Update on Trump's War in Afghanistan: He's losing

Ted Frazier

Gold Member
Nov 12, 2016
The Taliban is killing people left and right, and even Afghan police are killing Americans.

The war being waged by President Donald Trump in Afghanistan is going horribly.

Washington Post (June 18th, 2017): "Almost every week seems to bring alarming and embarrassing developments that cast doubt on the ability of the Afghan security forces to protect the public and make headway against the domestic Taliban insurgency and the more ruthless Islamic State militia, known here by the acronym Daesh." Afghan war faces flurry of setbacks as new U.S. military policy nears
Meh, it's WAPO..known for fake news much like CNN.

It's little wonder you loons are so ill informed your sources are shit
- Obama inherits Afghan war...'it's Bush's war'
- Trump inherits Bush's war...'it's Trump's war'

This is a fine example of why no one takes liberals / snowflakes seriously...

I thought that greatest gift to mankind, the winner of the Nobel prize, the ex-drug user, had ended the war in Afghanistan, are you saying he lied to us?
Obama fucked up on Afghanistan. The UN had been warning his administration that not only were the Taliban on the rise but that ISIS had taken over large swathes of land. At this point in time Trump should either go balls to the wall or get out entirely.
Obama fucked up on Afghanistan. The UN had been warning his administration that not only were the Taliban on the rise but that ISIS had taken over large swathes of land. At this point in time Trump should either go balls to the wall or get out entirely.

Turn it over to Mattis, give him what he needs...he'll end it.
Obama fucked up on Afghanistan. The UN had been warning his administration that not only were the Taliban on the rise but that ISIS had taken over large swathes of land. At this point in time Trump should either go balls to the wall or get out entirely.
I think the proper course of action would be to get out and open all of Afghanistan to those trying to leave Obama's biggest error, Syria. Let them all stay in Muslim land. After all to listen to liberals Muslims are peace loving and they invented everything that makes life great.
I thought that greatest gift to mankind, the winner of the Nobel prize, the ex-drug user, had ended the war in Afghanistan, are you saying he lied to us?
I don't remember him saying the war was over or ended. I think he extended troop deployments there in response to renewed Taliban activity and the influx of ISIS into the mix.
Do you have a link or something about Obama saying he ended the war in Afghanistan?
I thought that greatest gift to mankind, the winner of the Nobel prize, the ex-drug user, had ended the war in Afghanistan, are you saying he lied to us?
I don't remember him saying the war was over or ended. I think he extended troop deployments there in response to renewed Taliban activity and the influx of ISIS into the mix.
Do you have a link or something about Obama saying he ended the war in Afghanistan?
Maybe you are right and I am just going by the lack of coverage by the MSM. Matter of fact, if I do remember correctly, Obama admitted defeat in Afghanistan, but yet our troops are still there.

Trump is losing in Afghanistan.

Obama was losing in Afghanistan.

Bush was losing in Afghanistan.


Bush went into Afghanistan as a "righteous shoot".

He then proceeded to lose Osama bin Laden, and allowed him to escape Tora Bora, and to flee to Pakistan. Dumb-ass didn't even block the mountain passes.

We should have beat the snot out of the Taliban (which we did), then simply walked away, letting them wander, in shock, amongst the smoking ruins.

Unfortunately, we tried to Nation-Build - again - something we haven't been successful-at since we rebuilt Germany and Japan.

A stupid idea in most cases - Nation Building - and certainly stupid in the case of those particular primitives and savages.

We have to get over this idea of Winning, then Nation-Building, and thereby Losing the Peace.

Next time we knock over a country, we walk away, once the bombs stop, and let 'em rebuild or starve - either is fine - on their own.

It would be nice if there was not a "next time" at all, but, I'll settle for "righteous shoots" rather than phony casus belli such as that used to deceive us into war with Iraq.
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I thought that greatest gift to mankind, the winner of the Nobel prize, the ex-drug user, had ended the war in Afghanistan, are you saying he lied to us?
I don't remember him saying the war was over or ended. I think he extended troop deployments there in response to renewed Taliban activity and the influx of ISIS into the mix.
Do you have a link or something about Obama saying he ended the war in Afghanistan?
Maybe you are right and I am just going by the lack of coverage by the MSM. Matter of fact, if I do remember correctly, Obama admitted defeat in Afghanistan, but yet our troops are still there.

Obungles couldn't win, he was weak. Give the military what they need, get rid of ROE and take the fight to them. It will be a much different war
That's just what the repubs need! More bullshit war hanging around their collective necks, like a noose, as we approach the midterms. Goodbye repubs.
I thought that greatest gift to mankind, the winner of the Nobel prize, the ex-drug user, had ended the war in Afghanistan, are you saying he lied to us?
I don't remember him saying the war was over or ended. I think he extended troop deployments there in response to renewed Taliban activity and the influx of ISIS into the mix.
Do you have a link or something about Obama saying he ended the war in Afghanistan?
Maybe you are right and I am just going by the lack of coverage by the MSM. Matter of fact, if I do remember correctly, Obama admitted defeat in Afghanistan, but yet our troops are still there.

The options are being left to trump. He has given General Mattis and the Pentagon permission to set troop numbers for Afghanistan.
The Taliban is killing people left and right, and even Afghan police are killing Americans.

The war being waged by President Donald Trump in Afghanistan is going horribly.

Washington Post (June 18th, 2017): "Almost every week seems to bring alarming and embarrassing developments that cast doubt on the ability of the Afghan security forces to protect the public and make headway against the domestic Taliban insurgency and the more ruthless Islamic State militia, known here by the acronym Daesh." Afghan war faces flurry of setbacks as new U.S. military policy nears
Good. I hope we lose horribly.
The Taliban is killing people left and right, and even Afghan police are killing Americans.

The war being waged by President Donald Trump in Afghanistan is going horribly.

Washington Post (June 18th, 2017): "Almost every week seems to bring alarming and embarrassing developments that cast doubt on the ability of the Afghan security forces to protect the public and make headway against the domestic Taliban insurgency and the more ruthless Islamic State militia, known here by the acronym Daesh." Afghan war faces flurry of setbacks as new U.S. military policy nears
Good. I hope we lose horribly.
Wow, I hope the "we" you talk about is the Taliban.
I thought that greatest gift to mankind, the winner of the Nobel prize, the ex-drug user, had ended the war in Afghanistan, are you saying he lied to us?
I don't remember him saying the war was over or ended. I think he extended troop deployments there in response to renewed Taliban activity and the influx of ISIS into the mix.
Do you have a link or something about Obama saying he ended the war in Afghanistan?
Maybe you are right and I am just going by the lack of coverage by the MSM. Matter of fact, if I do remember correctly, Obama admitted defeat in Afghanistan, but yet our troops are still there.

The options are being left to trump. He has given General Mattis and the Pentagon permission to set troop numbers for Afghanistan.

Exactly right "left to Trump." I don't know what the solution is but getting out sounds right to me, should have gotten out long ago after we won and kicked the Taliban out of power.

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