Unqualified to be president

I agree, he got elected thanks to the American Idol mentality of our country lately, or as my joke goes: He's an American Idol contestant wannabe who just couldn't sing so he ran for president instead.

funny... the American Idol contestant put McCain to shame on the economy when it came down to it.

or maybe mccain shouldn't have picked sarah "I love the pro-America parts of the country" Palin.


the Republican party should not have picked McCain....period....
Is Mr Obama the first president in history that had a wife say he wasn't qualified for the job?
This just makes me laugh every time I see it.
YouTube - Obama Hasn't Done Anything Yet

As much as I would like to debate this topic, it would be a waste of time. By looking at these posts, I see the most incredible form of incompetence imaginable.

I usually do not ask closed ended questions but, Do any of you even know when this video was recorded?

Guess you need to move on then, cause one things for sure, it takes experienced incompetence to notice it? imagine that!:eusa_whistle:

What you tolerate today, YOU! will entertain tomorrow... -Whitelion
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I agree, he got elected thanks to the American Idol mentality of our country lately, or as my joke goes: He's an American Idol contestant wannabe who just couldn't sing so he ran for president instead.

funny... the American Idol contestant put McCain to shame on the economy when it came down to it.

or maybe mccain shouldn't have picked sarah "I love the pro-America parts of the country" Palin.


the Republican party should not have picked McCain....period....

True, McCain was a double edge sword much like Arlen Spector, the vote's and political prestege all they wanted, not the concerns of their constitutes......
I mean how can one vote on a bill that they never read or was so large it wouldve taken weeks to accertian before making a decision to vote?, in spite of their own constitutes calling and emailing in by the millions begging them not to pass it??? or change parties in the middle of the road for political gain or both???

What you tolerate today, YOU! will entertain tomorrow... -Whitelion
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I agree, he got elected thanks to the American Idol mentality of our country lately, or as my joke goes: He's an American Idol contestant wannabe who just couldn't sing so he ran for president instead.

funny... the American Idol contestant put McCain to shame on the economy when it came down to it.

or maybe mccain shouldn't have picked sarah "I love the pro-America parts of the country" Palin.


the Republican party should not have picked McCain....period....[/QUOTE]

Agreed - but he was more the choice of the leftist media. He was a weaker, older, uncertain candidate who they pushed forward as a great comeback story - only to tear him down once he secured the nomination. All the while Obama was vaulted as the great new "Change"...with little to no investigative reporting of just what that meant.

That being said, the Bush fatigue was pronounced -any Republican candidate would have had difficulty winning this time around.

The real threat to the Obama coronation was Palin, and the media did everything to diminish her as a candidate, governor, mother, wife, and woman. She struck a chord with millions in America, and that shook the media to the core. Regardless of your personal feelings toward her, the media attacks against her were deplorable. The media invested far more time and resources investigating every aspect of her life than all of the things lying in Obama's political and personal closet. At no time in our history has the media become an extension of the Democrat Party as it did then - and continues to be now.

There will be a backlash to this...it is fomenting right now. Whether or not it will manifest in a credible campaign in 2012 remains to be seen. But the pendulum will swing against Obama and these leftist Democrats.
Is Mr Obama the first president in history that had a wife say he wasn't qualified for the job?
This just makes me laugh every time I see it.
YouTube - Obama Hasn't Done Anything Yet

As much as I would like to debate this topic, it would be a waste of time. By looking at these posts, I see the most incredible form of incompetence imaginable.

I usually do not ask closed ended questions but, Do any of you even know when this video was recorded?

According to the date stated on YouTube, it was 12/4/04, about the same time he and George Soros made a deal with Satan to get him into the Presidency. It took him less than 2 years to run through 730 MILLION DOLLARS buying the Presidency(spent nearly seven times as much as the old fart running against him). That was an early indication of how fiscally challenged he is. Rush was right to say that he hoped Obama failed, we certainly can't take much more of his bullshit economics or government takeovers.

This video may be the only time I've agreed with that jerk wife of his.
funny... the American Idol contestant put McCain to shame on the economy when it came down to it.

or maybe mccain shouldn't have picked sarah "I love the pro-America parts of the country" Palin.


the Republican party should not have picked McCain....period....[/QUOTE]

Agreed - but he was more the choice of the leftist media. He was a weaker, older, uncertain candidate who they pushed forward as a great comeback story - only to tear him down once he secured the nomination. All the while Obama was vaulted as the great new "Change"...with little to no investigative reporting of just what that meant.

That being said, the Bush fatigue was pronounced -any Republican candidate would have had difficulty winning this time around.

The real threat to the Obama coronation was Palin, and the media did everything to diminish her as a candidate, governor, mother, wife, and woman. She struck a chord with millions in America, and that shook the media to the core. Regardless of your personal feelings toward her, the media attacks against her were deplorable. The media invested far more time and resources investigating every aspect of her life than all of the things lying in Obama's political and personal closet. At no time in our history has the media become an extension of the Democrat Party as it did then - and continues to be now.

There will be a backlash to this...it is fomenting right now. Whether or not it will manifest in a credible campaign in 2012 remains to be seen. But the pendulum will swing against Obama and these leftist Democrats.

the Republican party should not have picked McCain....period....[/QUOTE]

Agreed - but he was more the choice of the leftist media. He was a weaker, older, uncertain candidate who they pushed forward as a great comeback story - only to tear him down once he secured the nomination. All the while Obama was vaulted as the great new "Change"...with little to no investigative reporting of just what that meant.

maybe....but they still picked the guy....and thats the bottom line...they picked an old worn out guy who with all the pressure that is going on right now,had a good chance of collapsing a year into this....and he could not even pick a viable VP,in case it did happen....BOTH parties need to go OR get back to doing whats best for the country,not whats best for them and theirs.....just sayin....
the Republican party should not have picked McCain....period....[/QUOTE]

Agreed - but he was more the choice of the leftist media. He was a weaker, older, uncertain candidate who they pushed forward as a great comeback story - only to tear him down once he secured the nomination. All the while Obama was vaulted as the great new "Change"...with little to no investigative reporting of just what that meant.

That being said, the Bush fatigue was pronounced -any Republican candidate would have had difficulty winning this time around.

The real threat to the Obama coronation was Palin, and the media did everything to diminish her as a candidate, governor, mother, wife, and woman. She struck a chord with millions in America, and that shook the media to the core. Regardless of your personal feelings toward her, the media attacks against her were deplorable. The media invested far more time and resources investigating every aspect of her life than all of the things lying in Obama's political and personal closet. At no time in our history has the media become an extension of the Democrat Party as it did then - and continues to be now.

There will be a backlash to this...it is fomenting right now. Whether or not it will manifest in a credible campaign in 2012 remains to be seen. But the pendulum will swing against Obama and these leftist Democrats.

Same political media assassination against Sarah Palin, was done to Anita Bryant, as was done to Carrie Prejean, the socialist leftest demagogue media, discriminated against their beliefs or what they beleived in thereby discrediting them publically.... and was allowed to get away with it... Except Carrie fought back good girl:razz:

What you tolerate today... YOU! will entertain tomorrow... -Whitelion
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the Republican party should not have picked McCain....period....

The Republican party didn't pick McCain. Unfortunately, the party in a number of states is foolish enough to let non-Republicans vote for the Republican nominee.
Same political media assassination against Sarah Palin, was done to Anita Bryant, as was done to Carrie Prejean, the socialist leftest demogog media, discriminated against their beleifs or what they beleived in thereby discrediting them publically.... and was allowed to get away with it... Except Carrie fought back good girl:razz:

What you tolerate today... YOU! will entertain tommarrow... -Whitelion

Aaaah... WL, you may want to check out how to correctly spell "tomorrow" before you keep posting it over and over... and "publicly," and "belief," and "believed," and "demagogue"... just sayin', I look at your post with Firefox and half of it is underlined in red for misspellings... :eusa_eh:
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the Republican party should not have picked McCain....period....

The Republican party didn't pick McCain. Unfortunately, the party in a number of states is foolish enough to let non-Republicans vote for the Republican nominee.

That is one of the dumbest things the repubs do. I've been mailed a few of those, "what does the republican party need to do to get back on track" surveys, and in the additional comments box at the end, I put "don't let people NOT registered as a republican vote in a republican primary."
Same political media assassination against Sarah Palin, was done to Anita Bryant, as was done to Carrie Prejean, the socialist leftest demogog media, discriminated against their beleifs or what they beleived in thereby discrediting them publically.... and was allowed to get away with it... Except Carrie fought back good girl:razz:

What you tolerate today... YOU! will entertain tommarrow... -Whitelion

Aaaah... WL, you may want to check out how to correctly spell "tomorrow" before you keep posting it over and over... and "publicly," and "belief," and "believed," and "demagogue"... just sayin', I look at your post with Firefox and half of it is underlined in red for misspellings... :eusa_eh:
Spelling Nazi alert.

Just kidding PR, I know you are only trying to help.
Same political media assassination against Sarah Palin, was done to Anita Bryant, as was done to Carrie Prejean, the socialist leftest demogog media, discriminated against their beleifs or what they beleived in thereby discrediting them publically.... and was allowed to get away with it... Except Carrie fought back good girl:razz:

What you tolerate today... YOU! will entertain tommarrow... -Whitelion

Aaaah... WL, you may want to check out how to correctly spell "tomorrow" before you keep posting it over and over... and "publicly," and "belief," and "believed," and "demagogue"... just sayin', I look at your post with Firefox and half of it is underlined in red for misspellings... :eusa_eh:
Spelling Nazi alert.

Just kidding PR, I know you are only trying to help.

Just trying to help the guy out. WL and others that don't spell well should try Firefox. It's got a built in spell checker that checks your spelling as you type. I use it. I'd be embarrassed to post something with a boat load of misspellings in it. Whether the poster cares or not, people do read a post like that and think that person must be a dummy. Is that what they want? :eusa_eh:
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Is Mr Obama the first president in history that had a wife say he wasn't qualified for the job?
This just makes me laugh every time I see it.
YouTube - Obama Hasn't Done Anything Yet

As much as I would like to debate this topic, it would be a waste of time. By looking at these posts, I see the most incredible form of incompetence imaginable.

I usually do not ask closed ended questions but, Do any of you even know when this video was recorded?

According to the date stated on YouTube, it was 12/4/04, about the same time he and George Soros made a deal with Satan to get him into the Presidency. It took him less than 2 years to run through 730 MILLION DOLLARS buying the Presidency(spent nearly seven times as much as the old fart running against him). That was an early indication of how fiscally challenged he is. Rush was right to say that he hoped Obama failed, we certainly can't take much more of his bullshit economics or government takeovers.

This video may be the only time I've agreed with that jerk wife of his.

With the exception of the 2000 election, the voters ultimately decide the Presidency. How does a deal ensure this?

Rush Limbaugh? Is he even supposed to be taken serious after a statement like that?

If the President fails the country fails. Just look at the last 8 years. That is the only reason Obama is in the White house. That and the fact that Mccain's policies were very close, if not the same, as former President G. W. Bush.

Obama played chess while other candidates were playing checkers. After all, he did graduate magna cum laude at Harvard Law.

Lastly, how is the man's wife a jerk?
I agree, he got elected thanks to the American Idol mentality of our country lately, or as my joke goes: He's an American Idol contestant wannabe who just couldn't sing so he ran for president instead.

funny... the American Idol contestant put McCain to shame on the economy when it came down to it.

or maybe mccain shouldn't have picked sarah "I love the pro-America parts of the country" Palin.


Funny, Sarah was the only reason I didn't vote for McCain either ... :eusa_whistle:
I agree, he got elected thanks to the American Idol mentality of our country lately, or as my joke goes: He's an American Idol contestant wannabe who just couldn't sing so he ran for president instead.

funny... the American Idol contestant put McCain to shame on the economy when it came down to it.

or maybe mccain shouldn't have picked sarah "I love the pro-America parts of the country" Palin.


Funny, Sarah was the only reason I didn't vote for McCain either ... :eusa_whistle:
Ms Palin was the only reason I even considered voting for Mr McCain. It was still Mr McCain though, so no vote. Love her or hate her, at least Ms Palin is honest and not just some asshat politician trying to feed you a shit sandwich and claiming it's good because of the bread.
funny... the American Idol contestant put McCain to shame on the economy when it came down to it.

or maybe mccain shouldn't have picked sarah "I love the pro-America parts of the country" Palin.


Funny, Sarah was the only reason I didn't vote for McCain either ... :eusa_whistle:
Ms Palin was the only reason I even considered voting for Mr McCain. It was still Mr McCain though, so no vote. Love her or hate her, at least Ms Palin is honest and not just some asshat politician trying to feed you a shit sandwich and claiming it's good because of the bread.

As much as I love honesty in politicians (so rare), and I do give her credit for that, I just didn't like her ideals is all. Not saying she was a bad person, she just didn't follow enough of my own ideals, which is what Democracy is all about isn't it? You choose those who you hope would follow your interests and represent yourself best.
Funny, Sarah was the only reason I didn't vote for McCain either ... :eusa_whistle:
Ms Palin was the only reason I even considered voting for Mr McCain. It was still Mr McCain though, so no vote. Love her or hate her, at least Ms Palin is honest and not just some asshat politician trying to feed you a shit sandwich and claiming it's good because of the bread.

As much as I love honesty in politicians (so rare), and I do give her credit for that, I just didn't like her ideals is all. Not saying she was a bad person, she just didn't follow enough of my own ideals, which is what Democracy is all about isn't it? You choose those who you hope would follow your interests and represent yourself best.

Yeah, and you and I voted for the same person because of that. :lol:

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