UNREAL: They revealed SECRET geo-engineering project


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Yes, they are this insane. And no, per the link to the NY Times article on this story, warming is not getting worse.

What if I told you that there was an actual CONSPIRACY going on?

A research experiment that they kept hidden from the public because they were afraid of a backlash.

Because that is exactly what has been going on.

And keep reading to the end, because you will never be able to guess who has been involved in this project...

From the deck of a decommissioned aircraft carrier in the San Francisco Bay, researchers from the University of Washington LAUNCHED trillions of salt particles into the atmosphere with the intent of blocking out the sunlight from earth.

This is all being done in the name of stopping global warming of course!

They say that the organizers didn't widely announce this experiment to "avoid public backlash".

"The idea of interfering with nature is so contentious, organizers of Tuesday's test kept the details tightly held, concerned that critics would try to stop them," the New York Times wrote.
In other words, this isn't a conspiracy theory. It is by the very definition a conspiracy fact. They conspired to keep this experiment secret.

No wonder they tried to keep it secret, because I think most people wouldn't be happy to know that people are trying to modify the weather and block the sunlight.

They are using specially built sprayers to shoot trillions of salt crystals into the sky, trying to increase the density and reflective capacity of clouds.

And this isn't anything new. A company called Make Sunsets launched a weather balloon to release TOXIC sulfur dioxide into the air to block the sun.

The idea is that they will block the sun and thus decrease the temperature on earth. This is a terrible idea.

In Sweden we had the COLDEST January night of the century. It was -48,8C in Arjeplog. I do not really want it to get any colder - Thank you!

The state of Tennessee recently voted to BAN geo-engineering in the state. They were ridiculed by the mainstream media for it, because that was more or less just a “conspiracy theory”.


Old news. Reported on this last year in March.

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UN Supervillains Threaten to Dim the Sun - #NewWorldNextWeek​

Interview 1788 - UN Supervillains Threaten to Dim the Sun - #NewWorldNextWeek

Corbett • 03/03/2023 • 7 Comments
Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:


Story #1: Solar Geoengineering Should Be Regulated, U.N. Report Says

Story #2: US Claims Iran Can Make Fissile Material for a Bomb 'In About 12 Days'

Story #3: US Legislators Introduce Bill To Prohibit Creation Of American CBDC

NYT Article finally admitting the truth to the NPCs.


Which of course . . . begs the question???

How do we know the Deep State hasn't been modifying the weather the entire time to push the narrative? :tinfoil:
Yes, they are this insane. And no, per the link to the NY Times article on this story, warming is not getting worse.

What if I told you that there was an actual CONSPIRACY going on?
A research experiment that they kept hidden from the public because they were afraid of a backlash.
Because that is exactly what has been going on.
And keep reading to the end, because you will never be able to guess who has been involved in this project...
From the deck of a decommissioned aircraft carrier in the San Francisco Bay, researchers from the University of Washington LAUNCHED trillions of salt particles into the atmosphere with the intent of blocking out the sunlight from earth.
This is all being done in the name of stopping global warming of course!
They say that the organizers didn't widely announce this experiment to "avoid public backlash".
In other words, this isn't a conspiracy theory. It is by the very definition a conspiracy fact. They conspired to keep this experiment secret.
No wonder they tried to keep it secret, because I think most people wouldn't be happy to know that people are trying to modify the weather and block the sunlight.
They are using specially built sprayers to shoot trillions of salt crystals into the sky, trying to increase the density and reflective capacity of clouds.
And this isn't anything new. A company called Make Sunsets launched a weather balloon to release TOXIC sulfur dioxide into the air to block the sun.
The idea is that they will block the sun and thus decrease the temperature on earth. This is a terrible idea.
In Sweden we had the COLDEST January night of the century. It was -48,8C in Arjeplog. I do not really want it to get any colder - Thank you!
The state of Tennessee recently voted to BAN geo-engineering in the state. They were ridiculed by the mainstream media for it, because that was more or less just a “conspiracy theory”.

What do those experiments have to do with so called chem trails?
Yes, they are this insane. And no, per the link to the NY Times article on this story, warming is not getting worse.

What if I told you that there was an actual CONSPIRACY going on?
A research experiment that they kept hidden from the public because they were afraid of a backlash.
Because that is exactly what has been going on.
And keep reading to the end, because you will never be able to guess who has been involved in this project...
From the deck of a decommissioned aircraft carrier in the San Francisco Bay, researchers from the University of Washington LAUNCHED trillions of salt particles into the atmosphere with the intent of blocking out the sunlight from earth.
This is all being done in the name of stopping global warming of course!
They say that the organizers didn't widely announce this experiment to "avoid public backlash".
In other words, this isn't a conspiracy theory. It is by the very definition a conspiracy fact. They conspired to keep this experiment secret.
No wonder they tried to keep it secret, because I think most people wouldn't be happy to know that people are trying to modify the weather and block the sunlight.
They are using specially built sprayers to shoot trillions of salt crystals into the sky, trying to increase the density and reflective capacity of clouds.
And this isn't anything new. A company called Make Sunsets launched a weather balloon to release TOXIC sulfur dioxide into the air to block the sun.
The idea is that they will block the sun and thus decrease the temperature on earth. This is a terrible idea.
In Sweden we had the COLDEST January night of the century. It was -48,8C in Arjeplog. I do not really want it to get any colder - Thank you!
The state of Tennessee recently voted to BAN geo-engineering in the state. They were ridiculed by the mainstream media for it, because that was more or less just a “conspiracy theory”.

Get with the times man. Global Warming has switched to CLIMATE CHANGE, all capital letters. Now the loons can point at any weather event and incoherently rant that all first world countries(mostly the US) need to immediately spend unrealistic amounts of money in a fruitless attempt to drop the temperature by 1 degree in the next century or we are all going to die in 10 years.
yep- and in the end, we're gonna find out- They're creating the whacky weather- Not global warming. The idiots think they're so smart..
Where is chem trails mentioned in the OP?
It isn't Ex

diversions are created via terminology

contrails, chemtrails, cloud seedings.....

of note>

Where is cloud seeding used in the United States?

Cloud Seeding Takes Flight in Western U.S. - WSJ

It is a cheaper alternative to big-ticket technological solutions such as the desalination of water piped inland from the Pacific Ocean or Gulf of Mexico. Cloud-seeding programs to boost both rain and snowfall are now under way in Texas, Utah, Colorado, Nevada, Idaho, New Mexico and California.Jun 23, 2023


Which country uses cloud seeding the most?


This can be done using a variety of substances, including silver iodide, potassium iodide, and dry ice. Different countries have used this method for various purposes such as drought prevention, and weather modification. China is one country that has been actively using cloud seeding for many years.Mar 18, 2023


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