Uprising in Egypt Splitting the Conservatives in the US

Ahh so someone else is noticing the right's quandry. Democracy and freedom vs fear and hatred of the Islamic religion.


I thought this was empahsized very well before and after the Palestinian elections.

Go read up on the history of Jimmy Carter and Iran.... your old enough to remember that.

Ohh I remember. The military blew it and carter was blamed is the big political high point.
I also remember Bush I meeting with Sader? in Paris before the presidential election...

I also remember Iran contra. Delaing weapons to our enemy while we prosecuted private concerns for doing the same thing. And i have not forgotted the drug end of the deal in central america while Ronnie was just saying no to drugs.

And who can forget Bush I pardoning all Iran contra conspiratiors both indicted and unindicted, which included himself.

Umm POTUS= Commander in chief..NO EXCUSES..Carter was a foreign policy retard. He had no idea what to do so he let those poor people rot in Iran for 444 days.

Egypt is a prime example of why people hate us. Bush used to claim they hate us because of our Freedoms. That was of course a line of Pure BS. The fact is they envy our Freedoms, and hate us for not standing up for freedom.

We have supported Mubarak for nearly 30 Years while he brutalized his own people, and kept them from Freedom.

Today the only wise choice would be to not support any new Military Dictator, and instead say we stand with the People of Egypt and want to see a Democratic Election in Egypt. Whether or not that may lead to an Islamic Republic.

Instead it appears we will stick with the Status Quo and quietly support what ever Dictator takes over.

Shame on us. It appears It matters not whether you have a Liberal or a Conservative, a Democrat or a Republican in Office. Our foreign policy will still be based solely on our own interests and care little for standing up for Freedom from oppression.

Charles....well said....many of those people on Camera said fuck the US because they see us standing with Mubarek instead of the People who want a "DICKtator" out.....which many thought that was what the US is all about....

Even if we throw Him under the Bus, They will remember our 3 Decades of Support for him. Or see the support we give to dozens of ruthless Dictators around the World just like him.

I am well aware that there often is no good choice, and sometimes you have to get your hands dirty and play nice with not so nice people. However we do have to be honest with ourselves about what that makes people around the world think of us.
I haven't been on this board long, but why does LibocalypseNow pretend to be a Ron Paul supporter and someone who cares about the Constitution while at the same time demanding a neoconservative interventionist foreign policy towards Iran, which is clearly unconstitutional?

On what planet is war unconstitutional?

Obama's planet.
I haven't been on this board long, but why does LibocalypseNow pretend to be a Ron Paul supporter and someone who cares about the Constitution while at the same time demanding a neoconservative interventionist foreign policy towards Iran, which is clearly unconstitutional?

On what planet is war unconstitutional?

On the planet of Liberal lala Land where the US can only take Military action of Any kind if they first have the Full congress Officially Declare war.

The Constitution Clearly Gives the Executive branch the power to commit us Forces to action Anywhere anytime in order to Protect the National Security of the US. Offical Deceleration of war or not.

These same liberal dim Wits who act say this shit. Would be completely silent if Obama did the same thing.
Bolton: If Mubarak falls in Egypt, Israel should bomb Iran

Eric W. Dolan
Raw Story
Feb 1, 2011
Former US Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton said the ouster of embattled Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak would speed the timetable for an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.
“Do you think that the Israelis are going to have to strike — they are going to have to take action?” Fox News Republican opinion host Sean Hannity asked the former ambassador on his radio program Monday.
“As you pointed out, ElBaradei ran cover for the Iranians for all those years that he was with the IAEA. And, I just don’t think the Israelis have much longer to wait… they’re going to have to act in fairly short order.”
“I think that’s right,” Bolton responded. “I don’t think there’s much time to act. And I think the fall of a Egyptian government committed to the peace agreement will almost certainly speed that timetable up.”
Full article here
I dunno they seem to have a few tanks.

some IED mines in the canal to foul it up with sunken ships?
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You honestly don't think that someone who controls Egypt wouldn't control both?

I assure you if a government hostile to the West takes over and attempts to close the Canal to western Traffic. You will be Astonished at the speed of which the EU, US, and Israel will take the Canal away from them.

Far to vital to world Trade, and frankly Impossible for Egypt's Military to hold on to if Seriously contested by Israel or The West.

This is a very serious Matter, a War over the Canal could easily become a much Larger war, as other players like Russia, and China who may well still have access to the Canal, might become involved.

I remember reading some book somewhere back about 20 years ago. It theorized that the 3 Biggest potential Flash Points for a Nuclear WWIII were Berlin(no longer relevant), the Israeli-Arab conflict, and control of the Suez canal.

Something like 75% of the worlds Sea Trade Passes through it saving like 14,000 Miles in the process. Not to mention it's obvious Value from a Military stand point.

No I want to see a conflict of the Canal about as much as I want to see another all out Arab assualt on Israel.

Both I believe would not be with out at least some Nuclear weapon use.
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Oil is the life's blood of a modern society. There is no possible way to replace its loss. What ever course we choose, we must have oil.

Doesn't have to be that way.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to watch the Egyptians in a purely voyeuristic sense? Without worrying about how it's going to affect us, through oil?

Right now, the actions of poor, ignorant, societal and socially stunted people are making our gas prices to go up, our food to go up, our everything to go up. And the Egyptians don't even have the oil!!! That's fucked up.

It's time we get serious about solar, hydro, wind, natural gas and anything else that will get us out of the Middle East.
I haven't been on this board long, but why does LibocalypseNow pretend to be a Ron Paul supporter and someone who cares about the Constitution while at the same time demanding a neoconservative interventionist foreign policy towards Iran, which is clearly unconstitutional?

On what planet is war unconstitutional?

On the planet of Liberal lala Land where the US can only take Military action of Any kind if they first have the Full congress Officially Declare war.

The Constitution Clearly Gives the Executive branch the power to commit us Forces to action Anywhere anytime in order to Protect the National Security of the US. Offical Deceleration of war or not.

These same liberal dim Wits who act say this shit. Would be completely silent if Obama did the same thing.

For some reason the name NATO comes to mind, its also the USMC that the President has a lot of power to put where he wants.

I actually would be pretty afraid if I lived in the Middle East, there is nothing like a pissed off Liberal President, I heard our last one actually bombed women and children over a hundred miles outside of Kosovo. Yes, there is nothing more bloody, or longer lasting than a Liberal Democrat's war, we actually still have troops in Kosovo.

Of course I am only a simple, far right wing conservative, I am a bigot that believes the black man is much more violent in our society, more prone to murder and crime thus I believe, as the bigot I am, Obama being a Negro that he will be very violent and dangerous waging war against weak people like the Egyptians.
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With what will they control the Red Sea let alone the Suez, Allah's will?

with all the weapons the USA gave them?

The Mother of all Battles,

I seriously Doubt it. I know 8 Years of Afghanistan and Iraq have left many with the Impression that we are weak. But those are attempted occupations Of entire Nations. Any hostile force that attempts to hold and control and cut off access to the Canal. Would be absolutely destroyed by Western Air and Sea power. Capturing and holding the Sini and Canal would be a cake walk, and once we had it. Defending it would be a cake walk as well.

We may be weak on the ground, but do not doubt the US air force and Navies ability to Decimate any Conventional Army, Navy, or Air force a Hostile Egypt could put up against us.

The wild card would be Where Countries like China and Russia came down. If they opposed us like I said in another post. It could easily turn into WWIII.

The Canal is simply that Vital. Close it to the West and think 12 Dollar gallon gas and a doubling of the price of just about every thing else you need to live.

To put it another way. Complete Economic Disaster for the west.
I actually would be pretty afraid if I lived in the Middle East,

Any Government in Egypt Toying with the Idea of Closing the Canal would be wise to remember that Britain and France(Never great allies with, and often verbally hostile to Israel) were willing to put their Differences aside and Support Israel to seize the Canal last time it was tried.
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You honestly don't think that someone who controls Egypt wouldn't control both?

I assure you if a government hostile to the West takes over and attempts to close the Canal to western Traffic. You will be Astonished at the speed of which the EU, US, and Israel will take the Canal away from them.

Far to vital to world Trade, and frankly Impossible for Egypt's Military to hold on to if Seriously contested by Israel or The West.

This is a very serious Matter, a War over the Canal could easily become a much Larger war, as other players like Russia, and China who may well still have access to the Canal, might become involved.

I remember reading some book somewhere back about 20 years ago. It theorized that the 3 Biggest potential Flash Points for a Nuclear WWIII were Berlin(no longer relevant), the Israeli-Arab conflict, and control of the Suez canal.

Something like 75% of the worlds Sea Trade Passes through it saving like 14,000 Miles in the process. Not to mention it's obvious Value from a Military stand point.

No I want to see a conflict of the Canal about as much as I want to see another all out Arab assualt on Israel.

Both I believe would not be with out at least some Nuclear weapon use.

Wow there, "Cut and Paste Hackman", that is not my quote. How the hell did you do that, four thumbs or are you on your Blackberry?
Like the West has the will to take the Suez Canal.

Our civilization has been corrupted to the point of apathy. Until we fix that corruption, we wont have the will to do jack.
You honestly don't think that someone who controls Egypt wouldn't control both?

I assure you if a government hostile to the West takes over and attempts to close the Canal to western Traffic. You will be Astonished at the speed of which the EU, US, and Israel will take the Canal away from them.

Far to vital to world Trade, and frankly Impossible for Egypt's Military to hold on to if Seriously contested by Israel or The West.

This is a very serious Matter, a War over the Canal could easily become a much Larger war, as other players like Russia, and China who may well still have access to the Canal, might become involved.

I remember reading some book somewhere back about 20 years ago. It theorized that the 3 Biggest potential Flash Points for a Nuclear WWIII were Berlin(no longer relevant), the Israeli-Arab conflict, and control of the Suez canal.

Something like 75% of the worlds Sea Trade Passes through it saving like 14,000 Miles in the process. Not to mention it's obvious Value from a Military stand point.

No I want to see a conflict of the Canal about as much as I want to see another all out Arab assualt on Israel.

Both I believe would not be with out at least some Nuclear weapon use.

Wow there, "Cut and Paste Hackman", that is not my quote. How the hell did you do that, four thumbs or are you on your Blackberry?

Tis been Fixed.
a. Eighty two percent of Egyptians support executing adulterers by stoning, 77% support whipping and cutting the hands off thieves. 84% support executing any Muslim who changes his religion.

They are a backward people. When you combine that with billions in oil money, it's going to turn out bad.

It's like the hillbilly trailer trash or the ghetto queen who wins the lottery. They don't use it for self-improvement, that's for sure. And neither do these ME dictatorships.

We've got to cut them off, before they accumulate the power to start calling the shots. Because after the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld clusterfuck, these people are no longer afraid of the U.S. military. Short of us nuking them, they know they can outlast us and inflict tremendous damage.

Thanks again, George! :evil:
Something hiding in plain sight: the fact that many of the protest signs being slung by the protesters in Egypt are preprinted, in block letters and in English. Just like Obama's Astroturf ACORN/SEIU protesters for Obamacare all holding identical newly pre-printed signs. Please don't make me go through the "if it walks like a duck" cliché.

Earlier in the week, it was rumored on many news venues that the US was somehow behind, or supporting, the massive protests in Egypt. Now if you think back over the years, this is a common occurrence in such situations, meaning the pretty new signs. The fact that no one has pointed this out is astounding.
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