Uplifting the Black race.

You mean like the time they "uplifted" themselves from slavery?


are they waiting for whitey to do it again ?

No, whitey has already done enough (damage) .

Now, on this we can agree. And worse, the damage has been inflicted twice.

First, by the whites who somehow saw fit to enslave black people and black families.

Second, by the whites who tried to "make up" for this horror by conditioning multiple generations of blacks into believing that the only way they can improve their lives is if the federal bureaucracy, if someone else, does it for them. What a shitty thing to tell a black kid. Then those same whites compound that by ignoring critical problems like the disintegration of the black family, black on black crime, the the soft bigotry of reduced expectations.

Just another reason why it's so critical that blacks lift themselves up. Indeed, the whites keep fucking it up.

So get on with it. Many already have, what's their excuse?

The Reverand's jackson and Sharpton sure don't want racial harmony.
They are out of business when that happens...

Another dummie who failed elementary English composition. Don't try to think...you may get an aneurysm.
First thing we need to do is get rid of the racist media (news).Then start our own businesses and hire our own peeps,no whites allowed.Give back to them what they are giving us.Buy guns and get permits to own and carry,then stand your ground with them. Whitey will run and I do mean run for their lives.

That's a risk isn't it. Whitey may shoot back and not run for their lives. After all, not even the white Hispanic, George Zimmerman ran for his life. Blacks couldn't even get newly arrived Koreans to run for their lives in 1992! Of course these kinds of dangers would be lessened with total segregation.

What you say does have some merit and that is total segregation. All black schools, no whites allowed in black restaurants, black only water fountains and restrooms. Instead of the back of the bus, blacks should have their own buses. A complete and total split. None of this integrated neighborhoods any more. There should be designations, black only, white only. Blacks can have their very own cities, call these cities Chicago, Detroit, Flint, Baltimore, Philadelphia. No whites allowed.

This is 2013....not 1920.

Only the black race can uplift the black race. It comes from within.


You mean like the time they "uplifted" themselves from slavery?


So you're comparing their current situation to the days of slavery. Incredible.

People like you will insure blacks will never achieve their potential, and that we'll never achieve the racial healing we need.

This is sad. You're letting your narcissistic partisan ideology get in the way.


B****, please. Blacks are already achieving more than you could ever imagine. The only ones profiting from the racial divide are whites. And so they promote it.
So blacks feel that since they were victims of slavery what 200 years ago.
We need to pay them back with entitlement programs from now until the end of time?

What entitlement programs? There are more whites on welfare than any other group. Must we support your "white privileged" asses until the end of time? Why?
See i have noticed that when some Black people do try to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, they tend to be "booed" by the very same White people screaming that they should "pull themselves up by their bootstraps".......................

Examples? Links?

I wonder why you haven't noticed the successful blacks who have been labeled "Toms" by other blacks.


Not all Toms are successful. Herman Cain, for instance.
There are plenty successful black liberals. Oprah, for instance.

Only the black race can uplift the black race. It comes from within.


You mean like the time they "uplifted" themselves from slavery?


White people were enslaved as well. We are not throwing up that excuse, ey?
I still don't understand why they use that as an excuse when whites bought them from their own.
Surprisingly it was not that hard.. apparently just a few freebies to talk about a price :eusa_whistle:

BS. Enslaved how and where, and when? Apples and oranges.
I was just watching a discussion about how insurance companies could insure based on race. And how investment companies would demand higher interest rates or refuse to invest if even one "negro" lived in an area because it might mean more were coming.
Detroit was used as an example and such policies extended right up through government. It's why they have an awful "people mover" instead of real and robust public transportation is one example. Government policies helped bring down and segregate the city and supported "white flight".

White zingers refuse to even discuss how their actions created this situation. Part of that is the racism that led to the murder and celebration by the right of young Trayvon Martin. When a white murderer child killer at Sandy Hook or at the Batman theater happens, it's one crazy outsider. But when a young black child like Trayvon Martin is murdered it's the victims fault and it means the entire race is bad. Racism of the most sick and devious kind.

White zingers refuse to even discuss how their actions created this situation. Part of that is the racism that led to the murder and celebration by the right of young Trayvon Martin.

The president talks about when young hearing people locking their car doors.
Jesse Jackson talks about hearing footsteps behind him and is relieved when he sees it's white people.
Cab drivers are reluctant to pick up black people late at night....Why? because maybe he wants to see his family when he gets off shift one more time.
How about the lady recently that was working in a bakery that was killed by some blak kids wearing Trayvon Martin style hoodies...

Oh yeah and we are racists for just trying to get by in life and not end up as a statistic
of black crime.

There's a million reasons to be fearful of black people. :(

Young black males are at greater risk from their peers than from the police or white civilians.

are they waiting for whitey to do it again ?

Given time..that won't be a problem.

The nation is becoming less white

Easily one of the most disturbing posts I've ever seen here.

So rather than focusing on the black community lifting itself up, keeping its families together, raising its own standards and expectations, expecting more from itself, and then being able to enjoy the fruits of all of that effort, some are happy just to wait until demographics allow them to pull someone else down.

And worse, imagine how many people are thinking this. Is this really supposed to be good for the black community? For the country?

Crap, I wish I hadn't seen it.


Sad (for you) but true. Race mixing is inevitable. You are fastly becoming the new minority. Get a grip. It's not the end of the world.
Given time..that won't be a problem.

The nation is becoming less white

Easily one of the most disturbing posts I've ever seen here.

So rather than focusing on the black community lifting itself up, keeping its families together, raising its own standards and expectations, expecting more from itself, and then being able to enjoy the fruits of all of that effort, some are happy just to wait until demographics allow them to pull someone else down.

And worse, imagine how many people are thinking this. Is this really supposed to be good for the black community? For the country?

Crap, I wish I hadn't seen it.


Sad (for you) but true. Race mixing is inevitable. You are fastly becoming the new minority. Get a grip. It's not the end of the world.

Yet another vivid example of my point.

Blacks deserve better than what they've been sold.

are they waiting for whitey to do it again ?

No, whitey has already done enough (damage) .

Now, on this we can agree. And worse, the damage has been inflicted twice.

First, by the whites who somehow saw fit to enslave black people and black families.

Second, by the whites who tried to "make up" for this horror by conditioning multiple generations of blacks into believing that the only way they can improve their lives is if the federal bureaucracy, if someone else, does it for them. What a shitty thing to tell a black kid. Then those same whites compound that by ignoring critical problems like the disintegration of the black family, black on black crime, the the soft bigotry of reduced expectations.

Just another reason why it's so critical that blacks lift themselves up. Indeed, the whites keep fucking it up.

So get on with it. Many already have, what's their excuse?


BS. First you get right. Second you get wrong. Contrary to popular belief, blacks have and still do, work hard, every day, to make a living. Clinton, effectively ended black welfare, and still, you're bitching about the little that people get, nowadays.
And if for once in your life, you could tell the truth, or simply shut up about what you don't know about. Where do you think the disintegration of the black family began????????????????? During slavery, when black family members were broken apart and 'sold down the river', mama this way, son that way, daddy over there, and daughter kept by massa as a concubine. Are you serious? Black on black crime? Crab syndrome. Field negro vs. House Negro. Light skin vs. dark skin???? All stemming from slavery and Jim Crow...and you want folks to believe that we did it to ourselves??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
God, please, curb my anger and hate for these stupid, and often evil white people who refuse to take responsibility for what they set in motion. Amen.
See i have noticed that when some Black people do try to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, they tend to be "booed" by the very same White people screaming that they should "pull themselves up by their bootstraps".......................

Examples? Links?

I wonder why you haven't noticed the successful blacks who have been labeled "Toms" by other blacks.


Not all Toms are successful. Herman Cain, for instance.
There are plenty successful black liberals. Oprah, for instance.

If it wasn't for Steve Dahl, a white man, Oprah would still be in the South Side giving blow jobs behind dumpsters.

Last night I watched a film about the tragic and senseless murder of Oscar Grant -- an unarmed, handcuffed 22-year-old father, son, and boyfriend who was shot and killed by a BART police officer in front of train passengers. Fortunately, the entire altercation was captured on video and the officer was convicted of first degree murder. He served two years in prison.

Similar to President Obama's question of whether or not Trayvon Martin would've been able to stand his ground by killing George Zimmerman and escaping prison time, I wonder what would've become of that BART police officer who shot and killed Oscar Grant had train passengers not pulled out their cell phones and filmed the entire dispute. Would the cop have pleaded self defense and escaped punishment for his actions? Probably.

The bottom line is that Black America is being BULLIED.

Our voting rights are being stripped away. Our jobs are running dry. Our children are being under-educated. Our boys and men are being gunned down for no reason. It is time that we ignite the spirit of leadership within all of us and stand up for ourselves.

This weekend only, the Your Black World Network is providing you with resources to build leadership. The Better Black America Bundle Pack provides you with the tools to create a Black leader in every household. It is going to take more than a handful of Civil Rights leaders to fix all of the issues affecting our community. At this point and time, we need a Black leader on every street corner in America. Click here to read more information about the Better Black America bundle pack.
power to the Black people.:clap2:

Aww poor little black fellow.

Here's some news for your racist ass. YOU are responsible for YOUR actions. Stop blaming whitey because you make fucked up decisions.

Last night I watched a film about the tragic and senseless murder of Oscar Grant -- an unarmed, handcuffed 22-year-old father, son, and boyfriend who was shot and killed by a BART police officer in front of train passengers. Fortunately, the entire altercation was captured on video and the officer was convicted of first degree murder. He served two years in prison.

Similar to President Obama's question of whether or not Trayvon Martin would've been able to stand his ground by killing George Zimmerman and escaping prison time, I wonder what would've become of that BART police officer who shot and killed Oscar Grant had train passengers not pulled out their cell phones and filmed the entire dispute. Would the cop have pleaded self defense and escaped punishment for his actions? Probably.

The bottom line is that Black America is being BULLIED.

Our voting rights are being stripped away. Our jobs are running dry. Our children are being under-educated. Our boys and men are being gunned down for no reason. It is time that we ignite the spirit of leadership within all of us and stand up for ourselves.

This weekend only, the Your Black World Network is providing you with resources to build leadership. The Better Black America Bundle Pack provides you with the tools to create a Black leader in every household. It is going to take more than a handful of Civil Rights leaders to fix all of the issues affecting our community. At this point and time, we need a Black leader on every street corner in America. Click here to read more information about the Better Black America bundle pack.
power to the Black people.:clap2:

I know your illiterate ass didn't write this, where did you copy and paste it from?

Last night I watched a film about the tragic and senseless murder of Oscar Grant -- an unarmed, handcuffed 22-year-old father, son, and boyfriend who was shot and killed by a BART police officer in front of train passengers. Fortunately, the entire altercation was captured on video and the officer was convicted of first degree murder. He served two years in prison.

Similar to President Obama's question of whether or not Trayvon Martin would've been able to stand his ground by killing George Zimmerman and escaping prison time, I wonder what would've become of that BART police officer who shot and killed Oscar Grant had train passengers not pulled out their cell phones and filmed the entire dispute. Would the cop have pleaded self defense and escaped punishment for his actions? Probably.

The bottom line is that Black America is being BULLIED.

Our voting rights are being stripped away. Our jobs are running dry. Our children are being under-educated. Our boys and men are being gunned down for no reason. It is time that we ignite the spirit of leadership within all of us and stand up for ourselves.

This weekend only, the Your Black World Network is providing you with resources to build leadership. The Better Black America Bundle Pack provides you with the tools to create a Black leader in every household. It is going to take more than a handful of Civil Rights leaders to fix all of the issues affecting our community. At this point and time, we need a Black leader on every street corner in America. Click here to read more information about the Better Black America bundle pack.
power to the Black people.:clap2:

I know your illiterate ass didn't write this, where did you copy and paste it from?
from yo momma's diary

Last night I watched a film about the tragic and senseless murder of Oscar Grant -- an unarmed, handcuffed 22-year-old father, son, and boyfriend who was shot and killed by a BART police officer in front of train passengers. Fortunately, the entire altercation was captured on video and the officer was convicted of first degree murder. He served two years in prison.

Similar to President Obama's question of whether or not Trayvon Martin would've been able to stand his ground by killing George Zimmerman and escaping prison time, I wonder what would've become of that BART police officer who shot and killed Oscar Grant had train passengers not pulled out their cell phones and filmed the entire dispute. Would the cop have pleaded self defense and escaped punishment for his actions? Probably.

The bottom line is that Black America is being BULLIED.

Our voting rights are being stripped away. Our jobs are running dry. Our children are being under-educated. Our boys and men are being gunned down for no reason. It is time that we ignite the spirit of leadership within all of us and stand up for ourselves.

This weekend only, the Your Black World Network is providing you with resources to build leadership. The Better Black America Bundle Pack provides you with the tools to create a Black leader in every household. It is going to take more than a handful of Civil Rights leaders to fix all of the issues affecting our community. At this point and time, we need a Black leader on every street corner in America. Click here to read more information about the Better Black America bundle pack.
power to the Black people.:clap2:

I know your illiterate ass didn't write this, where did you copy and paste it from?
Take your dumb azz back to poor azzed baltimore,banger with blanks.
All "whitey" does is kidnap children for the sex trade,give their children meth so they will be messed up for life.Walk around talking about Blacks to keep the heap from falling back on them.So "whitey" next time you want to diss the Black man look into a mirror.

Last night I watched a film about the tragic and senseless murder of Oscar Grant -- an unarmed, handcuffed 22-year-old father, son, and boyfriend who was shot and killed by a BART police officer in front of train passengers. Fortunately, the entire altercation was captured on video and the officer was convicted of first degree murder. He served two years in prison.

Similar to President Obama's question of whether or not Trayvon Martin would've been able to stand his ground by killing George Zimmerman and escaping prison time, I wonder what would've become of that BART police officer who shot and killed Oscar Grant had train passengers not pulled out their cell phones and filmed the entire dispute. Would the cop have pleaded self defense and escaped punishment for his actions? Probably.

The bottom line is that Black America is being BULLIED.

Our voting rights are being stripped away. Our jobs are running dry. Our children are being under-educated. Our boys and men are being gunned down for no reason. It is time that we ignite the spirit of leadership within all of us and stand up for ourselves.

This weekend only, the Your Black World Network is providing you with resources to build leadership. The Better Black America Bundle Pack provides you with the tools to create a Black leader in every household. It is going to take more than a handful of Civil Rights leaders to fix all of the issues affecting our community. At this point and time, we need a Black leader on every street corner in America. Click here to read more information about the Better Black America bundle pack.
power to the Black people.:clap2:

Aww poor little black fellow.

Here's some news for your racist ass. YOU are responsible for YOUR actions. Stop blaming whitey because you make fucked up decisions.
and "vice versa" MFR
The black community isn't going to uplift themselves by tying the teachers hands from writing their children up for bad behavior
Blacks aren't going to be uplifted by committing crimes without punishment
Blacks aren't going to be uplifted with what I seen at the congressional hearing today

What a fucking joke.

So it is racist to write a bad teenager up(black)?
So it is racist to arrest a black for causing a crime?

How do you know that these events are caused by racism??? Do you have any stat's??? I have stat's for what I say.
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