Update on the "godfather of fake rightwing news"--Didn't work with liberals!

I don't watch news to be told I'm a racist, sexist, homophobic bigot, but I get a steady diet of that when I watch the so-called "mainstream news."
Just don't cut off your nose to spite your face, Bripat. The NPR article was not an opinion piece. That you would call it that is worrying to me. There are ways to identify facts. Saying that it isn't a fact if the MSM says it is NOT the way.
It is an opinion piece because what they did is ask some leftwing hack for his opinion. That's one of the left's classic methods for disguising propaganda as news.
I don't think we read the same article.

From the article:

"The whole idea from the start was to build a site that could kind of infiltrate the echo chambers of the alt-right, publish blatantly or fictional stories and then be able to publicly denounce those stories and point out the fact that they were fiction," Coler says.

The rest of the article is a collection of his various claims. None of these are backed up with actual facts.
The guy is obviously a leftwing hack. Why should anyone believe anything he says?
I despise the guy. What did he say that you think is a lie? Exactly?

The lie is the claim that only right wingers fall for fake news. The left wingers in here fall for it all the time. It's hard to believe some of the idiocies they post in here.

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