Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

President Trump declassified all the documents.

Just because the FBI calls something “classified” when logging it doesn’t make it so.

Just because Trump proclaimed them declassified does not mean they were declassified. There are set procedures for declassifying documents. If all the steps were not taken, the documents were still classified.

The WashedUpCompost gets it's news from AP News and doesn't want it until they get enough clicks.
How do we know they found them and didn’t plant them? Remember, the FBI lost credibility when it came out how they tried to oust Trump with the Russia hoax. Now they’re just trying to keep him from running, and silence 74 million Americans.
Unless it's AP News, ignore it.
Herr Comrade, the president may at his discretion declassify any document he chooses. Hence it is literally impossible to claim Trump had classified documents.

The Nazis are literally insane.

Yes, he can declassify documents. But it takes more than Trump just waving his little hands and proclaiming it. There are steps to declassifying documents.
The presence of these classified documents at Mar-a-lago will undoubtedly be investigated to determine exactly how they got there. There is a chain of custody for every secret or top secret document. In other words, someone in the Trump Admistraion had responsibility for each of these documents.
Just because Trump proclaimed them declassified does not mean they were declassified. There are set procedures for declassifying documents. If all the steps were not taken, the documents were still classified.
Dude, get help. Your brain is not a functioning part of your body. Look at what you typed. "HAD"! Do you know what that word means? You typed it.

No stupid fuck.

Trump said he declassified the documents.

Can you, or any Nazi prove he did not? I don't care that you hate him. I don't care the you think he's lying - unless you or the other Nazis can PROVE that he did NOT declassify these, then he has the authority.

He said he did - and it ends there.

Per the Supreme Court,

{He has the inherent constitutional power, as commander-in-chief, to classify and declassify anything he wants, in any manner he wants.}

Department of Navy vs. Egan - 1988

Your hatred and desperation simply does not overrule black letter law.
It's already come out that all of the documents were declassified before Trump left office.

So it seems the cover story …..

Trump unilaterally declassified everything
If any Top Secret information is in those boxes it is the GSAs fault.

Sounds fishy
Trump Declassifies Top Secret SCI information and there is no specific documentation of what national security information was declassified and why
They found that he violated the espionage act.
I'll wait for AP News.
No stupid fuck.

Trump said he declassified the documents.

Can you, or any Nazi prove he did not? I don't care that you hate him. I don't care the you think he's lying - unless you or the other Nazis can PROVE that he did NOT declassify these, then he has the authority.

He said he did - and it ends there.

Per the Supreme Court,

{He has the inherent constitutional power, as commander-in-chief, to classify and declassify anything he wants, in any manner he wants.}

Department of Navy vs. Egan - 1988

Your hatred and desperation simply does not overrule black letter law.
Calm down; you know BWK is a BLM cheerleader so don't expect any other behavior from the loser.
So it seems the cover story …..

Trump unilaterally declassified everything
If any Top Secret information is in those boxes it is the GSAs fault.

Sounds fishy
Trump Declassifies Top Secret SCI information and there is no specific documentation of what national security information was declassified and why
The last person to lend any validity to this argument is you.

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