Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents



Who witnessed it?
I don’t know, I wasn’t a part of his team.

No one needs to “witness it”.

The burden is not on me or President Trump to prove to you when he declassified documents.

Just because you silly idiots make wild accusations, does’t mean everyone has to jump through hoops and prove their innocence to you.
The presence of these classified documents at Mar-a-lago will undoubtedly be investigated to determine exactly how they got there. There is a chain of custody for every secret or top secret document. In other words, someone in the Trump Admistraion had responsibility for each of these documents.
Don’t they have to prove intent? Is that the reason Comey gave for Hillary getting off?

And let’s not jump ahead. The search itself was unreasonable and therefor illegal. There was no imminent danger of anything.
I don’t know, I wasn’t a part of his team.

No one needs to “witness it”.

The burden is not on me or President Trump to prove to you when he declassified documents.

Just because you silly idiots make wild accusations, does’t mean everyone has to prove their innocence to you.

Yes, someone needs to witness it.

It has to be shown that he declassified each document. If he said he did he needs to support that claim.
Yes, he can declassify documents. But it takes more than Trump just waving his little hands and proclaiming it. There are steps to declassifying documents.
To hear you talk, it’s worse for him to have missed a step in declassifying material (if he did) than to DESTROY classified info, as Hillary did.
Who was the witness?
Who cares?

I know, you want to change reality to further the agenda of your Reich. It doesn't matter. The is no requirement for a witness, congressional authorization, a notary public, or any other bullshit you idiots cook up.

Per the supreme court, in Department of Navy vs. Egan

{He has the inherent constitutional power, as commander-in-chief, to classify and declassify anything he wants, in any manner he wants.}

Go have a nice cry now.
So now we've gone from classified to maybe he declassified yet he didnt have the right to keep them.
If this keeps up it'll be a 90 yard field goal attempt.
Most disturbing is at least one of documents is classed SCI, Sensitive, Compartmentalized Information. This is the most secret of Top Secret Documents. SCI access is granted to select individuals with Tops Secret Clearances on a need to know basic. SCI clearance requires the most rigorous investigation well beyond that of Top Secret.

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