UPDATE: Letter by Ted Cruz and 6 GOP Senators and 4 Senators-Elect Sign Letter to Reject Election –Call For Election Commission 10-Day Emergency Audit

You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. BLM never stormed the White House. :cuckoo:

One thing about you Nazis, you're pathological liars.


You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. Your own link shows they never stormed the White House. They never even got closer than 30 yards from the White House lawn.

You're a mental case. Seek professional help. Meds are in order.
The idea that there needs to be a "forensic audit" of these voting machines is just so whack. Georgia counted its votes 4 TIMES. There was the initial count, the recount, the hand count and the audited count. And you fools still say that the result was rigged!!

Every state where there were recounts came out the same. Every state where there was an audit, the result was the same.



You're scared shitless of audits on Dominion machines.

That shows you know they are dirty.

Dominion voting machines have been subjected to multiple audits and have all passed with flying colours. That's why FOX News, Rudy Guliani, Newsmax and others are running from the lawsuits being filed by Dominion, and shutting down all criticism of Dominion on these networks.

The Big Lie is going to make Dominion a VERY rich company.
Debunked talking points.

Debunked by whom? YOU??? 52 Court Cases across multiple jurisdictions have completely debunked all claims of a rigged election. You're just one of the Cultists who will refuse to believe that Trump lost until the day you die.

Your opinion is meaningless.
More debunked talking points (lies).
But you just said the House voted to impeach?

Know what, never mind. You can't keep your own bullshit straight.

They did, they did not pass the final articles because Nixon resigned.

You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. :cuckoo:

They "did not pass" because the House never voted on them. That's why Nixon wasn't impeached. It has nothing at all to do Articles of Impeachment not being sent to the Senate. Had the House voted and passed any of the Articles of Impeachment, Nixon would have been impeached, even had the House never sent the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate.
A link to New World Order Report is only proof that you're a gullible fool, but we already knew that.

Says the one who links to Huffing Glue and CNN...

You seem to be under the delusion that the Baghdad Bob's of the Reich propaganda corps have some sort of credibility.

No information source in my life has lied to me as much as the New York (Beijing) Times has - not even close. That makes them the least credible source of information. WaPo is close behind.

"Joe's Blog about why I love BBQ and hate Biden" has far more credibility - since they haven't blatantly lied to me thousands of time.
Dominion voting machines have been subjected to multiple audits and have all passed with flying colours. That's why FOX News, Rudy Guliani, Newsmax and others are running from the lawsuits being filed by Dominion, and shutting down all criticism of Dominion on these networks.

The Big Lie is going to make Dominion a VERY rich company.

Yeah, no.

No audits of the processes, events. and methods (PEM's) of the Dominion system have been reviewed, citing proprietary software to block audits.

Michigan AG and Sec. of State Block Results of Forensic Audit of 22 Dominion Machines in Antrim County | The Michigan Star
Fruitcake, your article is 3 months old. Dominion machines have been audited.

You lost. Deal with it.
Dominion machines were audited by firms who work with Dominion. The audits lack credibility. Period.
Keep laughing, here is the proof.

A link to New World Order Report is only proof that you're a gullible fool, but we already knew that.
Really? You don't need a link to prove you are a gullible fool you have made no secret of it.
You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. What do you call storming the Capitol to murder the vice president and lawmakers and get a constitutionally mandated certification of an election thrown out and the LOSER of the election installed as president, if not "overthrowing the government?"

What do I call it? I call it a fiction - a fabrication by the Reich.

It simply never happened.

Unarmed protestors entered the Capitol.

What did Nazi Pigshit say about that?

View attachment 466237

Oh, but that's different - Uber Alles Democrat.

You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. :cuckoo:

Other incidents have nothing to do with 1/6. And yes, it happened. You being oblivious to reality doesn't actually alter reality.
Dominion voting machines have been subjected to multiple audits and have all passed with flying colours. That's why FOX News, Rudy Guliani, Newsmax and others are running from the lawsuits being filed by Dominion, and shutting down all criticism of Dominion on these networks.

The Big Lie is going to make Dominion a VERY rich company.

Yeah, no.

No audits of the processes, events. and methods (PEM's) of the Dominion system have been reviewed, citing proprietary software to block audits.

Michigan AG and Sec. of State Block Results of Forensic Audit of 22 Dominion Machines in Antrim County | The Michigan Star
Fruitcake, your article is 3 months old. Dominion machines have been audited.

You lost. Deal with it.
Dominion machines were audited by firms who work with Dominion. The audits lack credibility. Period.
Keep laughing, here is the proof.

A link to New World Order Report is only proof that you're a gullible fool, but we already knew that.
Really? You don't need a link to prove you are a gullible fool you have made no secret of it.
Dominion voting machines have been subjected to multiple audits and have all passed with flying colours. That's why FOX News, Rudy Guliani, Newsmax and others are running from the lawsuits being filed by Dominion, and shutting down all criticism of Dominion on these networks.

The Big Lie is going to make Dominion a VERY rich company.

Yeah, no.

No audits of the processes, events. and methods (PEM's) of the Dominion system have been reviewed, citing proprietary software to block audits.

Michigan AG and Sec. of State Block Results of Forensic Audit of 22 Dominion Machines in Antrim County | The Michigan Star
Fruitcake, your article is 3 months old. Dominion machines have been audited.

You lost. Deal with it.
Dominion machines were audited by firms who work with Dominion. The audits lack credibility. Period.
Keep laughing, here is the proof.

I'm laughing at you, shitstain. The truth is there is no audit YOU will accept unless it finds evidence of fraud. YOU could perform the audit and you wouldn't accept your own findings if you don't find fraud. You're a conspiracy nut which is why you're linking conspiracy websites.

Meanwhile, the board which selected those companies to audit Dominion equipment is comprised mostly of Republicans. So now you can't trust Republicans either, huh? And the reason they reached out to the two companies they did -- is because those were the only two auditors certified by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.

You lost. Deal with it.
The truth is an independent audit would prove once and for all if there was no fraud. Why aren't they being allowed? Obvious guilt is why. You lose. Deal with it. Hiding evidence from discovery is admitting guilt.
You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. BLM never stormed the White House. :cuckoo:

One thing about you Nazis, you're pathological liars.


You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. Your own link shows they never stormed the White House. They never even got closer than 30 yards from the White House lawn.

You're a mental case. Seek professional help. Meds are in order.

The President was in such severe danger secret service had to move him to the Underground Bunker - the democrats posed a credible threat to his life.

During the Reichstag Fire, no one had be be hustled to a bunker.

Unarmed protestors with no guns, bombs, or incendiaries trespassed. . (despite blatant lies to the contrary by the Reich press at the time, lies you continue to repeat even though they were debunked long ago.)

You Nazis are trying to paint a protest as something it isn't and never was. You're lying scum and traitors, so that's expected.

But you don't get to get away with it.

Fuck you
Fuck your Reichstag Fire fiction
Fuck all Nazis, democrats or otherwise.
And you likely disagree with that assessment based on the “facts” you choose to believe. The point is, the Democrats got their impeachment TWICE, both times with little to no evidence, so Republicans should have their lawsuits heard.
I don't call lawsuits from Trump and his cadre of idiots "sedition" or "treason". But just because you file a lawsuit doesn't mean the case should get very far in court.

Lawsuits can't be treason. Impeachment can't be a coup.


No, not agreed. The difference is a lawsuit may not get far in court without sufficient evidence. Impeachment was purely political. There was no supposdely unbiased judge or jury. It as merely voted on and passed by Democrats. Had they held the Senate, Trump would have been removed from office after the first sham. Evidence was not necessary so yes, it was a coup because there was no real trial or examination of the evidence.
Your theory that judges are unbiased is positively comical.
You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. BLM never stormed the White House. :cuckoo:

One thing about you Nazis, you're pathological liars.


You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. Your own link shows they never stormed the White House. They never even got closer than 30 yards from the White House lawn.

You're a mental case. Seek professional help. Meds are in order.

The President was in such severe danger secret service had to move him to the Underground Bunker - the democrats posed a credible threat to his life.

During the Reichstag Fire, no one had be be hustled to a bunker.

Unarmed protestors with no guns, bombs, or incendiaries trespassed. . (despite blatant lies to the contrary by the Reich press at the time, lies you continue to repeat even though they were debunked long ago.)

You Nazis are trying to paint a protest as something it isn't and never was. You're lying scum and traitors, so that's expected.

But you don't get to get away with it.

Fuck you
Fuck your Reichstag Fire fiction
Fuck all Nazis, democrats or otherwise.
Fruitcake, BLM never stormed the White House. You really are out of your fucking mind. :cuckoo:
But you just said the House voted to impeach?

Know what, never mind. You can't keep your own bullshit straight.

They did, they did not pass the final articles because Nixon resigned.

You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. :cuckoo:

They "did not pass" because the House never voted on them. That's why Nixon wasn't impeached. It has nothing at all to do Articles of Impeachment not being sent to the Senate. Had the House voted and passed any of the Articles of Impeachment, Nixon would have been impeached, even had the House never sent the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate.

You're a fucking retard.

Oh, I know you're just lying, you're pathological - but you're a fucking retard to think ANYONE on any side will buy your moronic lie.

Nixon resigned because impeachment proceeding were close to drawing up articles to the Senate. Goldwater told Nixon the Senate would convict.

Lie all you want Nazi - you only make yourself look like the fool you are.
That's really had to do since all of America votes by secret ballot.

So then, Farouk's demand is disingenuous and a logical fallacy...

The Nazi fuck thinks he's clever - he isn't - he's just dishonest.
Wrong as always, Fruitcake. The audit was performed and proved the Dominion machines did not produce any fraud.
Those audits were preformed by companies with a history of working with Dominion. The results were known before they started. I posted a link in another thread that proves it. They keep saying no fraud but keep withholding ballots and machines. That can only mean obvious guilt.
And you likely disagree with that assessment based on the “facts” you choose to believe. The point is, the Democrats got their impeachment TWICE, both times with little to no evidence, so Republicans should have their lawsuits heard.
I don't call lawsuits from Trump and his cadre of idiots "sedition" or "treason". But just because you file a lawsuit doesn't mean the case should get very far in court.

Lawsuits can't be treason. Impeachment can't be a coup.


No, not agreed. The difference is a lawsuit may not get far in court without sufficient evidence. Impeachment was purely political. There was no supposdely unbiased judge or jury. It as merely voted on and passed by Democrats. Had they held the Senate, Trump would have been removed from office after the first sham. Evidence was not necessary so yes, it was a coup because there was no real trial or examination of the evidence.

There was more than sufficient evidence to convict Trump in both cases. In the second impeachment, few if any Republicans def3ended Trump Typical was McConnell who said that Trump incited a riot but they refused to convict because they decided to use a loophole.
You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. BLM never stormed the White House. :cuckoo:

One thing about you Nazis, you're pathological liars.


You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. Your own link shows they never stormed the White House. They never even got closer than 30 yards from the White House lawn.

You're a mental case. Seek professional help. Meds are in order.

The President was in such severe danger secret service had to move him to the Underground Bunker - the democrats posed a credible threat to his life.

During the Reichstag Fire, no one had be be hustled to a bunker.

Unarmed protestors with no guns, bombs, or incendiaries trespassed. . (despite blatant lies to the contrary by the Reich press at the time, lies you continue to repeat even though they were debunked long ago.)

You Nazis are trying to paint a protest as something it isn't and never was. You're lying scum and traitors, so that's expected.

But you don't get to get away with it.

Fuck you
Fuck your Reichstag Fire fiction
Fuck all Nazis, democrats or otherwise.
Fruitcake, BLM never stormed the White House. You really are out of your fucking mind. :cuckoo:

Nazi; being a pathological liar is mental illness.

Get help, Nazi.
And you likely disagree with that assessment based on the “facts” you choose to believe. The point is, the Democrats got their impeachment TWICE, both times with little to no evidence, so Republicans should have their lawsuits heard.
I don't call lawsuits from Trump and his cadre of idiots "sedition" or "treason". But just because you file a lawsuit doesn't mean the case should get very far in court.

Lawsuits can't be treason. Impeachment can't be a coup.


No, not agreed. The difference is a lawsuit may not get far in court without sufficient evidence. Impeachment was purely political. There was no supposdely unbiased judge or jury. It as merely voted on and passed by Democrats. Had they held the Senate, Trump would have been removed from office after the first sham. Evidence was not necessary so yes, it was a coup because there was no real trial or examination of the evidence.

There was more than sufficient evidence to convict Trump in both cases. In the second impeachment, few if any Republicans def3ended Trump Typical was McConnell who said that Trump incited a riot but they refused to convict because they decided to use a loophole.
There is more than sufficient evidence of fraud in the election. That went nowhere. Stop the whine. Trump is like a crack pipe you can't put down.

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