UPDATE: Withheld Records Reveal 19,000 Mail-In Ballots Illegally Received AFTER Deadline in Maricopa County 2020 Election

The courts are all either rigged or the judges are too afraid for them and their families to rule correctly.
Well now, there could be something to that…Or, it’s as simple as in this day and age of the ”wrong” decision being issued by a court could result in the judge being doxed, harassed, and attempts made on their lives.

Not helping of course, is Congresspeople like Maxine Watters ramping it up by telling people to do it…

Put that into that some of these judges don’t have the balls to step out of their comfort zones, and rule correctly in this case, while they are more than willing to carry forth a woke agenda. They love that trump appointed them, but, after that they fall in line with their precious cocktail party circuit thinking and are eager to knife him in the back. Damn justice, or the constitution as long as that next invitation comes in the mail.

In any case, we probably won’t find out the truth for 50 years, if we are still a country.
In any case, we probably won’t find out the truth for 50 years, if we are still a country.

We already know the truth. But the only "truth" you will ever accept is that Trump was cheated. God Himself could come down and tell you the election was not rigged and you would call Him a liar
We already know the truth. But the only "truth" you will ever accept is that Trump was cheated. God Himself could come down and tell you the election was not rigged and you would call Him a liar
Lol…aw, is your narrative not being accepted? Too bad Nancy. Maybe there’s a puppy you can kick or something…lol
Lol…aw, is your narrative not being accepted? Too bad Nancy. Maybe there’s a puppy you can kick or something…lol

I have no narrative, I have the proven facts. 50 states certified their votes and sent EC votes to Congress. Congress then certified those votes and Biden is the POUTS

Anything outside of those known facts is a narrative.
Neither Trump nor Biden would have won in any real election, meaning one in which there were real thinkers and real regulation of a real debate. In that context, the last two elections at least were rigged. However, in those as in other recent elections, the duopoly won, so it doesn't really care.
More bogus bullshit from gateway pundit

When will you fuckers ever learn

They were looking at a transfer doc of ballots previously received ON TIME and that were being sent for counting/verification
It will take generations to correct the damage that the liar...trump has inflicted on this country.

Reuters also stated that there is no evidence of ANY insurrection plot and no evidence of involvement by Trump per the FBI. Thus there was no insurrection and your “committee” is invalid. Spin coming in 3, 2, ......
You Trump asslickers will believe anything.Thousands of people in on this vast conspiracy & not ONE has come forward?

Just keep on listening to those voices in your head & that lunatic Trump.
A LOT of people signed affidavits stating fraud occurred. They were never allowed to speak in court, yet nobody was arrested for filing a false affidavit. Explain that.....
A LOT of people signed affidavits stating fraud occurred. They were never allowed to speak in court, yet nobody was arrested for filing a false affidavit. Explain that.....
And they submitted what evidence along with the piece of paper that they signed?
And they submitted what evidence along with the piece of paper that they signed?
If they lied, why weren’t they arrested and charged? Because then ALL evidence would have to be shown. The judge couldn’t block it like they all did. They weren’t allowed to testify to introduce their evidence.
Yep. He loves you. You're very special.
I felt more 'special' when I wasn't paying through the nose for gas, groceries, etc. like now with Biden. I have not doubt that Trump loves the American people and America.

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