Unstable Genius Trump Threatens To Hold Breath, Turn Blue

Well, I'm all for cutting aid to Central American countries, all other countries for that fact, but we should be doing that anyway with or without the wall.
Much of our aid is for drug interdiction and economic development.

If Central America can develop economically, that would remove the incentive to come here to survive.

An ounce of prevention saves a pound of cure.

I understand your point, but I don't see anything in the Constitution giving our government the power to use our tax dollars to develop other nations. Furthermore, with our $21 trillion debt, which credit card are we putting all of this aid on? We've been giving aid to the third world for a few generations now and most of these countries are still third world. If foreign aid actually worked, Africa would be a thriving paradise right now.

My late father-in-law worked for a local welding supply store in Houston. The parent company was owned by a group who also owned one of the largest nitrogen companies in the nation. I remember his telling us one time that they were selling something like $32M of liquid nitrogen to a company that had a plant over in Africa; I think it was Nigeria. Anyway, the sale was contingent on Washington allowing the sale. It was approved and the sale allowed my father-in-law’s company to expand. They started selling carbonizers (sp?). The items that puts carbonation into the fountain drink dispensers they use at restaurants and skating rinks and such in the cafeterias. Soon, the carbonizer business was just about the same size as the propane business.

The plant was owned by Chevron as I recall. Chevron likely wouldn’t be in business over there if the nation was more closely aligned with Russia or China. Maybe; maybe not. You never know the road not taken. The point is that foreign aid isn’t for the foreign countries (not always anyway)…its for the businesses in the US. The company he worked for and it’s owners (especially the fucking pricks who owned the business and their partners) expanded greatly because at one time we invested in Nigeria.
your favorite president is flooding the zone with good ideas and good news and the democrats are in a panic. they dont know what to do!
Well, I'm all for cutting aid to Central American countries, all other countries for that fact, but we should be doing that anyway with or without the wall.
Good idea.

Let Russia and China expand, right?
They won’t.

Venezuela signs oil, gold investment deals with Russia: Maduro | Reuters
Not wrong and what other nations do with their money, is none of our fucking business.

Why do you think Russia and China are our enemies?

Why do some Americans think our criminal government should control the world?
I understand your point, but I don't see anything in the Constitution giving our government the power to use our tax dollars to develop other nations.

The vast majority of "foreign aid" actually benefited American companies and American consumers.

You really don't know this?

Benefitted the Ruling Class.

We've been complicit for a century ........

United States involvement in regime change in Latin America ...

https://en.wikipedia.org/.../United_States_involvement_in_regime_change_in_Latin_..United States president Ronald Reagan, who sought to prevent the spread of communism in CentralAmerican countries near the United States, officially met with far-right Guatemalan dictator accused of crimes against humanity Efraín Ríos Montt in Honduras, giving a strong support to his regime.

Chile · ‎Costa Rica · ‎El Salvador · ‎Paraguay

A Century of U.S. Intervention Created the Immigration Crisis - Medium

A Century of U.S. Intervention Created the Immigration Crisis
Since Theodore Roosevelt in 1904 declared the U.S.'s right to exercise an “international police power” in Latin America, the U.S. has cut deep wounds ...

Well, I'm all for cutting aid to Central American countries, all other countries for that fact, but we should be doing that anyway with or without the wall.
Much of our aid is for drug interdiction and economic development.

If Central America can develop economically, that would remove the incentive to come here to survive.

An ounce of prevention saves a pound of cure.

I understand your point, but I don't see anything in the Constitution giving our government the power to use our tax dollars to develop other nations. Furthermore, with our $21 trillion debt, which credit card are we putting all of this aid on? We've been giving aid to the third world for a few generations now and most of these countries are still third world. If foreign aid actually worked, Africa would be a thriving paradise right now.
The vast majority of "foreign aid" actually benefited American companies and American consumers.

You really don't know this?

The aid goes into the hands of despots and dictators who keep their people oppressed. Again, show me the part of the Constitution that gives our government permission to do this.
Well, I'm all for cutting aid to Central American countries, all other countries for that fact, but we should be doing that anyway with or without the wall.
Much of our aid is for drug interdiction and economic development.

If Central America can develop economically, that would remove the incentive to come here to survive.

An ounce of prevention saves a pound of cure.

I understand your point, but I don't see anything in the Constitution giving our government the power to use our tax dollars to develop other nations. Furthermore, with our $21 trillion debt, which credit card are we putting all of this aid on? We've been giving aid to the third world for a few generations now and most of these countries are still third world. If foreign aid actually worked, Africa would be a thriving paradise right now.
The vast majority of "foreign aid" actually benefited American companies and American consumers.

You really don't know this?

The aid goes into the hands of despots and dictators who keep their people oppressed. Again, show me the part of the Constitution that gives our government permission to do this.

Good Q
I'd point to the war powers act , circa '73, for starts....~S~
Well, I'm all for cutting aid to Central American countries, all other countries for that fact, but we should be doing that anyway with or without the wall.
Much of our aid is for drug interdiction and economic development.

If Central America can develop economically, that would remove the incentive to come here to survive.

An ounce of prevention saves a pound of cure.

I understand your point, but I don't see anything in the Constitution giving our government the power to use our tax dollars to develop other nations. Furthermore, with our $21 trillion debt, which credit card are we putting all of this aid on? We've been giving aid to the third world for a few generations now and most of these countries are still third world. If foreign aid actually worked, Africa would be a thriving paradise right now.
The vast majority of "foreign aid" actually benefited American companies and American consumers.

You really don't know this?

The aid goes into the hands of despots and dictators who keep their people oppressed. Again, show me the part of the Constitution that gives our government permission to do this.

Good Q
I'd point to the war powers act , circa '73, for starts....~S~

That would be quite a stretch and that still is not part of the Constitution
Well, I'm all for cutting aid to Central American countries, all other countries for that fact, but we should be doing that anyway with or without the wall.
Good idea.

Let Russia and China expand, right?
They won’t.

Venezuela signs oil, gold investment deals with Russia: Maduro | Reuters
Not wrong and what other nations do with their money, is none of our fucking business.

Why do you think Russia and China are our enemies?

Why do some Americans think our criminal government should control the world?

You patriotic comments are inspiring...I guess Mueller Time is getting too close for comfort?
Much of our aid is for drug interdiction and economic development.

If Central America can develop economically, that would remove the incentive to come here to survive.

An ounce of prevention saves a pound of cure.

I understand your point, but I don't see anything in the Constitution giving our government the power to use our tax dollars to develop other nations. Furthermore, with our $21 trillion debt, which credit card are we putting all of this aid on? We've been giving aid to the third world for a few generations now and most of these countries are still third world. If foreign aid actually worked, Africa would be a thriving paradise right now.
The vast majority of "foreign aid" actually benefited American companies and American consumers.

You really don't know this?

The aid goes into the hands of despots and dictators who keep their people oppressed. Again, show me the part of the Constitution that gives our government permission to do this.

Good Q
I'd point to the war powers act , circa '73, for starts....~S~

That would be quite a stretch and that still is not part of the Constitution

mmmmaybe Taz , i could expand on that if you'd induldge me.....~S~
my friends, so much of life is a negotiation, so even if you're not in business, you have opportunities to practice all around you. ITS CALLED THE ART OF DEAL!
Well, I'm all for cutting aid to Central American countries, all other countries for that fact, but we should be doing that anyway with or without the wall.

I suggest you read "Fear" and see that what Woodward wrote about Mattis and his interactions with Trump is reflected in Mattis's resignation letter.
The post-WW2 pacts formed with European countries, South Korea, etc. and to have our troops there are "... to prevent World War Three."
Well, I'm all for cutting aid to Central American countries, all other countries for that fact, but we should be doing that anyway with or without the wall.
Much of our aid is for drug interdiction and economic development.

If Central America can develop economically, that would remove the incentive to come here to survive.

An ounce of prevention saves a pound of cure.

Yep, absolutely.
Those people don't want to leave their homes and families.
But if you have bullets flying over your head, it's what you do.
Well, I'm all for cutting aid to Central American countries, all other countries for that fact, but we should be doing that anyway with or without the wall.
Much of our aid is for drug interdiction and economic development.

If Central America can develop economically, that would remove the incentive to come here to survive.

An ounce of prevention saves a pound of cure.

Yep, absolutely.
Those people don't want to leave their homes and families.
But if you have bullets flying over your head, it's what you do.

Hillary, is that you?
Well, I'm all for cutting aid to Central American countries, all other countries for that fact, but we should be doing that anyway with or without the wall.

I suggest you read "Fear" and see that what Woodward wrote about Mattis and his interactions with Trump is reflected in Mattis's resignation letter.
The post-WW2 pacts formed with European countries, South Korea, etc. and to have our troops there are "... to prevent World War Three."

We're going to miss Mad Dog Mattis, and wish he was still around in our future.....~S~
Well, I'm all for cutting aid to Central American countries, all other countries for that fact, but we should be doing that anyway with or without the wall.

I suggest you read "Fear" and see that what Woodward wrote about Mattis and his interactions with Trump is reflected in Mattis's resignation letter.
The post-WW2 pacts formed with European countries, South Korea, etc. and to have our troops there are "... to prevent World War Three."
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man as well.

Trump threatens to close 'Southern Border entirely' if Dems don't fund wall

President Trump on Friday threatened to "close the Southern Border entirely" if Democrats do not agree to provide money to "finish" building a wall on the Mexican border.


Its actually a smart move to get things moving. The Mexican economy depends on Americans driving south across the border to patronize the bordellos, donkey shows and taco stands south of the border.

The Mexicans will be pressuring Chuck and Nancy to do the right thing
Are they still doing donkey shows down there?

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