Unsportsmanlike conduct occurs with regular frequency


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May 1, 2012
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Muslim Blood Sports

July 11, 2013 By Ari Lieberman


In the civilized world, it is universally recognized and axiomatic that sport, whether tennis, judo or boxing, transcends politics. Sure the fans may root for the home team and wish to see their nationals triumph, but for the sportsmen and women involved in the match, it is a matter of love of the game, testing the limits of one’s own abilities, and respect for the opposing player’s talents. Hence, boxers for example, may pummel each other for twelve rounds but always touch gloves before the bout and generally congratulate each other after. The same holds true for most other sporting events, and this is particularly true of sporting events where aggressive physical contact is central to the game.

But what is self-evident in the civilized West does not necessarily hold true for the Islamic East. Consider the strange case of Enas Moustafa Youssef Khourshid, a female Egyptian wrestler who was paired against Ilana Kartysh of Israel during a June 3 semifinal match at a Grand Prix event in Sassari, Italy. The Egyptian was outclassed by her Israeli opponent (who went on to win the gold) and lost the bout, but what was extraordinary about the event was not the match itself, but how the Egyptian conducted herself during the competition. First, the Egyptian violated wrestling protocol by refusing to shake hands with her Israeli opponent. Then, during the match, the Egyptian sunk her teeth into her opponent’s back, drawing blood.

Khourshid’s reprehensible behavior, which drew a suspension, is not an isolated incident. Unsportsmanlike conduct occurs with regular frequency in the Islamist world. In 2011, Ramadan Darwish, an Egyptian Judoka, refused to shake hands with Arik Ze’evi, his Israeli counterpart, after the Israeli trounced Darwish in a Judo tournament. He also refused to bow, a crude and disrespectful act that is unheard of in the world of martial arts. Darwish’s crass behavior prompted the referee to recall him to the floor and only after repeated requests did Darwish return, only to direct his bow toward the referee and not toward his opponent thus compounding the indignity. Darwish’s repugnant display can be viewed here.


These odious incidents are symptomatic of a diseased and corrupt Islamist culture, one that fosters hate, suspicion, ignorance and xenophobia. If any other group acted in this manner, sports officials would ban them indefinitely and rightly so. But for some reason, Islamist nations get a free pass, and so, in the absence of any meaningful sanction, their racist behavior continues and grows more outrageous. Khourshid’s suspension represents a step in the right direction and those officials who imposed it should be lauded, but clearly, international sporting officials need to impose stiffer sanctions and indefinitely ban those who engage in behavior that represents the antithesis of sportsmanlike conduct.

Muslim Blood Sports | FrontPage Magazine
You are a retard. Some might find it a tad of an over reach to put the weight and reputation of the whole muslim world on the shoulders of one young chick wrestler.

I find it odd that muslims even allow a female to participate in wrestling as one would think it violates thier dress code for skirts. I think it would be more entertaining if the muslim trolups wore the whole burka and veil outfits when they wrestle like they hafta do in all other public outtings. It would give em a real nasty "ninja" look and increase public interest.
You are a retard. Some might find it a tad of an over reach to put the weight and reputation of the whole muslim world on the shoulders of one young chick wrestler.

I find it odd that muslims even allow a female to participate in wrestling as one would think it violates thier dress code for skirts. I think it would be more entertaining if the muslim trolups wore the whole burka and veil outfits when they wrestle like they hafta do in all other public outtings. It would give em a real nasty "ninja" look and increase public interest.

Buggy, do you have water on da brain, Oh I'M sorry I forgot you're from seattle...:eusa_angel:
Iran has a lot of very good wrestlers.

An Egyptian is currently making his way up the ranks of professional Sumo in Japan. He's pretty popular and pretty good so far. Could have a solid career ahead of him.
Sportsmanship ("Sportspersonship"?) is a fading commodity in most sports. It is, in my archaic view, encapsulated by three basic principles: (a) Respect your opponent, (b) Respect the game, and (c) Respect yourself. And if you are a professional, respect the people who pay to see you, whether they are supporters of your team or your opponents.

In my personal opinion, the one human being who deserves the most "credit" for the deterioration of sportsmanship in professional sports it is Cassius Marcellus Clay, aka "Muhammad Ali." Starting with him, it has been all downhill.

Thank the sports Gods for sports like golf, where sportsmanship continues to rule, and the players conduct themselves the way all athletes should.
Thank the sports Gods for sports like golf, where sportsmanship continues to rule, and the players conduct themselves the way all athletes should.

"Golf"? :confused: Well, ok.

Sportsmanship still persists in all sports, most of the time.
Thank the sports Gods for sports like golf, where sportsmanship continues to rule, and the players conduct themselves the way all athletes should.

"Golf"? :confused: Well, ok.

Sportsmanship still persists in all sports, most of the time.

He mentioned golf because in golf a competitor is responsible for calling fouls on themselves.

Not doing so is cause for ejection from the competition.

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