Update: Up to 24 HOurs of Right Wing Redneck Radio Redux


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
Swinging up from Houston through Dallas to Memphis, TN.

Glenn Beck said that Michelle Obama held an Iranian holiday festival at the White House. Do you righties really listen to this shit?

Another right wing radio host said that Ferguson, MO is a democratic left wing monarchy. Again, do you righties REALLY believe this garbage?
Swinging up from Houston through Dallas to Memphis, TN.

Glenn Beck said that Michelle Obama held an Iranian holiday festival at the White House. Do you righties really listen to this shit?

Another right wing radio host said that Ferguson, MO is a democratic left wing monarchy. Again, do you righties REALLY believe this garbage?
Why the hell are you driving all over the country causing globull warming? You prick!
Swinging up from Houston through Dallas to Memphis, TN.

Glenn Beck said that Michelle Obama held an Iranian holiday festival at the White House. Do you righties really listen to this shit?

Another right wing radio host said that Ferguson, MO is a democratic left wing monarchy. Again, do you righties REALLY believe this garbage?
Yes they all really believe that! :laugh:

Glenn Beck is a genius. He'll burn forever, but while he's on Earth he's a freaking genius. Rakin' in that $$$ from the rubes!
Swinging up from Houston through Dallas to Memphis, TN.

Glenn Beck said that Michelle Obama held an Iranian holiday festival at the White House. Do you righties really listen to this shit?

Another right wing radio host said that Ferguson, MO is a democratic left wing monarchy. Again, do you righties REALLY believe this garbage?

I would never have thought anyone could believe this crap but reading here has been a real education. They believe it and vote it - even though, untimely, it harms them, harms their own families and harms their country.

I hate to think how much intelligent, educated reading you'll have to do to counteract the effects of this much nutter radio.
Swinging up from Houston through Dallas to Memphis, TN.

Glenn Beck said that Michelle Obama held an Iranian holiday festival at the White House. Do you righties really listen to this shit?

Another right wing radio host said that Ferguson, MO is a democratic left wing monarchy. Again, do you righties REALLY believe this garbage?

I would never have thought anyone could believe this crap but reading here has been a real education. They believe it and vote it - even though, untimely, it harms them, harms their own families and harms their country.

I hate to think how much intelligent, educated reading you'll have to do to counteract the effects of this much nutter radio.

Also, it's pretty much Hillary 100% of the time. They are obsessed. In 2008 they chided the left for talking about Sarah Palin. But it's OK for them to obsess on right wing radio about Hillary Clinton.

Then yesterday Glenn Beck's show was about how the world would end, His poll results of right versus left. And he's supposed to be an educative enlightening influence.

Now more than ever I am convinced that fleas and ticks have better brains than righties.
Do you righties really listen to this shit?
I've been trying to listen to it as much as you do, but I have a life.

What would you suggest I do if I am on a drive across the country in a car, you idiot? Text? Watch television? GFY

Perhaps we will all get lucky?.....

Country music & right wing radio has a way of doing this to subversive scumbags!

Take your cartoons and shove them up your tight rightwing redneck ass.
I see that no one can "refudiate" (from Sarah Palin's lexicon) my comments. Sorry to expose your gullibility.

Do you righties really listen to this shit?
I've been trying to listen to it as much as you do, but I have a life.

What would you suggest I do if I am on a drive across the country in a car, you idiot? Text? Watch television? GFY

Perhaps we will all get lucky?.....

Country music & right wing radio has a way of doing this to subversive scumbags!

Take your cartoons and shove them up your tight rightwing redneck ass.

You are right. Right wing radio should be turned OFF. Touche, idiot.

Point is you allowed the radio to master you rather than you mastering it. You really should not be driving on public roads.

Point is on the top of your head. You have no curiosity about information outside the conservative bullshit lies. You are too chicken to listen, Cluck-cluck motha'.
Swinging up from Houston through Dallas to Memphis, TN.

Glenn Beck said that Michelle Obama held an Iranian holiday festival at the White House. Do you righties really listen to this shit?

Another right wing radio host said that Ferguson, MO is a democratic left wing monarchy. Again, do you righties REALLY believe this garbage?

I would never have thought anyone could believe this crap but reading here has been a real education. They believe it and vote it - even though, untimely, it harms them, harms their own families and harms their country.

I hate to think how much intelligent, educated reading you'll have to do to counteract the effects of this much nutter radio.

Also, it's pretty much Hillary 100% of the time. They are obsessed. In 2008 they chided the left for talking about Sarah Palin. But it's OK for them to obsess on right wing radio about Hillary Clinton.

Then yesterday Glenn Beck's show was about how the world would end, His poll results of right versus left. And he's supposed to be an educative enlightening influence.

Now more than ever I am convinced that fleas and ticks have better brains than righties.

I realize that I am responding to the two looniest bitches on this message board...and I could never match them in post counts. Don't want to.

They really are the kind of assholes who don't deserve a response. But, they are a priceless concurrence of impudence and stupidity. And I am a slave to the fleeting pleasures of sin (Hebrews 11)....and it is a sinful pleasure to tell them what I think of them, just once...which is:

Fuck you both.

You both would be paid whores for the Democratic Party...if the Democratic Party ever thought it was necessary to waste its precious Voter Buying Money on you---which they don't.

Yes, the Loons pitched a hissy fit about the conservative values expressed by Sarah Palin. She did a poor job of presenting her ideas. They called her stupid. She was at a dis-advantage. She spoke from the heart against a polished liar who spoke from the teleprompter to idolatrous admirers who are mostly bought by the borrowed money distributed by the Federal Government--i.e. the Democratic Party--who are trying to assemble a majority out of those who they have to work with--Loons, Public Employee Union Members, Blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, Homosexuals and the otherwise Mentally ill.

But, now they cannot understand that the Heartland Folks are pitching a similar hissy fit and finding a fair sum of stupidity and downright dishonesty in Bill Clinton's bogus wife's flouting of the rules of her own government...while serving in a fidicuiary capacity as a servant of the citizens of America.

Fuck you both.
Point is on the top of your head. You have no curiosity about information outside the conservative bullshit lies. You are too chicken to listen, Cluck-cluck motha'.

So nice to see you were finally able to not just add quotes but append some actual content to them! But the inability to turn off a car radio? Really, what state are you in just now so we can warn their Department of Motor Vehicles that there is an incompetent behind the wheel?

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