Four Black Youfs Brutally Beat White Man In Unprovoked Attack In Baltimore Again

Today Asians practice it

Slavery predates written records and has existed in many cultures.[4] The number of slaves today remains as high as 12 million[5] to 27 million.[6][7] Most are debt slaves, largely in South Asia, who are under debt bondage incurred by lenders, sometimes even for generations.[8] Human trafficking is primarily used for forcing women and children into sex industries.[9]

O'yess, we enslaved whites.

David P. Forsythe wrote: "In 1649 up to three-quarters of Muscovy's peasants, or 13 to 14 million people, were serfs whose material lives were barely distinguishable from slaves. Perhaps another 1.5 million were formally enslaved, with Russian slaves serving Russian masters. "[59] Slavery remained a major institution in Russia until 1723, when Peter the Great converted the household slaves into house serfs. Russian agricultural slaves were formally converted into serfs earlier in 1679.[60] Russia's more than 23 million privately-held serfs were freed from their lords by an edict of Alexander II in 1861.[61] State-owned serfs were emancipated in 1866.

The white citizens of Virginia decided to treat the first Africans in Virginia as indentured servants.[102] Over half of all European immigrants to Colonial America during the 17th and 18th centuries arrived as indentured servants.[103] In 1655, John Casor, a black man, became the first legally recognized slave in the present United States.[104] According to the 1860 U. S. census, 393,975 individuals, representing 8% of all US families, owned 3,950,528 slaves.[105] One-third of Southern families owned slaves.[106]


Africa to their own people
One of the most famous slave traders on the East African coast was Tippu Tip, who was himself the grandson of an enslaved African. The prazeros slave traders, descendants of Portuguese and Africans, operated along the Zambezi. North of the Zambezi, the waYao and Makua people played a similar role as professional slave raiders and traders. The Nyamwezi slave traders operated further north under the leadership of Msiri and Mirambo.[71]

He isn't white Tippu Tip - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I could go into the ending of the slave trade by the British empire to white fighting for the end of it in America. Whites have done nothing but end it....

What needs to be understood is everyone did it. So why are whites the one blamed for it?

Slavery pre-white man in the America's?

Slavery in the Americas had a contentious history, dating back at least to the Aztecs,[85] and played a major role in the history and evolution of some countries, triggering at least one revolution and one civil war, as well as numerous rebellions. Other Amerindians, such as the Inca of the Andes, the Tupinambá of Brazil, the Creek of Georgia, and the Comanche of Texas, also owned slaves.[4]

Slavery was prominent in Africa, across the Atlantic Ocean from the Americas, long before the beginnings of the transatlantic slave trade.[72] The maritime town of Lagos, Portugal, Europe, was the first slave market created in Portugal (one of the earliest colonizers of the Americas) for the sale of imported African slaves – the Mercado de Escravos, opened in 1444.[86][87] In 1441, the first slaves were brought to Portugal from northern Mauritania.[87]

Why is the white man the only one accused of it?
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Our educational has failed to teach real history. Just hate on race of human beings.
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Heh, I feel sorry for white people.

It's called "White Guilt". White people gave up many of their rights because of some terrible things their ancestors did to blacks. If you don't like it, call up your great-grandfather in the afterlife and ask him how fucking over blacks helped to advance the white agenda.

And you know what? Given the kind of passive-aggressive bigotry I see here, you fucking deserve it.

Mkay. We'll drop the "passive."

Heh, I feel sorry for white people.

It's called "White Guilt". White people gave up many of their rights because of some terrible things their ancestors did to blacks. If you don't like it, call up your great-grandfather in the afterlife and ask him how fucking over blacks helped to advance the white agenda.

And you know what? Given the kind of passive-aggressive bigotry I see here, you fucking deserve it.

Mkay. We'll drop the "passive."


Really? and do exactly what, pussy?
All blacks are evil....My computer keyboard is black hence its evil too!

Yes Matthew's logic works out fine for me.
Heh, I feel sorry for white people.

It's called "White Guilt". White people gave up many of their rights because of some terrible things their ancestors did to blacks. If you don't like it, call up your great-grandfather in the afterlife and ask him how fucking over blacks helped to advance the white agenda.

And you know what? Given the kind of passive-aggressive bigotry I see here, you fucking deserve it.

Mkay. We'll drop the "passive."


Really? and do exactly what, pussy?

Joyce the pussy never did answer this question (among hundreds of others).
Whites better wake up as within the next 50 years we will need to stand up for our rights.
Whites better wake up as within the next 50 years we will need to stand up for our rights.

Why don't you try being a man for once in your worthless little life and standing up for yourself instead of trying to hide within a 'color'? Try being an individual, because you do NOT represent "white people," and "white people" are NOT sympathetic to your kind of cowardice outside a tiny group of idiots who share your personal shortcomings.
Really? and do exactly what, pussy?

Joyce the pussy never did answer this question (among hundreds of others).

You never did get any pussy, and for that, I do kind of feel sorry for you.

This line of 'reasoning' also finds you a failure. Your well-documented racism and cowardice suggests that your opportunities for contact with the opposite sex are limited to extreme endogamy and unlikely even at that.

Your pathetic cowardice limits you in so many ways...
Whites better wake up as within the next 50 years we will need to stand up for our rights.

I bet you are one of those whites who thought Blacks were afraid of you.In the old days they probably were as your people had guns and the KKK.Now a days its the other way around.Black folks aren't afraid any more and they have guns. So yeah tell your folks to stand up for their rights only to fall on their face with two in the chest.
Whites better wake up as within the next 50 years we will need to stand up for our rights.

I bet you are one of those whites who thought Blacks were afraid of you.In the old days they probably were as your people had guns and the KKK.Now a days its the other way around.Black folks aren't afraid any more and they have guns. So yeah tell your folks to stand up for their rights only to fall on their face with two in the chest.

You feel compelled to be just as much of a fucking idiot as he is? Way to go, champ.
Whites better wake up as within the next 50 years we will need to stand up for our rights.

I bet you are one of those whites who thought Blacks were afraid of you.In the old days they probably were as your people had guns and the KKK.Now a days its the other way around.Black folks aren't afraid any more and they have guns. So yeah tell your folks to stand up for their rights only to fall on their face with two in the chest.
Most of you that have guns can't shoot worth a crap - that why so many innocent bystanders are slaughtered. Your to worried about looking cool - not effectively using a weapon. You better hope as I do that there isn't an all out race war!

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