Unprovoked attack on white Macy's employee by black thug

13% of the population will regret this. Half of them are obese fucks clogged with diabetes and gout. That leaves 7% You think you're a tough ass now. We'll see. Cowards can only burn and beat people in your shit holes. Well the shit holes are really going to burn feller.

You really think that twerpie white dude called that neanderthal a name.
i believe that white man stepped to that youngster's face, flexing what he thought was his authority, and got a SHOCKING surprise. That's why he was on the ground begging for forgiveness screaming "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

An innocent man wouldn't do that. He'd be yelling for help instead.

Engage me and die, n'gr.
13% of the population will regret this. Half of them are obese fucks clogged with diabetes and gout. That leaves 7% You think you're a tough ass now. We'll see. Cowards can only burn and beat people in your shit holes. Well the shit holes are really going to burn feller.

You really think that twerpie white dude called that neanderthal a name.
i believe that white man stepped to his face and got a SHOCKING surprise. That's why he was on the ground begging for forgiveness screaming "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

An innocent man wouldn't do that. He'd be yelling for help instead.

Guarantee you that APE has a felony record a mile long. The battle lines are drawn. Actually I am far away from these zoos and desensitized to the violence. I actually am enjoying it now. I hope there is so much blood spilled in the streets during the rally. Then I want it to spread to all the cities. Where you take your gun and defend yourself.
Very unfortunate situation and I hope the guy is ok. But it's foolish to argue that this has anything to do with protests, Democrats, or the MSM.

Here's what the article says:

"Quay, whose Facebook profile says he’s from the Flint suburb of Grand Blanc, wrote the man throwing the punches asked the employee a question, then became angry when that Macy’s salesperson, who was on his phone, used the N-word when he got back to his call, thinking he’d done so discreetly.

The alleged aggressor is seen punching the employee, whom he continues to hit once that man falls to the floor. No racial slurs are heard on the video, which begins once the conflict is underway."

No idea what the truth is though.
That was justice though no matter what. OMG we are really getting tired of this. Frightening hatred starting.

I was traumatized at first. Now I want to see every god damned lib city burn like Charleston in 64...1864
Very unfortunate situation and I hope the guy is ok. But it's foolish to argue that this has anything to do with protests, Democrats, or the MSM.

Here's what the article says:

"Quay, whose Facebook profile says he’s from the Flint suburb of Grand Blanc, wrote the man throwing the punches asked the employee a question, then became angry when that Macy’s salesperson, who was on his phone, used the N-word when he got back to his call, thinking he’d done so discreetly.

The alleged aggressor is seen punching the employee, whom he continues to hit once that man falls to the floor. No racial slurs are heard on the video, which begins once the conflict is underway."

No idea what the truth is though.
That was justice though no matter what. OMG we are really getting tired of this. Frightening hatred starting.

I was traumatized at first. Now I want to see every god damned lib city burn like Charleston in 64...1864

I'd rather see less hate.
13% of the population will regret this. Half of them are obese fucks clogged with diabetes and gout. That leaves 7% You think you're a tough ass now. We'll see. Cowards can only burn and beat people in your shit holes. Well the shit holes are really going to burn feller.

You really think that twerpie white dude called that neanderthal a name.
i believe that white man stepped to that youngster's face, flexing what he thought was his authority, and got a SHOCKING surprise. That's why he was on the ground begging for forgiveness screaming "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

An innocent man wouldn't do that. He'd be yelling for help instead.

Engage me and die, n'gr.
Let them F torch every liberal S hole. I am cheering for it now. They want it, now I want it.
Guarantee you that APE has a felony record a mile long. The battle lines are drawn. Actually I am far away from these zoos and desensitized to the violence. I actually am enjoying it now. I hope there is so much blood spilled in the streets during the rally. Then I want it to spread to all the cities. Where you take your gun and defend yourself.
Cowards always talk about bringing guns, never using their hands man-to-man.
Thanks to the protesters, the Dimocrats, the MSM, black men more and more are feeling entitled to attack people based on their skin color.

Now when they catch this scumbag, anyone care to bet if he'll get charged with a hate crime ?

Folks, you couldn't today pay me enough to live anywhere near a large black population.

View attachment 352450

Macy’s: Viral beating of employee ‘unprovoked’ despite racism claim

Macy’s says that viral video of a man being pummeled in its Flint, Mich., store shows an employee being victimized in an “unprovoked” attack.

“We are deeply saddened about the incident that took place on Monday (June 15) at Macy’s Genesee Valley as the safety of Macy’s customers and colleagues is our top priority,” Macy’s spokeswoman Andrea Schwartz told MLive-The Flint Journal. “Violence in the workplace of any kind is unacceptable. All the materials from the evening have been reviewed and it is clear that the attack was unprovoked. We are working closely with local authorities on this investigation, and will defer any further comments about the case to them per policy.”

God gave us teeth and thumbs for very good reasons. Sink teeth in anywhere soft. Thumbs go between ribs and beneath sternums. Planet of the apes, man . . .
Lyndon Johnson's GREAT SOCIETY programs are to blame for this.
Prior to those programs, the black population was made up mostly of nuclear families, and although they certainly had a lower standard of living, and discrimination was rampant, had they continued on that road, imagine where most blacks would be today.
Yes, they still would have a lower standard of living, for probably a few more years, but an intact family structure has proven itself every time.

Instead, the Great Society social programs gave black males a ticket to roam the bedrooms of every female they could get their hands on.
They knew, they were free to create as much offspring as they cared to, knowing the white government would take care of their baby mamas, no matter how many babies were created.

These kids grew up, with a single mother, and dad nowhere in sight. Instead of being mentored by a father and a mother who would have insisted on educating their children, single mom was either out working or partying, while junior whose education grounds is the streets instead of the calssrooms, learns to steal and fight and never really understanding the concept of right and wrong.

This is now where we are today, with a violent sub-class, who do not believe in education, since it's "too white" but instead either can throw a thugball in a round hoop, or they can lay down violent rap lyrics, and if none of that works they can always sell drugs.

Thanks Dimocrats, you own the destruction of the black family unit, and you own why nearly half of the black male population has been arrested by the time they are 23.
Very unfortunate situation and I hope the guy is ok. But it's foolish to argue that this has anything to do with protests, Democrats, or the MSM.

Here's what the article says:

"Quay, whose Facebook profile says he’s from the Flint suburb of Grand Blanc, wrote the man throwing the punches asked the employee a question, then became angry when that Macy’s salesperson, who was on his phone, used the N-word when he got back to his call, thinking he’d done so discreetly.

The alleged aggressor is seen punching the employee, whom he continues to hit once that man falls to the floor. No racial slurs are heard on the video, which begins once the conflict is underway."

No idea what the truth is though.
That was justice though no matter what. OMG we are really getting tired of this. Frightening hatred starting.

I was traumatized at first. Now I want to see every god damned lib city burn like Charleston in 64...1864

I'd rather see less hate.
This is so beyond that. About 200 million white people are really really pissed off. You're going to see a lot of death. Probably necessary to get passed this. Violent and very bloody revolution. We'll surround the shit holes and kill every MF that tries to leave.

I ain't giving up my country without butchering a thug.
Very unfortunate situation and I hope the guy is ok. But it's foolish to argue that this has anything to do with protests, Democrats, or the MSM.

Here's what the article says:

"Quay, whose Facebook profile says he’s from the Flint suburb of Grand Blanc, wrote the man throwing the punches asked the employee a question, then became angry when that Macy’s salesperson, who was on his phone, used the N-word when he got back to his call, thinking he’d done so discreetly.

The alleged aggressor is seen punching the employee, whom he continues to hit once that man falls to the floor. No racial slurs are heard on the video, which begins once the conflict is underway."

No idea what the truth is though.
That was justice though no matter what. OMG we are really getting tired of this. Frightening hatred starting.

I was traumatized at first. Now I want to see every god damned lib city burn like Charleston in 64...1864

I'd rather see less hate.
This is so beyond that. About 200 million white people are really really pissed off. You're going to see a lot of death. Probably necessary to get passed this. Violent and very bloody revolution. We'll surround the shit holes and kill every MF that tries to leave.

I ain't giving up my country without butchering a thug.

You're not doing shit. Take your medication and calm down.
I see a ton of bloodshed coming. Flint Michigan of course. A sleeping giant will awake.
Context is in the video. The youngster was telling the other guy not to touch him. That informs me that the white guy instigated something that caused the youngster to react so defensively.

Good call though. Lots of context is missing. I wouldn't jump to conclusions like the OP is doing.

Watch how the little bitch white guy never tries to fight back, and instead begs forgiveness. Now you're going to honestly tell me he would call this guy that looks like a thug, the "N" word unprovoked ? That is a complete suspension of logic !
Guarantee you that APE has a felony record a mile long. The battle lines are drawn. Actually I am far away from these zoos and desensitized to the violence. I actually am enjoying it now. I hope there is so much blood spilled in the streets during the rally. Then I want it to spread to all the cities. Where you take your gun and defend yourself.
Cowards always talk about bringing guns, never using their hands man-to-man.
And you breed nothing but worthless bastards or abort them. Jesus Christ what kind of men are you negro cowards any way?

I have a double barrel shotgun that would beg to diffe. got about 4 boxes of magnum shells with 200 40 ott 6 rounds. Wanna see me oil my gun?
Very unfortunate situation and I hope the guy is ok. But it's foolish to argue that this has anything to do with protests, Democrats, or the MSM.

Here's what the article says:

"Quay, whose Facebook profile says he’s from the Flint suburb of Grand Blanc, wrote the man throwing the punches asked the employee a question, then became angry when that Macy’s salesperson, who was on his phone, used the N-word when he got back to his call, thinking he’d done so discreetly.

The alleged aggressor is seen punching the employee, whom he continues to hit once that man falls to the floor. No racial slurs are heard on the video, which begins once the conflict is underway."

No idea what the truth is though.
That was justice though no matter what. OMG we are really getting tired of this. Frightening hatred starting.

I was traumatized at first. Now I want to see every god damned lib city burn like Charleston in 64...1864

I'd rather see less hate.
This is so beyond that. About 200 million white people are really really pissed off. You're going to see a lot of death. Probably necessary to get passed this. Violent and very bloody revolution. We'll surround the shit holes and kill every MF that tries to leave.

I ain't giving up my country without butchering a thug.

You're not doing shit. Take your medication and calm down.
Dude. I'm having fun now watching the shit holes burn. I hope they riot all over the country tomorrow. I really do now. I hope all the Cops quit too. 911 tells the store ownes to wait awhile.

I just saw a big statue of Washington with a burning American flag around its head torn down. You don't think shit is going to happen? You're crazy.

I better leave the board now. May God Damned America as Obama's mentor says.
And you breed nothing but worthless bastards or abort them. Jesus Christ what kind of men are you negro cowards any way?

I have a double barrel shotgun that would beg to diffe. got about 4 boxes of magnum shells with 200 40 ott 6 rounds. Wanna see me oil my gun?
See? Even this dunce had the sense enough not to refute it.

A coward is gonna coward.
Very unfortunate situation and I hope the guy is ok. But it's foolish to argue that this has anything to do with protests, Democrats, or the MSM.

Here's what the article says:

"Quay, whose Facebook profile says he’s from the Flint suburb of Grand Blanc, wrote the man throwing the punches asked the employee a question, then became angry when that Macy’s salesperson, who was on his phone, used the N-word when he got back to his call, thinking he’d done so discreetly.

The alleged aggressor is seen punching the employee, whom he continues to hit once that man falls to the floor. No racial slurs are heard on the video, which begins once the conflict is underway."

No idea what the truth is though.
That was justice though no matter what. OMG we are really getting tired of this. Frightening hatred starting.

I was traumatized at first. Now I want to see every god damned lib city burn like Charleston in 64...1864

I'd rather see less hate.
This is so beyond that. About 200 million white people are really really pissed off. You're going to see a lot of death. Probably necessary to get passed this. Violent and very bloody revolution. We'll surround the shit holes and kill every MF that tries to leave.

I ain't giving up my country without butchering a thug.

You're not doing shit. Take your medication and calm down.
Dude. I'm having fun now watching the shit holes burn. I hope they riot all over the country tomorrow. I really do now. I hope all the Cops quit too. 911 tells the store ownes to wait awhile.

I just saw a big statue of Washington with a burning American flag around its head torn down. You don't think shit is going to happen? You're crazy.

That says a lot about you.

And no, I don't think you're going to do anything.
I see a ton of bloodshed coming. Flint Michigan of course. A sleeping giant will awake.
Context is in the video. The youngster was telling the other guy not to touch him. That informs me that the white guy instigated something that caused the youngster to react so defensively.

Good call though. Lots of context is missing. I wouldn't jump to conclusions like the OP is doing.

Watch how the little bitch white guy never tries to fight back, and instead begs forgiveness. Now you're going to honestly tell me he would call this guy that looks like a thug, the "N" word unprovoked ? That is a complete suspension of logic !
That excuse will be used to break a lot of teeth. But eventually they'll bite.
Guarantee you that APE has a felony record a mile long. The battle lines are drawn. Actually I am far away from these zoos and desensitized to the violence. I actually am enjoying it now. I hope there is so much blood spilled in the streets during the rally. Then I want it to spread to all the cities. Where you take your gun and defend yourself.
Cowards always talk about bringing guns, never using their hands man-to-man.
And you breed nothing but worthless bastards or abort them. Jesus Christ what kind of men are you negro cowards any way?

I have a double barrel shotgun that would beg to diffe. got about 4 boxes of magnum shells with 200 40 ott 6 rounds. Wanna see me oil my gun?
wow pom?
That guy clearly provoked the fracas from before the camera started filming.
I assume you are talking about the black guy? Never observed frail looking white store clerks in major retail chains to intentionally provoke very physically large, muscled black men wearing wife beater shirts. You got a theory?

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