Uplifting the Black race.

The Reverand's jackson and Sharpton sure don't want racial harmony.
They are out of business when that happens...
First thing we need to do is get rid of the racist media (news).Then start our own businesses and hire our own peeps,no whites allowed.Give back to them what they are giving us.Buy guns and get permits to own and carry,then stand your ground with them. Whitey will run and I do mean run for their lives.

That's a risk isn't it. Whitey may shoot back and not run for their lives. After all, not even the white Hispanic, George Zimmerman ran for his life. Blacks couldn't even get newly arrived Koreans to run for their lives in 1992! Of course these kinds of dangers would be lessened with total segregation.

What you say does have some merit and that is total segregation. All black schools, no whites allowed in black restaurants, black only water fountains and restrooms. Instead of the back of the bus, blacks should have their own buses. A complete and total split. None of this integrated neighborhoods any more. There should be designations, black only, white only. Blacks can have their very own cities, call these cities Chicago, Detroit, Flint, Baltimore, Philadelphia. No whites allowed.

Only the black race can uplift the black race. It comes from within.


You mean like the time they "uplifted" themselves from slavery?


So you're comparing their current situation to the days of slavery. Incredible.

People like you will insure blacks will never achieve their potential, and that we'll never achieve the racial healing we need.

This is sad. You're letting your narcissistic partisan ideology get in the way.

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So blacks feel that since they were victims of slavery what 200 years ago.
We need to pay them back with entitlement programs from now until the end of time?

Only the black race can uplift the black race. It comes from within.


It all starts with the INDIVIDUAL of ANY race to lift themselves up. I remember a story a few years ago where a few Black people were trying to rally other Black people to support "Black owned businesses" and a lot of white people on certain forums were crying "racism".
See i have noticed that when some Black people do try to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, they tend to be "booed" by the very same White people screaming that they should "pull themselves up by their bootstraps".......................

Only the black race can uplift the black race. It comes from within.


It all starts with the INDIVIDUAL of ANY race to lift themselves up. I remember a story a few years ago where a few Black people were trying to rally other Black people to support "Black owned businesses" and a lot of white people on certain forums were crying "racism".
See i have noticed that when some Black people do try to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, they tend to be "booed" by the very same White people screaming that they should "pull themselves up by their bootstraps".......................

I remember a story a few years ago where a few Black people were trying to rally other Black people to support "Black owned businesses" and a lot of white people on certain forums were crying "racism".

I think I remember this.

The so called support for the black owned businesses was being pushed as
a protest of white owned businesses as punishment for some offense
against the black community.

You know someone may have been "dissed"...
You know, there are fine middle class black families that have lifted themselves up from any stigma that were once labeled to their family. Likewise, there are poor white families that need "lifting up" from what the uneducated families have dealt them. Some call them "White Trash."

So maybe this is not so much a racial thing as it is an poor, uneducated family thing. We can use derogative terms for them and call them racial names, names that denote their lack of intelligence or lack of supportive educated families, but it boils down to the same thing. They are poor, uneducated, often lacking motivation and unsupported by others who can help them.

It's really not just black at all.
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Only the black race can uplift the black race. It comes from within.


It all starts with the INDIVIDUAL of ANY race to lift themselves up. I remember a story a few years ago where a few Black people were trying to rally other Black people to support "Black owned businesses" and a lot of white people on certain forums were crying "racism".
See i have noticed that when some Black people do try to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, they tend to be "booed" by the very same White people screaming that they should "pull themselves up by their bootstraps".......................

I remember a story a few years ago where a few Black people were trying to rally other Black people to support "Black owned businesses" and a lot of white people on certain forums were crying "racism".

I think I remember this.

The so called support for the black owned businesses was being pushed as
a protest of white owned businesses as punishment for some offense
against the black community.

You know someone may have been "dissed"...

This particular one wasn't based on a protest at all, it was a movement (albeit very small) to try to encourage Black people to use their purchasing power to solicit those Black owned businesses that are located in their neighborhoods.

Last night I watched a film about the tragic and senseless murder of Oscar Grant -- an unarmed, handcuffed 22-year-old father, son, and boyfriend who was shot and killed by a BART police officer in front of train passengers. Fortunately, the entire altercation was captured on video and the officer was convicted of first degree murder. He served two years in prison.

Similar to President Obama's question of whether or not Trayvon Martin would've been able to stand his ground by killing George Zimmerman and escaping prison time, I wonder what would've become of that BART police officer who shot and killed Oscar Grant had train passengers not pulled out their cell phones and filmed the entire dispute. Would the cop have pleaded self defense and escaped punishment for his actions? Probably.

The bottom line is that Black America is being BULLIED.

Our voting rights are being stripped away. Our jobs are running dry. Our children are being under-educated. Our boys and men are being gunned down for no reason. It is time that we ignite the spirit of leadership within all of us and stand up for ourselves.

This weekend only, the Your Black World Network is providing you with resources to build leadership. The Better Black America Bundle Pack provides you with the tools to create a Black leader in every household. It is going to take more than a handful of Civil Rights leaders to fix all of the issues affecting our community. At this point and time, we need a Black leader on every street corner in America. Click here to read more information about the Better Black America bundle pack.
power to the Black people.:clap2:

Your Black World Network
Better Black America Bundle Pack
power to the Black People

Enough of Black People! Start thinking of Americans! We have to be one to be better!

Only the black race can uplift the black race. It comes from within.


It all starts with the INDIVIDUAL of ANY race to lift themselves up. I remember a story a few years ago where a few Black people were trying to rally other Black people to support "Black owned businesses" and a lot of white people on certain forums were crying "racism".
See i have noticed that when some Black people do try to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, they tend to be "booed" by the very same White people screaming that they should "pull themselves up by their bootstraps".......................

Excellent point. That is the undisputable truth. When Asian immigrants come to America they use a proven self reliant support model which creates business opportunities within their communities.

I have often heard that same strategy when proposed by black citizens to be construed as "separatist" as well as "racist".
See i have noticed that when some Black people do try to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, they tend to be "booed" by the very same White people screaming that they should "pull themselves up by their bootstraps".......................

Examples? Links?

I wonder why you haven't noticed the successful blacks who have been labeled "Toms" by other blacks.

are they waiting for whitey to do it again ?

Given time..that won't be a problem.

The nation is becoming less white.

less black too---


2000 Hispanic 12%, 2010 16.5%.
Asians have doubled.

Asians commit less crime and have the highest sat, act scores of all races. ;) They're the fastest growing demo as Hispanics are starting to stay in mexico.

Blacks within the next 10 years will start seeing their power being cut back. :lol:

Last night I watched a film about the tragic and senseless murder of Oscar Grant -- an unarmed, handcuffed 22-year-old father, son, and boyfriend who was shot and killed by a BART police officer in front of train passengers. Fortunately, the entire altercation was captured on video and the officer was convicted of first degree murder. He served two years in prison.

Similar to President Obama's question of whether or not Trayvon Martin would've been able to stand his ground by killing George Zimmerman and escaping prison time, I wonder what would've become of that BART police officer who shot and killed Oscar Grant had train passengers not pulled out their cell phones and filmed the entire dispute. Would the cop have pleaded self defense and escaped punishment for his actions? Probably.

The bottom line is that Black America is being BULLIED.

Our voting rights are being stripped away. Our jobs are running dry. Our children are being under-educated. Our boys and men are being gunned down for no reason. It is time that we ignite the spirit of leadership within all of us and stand up for ourselves.

This weekend only, the Your Black World Network is providing you with resources to build leadership. The Better Black America Bundle Pack provides you with the tools to create a Black leader in every household. It is going to take more than a handful of Civil Rights leaders to fix all of the issues affecting our community. At this point and time, we need a Black leader on every street corner in America. Click here to read more information about the Better Black America bundle pack.
power to the Black people.:clap2:

Since I grew up in the SF Bay Area, I was very interested in this case.

I remember it quite well. It and the Martin/Zimmerman case were very different. There was no way the murderer of Oscar Grant was going to get away with self defense because there were witnesses. Maybe he would have if there had been no witnesses.

I'm interested in the movie you saw. I'll see if I can find it via google, but just in case do you recall the title?

And for the record, although I believe Zimmerman was at least partially reasonable for the tragic death of Trayvon Martin, I feel the verdict in the Zimmerman case was the right one.


Last night I watched a film about the tragic and senseless murder of Oscar Grant -- an unarmed, handcuffed 22-year-old father, son, and boyfriend who was shot and killed by a BART police officer in front of train passengers. Fortunately, the entire altercation was captured on video and the officer was convicted of first degree murder. He served two years in prison.

Similar to President Obama's question of whether or not Trayvon Martin would've been able to stand his ground by killing George Zimmerman and escaping prison time, I wonder what would've become of that BART police officer who shot and killed Oscar Grant had train passengers not pulled out their cell phones and filmed the entire dispute. Would the cop have pleaded self defense and escaped punishment for his actions? Probably.

The bottom line is that Black America is being BULLIED.

Our voting rights are being stripped away. Our jobs are running dry. Our children are being under-educated. Our boys and men are being gunned down for no reason. It is time that we ignite the spirit of leadership within all of us and stand up for ourselves.

This weekend only, the Your Black World Network is providing you with resources to build leadership. The Better Black America Bundle Pack provides you with the tools to create a Black leader in every household. It is going to take more than a handful of Civil Rights leaders to fix all of the issues affecting our community. At this point and time, we need a Black leader on every street corner in America. Click here to read more information about the Better Black America bundle pack.
power to the Black people.:clap2:

Since I grew up in the SF Bay Area, I was very interested in this case.

I remember it quite well. It and the Martin/Zimmerman case were very different. There was no way the murderer of Oscar Grant was going to get away with self defense because there were witnesses. Maybe he would have if there had been no witnesses.

I'm interested in the movie you saw. I'll see if I can find it via google, but just in case do you recall the title?

And for the record, although I believe Zimmerman was at least partially reasonable for the tragic death of Trayvon Martin, I feel the verdict in the Zimmerman case was the right one.


Never mind, after reading where the rest of this thread went, I probably won't bother coming back anyway.

The Libs are looking forward to the day when whites are just a small
part of the total population....

Then all cities will look like Chicago and Detroit.

I'm looking forward to a day where color doesn't matter.

Sad to say, but I don't see that happening in my lifetime.


Slapping at whitey won't do it as that isn't the way to do it. Blacks, whites, asians and all races have to want it. Right now there's a lot of hatred and racism within the black race and that is why twice as many whites die every year.

Racism isn't a one way street.

Only the black race can uplift the black race. It comes from within.


You mean like the time they "uplifted" themselves from slavery?


White people were enslaved as well. We are not throwing up that excuse, ey?
I still don't understand why they use that as an excuse when whites bought them from their own.
Surprisingly it was not that hard.. apparently just a few freebies to talk about a price :eusa_whistle:

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