Updating The List


Sep 23, 2010
Representatives Jim Bridenstine R-Okla., Ron DeSantis R-Fla., and Thomas Massie R-Ky. just jumped ahead of Ted Cruz and Mike Lee on my list of possible candidates for president in 2016:

A taxpayer challenging the constitutional basis for the income tax wins in court, defeating the Internal Revenue Service, such as in the case brought by the late Tom Cryer, . . .

Now three members of Congress want to make that result the norm through a bill that would repeal the 16th Amendment, effectively canceling federal income taxes.


Along with Reps. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., and Thomas Massie, R-Ky., Bridenstine has introduced House Joint Resolution 104, “an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the 16th article of Amendment.”

Anybody who proposes repealing the XVI Amendment goes to the head of the class irrespective of whatever else they stand for. Even if the Big Three do not campaign for the job one of them should be drafted at the nominating convention; he can than pick one of the others as his running mate, and make the other one Secretary of the Treasury. A like-minded Speaker of the House working with Mike Lee and Ted Cruz in the Senate would go a long way towards getting the country back on the right track.

Joint Resolution 104 and HR 1146 are the two most important legislative proposals the American people will ever see.

HR 1146 (American Sovereignty Restoration Act) was introduced in 1997 and reintroduced time after time. There is no doubt that an overwhelming majority want America out of the United Nations and the United Nations out of America. What Americans want did not matter. HR 1146 went nowhere because the most powerful forces in the country opposed it behind the scenes.

Also, there is no doubt that a majority of Americans went the XVI Amendment repealed. The federal tax on income funds the United Nations; so the same forces will oppose Joint Resolution 104 for the same reason they opposed HR 1146 —— a federal tax on income is essential in establishing a global government administered by the United Nations.

Parenthetically, the United Nations has been after direct taxation authority over the American people since the day it opened for business. Every UN treaty has some form of payment to the United Nations buried in the interpretation.

NOTE: The Supreme Court decision on the Affordable Care Act left no doubt that interpretation is infinitely more effective than is time-honored “fine print” when it comes to screwing the American people:

fine print (noun)

1. The portion of a document, especially a contract, that contains qualifications or restrictions in small type or obscure language.

2. Something presented in a deliberately ambiguous or obscure manner. Also called small print.

United Nations taxation means the authority to tax incomes even though the approach talks about taxes on this or that industry, or taxes on financial transactions. Most times the justification for a tax is rooted in the UN’s environmental designer-science.

Bottom line: No matter which entity hands the money to the United Nations the dough is collected by the XVI Amendment.

Veto proof

Happily, the president cannot veto a constitutional amendment because they do not require his signature. Joint Resolutions are sent to the states for ratification. In that sense Joint Resolution 104 has a much better chance of being adopted than HR 1146 ever had of becoming law.

Finally, philosophical justification for repealing the XVI Amendment are reinforced by practical reasons:

. . . the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees the “right of people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.


“Viable alternative plans for raising revenue fairly to support constitutionally enumerated functions of the federal government have been proposed,” Bridenstine said. “As long as the 16th Amendment is in place and lobbyists dominate Washington, these alternatives will never be considered.”

Eliminating the 16th Amendment, he said, would eliminate personal and corporate income taxes, the estate and gift taxes, and taxes on investment earnings at the federal level.


. . . the “personal and corporate income tax is a punitive tax on productive effort which discourages investment, innovation, risk-taking and job formation within the United States.”

“The income tax code has become too complex for citizens to understand, and the annual time and expense required to comply with the income tax code has become intolerably burdensome,” . . .

. . . it’s simply unfair and the tax law is subject to “endless manipulation” by those seeking political advantage.

Then there are the revelations in recent months that the IRS has discriminated against conservatives and Christians . . .


. . . both parties claim to favor so-called ‘tax reform.’ But their ‘reform’ bills are just political double talk. The way to fix the broken tax system is to repeal the 16th Amendment which created it in the first place.

Members of Congress: Abolish IRS
Proposal would specifically take away authority to tax income
Published: 10 hours ago

Members of Congress: Abolish IRS
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UN treaties have a half-life of one million years. An unratified UN treaty will outlive planet Earth. John Kerry could not get the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ratified when he was in the Senate. So here it comes again:

The Senate's failure to ratify the treaty was one of Kerry's great disappointments as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations panel. Since becoming the nation's top diplomat earlier this year, the former Massachusetts senator worked with his successor, Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), to bring the treaty back up for a vote.

November 18, 2013, 12:00 pm
Kerry to push UN disabilities treaty
By Julian Pecquet

Kerry to push UN disabilities treaty | TheHill

One reason for NOT passing HR 1146 is that every doofus that gets to the UN Senate has a shot at selling out the country to the UN via UN treaties.

Recently, in the wake of another diplomatic disaster for the Obama regime, Secretary of State John Kerry said, “We are not blind and I don’t think we’re stupid.” He and the President may not think they’re stupid, but the leaders of nations around the world most certainly do.


Stephens said of Kerry’s remark on Meet the Press, “When you’ve reached the ‘don’t call me stupid’ stage of diplomacy, it means the rest of the world has your number.”


John Kerry has one of the worst records imaginable to be our Secretary of State. I have always regarded him as a moron with strong anti-American beliefs. I shudder to think he was the Democratic Party’s candidate for President in 2004, losing to George W. Bush who thankfully had previously defeated Al Gore. Two worse candidates for the presidency are hard to imagine.

John Kerry: A World Class Doofus
By Alan Caruba Tuesday, November 19, 2013

John Kerry: A World Class Doofus

Alan Caruba is not alone in his opinion:

During his first term in office, President Obama was criticized by conservatives for conducting what they dubbed apology tours in which he always seemed to find something in American history for which he felt compelled to make amends. To his surprise, neither apologies nor the magic of his personality and historic status were able to conceal the fact that he was far better at alienating America’s traditional allies than winning new friends. But as awkward as the president proved to be at diplomacy, even that experience did not prepare the world for John Kerry. In less than a year, he has not only already repeated these mistakes but also exceeded them.


It must be admitted that to have done so much damage to American interests in so little time is quite an accomplishment. Though he has plenty of competition for the title, John Kerry may have already become America’s worst secretary of state in history.

Is Kerry the Worst Secretary of State Ever?
Jonathan S. Tobin | 11.11.2013 - 9:45 PM

Is Kerry the Worst Secretary of State Ever? « Commentary Magazine

The CRPD has been discredited every way from Sunday, yet it keeps grinding away at conservatives —— 2012 was the last time a UN attack was beat back. Note that Suzy Five Shows signed the treaty:

The United Nations in collusion with Obama's globalists has cooked up another scheme to slice off a piece of U.S. sovereignty and put us under global government. The plan is to stampede the Senate into ratifying the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, CRPD.

This particular piece of globalist mischief had been unnoticed since President Obama ordered U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to sign this treaty on July 30, 2009. Now he is trying to ram it through to ratification.

The notion that the U.N. can provide more benefits or protections for persons with disabilities than the U.S. is bizarre. The United States always treats individuals, able or disabled, rich or poor, innocent or guilty, better than any other nation.

We certainly don't need a committee of foreigners who call themselves "experts" to dictate our laws or customs. But that's what this treaty and most other U.N. treaties try to do.

UN Treaty Mischief on Disabilities
Phyllis Schlafly | Jul 24, 2012

UN Treaty Mischief on Disabilities - Phyllis Schlafly - Page full

Aside from misguided RINO led by Open-Borders John McCain trading on his legitimate heroism in the Vietnam War, senators who oppose the CRPD might vote to ratify out of fear. That is fear the media will portray them as hard-hearted:

This week, U.S. Senators officially picked up the United Nations’ Disabilities Treaty for the first time since the international agreement failed by a vote of five last December.

Now in the consideration of Senate Foreign Relations Committee, it won’t be long until the Treaty faces a full Senate vote.

Senators Bob Menendez and John McCain said this week “the Senate should ratify it this year” saying the globalist plan “is consistent with our nation’s interests and values.”

This, of course, comes as no surprise. The fact is, McCain and Menendez have been cheerleading this supranational scheme for months.

Not only that, Menendez — chair of the Foreign Relations committee — has been busy working on cutting deals with Republican Senators to buy votes for the U.N. Plan!


“This convention sets a precedent for treaties that would actually allow an international body to define our own domestic law.” – Senator Mike Lee (R-UT)


“Ratifying nations must enact, modify, or abolish not only laws and regulations at all levels of government – federal, state, and local – but also social customs and cultural practices,” says Sen. Hatch on July 10. “Ratifying nations must refrain from engaging in any acts or practices that are inconsistent with the treaty as well as ensure that all public authorities and institutions act in conformity with it.”

According to Article 6, Section 2 of the United States Constitution, all treaties that receive the approval of the Senate become the “supreme law of the land.”

Thus, if a Senate supermajority gives CRPD its consent, domestic courts would be bound to make decisions based upon international law in all cases involving individuals with disabilities.

Parenthetically, the United Nations has been after direct taxation authority over the American people since the day it opened for business. Every UN treaty has some form of payment to the United Nations buried in the interpretation.

NOTE: The Supreme Court decision on the Affordable Care Act left no doubt that interpretation is infinitely more effective than is time-honored “fine print” when it comes to screwing the American people:[/B]

You can bet your last tax dollar that the Supreme Court will extend coverage to foreign countries:

Domestic abortion policy, for example, could easily be challenged under Article 25 which requires states to:

“Provide persons with disabilities with the same range, quality and standard of free or affordable health care and programmes as provided to other persons, including in the area of sexual and reproductive health and population-based public health programmes.”

Liberals like Hillary Clinton have long been calling abortion a women’s “right,” a vital component of “reproductive health,” and this treaty could make that a reality.

Just who the hell is going to pay for the “. . . the same range, quality and standard of free or affordable health care and programmes as provided to other persons,. . .”? Foreign governments that ratified the CRPD are free to take care of their disabled. Clearly, they expect Americans to foot the bill through this treaty.

Finally, John Kerry must think he is so loved by the American people he can betray the country one more time. The truth is: Kerry is despised by a substantial number of Americans who know what he is.
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Here’s the text of 104:

H.J.RES.104 -- Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the sixteenth article of amendment. (Introduced in House - IH)

HJ 104 IH


1st Session

H. J. RES. 104

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the sixteenth article of amendment.


November 15, 2013

Mr. BRIDENSTINE (for himself, Mr. MASSIE, and Mr. DESANTIS) introduced the following joint resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary


Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the sixteenth article of amendment.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House concurring therein),

Section 1. The following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years after the date of its submission for ratification:​


`Effective 2 years after the ratification of this article of amendment, the sixteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is repealed, and the Congress shall have no power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, except in time of war declared by the Congress.'.

Sec. 2. Not later than 180 days after the ratification of the article of amendment in section 1, the Secretary of the Treasury shall submit a report to Congress containing recommendations for any legislation that may be necessary to implement such article.​

I did not watch all of the news shows. There was no mention of such an important piece of legislation on the shows that I did watch. America’s need to know about some crack-head asshole in Toronto, Canada is apparently more important than America’s need to know about Joint Resolution 104. HR 1146 suffered the same fate.

NOTE: HR 1146 was authored by Ron Paul, yet it wasn’t mentioned when he was seeking the Republican presidential nomination. At the time, I wondered why he did not bring it up in one of the debates.

Here’s a picture of Jim Bridenstine so you can recognize him in the unlikely event he pops up on your TV.



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