culture"....problem solved.
Their “culture” is the subjugation and dehumanization of blacks

That is what they are celebrating

It was never only that, and it is certainly not that now. YOu are just a race baiting lying asshole, aren't you?

The culture you keep quoting was built on slavery and the subjugation of blacks as second class citizens

Couldn't say, don't care. You have admitted that multicultualism is a lie.

Where did he say that?
Where did anybody say that?
Where, in fact, did anybody but you in massive deflection attempt say anything about "multiculturalism" at all?

With your picking a culture that you don't like for bullshit reasons, and deciding that it is cool to demonize and marginalize anyone from it,

you have demonstrated that multiculturalism is a lie. You have admitted it, with your actions.
They are not symbols of hate. They are harmless symbols of regional pride.

You seem to be the one seething with hate today.

Hmmm, how am I hating because I am not honoring people who enslaved, maimed, dismembered, raped, brutalized and murdered black folks.

Because you are hating good people who have done none of that, and merely want to celebrate their regional culture and heritage.

Celebrate all they want, but the rest of us don't have to pay for it.

THe part where you hate them? That is you being hateful.

Did I make that clear enough for you?

No, explain it too me.

That you have your reasons or excuses for your hate, does not make it, not hate. You still hate them.

It's not hate, it's REMEMBERANCE.

No, what you are doing, is hate. And you know it.

Let me get this straight, I am against honoring men who enslaved, maimed, raped, brutalized, lynched and murdered black folks and it is hate.

You on the other hand you want to honor these men and you are doing it out of love.


Your spin is noted. What you are doing is not allowing Southerns to celebrate some aspects of their ancestors, and not others. This is a standard you only apply to them. Anyone else, you do not do this to.

That is hate and racism on your part. You saying "black" does not change that, you racist.
They are not symbols of hate. They are harmless symbols of regional pride.

You seem to be the one seething with hate today.

Hmmm, how am I hating because I am not honoring people who enslaved, maimed, dismembered, raped, brutalized and murdered black folks.

Because you are hating good people who have done none of that, and merely want to celebrate their regional culture and heritage.

THe part where you hate them? That is you being hateful.

Did I make that clear enough for you?

That you have your reasons or excuses for your hate, does not make it, not hate. You still hate them.

Actually you didn't, the people who are being honored by you and other racist did all of those things I spoke of. I haven't used the word hate one time, but you are right I'll be damned if I honor any of those folks who enslaved, maimed, tortured, raped, lynched and treated black folks less than they did the family dog.

I did not say you used the word. But your obvious anger, over events from over 4 generations before you were born, is not anger caused by actual impact or harm, but from hate, your racist hate.

That you have your excuses, and that you like to keep repeating them, so as to try to, what? Get an emotional reaction from someone?

Does not excuse your hate. YOu racist.

I came along during Jim Crow, so I am speaking from first hand knowledge. Sorry I am not going to honor men who were for slavery and treating black folks as 3rd class citizens.

So, you are old enough to remember Jim Crow. Good for you.

Doesn't change the fact that you are the one being a bigot today.

No one is asking you to. I am just pointing out that you are singling out Southern Whites for special treatment based on their skin color.
So your "culture" has nothing to do with a 4 year bloody war? Easy then to not be worried about the removal of statues celebrating that 4 year bloody war since it doesn't have anything to do with your "culture"....problem solved.

Wow. So, you first pretend that someone is claiming that the Civil War is the whole of Southern Culture. and when I point out the obvious truth, that no one is claiming that,

your next position is that the Civil War has NOTHING to do with Southern Culture.

Your shit is dismissed.
The Confederacy is not the whole of southern culture either -- it only lasted 4 years...southern culture (as you call it) existed long before and after that...but you seem fixated on that Confederate traitor part of it...and I know why....but you are too much of a coward to admit it..

But since you are both stupid and a coward -- in addition to being a liar -- you have already admitted it....you just too dumb to know it....
Many in the south prefer to define themselves by that horrific society

NOt really.

But the real point is, that you lefties have admitted the all your talk of tolerating other cultures, was always a lie.

what you have admitted is you honor and agreed with the treatment of black folks from slavery on through Jim Crow. You are one of those racist that long for the Good Ole Days.

The difference between us, is that I listen to what you actually say, and then base conclusions on what you actually say,

while you make up shit, and the base your conclusions on the shit you made up.

You can go fuck yourself.
It was never only that, and it is certainly not that now. YOu are just a race baiting lying asshole, aren't you?

The culture you keep quoting was built on slavery and the subjugation of blacks as second class citizens

Couldn't say, don't care. You have admitted that multicultualism is a lie.

Once again....

Provide a link where I said that. You keep making up shit

RW, I don't know what game you are playing, with denying a conversation that we both remember, nor with denying a position, that you know damn well you hold,

nor do I care.

You can save your drama and your demands, for some one who does not know that libs just say shit, it don't mean nuthin.
I remember nothing of the kind and challenge you to find ANY post that remotely says what you are claiming

Your lie is noted. And held against you. I dont' care. I already knew you were a liar. So, whatever.
The culture you keep quoting was built on slavery and the subjugation of blacks as second class citizens

Couldn't say, don't care. You have admitted that multicultualism is a lie.

Once again....

Provide a link where I said that. You keep making up shit

RW, I don't know what game you are playing, with denying a conversation that we both remember, nor with denying a position, that you know damn well you hold,

nor do I care.

You can save your drama and your demands, for some one who does not know that libs just say shit, it don't mean nuthin.
I remember nothing of the kind and challenge you to find ANY post that remotely says what you are claiming

Your lie is noted. And held against you. I dont' care. I already knew you were a liar. So, whatever.
I wouldn't be going on about others lying...if I were you. Have you got any of those polls you claimed exist yet?
Couldn't say, don't care. You have admitted that multicultualism is a lie.

Once again....

Provide a link where I said that. You keep making up shit

RW, I don't know what game you are playing, with denying a conversation that we both remember, nor with denying a position, that you know damn well you hold,

nor do I care.

You can save your drama and your demands, for some one who does not know that libs just say shit, it don't mean nuthin.
I remember nothing of the kind and challenge you to find ANY post that remotely says what you are claiming

Your lie is noted. And held against you. I dont' care. I already knew you were a liar. So, whatever.
I wouldn't be going on about others lying...if I were you. Have you got any of those polls you claimed exist yet?

NOt playing your silly troll games, is not lying.

Ironically, claiming it is, is a lie, you filthy liar.
Yeah, you said that. And then I pointed out how he changed in life, while you are currently working to tear this nation apart.

So, like I said, uncensored point is likely on. As you know, or you would have directly challenged it.

Actually what Pothead ("Uncensored") said was that Lee, quote, "never owned a slave in his life".

He was wrong about that, and Brutha did directly challenge it.

And yet, Lee, as I said, lost, surrendered and later redeemed himself by becoming a national icon of reconciliation and unity, while superbruther is actively trying to tear this nation apart, so, uncensored's point could still be pretty much on.

Really, tell us what Lee actually did to reconcile and unite the country. Please enlighten us.

Neither one of us cares what the details are. So, why the fuck are you asking? Nothing I say could possibly make a single impression in your hate filled bigoted mind.

YOu are against these memorials, because you are a racist and a bigot, and reasons are shit you come up with to justify your hate and racism.
Soviet Union wanted to change history. Taliban wanted to change history. Chairman Mao wanted to change history. So I'm not surprised that 2020 Democratic Party wants to do the same.
Don't worry, weirdo. Taking down monuments to slavers and traitors doesn't change history. They are still slavers and traitors. Rest easy.
Actually what Pothead ("Uncensored") said was that Lee, quote, "never owned a slave in his life".

He was wrong about that, and Brutha did directly challenge it.

And yet, Lee, as I said, lost, surrendered and later redeemed himself by becoming a national icon of reconciliation and unity, while superbruther is actively trying to tear this nation apart, so, uncensored's point could still be pretty much on.

Really, tell us what Lee actually did to reconcile and unite the country. Please enlighten us.

Neither one of us cares what the details are. So, why the fuck are you asking? Nothing I say could possibly make a single impression in your hate filled bigoted mind.

YOu are against these memorials, because you are a racist and a bigot, and reasons are shit you come up with to justify your hate and racism.
Soviet Union wanted to change history. Taliban wanted to change history. Chairman Mao wanted to change history. So I'm not surprised that 2020 Democratic Party wants to do the same.
Don't worry, weirdo. Taking down monuments to slavers and traitors doesn't change history. They are still slavers and traitors. Rest easy.

You are the weirdo here. Also the racist and the bigot.
The culture you keep quoting was built on slavery and the subjugation of blacks as second class citizens

Couldn't say, don't care. You have admitted that multicultualism is a lie.

Once again....

Provide a link where I said that. You keep making up shit

RW, I don't know what game you are playing, with denying a conversation that we both remember, nor with denying a position, that you know damn well you hold,

nor do I care.

You can save your drama and your demands, for some one who does not know that libs just say shit, it don't mean nuthin.
I remember nothing of the kind and challenge you to find ANY post that remotely says what you are claiming

Your lie is noted. And held against you. I dont' care. I already knew you were a liar. So, whatever.

Nuttin' like a "lie" that you can't quote and only you can see because you have the secret decoder ring. :cuckoo:
Actually what Pothead ("Uncensored") said was that Lee, quote, "never owned a slave in his life".

He was wrong about that, and Brutha did directly challenge it.

And yet, Lee, as I said, lost, surrendered and later redeemed himself by becoming a national icon of reconciliation and unity, while superbruther is actively trying to tear this nation apart, so, uncensored's point could still be pretty much on.

Really, tell us what Lee actually did to reconcile and unite the country. Please enlighten us.

Neither one of us cares what the details are. So, why the fuck are you asking? Nothing I say could possibly make a single impression in your hate filled bigoted mind.

YOu are against these memorials, because you are a racist and a bigot, and reasons are shit you come up with to justify your hate and racism.
Soviet Union wanted to change history. Taliban wanted to change history. Chairman Mao wanted to change history. So I'm not surprised that 2020 Democratic Party wants to do the same.
Don't worry, weirdo. Taking down monuments to slavers and traitors doesn't change history. They are still slavers and traitors. Rest easy.
It seems to be a medical issue with CRCs...they forget easily without statues or crosses all over the place reminding them of what is supposedly important to them.
Couldn't say, don't care. You have admitted that multicultualism is a lie.

Once again....

Provide a link where I said that. You keep making up shit

RW, I don't know what game you are playing, with denying a conversation that we both remember, nor with denying a position, that you know damn well you hold,

nor do I care.

You can save your drama and your demands, for some one who does not know that libs just say shit, it don't mean nuthin.
I remember nothing of the kind and challenge you to find ANY post that remotely says what you are claiming

Your lie is noted. And held against you. I dont' care. I already knew you were a liar. So, whatever.

Nuttin' like a "lie" that you can't quote and only you can see because you have the secret decoder ring. :cuckoo:

No, we discussed it at length. He is just lying, because he is a liberal.

You are a liberal, so you know that is the way it goes. You people just say shit. It don't mean nuthin.
And yet, Lee, as I said, lost, surrendered and later redeemed himself by becoming a national icon of reconciliation and unity, while superbruther is actively trying to tear this nation apart, so, uncensored's point could still be pretty much on.

Really, tell us what Lee actually did to reconcile and unite the country. Please enlighten us.

Neither one of us cares what the details are. So, why the fuck are you asking? Nothing I say could possibly make a single impression in your hate filled bigoted mind.

YOu are against these memorials, because you are a racist and a bigot, and reasons are shit you come up with to justify your hate and racism.
Soviet Union wanted to change history. Taliban wanted to change history. Chairman Mao wanted to change history. So I'm not surprised that 2020 Democratic Party wants to do the same.
Don't worry, weirdo. Taking down monuments to slavers and traitors doesn't change history. They are still slavers and traitors. Rest easy.

You are the weirdo here. Also the racist and the bigot.
Name-calling again.
And yet, Lee, as I said, lost, surrendered and later redeemed himself by becoming a national icon of reconciliation and unity, while superbruther is actively trying to tear this nation apart, so, uncensored's point could still be pretty much on.

Really, tell us what Lee actually did to reconcile and unite the country. Please enlighten us.

Neither one of us cares what the details are. So, why the fuck are you asking? Nothing I say could possibly make a single impression in your hate filled bigoted mind.

YOu are against these memorials, because you are a racist and a bigot, and reasons are shit you come up with to justify your hate and racism.
Soviet Union wanted to change history. Taliban wanted to change history. Chairman Mao wanted to change history. So I'm not surprised that 2020 Democratic Party wants to do the same.
Don't worry, weirdo. Taking down monuments to slavers and traitors doesn't change history. They are still slavers and traitors. Rest easy.
It seems to be a medical issue with CRCs...they forget easily without statues or crosses all over the place reminding them of what is supposedly important to them.

Not sure what you mean by crc, nor do I care.

For generations, in this nation, Southern Pride has been accepted as part of the larger American Patriotism.

You are the assholes who are trying to reopen old wounds and smearing good people for no reason.
Really, tell us what Lee actually did to reconcile and unite the country. Please enlighten us.

Neither one of us cares what the details are. So, why the fuck are you asking? Nothing I say could possibly make a single impression in your hate filled bigoted mind.

YOu are against these memorials, because you are a racist and a bigot, and reasons are shit you come up with to justify your hate and racism.
Soviet Union wanted to change history. Taliban wanted to change history. Chairman Mao wanted to change history. So I'm not surprised that 2020 Democratic Party wants to do the same.
Don't worry, weirdo. Taking down monuments to slavers and traitors doesn't change history. They are still slavers and traitors. Rest easy.

You are the weirdo here. Also the racist and the bigot.
Name-calling again.

HI troll boy. You still lying?
And yet, Lee, as I said, lost, surrendered and later redeemed himself by becoming a national icon of reconciliation and unity, while superbruther is actively trying to tear this nation apart, so, uncensored's point could still be pretty much on.

Really, tell us what Lee actually did to reconcile and unite the country. Please enlighten us.

Neither one of us cares what the details are. So, why the fuck are you asking? Nothing I say could possibly make a single impression in your hate filled bigoted mind.

YOu are against these memorials, because you are a racist and a bigot, and reasons are shit you come up with to justify your hate and racism.
Soviet Union wanted to change history. Taliban wanted to change history. Chairman Mao wanted to change history. So I'm not surprised that 2020 Democratic Party wants to do the same.
Don't worry, weirdo. Taking down monuments to slavers and traitors doesn't change history. They are still slavers and traitors. Rest easy.
It seems to be a medical issue with CRCs...they forget easily without statues or crosses all over the place reminding them of what is supposedly important to them.
Well, somewhere along the line, they confused "not getting everything you want exactly as you want it" with "oppression".
Really, tell us what Lee actually did to reconcile and unite the country. Please enlighten us.

Neither one of us cares what the details are. So, why the fuck are you asking? Nothing I say could possibly make a single impression in your hate filled bigoted mind.

YOu are against these memorials, because you are a racist and a bigot, and reasons are shit you come up with to justify your hate and racism.
Soviet Union wanted to change history. Taliban wanted to change history. Chairman Mao wanted to change history. So I'm not surprised that 2020 Democratic Party wants to do the same.
Don't worry, weirdo. Taking down monuments to slavers and traitors doesn't change history. They are still slavers and traitors. Rest easy.
It seems to be a medical issue with CRCs...they forget easily without statues or crosses all over the place reminding them of what is supposedly important to them.
Well, somewhere along the line, they confused "not getting everything you want exactly as you want it" with "oppression".

No, we did not. YOu are making up shit.

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