Unprovoked attack on white Macy's employee by black thug

The day is coming...that’s all that needs to be remembered.
Well one other thing....never beg or show your belly to an animal. It invites aggression in an already overly aggressive species.
Bro can’t even pull his pants up.
Solution to that is to keep a bottle of Hershey’s chocolate syrup with you. Then as one of these jailin’ fools walks by, squirt some onto his shorts. Instant skid marks.
I see a ton of bloodshed coming. Flint Michigan of course. A sleeping giant will awake.
Context is in the video. The youngster was telling the other guy not to touch him. That informs me that the white guy instigated something that caused the youngster to react so defensively.

Good call though. Lots of context is missing. I wouldn't jump to conclusions like the OP is doing.
Yeah, black thugs are normally so peaceful and hard to provoke.
I can only hope that the victim had not been one of those marchers in the recent BLM demos.

If he had been, then, wow, he has learned the hard way what a big mistake he made.

Oh, yes, if the perp is caught, nothing will happen to him. He's a member of 2020's "in" group.
Guarantee you that APE has a felony record a mile long. The battle lines are drawn. Actually I am far away from these zoos and desensitized to the violence. I actually am enjoying it now. I hope there is so much blood spilled in the streets during the rally. Then I want it to spread to all the cities. Where you take your gun and defend yourself.
Cowards always talk about bringing guns, never using their hands man-to-man.
And you breed nothing but worthless bastards or abort them. Jesus Christ what kind of men are you negro cowards any way?

I have a double barrel shotgun that would beg to diffe. got about 4 boxes of magnum shells with 200 40 ott 6 rounds. Wanna see me oil my gun?
wow pom?
Did you see George Washington's statue with a burning flag rapped around its head before it toppled??

I'm so proud to be an American tonight. Just so proud.

I posted a lot of threads in WC there. See Inglorious for details
You know what POM. That tipped me over the edge this morning. I saw the gw statue thing. I'm furious. Talked about it all day. The disrespect. bunch of idiots. just idiots.
I was traumatized by it when this thread came up. Thus my harsh words. My tears seeing all this S is now turning to vengeful hatred. Let the shit holes burn.
Thanks to the protesters, the Dimocrats, the MSM, black men more and more are feeling entitled to attack people based on their skin color.

Now when they catch this scumbag, anyone care to bet if he'll get charged with a hate crime ?

Folks, you couldn't today pay me enough to live anywhere near a large black population.

View attachment 352450

Macy’s: Viral beating of employee ‘unprovoked’ despite racism claim

Macy’s says that viral video of a man being pummeled in its Flint, Mich., store shows an employee being victimized in an “unprovoked” attack.

“We are deeply saddened about the incident that took place on Monday (June 15) at Macy’s Genesee Valley as the safety of Macy’s customers and colleagues is our top priority,” Macy’s spokeswoman Andrea Schwartz told MLive-The Flint Journal. “Violence in the workplace of any kind is unacceptable. All the materials from the evening have been reviewed and it is clear that the attack was unprovoked. We are working closely with local authorities on this investigation, and will defer any further comments about the case to them per policy.”

He’s also not wearing a mask. According to the left that is attempted murder.
Violence is never the answer........

Unless you are in fear for your safety....

Maybe that big black buck was afraid -- or do big black bucks not have a right to be afraid?
Guarantee you that APE has a felony record a mile long. The battle lines are drawn. Actually I am far away from these zoos and desensitized to the violence. I actually am enjoying it now. I hope there is so much blood spilled in the streets during the rally. Then I want it to spread to all the cities. Where you take your gun and defend yourself.
Cowards always talk about bringing guns, never using their hands man-to-man.
And you breed nothing but worthless bastards or abort them. Jesus Christ what kind of men are you negro cowards any way?

I have a double barrel shotgun that would beg to diffe. got about 4 boxes of magnum shells with 200 40 ott 6 rounds. Wanna see me oil my gun?
wow pom?
Did you see George Washington's statue with a burning flag rapped around its head before it toppled??

I'm so proud to be an American tonight. Just so proud.

I posted a lot of threads in WC there. See Inglorious for details
You know what POM. That tipped me over the edge this morning. I saw the gw statue thing. I'm furious. Talked about it all day. The disrespect. bunch of idiots. just idiots.
That was the moment I said."Let it burn baby, Let it burn.....................Here look at our future.................
Notice the symbolic non-black person in the initial scene.
Guarantee you that APE has a felony record a mile long. The battle lines are drawn. Actually I am far away from these zoos and desensitized to the violence. I actually am enjoying it now. I hope there is so much blood spilled in the streets during the rally. Then I want it to spread to all the cities. Where you take your gun and defend yourself.
Cowards always talk about bringing guns, never using their hands man-to-man.
And you breed nothing but worthless bastards or abort them. Jesus Christ what kind of men are you negro cowards any way?

I have a double barrel shotgun that would beg to diffe. got about 4 boxes of magnum shells with 200 40 ott 6 rounds. Wanna see me oil my gun?
wow pom?
Did you see George Washington's statue with a burning flag rapped around its head before it toppled??

I'm so proud to be an American tonight. Just so proud.

I posted a lot of threads in WC there. See Inglorious for details
You know what POM. That tipped me over the edge this morning. I saw the gw statue thing. I'm furious. Talked about it all day. The disrespect. bunch of idiots. just idiots.
I was traumatized by it when this thread came up. Thus my harsh words. My tears seeing all this S is now turning to vengeful hatred. Let the shit holes burn.
I just said the same exact thing over yonder! Same thing. Go read it. Then after You signed off last night. I put the news on. And they were at it again in dc. Yes Now I hate.
Guarantee you that APE has a felony record a mile long. The battle lines are drawn. Actually I am far away from these zoos and desensitized to the violence. I actually am enjoying it now. I hope there is so much blood spilled in the streets during the rally. Then I want it to spread to all the cities. Where you take your gun and defend yourself.
Cowards always talk about bringing guns, never using their hands man-to-man.
And you breed nothing but worthless bastards or abort them. Jesus Christ what kind of men are you negro cowards any way?

I have a double barrel shotgun that would beg to diffe. got about 4 boxes of magnum shells with 200 40 ott 6 rounds. Wanna see me oil my gun?
wow pom?
Did you see George Washington's statue with a burning flag rapped around its head before it toppled??

I'm so proud to be an American tonight. Just so proud.

I posted a lot of threads in WC there. See Inglorious for details
You know what POM. That tipped me over the edge this morning. I saw the gw statue thing. I'm furious. Talked about it all day. The disrespect. bunch of idiots. just idiots.
I was traumatized by it when this thread came up. Thus my harsh words. My tears seeing all this S is now turning to vengeful hatred. Let the shit holes burn.
I just said the same exact thing over yonder! Same thing. Go read it. Then after You signed off last night. I put the news on. And they were at it again in dc. Yes Now I hate.
I won't ever look at that HATE over yonder ever ever.
Guarantee you that APE has a felony record a mile long. The battle lines are drawn. Actually I am far away from these zoos and desensitized to the violence. I actually am enjoying it now. I hope there is so much blood spilled in the streets during the rally. Then I want it to spread to all the cities. Where you take your gun and defend yourself.
Cowards always talk about bringing guns, never using their hands man-to-man.
And you breed nothing but worthless bastards or abort them. Jesus Christ what kind of men are you negro cowards any way?

I have a double barrel shotgun that would beg to diffe. got about 4 boxes of magnum shells with 200 40 ott 6 rounds. Wanna see me oil my gun?
wow pom?
Did you see George Washington's statue with a burning flag rapped around its head before it toppled??

I'm so proud to be an American tonight. Just so proud.

I posted a lot of threads in WC there. See Inglorious for details
You know what POM. That tipped me over the edge this morning. I saw the gw statue thing. I'm furious. Talked about it all day. The disrespect. bunch of idiots. just idiots.
I was traumatized by it when this thread came up. Thus my harsh words. My tears seeing all this S is now turning to vengeful hatred. Let the shit holes burn.
I just said the same exact thing over yonder! Same thing. Go read it. Then after You signed off last night. I put the news on. And they were at it again in dc. Yes Now I hate.
I won't ever look at that HATE over yonder ever ever.
LOLOL I know. It's best you don't.;) and the day is young.
Too much hate.

And you guys wonder why stuff like this happens.

Yes there is, but don't try to make the claim it's only coming from one side !
I'm sick of seeing shit like this, and have had it, and at this point I'm sick of even trying to get along. It's all spiraling out of control, I'm seeing our history being destroyed, I'm seeing historic Americans that at one time were honored, now turned into demons and destroyed.
Exactly why I go NO WHERE not even to the gas station without carrying SOMETHING to defend myself with. My son always has a pocket knife and wife has a knife as well and soon will have more once she starts working even though we live in a pretty white and safe area ya never know. These feral animals are getting dumber and more violent by the day.
I recommend these as well.

Good manners in a can, lol.
Burning and toppling GW statues is just a natural progression. It’s where the Democrats were always heading. They hate you. They hate your country. They hate your race. They hate your religion.
Yep. The excuse

The brutal footage was posted to Facebook by a user named FT Quay, who claimed the white man on the receiving end of the beatdown provoked his alleged assailant, a black man, by using a racial epithet
Let's say, just for the sake of argument, that he did refer to him as a ******...... does that justify an assault?

I get called "cracker" and other shit almost every night at work, it never even occurred to me to beat someone over them just saying something.
I'm not saying I would never punch someone for something, but not for that.

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