Update on Trump's War in Afghanistan: He's losing

That's just what the repubs need! More bullshit war hanging around their collective necks, like a noose, as we approach the midterms. Goodbye repubs.

Your precious polls tell you that?


I don't need polls for that dumbass. I'm surrounded by repubs and not a single one of them has any more interest in waging endless bullshit wars of the crapistan variety. America first is their/trumps campaign slogan that they'll take to the polls with them come "18"
Trump has options that will direct which way the war goes. He can get out of Afghanistan now and put the war in the past or he can continue the war forward. Blaming Bush or Obama from this point on is just political bullshyt. Trump can wash his hands of that war or not. It is up to him and it looks like he is endorsing more war by increasing troop numbers.
By sending more troops to fight in a renewed effort in Afghanistan, trump is taking ownership of the war there.
I thought that greatest gift to mankind, the winner of the Nobel prize, the ex-drug user, had ended the war in Afghanistan, are you saying he lied to us?
I don't remember him saying the war was over or ended. I think he extended troop deployments there in response to renewed Taliban activity and the influx of ISIS into the mix.
Do you have a link or something about Obama saying he ended the war in Afghanistan?
Maybe you are right and I am just going by the lack of coverage by the MSM. Matter of fact, if I do remember correctly, Obama admitted defeat in Afghanistan, but yet our troops are still there.

The options are being left to trump. He has given General Mattis and the Pentagon permission to set troop numbers for Afghanistan.

Just another waste of our troops and whatever it costs to train soldiers that have no interest in fighting our war.
I thought that greatest gift to mankind, the winner of the Nobel prize, the ex-drug user, had ended the war in Afghanistan, are you saying he lied to us?
I don't remember him saying the war was over or ended. I think he extended troop deployments there in response to renewed Taliban activity and the influx of ISIS into the mix.
Do you have a link or something about Obama saying he ended the war in Afghanistan?
Maybe you are right and I am just going by the lack of coverage by the MSM. Matter of fact, if I do remember correctly, Obama admitted defeat in Afghanistan, but yet our troops are still there.

The options are being left to trump. He has given General Mattis and the Pentagon permission to set troop numbers for Afghanistan.

Just another waste of our troops and whatever it costs to train soldiers that have no interest in fighting our war.

It indicates there is nothing new or different about trump or Mattis. Same old tactics and strategies that failed in the past will be used to fail again. The only difference we will see is the increase in casualties coming back from Afghanistan.
The Afghan's we are training are turning their weapons on US Troops, so we are going to send more US Troops.
Obama fucked up on Afghanistan. The UN had been warning his administration that not only were the Taliban on the rise but that ISIS had taken over large swathes of land. At this point in time Trump should either go balls to the wall or get out entirely.

Turn it over to Mattis, give him what he needs...he'll end it.
'Those who fail to learn from history are dooned to repeat it'.

How many times has Afghanisran been conquered and it STAYED conquered?

Anyone want to stay in Afghanistan FOREVER to ensure (or try to ensure) what we want continues to happen there?
The Taliban is killing people left and right, and even Afghan police are killing Americans.

The war being waged by President Donald Trump in Afghanistan is going horribly.

Washington Post (June 18th, 2017): "Almost every week seems to bring alarming and embarrassing developments that cast doubt on the ability of the Afghan security forces to protect the public and make headway against the domestic Taliban insurgency and the more ruthless Islamic State militia, known here by the acronym Daesh." Afghan war faces flurry of setbacks as new U.S. military policy nears
what the fuck did trump do to make this HIS war?
The Taliban is killing people left and right, and even Afghan police are killing Americans.

The war being waged by President Donald Trump in Afghanistan is going horribly.

Washington Post (June 18th, 2017): "Almost every week seems to bring alarming and embarrassing developments that cast doubt on the ability of the Afghan security forces to protect the public and make headway against the domestic Taliban insurgency and the more ruthless Islamic State militia, known here by the acronym Daesh." Afghan war faces flurry of setbacks as new U.S. military policy nears
what the fuck did trump do to make this HIS war?
It is what he is doing now, right now. He is not ordering a withdrawal and end to US involvement in Afghanistan. He is not declaring that we did our part, but his America First Doctrine demands we finally end our involvement there. He is instead declaring that we are staying and increasing the number of troops we will send to Afghanistan to continue and even renew the battles. That is what is making Afghanistan his war.
The Taliban is killing people left and right, and even Afghan police are killing Americans.

The war being waged by President Donald Trump in Afghanistan is going horribly.

Washington Post (June 18th, 2017): "Almost every week seems to bring alarming and embarrassing developments that cast doubt on the ability of the Afghan security forces to protect the public and make headway against the domestic Taliban insurgency and the more ruthless Islamic State militia, known here by the acronym Daesh." Afghan war faces flurry of setbacks as new U.S. military policy nears
what the fuck did trump do to make this HIS war?
It is what he is doing now, right now. He is not ordering a withdrawal and end to US involvement in Afghanistan. He is not declaring that we did our part, but his America First Doctrine demands we finally end our involvement there. He is instead declaring that we are staying and increasing the number of troops we will send to Afghanistan to continue and even renew the battles. That is what is making Afghanistan his war.
he's not doing what you want so it's wrong. if he were pulling out, it would be wrong.

shit gets old.
- Obama inherits Afghan war...'it's Bush's war'
- Trump inherits Bush's war...'it's Trump's war'

This is a fine example of why no one takes liberals / snowflakes seriously...

I never called it Bush's war. It was until Obama took over. Then it was Obama's. Now it's Trump's. By the way, discuss the war please. How do we stop losing?
Obama fucked up on Afghanistan. The UN had been warning his administration that not only were the Taliban on the rise but that ISIS had taken over large swathes of land. At this point in time Trump should either go balls to the wall or get out entirely.

Turn it over to Mattis, give him what he needs...he'll end it.

Our enemies hide behind their women and children, using Western sensibilities they do not share against us.

Until we drop collateral damage as a restriction, we will not win, anywhere.
Obama fucked up on Afghanistan. The UN had been warning his administration that not only were the Taliban on the rise but that ISIS had taken over large swathes of land. At this point in time Trump should either go balls to the wall or get out entirely.

Turn it over to Mattis, give him what he needs...he'll end it.

Our enemies hide behind their women and children, using Western sensibilities they do not share against us.

Until we drop collateral damage as a restriction, we will not win, anywhere.

I've said current ROE handcuffs our military for years, the muzzies don't use ROE neither should we
The Taliban is killing people left and right, and even Afghan police are killing Americans.

The war being waged by President Donald Trump in Afghanistan is going horribly.

Washington Post (June 18th, 2017): "Almost every week seems to bring alarming and embarrassing developments that cast doubt on the ability of the Afghan security forces to protect the public and make headway against the domestic Taliban insurgency and the more ruthless Islamic State militia, known here by the acronym Daesh." Afghan war faces flurry of setbacks as new U.S. military policy nears
what the fuck did trump do to make this HIS war?
It is what he is doing now, right now. He is not ordering a withdrawal and end to US involvement in Afghanistan. He is not declaring that we did our part, but his America First Doctrine demands we finally end our involvement there. He is instead declaring that we are staying and increasing the number of troops we will send to Afghanistan to continue and even renew the battles. That is what is making Afghanistan his war.
he's not doing what you want so it's wrong. if he were pulling out, it would be wrong.

shit gets old.
The war in Afghanistan is what is old. Neither you, the posters here, nor trump has a solution or resolution to the war in Afghanistan so you will blame it on someone or something else other than the people of the person who is responsible for the resolution of the war.

Trump does not have the courage to end the war in Afghanistan, whether by victory on the battlefield or withdrawal. That is the bottom line. It would take courage and integrity to do either option. Trump is a fraud and has neither courage nor integrity. So, we will not win on the battlefield and we will not withdraw. The allies who went to Afghanistan over 16 years ago to help us will not show up this time around.
The Taliban is killing people left and right, and even Afghan police are killing Americans.

The war being waged by President Donald Trump in Afghanistan is going horribly.

Washington Post (June 18th, 2017): "Almost every week seems to bring alarming and embarrassing developments that cast doubt on the ability of the Afghan security forces to protect the public and make headway against the domestic Taliban insurgency and the more ruthless Islamic State militia, known here by the acronym Daesh." Afghan war faces flurry of setbacks as new U.S. military policy nears
what the fuck did trump do to make this HIS war?
It is what he is doing now, right now. He is not ordering a withdrawal and end to US involvement in Afghanistan. He is not declaring that we did our part, but his America First Doctrine demands we finally end our involvement there. He is instead declaring that we are staying and increasing the number of troops we will send to Afghanistan to continue and even renew the battles. That is what is making Afghanistan his war.
he's not doing what you want so it's wrong. if he were pulling out, it would be wrong.

shit gets old.
The war in Afghanistan is what is old. Neither you, the posters here, nor trump has a solution or resolution to the war in Afghanistan so you will blame it on someone or something else other than the people of the person who is responsible for the resolution of the war.

Trump does not have the courage to end the war in Afghanistan, whether by victory on the battlefield or withdrawal. That is the bottom line. It would take courage and integrity to do either option. Trump is a fraud and has neither courage nor integrity. So, we will not win on the battlefield and we will not withdraw. The allies who went to Afghanistan over 16 years ago to help us will not show up this time around.
great. then if in 160 days his "lack of courage" keeps this "old war" going - what would you call not ending it in 8 years?

if you do much of anything other than bitch out obama, you're a opportunistic hypocrite.
The Taliban is killing people left and right, and even Afghan police are killing Americans.

The war being waged by President Donald Trump in Afghanistan is going horribly.
what the fuck did trump do to make this HIS war?
It is what he is doing now, right now. He is not ordering a withdrawal and end to US involvement in Afghanistan. He is not declaring that we did our part, but his America First Doctrine demands we finally end our involvement there. He is instead declaring that we are staying and increasing the number of troops we will send to Afghanistan to continue and even renew the battles. That is what is making Afghanistan his war.
he's not doing what you want so it's wrong. if he were pulling out, it would be wrong.

shit gets old.
The war in Afghanistan is what is old. Neither you, the posters here, nor trump has a solution or resolution to the war in Afghanistan so you will blame it on someone or something else other than the people of the person who is responsible for the resolution of the war.

Trump does not have the courage to end the war in Afghanistan, whether by victory on the battlefield or withdrawal. That is the bottom line. It would take courage and integrity to do either option. Trump is a fraud and has neither courage nor integrity. So, we will not win on the battlefield and we will not withdraw. The allies who went to Afghanistan over 16 years ago to help us will not show up this time around.
great. then if in 160 days his "lack of courage" keeps this "old war" going - what would you call not ending it in 8 years?

if you do much of anything other than bitch out obama, you're a opportunistic hypocrite.
You use the stand by routine excuse and deflection, blame it on someone or something else, in this case, Obama.
We should have been out of Afghanistan before we ever went to Iraq. The purpose of going to Afghanistan was to destroy al Qaeda or chase them out of there. Once that was done we should have left with the option of returning if al Qaeda returned. The Taliban did not attack us and who or how Afghanistan was run should not have been our business of concern.
what the fuck did trump do to make this HIS war?
It is what he is doing now, right now. He is not ordering a withdrawal and end to US involvement in Afghanistan. He is not declaring that we did our part, but his America First Doctrine demands we finally end our involvement there. He is instead declaring that we are staying and increasing the number of troops we will send to Afghanistan to continue and even renew the battles. That is what is making Afghanistan his war.
he's not doing what you want so it's wrong. if he were pulling out, it would be wrong.

shit gets old.
The war in Afghanistan is what is old. Neither you, the posters here, nor trump has a solution or resolution to the war in Afghanistan so you will blame it on someone or something else other than the people of the person who is responsible for the resolution of the war.

Trump does not have the courage to end the war in Afghanistan, whether by victory on the battlefield or withdrawal. That is the bottom line. It would take courage and integrity to do either option. Trump is a fraud and has neither courage nor integrity. So, we will not win on the battlefield and we will not withdraw. The allies who went to Afghanistan over 16 years ago to help us will not show up this time around.
great. then if in 160 days his "lack of courage" keeps this "old war" going - what would you call not ending it in 8 years?

if you do much of anything other than bitch out obama, you're a opportunistic hypocrite.
You use the stand by routine excuse and deflection, blame it on someone or something else, in this case, Obama.
We should have been out of Afghanistan before we ever went to Iraq. The purpose of going to Afghanistan was to destroy al Qaeda or chase them out of there. Once that was done we should have left with the option of returning if al Qaeda returned. The Taliban did not attack us and who or how Afghanistan was run should not have been our business of concern.
seriously? i'm not deflecting shit dude. and your running around saying so is just you getting a bent boner cause i don't eat up your trump-card with glee and join in.

if for whatever reason this is now TRUMPS WAR so you can bag on him for his failure to date them i'm simply following up on your metric and applying it to the war itself, not a person.

so you can call my "deflection" what you like but it's more on topic than your singular trump-bitching.
Obama fucked up on Afghanistan. The UN had been warning his administration that not only were the Taliban on the rise but that ISIS had taken over large swathes of land. At this point in time Trump should either go balls to the wall or get out entirely.
Turn it over to Mattis, give him what he needs...he'll end it.
Mattis is the one who said we are losing now while under his command!
He wants 30 days to come up with a new plan from the plan the generals promised in the first 30 days of the Tramp dictatorship.

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