Update: The Illegal Alien Vote

"I had figured she was asking the question on behalf of illegals".

Except she never said anything about speaking for illoegals.

Plus she talked about herself using I, Me, My, and not They or Them.

Play stupid on somebody elses dime.

"Except she never said anything about speaking for illoegals (sic)."

Of course she did.
She begins by referring to illegal aliens:
"I call them citizens because they contribute to the country."

That is the subject being discussed by the interviewer and the snake.
This woman predicates her question on a premise of illegal citizenship status.

"Many (illegal citizens) are fearful of voting; so if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?"

Just based on this part of the transcript alone, this woman appears to be asking POTUS whether illegals can vote.

Which is why Obama answers that only citizens can vote. He says "
first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. "

He doesn't say voting makes you a citizen, but when you vote, you must be a citizen. Specifically, "you are a citizen yourself"

Just like saying "When you're president, you're a natural born citizen yourself"

He says "first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. "

Gads....you're a lying imbecile.

It is clear that he is giving illegals the go-ahead.
This "reporter" misled the viewers. Clearly, the context of the (scripted) conversation points to her being illegal.

She's a famous actress. She's known to be a native born american citizen.

And if dont' know, you can look it up, or ask somebody. You can also look up who the black guy she was interviewing is, and where the black guy was born.


RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

Her subject is illegals who are fearful of voting.

What sort of dishonest, lying imbecile would claim that an American citizen would be 'fearful of voting' or expect 'immigration...to come for my family and deport' them.

Raise your paw.
RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

Her subject is illegals who are fearful of voting..

Her subject is herself. What do you think the clear meaning of I is?

As I was going to St. Ives
I met a man with 7 wives
each wife had 7 sacks
each sack had 7 cats
each cat had 7 kits
Kits, cats, sacks and wives
How many were going to St. Ives?

If you get the answer right, you understand English.
RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

Her subject is illegals who are fearful of voting..

Her subject is herself. What do you think the clear meaning of I is?

As I was going to St. Ives
I met a man with 7 wives
each wife had 7 sacks
each sack had 7 cats
each cat had 7 kits
Kits, cats, sacks and wives
How many were going to St. Ives?

If you get the answer right, you understand English.


RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

Her subject is illegals who are fearful of voting.

What sort of dishonest, lying imbecile would claim that an American citizen would be 'fearful of voting' or expect 'immigration...to come for my family and deport' them.

Raise your paw, Lostman.
Gee.....every time I mention that millions of the votes for Bill's wife were cast by illegal aliens following Obama's telling them to vote, the Left's acolytes become enraged.

The fact is, a defining characteristic of the indoctrinated is to reject any reason, logic or experience if it interferes with their dogma of the day.
Case in point: only when illegal alien votes are 'counted' did Bill's wife get more votes than Donald Trump.
Yup: the Left's policies were rejected.....by Americans.

When I noted that, one of the usual suspects wrote this:
"How many illegal votes.....I say that you made that crap up...."
The Left's Assault on America Writ Large.

Well, even the least among us deserve an education....so, here it is:

1. First and foremost is this: Liberals have been well trained never to question the uttering's of their elites, no matter how obvious the fallacious and transparent the fabrications.
If it is day and Liberal establishment says it is night, they have been disciplined to nod and agree the fabrication.

Case in point: while millions of illegal aliens filter into the country year after year, the very same figure...."11 million illegal aliens live in the country"....neither changes nor is questioned.

"... no number has been given greater certitude and less investigation than that. Not even the number of planets in our solar system has enjoyed such constancy and acceptance.

Imagine the reaction if the media reported daily that this 20 million cohort, supplemented by chain migration and family reunification mandates, would swell to 40 million or 50 million in a decade." How Many Illegal Immigrants Live in the US?

....the indoctrinated reject any reason, logic or experience if it interferes with their dogma.

2. Of course, for Democrats/Liberals, illegal immigrants, or at least the votes they cast, is their life's blood! Damage to our culture, or economy, our safety, our worker's prosperity is second to the increase in power to the Democrats.

"A Rasmussen Reports poll earlier this year found that 53% of the Democratic Party supports letting illegals vote, even though it's against the law. It's pretty clear why."
Trump Is Right — Millions Of Illegals Probably Did Vote In 2016

There are far more than 11 million Illegal immigrants residing in our nation.....and they cast millions of votes for the Left's candidate.

Proof....coming right up.
You are right in the post. What I can not understand is why the Ohio Appeals court refuse one Counties to check the voters reg rolls and update the rolls. It seem more people voted in the last election then live in the County. It is part of the Job of the Supervisor of Voters job to do this. It was the Democrats who files the lawsuit. Go figure that one out.
Millions of illegal aliens.....enticed into the nation by Democrats and urged to vote by Barack Obama.....voted for Bill's wife.

Except there's no evidence they did... and certainly not in the numbers of the millions.

Look, you guys stole an election, conspired with the Russians, and put a madman in the White House. Own it.
I take it that you got that data from the Democrat Times mag.
RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

Her subject is illegals who are fearful of voting..

Her subject is herself. What do you think the clear meaning of I is?

As I was going to St. Ives
I met a man with 7 wives
each wife had 7 sacks
each sack had 7 cats
each cat had 7 kits
Kits, cats, sacks and wives
How many were going to St. Ives?

If you get the answer right, you understand English.


RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

Her subject is illegals who are fearful of voting.

What sort of dishonest, lying imbecile would claim that an American citizen would be 'fearful of voting' or expect 'immigration...to come for my family and deport' them.

Raise your paw, Lostman.
Not a bad idea, start tracking votes.

RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

Her subject is illegals who are fearful of voting.

What sort of dishonest, lying imbecile would claim that an American citizen would be 'fearful of voting' or expect 'immigration...to come for my family and deport' them.

Raise your paw.

radical right

Damn, dude! Put your tail between your legs, bitch!
REALLY? I MEAN REALLY. For ignorant like you this is a big news dated June 2017.
Look at this link dated Feb. 2017 coming from the same Just Facts.
That said--------- Why wasn't a big news or source of reference that will help Trump bull shit? Did anyone used that as a reference? Did any of these GOPs or Republican senators governors support Trump in this conspiracies? NONE nobody.
Only lunatics relied in these kind of crap. Read your link and my link about Just Facts. Read it ---------- don't just stare at it--------- Did it specify how they conducted their research? Even a lunatics like you can write that kind of crap.

Nearly 2 million non-citizen Hispanics illegally registered to vote

Media Bias Fact Check: Incompetent or Dishonest? - Just Facts

THEN YOU ADDED--------- government audits that shows large number of non citizens use false IDs and Social Security numbers in order to function in US which could include voting------- YOU are a very dishonest person.

Do I need to post California law again, Brown Shirt?

Are you a registered agent of the Mexican government? Because you are at war against America, you can't deny this fact.

Yeah, I wanna see you post California law that says illegal aliens can register to vote.......

You have a dozen times. you lie about it, but you've seen it.

But okay, since you are a lying fucking Nazi, let's expose you again;

{This bill would provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of the California New Motor Voter Program in the absence of a violation by that person of the crime described above, that person’s registration shall be presumed to have been effected with official authorization and not the fault of that person. The bill would also provide that if a person who is ineligible to vote becomes registered to vote by operation of this program, and that person votes or attempts to vote in an election held after the effective date of the person’s registration, that person shall be presumed to have acted with official authorization and is not guilty of fraudulently voting or attempting to vote, unless that person willfully votes or attempts to vote knowing that he or she is not entitled to vote.}

Bill Text - AB-1461 Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program.

Now you just go on and start lying again, Herr Himmler, tell us how law doesn't matter cuz SNOPES says the law doesn't say what the fucking text of the law says.

Go for it Nazi.
As always, you're so senile, you make a complete ass of yourself.

Again, as you were shown before, from the bill YOU posted....

(d) The department shall not electronically provide records of a person who applies for or is issued a driver’s license pursuant to Section 12801.9 of the Vehicle Code because he or she is unable to submit satisfactory proof that his or her presence in the United States is authorized under federal law.

Illegal aliens are not registered to vote according to California law.

Will you learn this time? Of course not, you're too demented. No doubt you will continue claiming California law allows illegal aliens to register to vote even though their law actually says they don't.

G'head, moron ... this is where you call me a Nazi. :lol:
Most wouldn't want to jeopardize their current situation, just to vote.

Is that why Obama went out of his way to tell them to vote without repercussions?
Yet another lying fuck Trumpette.

You people elected a liar. You people do nothing but lie.

That is not what Obama said.

My God you people are dumber than shit.

I could find the YT clip; but you're not worth it.

Let me help. FALSE: Obama Encouraged 'Illegal Aliens' to Vote

Oh, Snopes. The good ole denial website of the DNC.
Like I say, I could find you the YT clip; but you're not worth the effort.

Find an article Snopes got wrong.....
Find an article Snopes got wrong.....

Your concession is duly noted.
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Are you a fucking moron? Obama equates voting with becoming a citizen. He directly states that illegal aliens will not be prosecuted for voting. Who the fuck cares what you think FNC says when it's all there in 34 seconds (what you listed too, moron).

No he doesn't. He's talking to a U.S. citizen who asks him if she needs to worry about immigration coming after her undocumented family or friends if she votes. He answer her by pointing out she is a citizen herself when she votes and does not have to worry about immigration.

And if there was any ambiguity over his choice of words, that is clear as he continues to point out that illegals can't vote and that illegals' friends/family who are U.S. citizens, should vote because they speak for those who are undocumented.

He also promotes a website for information on voting which states voters mu be U.S. citizens.

Are you a fucking moron? Obama equates voting with becoming a citizen. He directly states that illegal aliens will not be prosecuted for voting. Who the fuck cares what you think FNC says when it's all there in 34 seconds (what you listed too, moron).

"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself”

Citizens are voting. Not illegals.

He said that legal voting Hispanics don't have to worry about being tracked so possible undocumented family members will not be at risk.

You people are truly dumber than shit. Learn to read.

The snake tells illegal aliens to go out and vote.
His own words.....straight from the snake's mouth.

You're deranged. He actually says, "If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented then you have an even greater reason to vote."

Why on Earth would he say such a thing to a non-citizen? That doesn't even begin to make sense. You're the one who doesn't understand English.
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Are you a fucking moron? Obama equates voting with becoming a citizen. He directly states that illegal aliens will not be prosecuted for voting. Who the fuck cares what you think FNC says when it's all there in 34 seconds (what you listed too, moron).

"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself”

Citizens are voting. Not illegals.

He said that legal voting Hispanics don't have to worry about being tracked so possible undocumented family members will not be at risk.

You people are truly dumber than shit. Learn to read.

"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself” is clear in its intended meaning: "Go vote, illegal alien,....by that act you are as good as a citizen, and thereby eligible to vote."

He's counting on illegals to get the message, and for lying scum to swear he's not saying exactly what he is saying.

How would illegals get registered to vote? Just a few days before the election, no less?

There is something seriously wrong with you. I would suggest you seek psychiatric help, but I fear it's too late. :(

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